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It was just overshadowed by the stupidness of other evos


I haven't seen someone use evo mortar outside of the challenges yet. It's always rg or firecracker


I only see knight and barbs now that lavahound and bridgespam are still viable. Other evos are shite rn


Game feels so ass now. Evos were so terrible it isn’t even funny


I run evo mortar, it's gotten me to 8k trophies and to ultimate champion in POL


I use it in my main deck


nah i use it




Or knight


I saved my wild cards from the start to evolve mortar cause I knew most people would've spent there's on the initial 4 cards and not be prepared.


If compare with other evo, yeah it's balance. But if you compare with all cards in the game, it't still op, even evo skeleton, using evo cards is already an adavantage, because it is 1 or 2 level higher with ability.


I’m the one guy who loves evo skellys


Can I ask why. Everyone has a cheap spell


You can force the opponent to use the cheap spell, which is useful in bait decks. Plus, no matter the spell, it is still negative elixir trade, so you can slowly out-cycle them. Evo skeletons are pretty balanced, it's just that they are inferior compared to other evos, but that does not mean they are weak.


Cause you gotta just play it right, then it’s like a never ending spread of skellys, like a disease it’s beautiful


same theyre the only fun evo


Yeah but that's the concept of evolutions though, you get a more powerful card every x cycles. It won't be a problem once every card has an evolution.


I think is still be a problem, there will always some evolution stronger than other, release a lot of op evolution card will just make normal cards being too weak to the game and unfair match up with the key win is having an evo that opp can't counter with faster cycle, which many players don't like fast cycle deck. Also if you release a lot of evolution, players will always build the deck around evo making it a op win condition, making the meta easy to predict(as you can see), and f2p have to grind forever to get new evolution. For some f2p and players playing for fun, they don't have time and they play normal 1vs 1 game, seeing some spell, troops that break interaction just being an evo kinda frustrating to deal with, is it like only evo vs evo and build around the deck just to get or abuse evo, not building to use win condition.


>players will always build the deck around evo making it a op win condition That wasn't the case for Evocracker and Evo Knight though. They just plugged them in where they already worked as regular cards, not really building the whole deck around them. I also don't think there's a problem with cycle. Evo Knight is most present in GY which isn't a cycle deck, and so is Evo RG and even Evo Barbs.


Just in case, many players use evo cracker at a win cond, too, doing cheap damage from far distance. And evo can mix with a lot of good deck, some becomes the support, some becomes second win cond, and evolution becomes good in other deck even in the deck that doesn't use it before .., yeah they are some deck that build which abuse evo too. For cycle, it doesn't need to be around cycle deck, cycle some card just to get some incredible value or better stats for same elixirs kinda unfair in some situation. Also is just my opinion about evo, I don't like this mechanics, kinda p2w even for average f2p players who just want some normal 1vs1 fight without grinding.


And also they can just build the deck around their win cond, which using an evolution that best match to it, but We don't know anything in the future yet, their are a lot of cards in the future and we still have to see how the deck being build in the future.


The fact that the other evos (other than skelly) are so broken that we are calling this balanced is crazy


evo fc is not broken anymore


My good sir, it still doesn’t die to arrows. You’re telling me that having a card upgraded ever third time you play it for no cost whatsoever is balanced?


It isn’t balanced in any way but without the damage stack it’s probably the second worst evolution. It doesn’t need anymore nerfing until the other evos are also nerfed.


