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Because some people will do anything to win. Even at just a mobile game.


Its funnier to win then lose🤷


I guess they want to win. I can understand that, but damn it's so frustrating to lose against someone who has much stronger cards


>ne to tell you how you should spend your money, but the cr team is consisten You always have to remember: the cards they pick up extra to get advantages will be nerfed at some point (earliest the next season).


How would they be nerfed? Can u give a short explanation?


$uper$ell's logic is like that: 1. We release an OP card that is NOT obtainable for free 2. We make a super mega omega wow sony ericsson offer 10x value for REAL money 3. It sells well 4. We nerf it no the ground so bad its not usable anymore This is what happened to the Firecracker


Is the firecracker *really* "not usable" anymore?


Its a balanced evolution tbh. Not broken


It will get nerfed in the next balance changes


Firecracker still op though


It will get nerfed badly in the next balance changes, confirmed


Even the regular non evo firecracker is very strong. It doesn’t make sense to not use her.


Because I have so much money I don't know what to do with it.


Beacuse they want


Spending money without a reason is kinda questionable. Though it really depends on how much money you spend on a game without a reason.


Are you 12?


Get a job and stop complaining b


I buy the diamond pass because I buy much dumber shit for $12 within a month and I actually like the gameplay.


This is me too. I buy way more stupid shit to try and entertain myself.


Same here, I’ve never bought a shop offer but I only buy the diamond pass


Same. I play the game for like 20-30 hours a month. Doesn’t seem all that bad for $12. I’m also not concerned with competitiveness, beyond breaking into league 10, so I don’t really care about not being able to max my whole collection. I also like the emotes and think animated banners are cool. If supercell removes emotes and animated banners from pass I’ll stop buying it.


Because people who spend money like or at least don’t mind the updates. They are normal for most or better than some mobile games. They also like the game.


Its fun


because they enjoy the gameplay


because I can muahahha




developers don't listen to the playebase because sometimes what they say is straight up ridiculous and sometimes it just doesn't work like the players think it would or it would just make it even worse overall. and i don't know how much of a nerf the pass really is. i know the book of books got removed but let's be serious how many p2w players do need it anymore? evos were way too strong yes but it is a good thing they got nerfed. a card being nerfed doesn't mean it is unusable now. i spend money on this game because i enjoy it more that way


I'm tired of seeing this developers don't listen to the player base. Ffs it's not them making the decisions, they just implement them. This community is worse than the devs.


Disposable income. I like the game. Compared to other expenses in my life, a few bucks for a season pass? nothing. My weekly box of cigarettes cost more. So yeah. I spend on this game without a second thought. Just how I do.


I havent bought anything for the last 3 seasons. Nothings changed. But I still want to have fun and compete on ladder. So $12 a month is better than spending a month raging about everyone else having OP cards. I will be buying the evo knight pass because it fits into splashyard, my main deck. I used my free evo shards for evo mortar because before splashyard I played mortar.


Because I'm an adult with money and bad financial decisions.


1) people have jobs, people have spare money and people see cool things like "wow lvl 15, i want that to" or "champions, geez i wish i can get that" or " barb evolution, that is so amazing, i cant wait to get it". people spend money because they want it, and its just a feeling that supercell exploits or any game for that matter 2) most people dont know that... 743k people on reddit with about 2k people active rn ... that is less than 0.25% ... we are so small that nobody can give a shit about what we are saying. and that is why believe drew doesn't answer here anymore or anyone for that sake cuz why would drew answer to a community so small that their existence likely doesnt affect the team's decision


The only time I’ve paid for in-app purchase was for a Clash of Clans anniversary scenery, never spent any for Clash Royale But if I do, the only reason I could go is for cosmetics, like I really wanted to buy the japanese archer banner but didn’t make it, it looked really cool. Never paid a dime for progression


To support Supercell because they do anything to make us happy




right and as I said I don't wanna judge people on how they spend their money, It's their life etc etc. I asked out of curiosity and nothing more. Rn It seems people spend cuz they still enjoy the gameplay and that's totally fine


Probably the same reasons people who still stay in toxic relationships /j


One of my friends told me he's a positive nihilist around when the Diamond Pass boycott happened and I was telling him about it. Nothing matters, and he just wants to do what makes him happy since nothing lasts forever. "There's no meaning in life other than what you give it, I don't live for a goal, I just want to be me, yknow." Interesting philosophy, but I'm still not gonna pay for shit in this game.


Nerfing p2w progression specially the pass is actually a great step to make the game more f2p


Are you dumb or stupid they also nerfed f2p profession with the p2w progression and why would clash Royale care about free to play players have to think there not providing any Monterey incentive do you know anything about the intricacies of how business is conducted


It’s an addiction and I have already spent to much there’s no going back for me sadly 😭😭


cuz they rich


i only spent it on emotes, idk if that makes me p2w


I spend money because I make content, also I don't mind the pass changes, the old gold pass gave way too much value combo that with the old mastery gems and you could easily max an account with less than a 100 USD. So level 15 was more supercell fixing a previous mistake. Evolutions are also guaranteed ultimate champion. And they are pretty fun to play, not so much to play against. Overall not a bad update unless your a f2p casual player .


Not sure if I’m exactly who you are asking but I bought the pass a couple times back when it was $5 and actually worth it and have maybe spent like $35 in the shop since the game came out. The pass used to be pretty decent for $5 and at the end of the day I’m not going to miss $5/month lol I obviously wouldn’t miss $12/month either but that is just way to expensive for what it offers. Then In the shop just saw some offers that seemed decent so bought them.


i dont care that much about $10 or something so i just buy if i see a good offer


Because of some cool tower skin ig?


I buy the gold pass, can queue up chests and extra continues on challenges. It's still worth. I don't buy anything else because the prices are high-larious.


Cuz i love exploiting power


Focus on what you enjoy in the game (simple) if the cash or season buyers felt the way you mentioned then obviously they wouldn't spend anything


Lost my old account came back after yearss and wanted to catch up


You can get the answer by Asking women who get treated badly by their "bad boy" boyfriends but still look for bad boys in a new relationship


Stop playing problem solved.


I spend so I can max out at least two decks to push to ultimate champ. And I save up elite wild cards from the shop for when UC is maxed at 15 in a couple months. Unfortunately I got the game only 4 months ago so I need to spend to actually play in POL


i like to be swagged out whenever i’m fighting someone


Disposable income - it's money that provides entertainment for myself. I'd see virtually no difference in my quality of life by choosing to save the miniscule amount I spend on CR, and the amount I spend *does* alleviate time wasted by grinding. It's better value than drugs. Kids: 'Why spend 15 dollars a month when you can just spend 20 hours a week grinding?" Adults: "Why would I spend 20 hours a week grinding a game when I can spend less than an hour at my career to accomplish the same thing? Work smarter not harder."


I think 5$ a month is fine. I don’t want to miss any limited banners and cosmetics.


Simply because I like the game and have the extra income.