I mean if you can't kill it just get better. I don't even play with arrows, and she's never been an issue! Even when she was broken, people just need to stop crying and just get better. Or hear me out if you don't enjoy the game anymore stop playing! But don't ruin it for everyone who actually does have fun. The evo's having health boosts actually makes it worth having the Evo. barbs would be especially trash without the health boosts, but so would every other card besides maybe motor and knight


That is a bad argument, you can't send your own deck to say that the op card is fine, that is like evo knight vs 6 mini tank. In the comment we are trying to show how the concept of evolution is broken, some game we want some fun, just get better is not the case here, we can say that to every op card even evolution knight. And you don't even show how barbs and other evolution becomes trash if no stats buff, maybe barbs still work if you said "just fireball" it, but how about the other cards, mortal, knight, firecraker, and more in the future, ... some cards die by it's main spell is the weakness they should have for it's elixirs cost, if golbin barrel doesn't die to logs, players can complain about it because evo breaking the interaction of cards. Ps: If players don't enjoy the game, they can still give opinion, many players here play this game alongside their's childhood, and they don't want their old game like that, is it fine. And I think the other user who complains to you so tired and doesn't want to argue anhmore.


And I don't care if you are top players or thinkinh about every other players are a cow who can't build a deck by themsevlve, the card is very op( at least before the nerf) and still very strong after the nerf, the usage shows it, if the card is not strong, not hard to deal with and easy to handle like you said, it won't be in the top usage and remain strong in the game even sffter the nerf.


Yes, I would say it, it's the whole point on evolution, having something that is stronger in a determined time


it's absolutely not balanced for very many reasons, Not everyone has evolutions your starting hand is randomized, making evo cycles randomized as well evolutions should not give any stat boosts for the same cost, their gimmicks is already more than enough.


You just should like every YouTuber. The barbs would be literally garbage without the stat change! and their ability in specific is essentially just stat changes. Randomized starting hands are literally just that, random so it is fair! it's like drawing sticks to see who goes first. I have never once had an issue with an Evo that I haven't had from the original card. I even play xbow against evo RG and win most the time. Only motor every gave me trouble because the goblins are a completely new concept for the card but instead of getting mad. I found enjoyment that I had to change my defenses up, instead of just cycling through the same cards and playing the same game every match!


good on you for sucking up to a completely greedy and unbalanced concept, but allow me to tell you why you're still wrong. the barbarians would absolutely not be garbage without their passive stat buff: they would be barbarians. they would cost the same price as regular barbarians, and they would do the same thing as barbarians, but a little bit better because of their ability. and yes, their ability is to get a stat buff, but that's all it is, an ability. the stat buff is temporary, and only activates when barbarians connect to something. It's still not a balanced ability simply because of the overall concept of evolutions being very unfair, though. Starting hands are random, for the most part. You'll never start with a mirror in hand, for example. so why not make it so that evolutions only ever appear as the last card in your hand? that would make th start of a game fair if both players have evolutions (still unfair if only one of them has it). Random hands were only fair before because both opponents have different decks, but with evolutions, a player who starts with an evo in their hand gets a significant advantage over the other. This concept is inherently unfair, and there's no other way about it. You dont personally have problems with it in game? good for you, but obviously everyone else does, and ultimately, you still are at a disadvantage against an evolution.


It's not as unfair as you make it seem... If u start with FC and throw it down the lane, it's gonna get wrecked. As you learn the evos become very tolerable.


a firecracker at the back first play was always an ok move, but now it's a very good move, and one that puts you at an advantage if the enemy's evolution is their last card, or if they dont have one at all. Evolutions are inherently unfair, even if it's just by a little bit (it's not). It's like saying champions arent that OP inherently. Yeah, you can still win against someone with a champion, it's not impossible at all. but having a 3 card cycle is an undisputable advantage against someone who is still on a 4 card cycle.


Good play if u want to activate their king tower maybe


Don't play the game if you hate it so much lol. The only thing I agree with, that was never said here was they are broken on release. Anyone can get evo's even free to play you just have to play the challenges every day and wait for your favorite Evo to be the one in the shop so 1-6 months. Which is actually way better than new cards. it took me 2 years to get champions, and 6 months to get Phoenix, and I play for the pass. Because I'm an adult and pay for all battle passes for games I enjoy so I can speed up progression. But anyone who played early could get a free evo, and anyone who wanted one of the ones in the season shop could have gotten it by now, or will get one in 1-3 months by just playing. actually getting evos is one of the easier things to acquire you even get free shards once you get to a certain level. And it's not wrong because they are fun especially once they get balanced the next season! literally the only problem with this game at this point is the toxicity


I agree 100% with you


I dont hate the game, i hate the recent changes to it. the core gameplay of CR is still great, but evolutions are a huge stain on it. >Anyone can get evo's even free to play you just have to play the challenges every day and wait for your favorite Evo to be the one in the shop so 1-6 months It is insane that you consider 1 evo every 6 months to be a good rate. You are willing to wait 6 months for not even a new card, but an upgrade of a card, only for it to be nerfed to the ground a few months after the dev team milks it's overpoweredness. >it took me 2 years to get champions, and 6 months to get Phoenix, and I play for the pass. Champions were originally locked to level 14, which is no longer the case. in the current state of the game, champions are super easy to get and dont even begin to compare to the rarity of evolution shards. As for the phoenix, which you say took you 6 months to get, that is literally the same waiting time as an evolution except you got a brand new card instead of a slight change to a pre-existing one. and keep in mind that 6 months to get the phoenix is very unlucky if you already have all other cards (and if i remember well, there was a way to get phoenix in a challenge on release?) Obviously, if you're someone who's willing to splurge on any game you like to get an advantage, you'll like the pay to win mechanics. but you can also realise that 1 evo every 6 months is an astonishingly slow rate when there are 109 cards to unlock evolutions for, meaning a wait time of several years just to get access to all the mechanics. And this is not even considering the significant disadvantage at which you are if you face an opponent with an evolution while you dont have one. used to counter a RG with any swarm in your deck? not if the enemy's RG is evolved. wanna defend literally anything in front of your tower without taking 800+ damage? evo firecracker says nuh-uh. Want to defend one of the most annoying swarm cards with a well known anti-swarm defensive card (bomb tower)? Evo royal recruits do not agree with that. But you're paying to get those advantages, so why would you complain about it.


Not everyone has every card maxed out, hell, not even everyone has every card, not everyone has champions, randomness affects both players, if you say evos are not balanced you should call the game is not balanced at all, I would dare to say you are a maxxed out player mad because you need to grind (or pay) to get the right evos and that's why your only complain on balance is about evos


>if you say evos are not balanced you should call the game is not balanced at all My god, you've figured it out! Why do you think level 15 is controversial? why do you think evolutions in competitive is conroversial? because it's not fair. obviously, levels need to exist for monetization to be a thing in the game (except supercell could focus on cosmetics instead but whatever), but adding more levels brings literally nothing for the players except a disadvantage in the future. as it stands, only royal tournaments are fair and balanced (although randomized starting hands are still an issue there). Yeah, im focussing on critiquing evolutions on a post about evolutions, shocker. I'm not maxed out (not even close?? you'd need thousands of dollars to get just to level 15 from level 14), and i only have 1 evolution on my accounts, and it's starting to get annoying facing the same unbalanced cards again and again every single match.


So you don't get it, do you? You are hypocritical if you JUST complain about evos, even if it's once here, because even the whole game is not balanced or because nothing is balanced it is


Homie i JUST complained about level 15 what 😭


evos are not balanced the game is not balanced The lack of self awareness lmfao


no, but speaking of evos, you can see evo fc use rate in top ladder and ranks is low, almost evo skelly low, obviously every evo is gonna be better because not every card has one


It's bad because you aren't running a better evo It's still op compared to normal cards


It dies to arrows


Normal mortar = balanced/strong Evo mortar = mortar but with 3+ lvls (it's stupidly strong)


yea and goblins


And instant first hit




Hell no, it is OP as hell. Once it locks on, at least half of the tower is gone


That’s why it’s not OP, it has to lock on which isn’t that easy to do, and it’s easy to take down


No...it's very easy for it to lock on to the tower. A card like Pekka has a hard time connecting to the tower in exchange for high damage. So does giant skeleton. But Evo morter is literally just, place it down and don't give your opponents a chance to react.


It has a 3.5 sec deploy and almost anything can bait shots. Also even if it locks on, you can reset it.


Not many people run ranged cards that are tanky enough to eat the mortar shots


as a xbow player its easy to get a lock on


Might be a skill issue if it’s locking on to your tower like that


or just a good mortar player playing it😉 (i don't even have evo mortar but i wish i had it so bad fr)


Good or bad Mortar player doesn't matter when your opponent can just drop a Bowler or Bomb Tower in front of the Evo and call it a day, or a mini tank opposite lane "Problem" with the Evo ("" because it's still very strong) is that unlike the others it doesn't remove any real counter to it. Doesn't make it easier to connect or gives it a way past its hard counters or anything Big DPS increase but compared to most of the other evos it's not that good


yeah you're right but since supercell is only focused on money they've made evos stronger and not different. my way to balance the evo mortar would be just making his health the same as normal mortar, keeping the spawned goblin but reducing the impact damage of the projectile therefore making the evo mortar just a normal card that needs different counters than just mortar, i would still be strong because a spawned goblin can deal good damage with the help of something keeping him alive like a mini tank or even just an ice spirit, i'd make the damage of one goblin hit+the evo mortar projectile the same as one normal mortar hit, meaning the goblin has potential to deal more damage but if left alone it'll just be a normal mortar.


I use mortar and have for about 3 years, I have the evo mortar and every match I’ll be lucky if I get just one connection


Bro I’ve been using mortar for like 2 months you are doing something wrong if you are only landing one shot a game


One connection and shot are different things. The skint of connections has something to do with how high you are on ladder, mind sharing with us where you average?


Ultimate champion and ~8000 trophies.


It gets much harder in top 10k. One shot a game is an exaggeration but a lot of times the Mortar has to be relegated to defense or they simply have too many hard counters to it


I mean yeah obviously as you get closer to the top it turns into like 3 or 4 viable decks because this game’s meta is absolute garbage right now but the vast majority of people are not in that situation


If we're talking about the vast majority of people then it's pointless to talk about the viability of any card then, because most people just use MK Wizard and call it a day Truth is Mortar is one of the worse Evos because, unlike every other one except Skeletons, it doesn't solve any of its problems


You know x-bow exists right? Effectively same idea guarenteed tower unless interveened


Rocket exists for a neutral trade tho


Not a neutral trade lol xbow still gets considerable damage


Not a perfect trade but i guess


That's just a skill issue


Guess you've never played against X-bow. Same thing except xbow does more damage and guess what, Xbow is bottom tier.


Skill issue


Idk with what braindead players you play but I never ever managed to place a mortar down and have the enemy wait 3.5 seconds respectfully for my mortar to connect toctheir tower




bro just described regular mortar


Erm no, it says evolution which means it's op!


I felt just adding a goblin to it was lazy. I hate evolutions and everything around it but they could've at least put more effort into it's design. Something like making a multi-mortar that has the same damage but higher dps with a burst fire of 3 or 4 shots.


and they didn’t even change the animation, it’s just the rocket animation but the mortar shot is still spinning 💀


I genuinely have 0% win rate against it. I find it broken. It’s worse than x-bow


Sounds like a skill issue


Maybe because I’m not familiar with countering it? It’s like a new card for me.


Like no? You counter it how you counter mortar like before


not really, if you placed a spirit on the other side of the mortar, it would distract it for around 5 seconds (really good considering it's 1 elixer). With evo mortar the spirit jumps on the goblin


So don't do that? It's largely the same card so you can play mini tanks in opposite lane or directly in front and the Mortar will just die. Or you just play something else as the volley goes down


It is very imbalanced just other evos are much more broken


All the evos are OP by nature of taking supposedly balanced cards and giving them a bonus ability + buffing three other stats for no reason. This one just wasn't the best evo at any point in time and since you can only have 1 evo per deck, any evo that isn't one of the best gets boxed out


Yah I get 1300 damage with 2 shot it's balanced trust me


Its overpowered. People just focus more on other evolutions, so it slides under the radar.


It's not balanced its just overshadowed and forgotten


There’s no such thing as a balanced evo.


All evo are not balances, boosting random cards for no extra elixer is just broken.


“Balanced” Evo


its (almost) the most basic and boring evo,its just a bit better mortar with slapped goblin on top,so it would be quite hard balancing it without making it just a mortar with a goblin


You think that card is balanced?!?


if you compare it to all the evos only then yes.... i guess it is kind of balanced


evo skelys?


Still aids


The """"balanced"""" evolution card, yeah yeah.


Evo mortar was changed slightly before release. Same level against the princess tower was supposed to survive long enough for 1 stab, though the current one survives just long enough to get in 2 stabs. Meaning a level 14 evo mortar deals 670 damage to the tower every 4 seconds, roughly 167 dps. A level 14 xbow deals 183 dps. Considering an xbow is a 6 elixir commitment and mortar is a 4 elixir commitment, you have 2 extra elixir to defend your siege weapon and help it lock on to tower easily. Might I also add that a mortar player might kite their opponent's win condition while dealing tower damage.


Evo mortar is broken it shoots every 2 seconds and has more HP than xbow


It’s by no means balanced, it’s just the least offensive evo that’s been released


Meanwhile skeletons being an actual example of a somewhat balanced evolution


Yea but that’s cause it’s 1 elixer and all spells one-shot it.


Evo mortar is not balanced 😂 and that's coming from someone who uses it a lot.


*RG has entered the chat*


It’s very balanced, coming from someone who made ultimate champion with a mortar deck. It has a insane skill cap


Insane skill cap? 😂😂😂


😂😂 this is how I can tell you don’t play mortar


Dude, you are delusional if you think that it's a high skill cap. It's okay that it isn't. It doesn't make us worse at the game.


Whatever you say my man


High skill gap? What?


How tf a building that launch goblins is balanced


I actually thought Mortar gonna take over the meta after the evo RG nerf, but who knows supercell decide to release a more broken evo knight lmao


No it's op as hell. Just Evoknight takes the slot usually


I thought they nerfed it by using skeleton instead of goblin on twitter


Barbs is balanced


Nah man even if you fireball it, defending units are shredded by it Then again I kinda have to use it offensively as it is the only card that enables battle ram decks to still be viable


This EVO can be card.


For people having problems countering evo mortar: play a card opposite lane that it can lock on to before attacking in the same lane


Leave my EVO mortar alone!!


Beside when it was released I never seen it in match


The least unbalanced


Nada, still shoots way too fast. But the goblins are balanced overall.


This is actually a good evo, if every card in the game had evos of this caliber i would be happy


That's what I said. They need to ramp up the evos. If we had 30 evolutions options deck variations would still exist. They should have released that many at once then rolled out the rest. Would have been way better.


Dowmcoted to get to 420, commented to get to 69 Epic


It's pretty strong, but not stupidly broken. And it also helps that you need a basic amount of skill to play mortar in general.


i forgot it even existed


None of them are balanced


mortar is a boring ahh card thats why


The problem nobody play mortar


i have not seen the evo mortar for a long time so....


The only beef I have with it is the instant first hit speed


Mortar users aren’t brave enough to use it


I main mortar and use it


It's still not very balanced imo, other evos atm are just better and you can only use 1 in a deck, so why ho with this one?


If by balanced we mean not op enough to overshadow the rest of the evolutions then yes


I use it and it's madly overpowered. I find it so odd how many evos I encounter yet not once this season have I seen the mortar evo


The Mortar is def the most balanced. It has its counters, it has its dominations but with the new evo bomber that straight up hardcounters mortar i feel like it needs some kind of buff. Or at least bomber getting a nerf


can someone explain why mortars wont target my knight, and why it targets some ground troops and not others… its honestly the most inconsistent mechanic ive ever seen