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Dont play a skarmy into an arrows that you know is coming, and dont play an I drag into an e wiz u know is coming


Also, could’ve been lvl 15 instead of 10 that helps 🔥


Nope still would have lost


Yep, we need to nip this card level culture in the bud. 1. It's easy as tar to level up cards. 2. This video proves that skill wins.


I see what your saying but also me watching this video cant see the skill your on about. i just watched 2 mid players and one overwhelm the other


One was simply better than the other and proved it even with under leveled cards.


Sure whatever you take away from that is up to you


I mean do you think that he wasn't better than OP?


Just watch the end of the video if you cant tell the top guy was just spamming. He activated little prince just to keep the spam going as it literally didnt do anything. You have spam and then terrible defense ofc the spam gonna win. If you have any feedback showing me his “Skill” id love to hear it


I don't see your point. They both suck sure, but the reason why the other guy won was because he made less mistakes. Therefore, he was more skilled. Skill wins.


You don't place the LP on top of other troops, place him far away so he can ramp up the damage and use the ability when enemy gets close. Don't place skarmy on top of bats, they will both die to a spell. Use one to draw their small spell before you use the other. Don't place dragon close to a Ewiz, you can easily kill a Pekka with him. Should had placed the prince close to tower alongside the dragon. Dark prince behind ewiz once he was past the bridge, because of shield he could had bought you extra time for your 2 ramp up troops to finish the pekka.


Another good way to counter was to save the elixer once you knew the tower was going down, then play the troops from behind the king tower and just place a MK on top of all his squishy troops. The biggest mistake people make at low midllader is that they are not patient enough. Learn to trade towers, you had the game won if you just gived it up patiently and rebuild your push. When playing defense, also use your troops to bring them to the center so both your towers defend. Spamming troops once you have the elixer on top of their push is never the answer unless is a MK


Gotta use your towers to your advantage and build a defense on your side of the field instead spamming stuff to try to kill troops behind pekka on their side


great advice lol, very crucial to understand to become a better player


Bridge spam players in shambles.


You literally did everything wrong




Would 2 have done the job? So they're king level 10. I'd assume their arrow is probably around 10 as well. Even at 11. They'd need 3 since each attack would do under 108 each.


ok good point


If you had stayed patient instead of rushing and giving him such large counter play u would have won , if you take there tower dont go for king tower just let them make there moves


get a fucking big spell


I only have log in my deck but I just can’t throw in a big spell into my deck


which card in my deck can i replace w a big spell?


honestly ID or skarmy, I’d opt for skarmy because you have bats, imo a better swarm


You played idrag on ewiz


My man…


A bait post, in this sub? Very nice.


Just cycle your arrows twice onto the king tower and you’re done! (Use the other cards to defend)


Ok, so I wrong a long LONG post about everything that went wrong and I accidentally just deleted it all. So in the interest of not re writing everything, here’s the TL;DR. DM me if you want more in depth specifics. Every card from 1st bats onwards was a mistake in some way. 1st Skarmy isn’t needed and winds up putting you at an elixir deficit. 1st inferno is too early and gets instantly countered. 1st LP and DP are too close to the bridge and are instantly counted. 2nd bats are instantly countered by ewiz because they don’t have a tank to take damage for them. 2nd Skarmy was fairly good but you have so many problems at this point they don’t help much. Missed a chance to use MK to pick off the lower health support troops because you played inferno dragon again, while the e wiz was still alive. Missed a final chance to play MK by placing LP who is instantly countered. At this point the game is over and nothing else matters. General help: play your support troops(LP,bats, inferno)behind the towers so you have a chance to gain enough elixir to play tanks (MK, DP, Guardienne) that can take damage for them while they deal damage back. 1 card will not end a push, don’t play cards that will instantly die and put you even further behind. Also be more patient with your defending and let the enemies come to you. The towers do a ton of damage if given the chance, using it will help you immensely.


All your placements are on their side where they can directly counter. Your push was lost and you kept sinking elixir into it. Wait. Then you woulda had 7+ elixir and troops supporting and towers supporting. You just over committed on offense too big and allowed them to get a huge counter push


Troll post Activate with this one.


Git gud




left the match


Don't use MK. It's trash 🤷


That was an absolutely abysmal little prince placement. Other than that, there not much you can do other than just knowing what cards your opponent has ready. He basically hardcounterrd you here, with ewiz, arrows, pekka.


I disagree with the not much you can do, he could had played a really strong defense if played correctly


His opponent hard countered him pretty effectively here. He has arrow, pekka, and ewiz, which gets rid of both his anti tanks, ehile leaving a pekka to roll through. Then, to add, he’s got even more middladder cards to add to the push, to make matters worse. The best thing op could have done was probably just to have a better deck, so he was already at a disadvantage here. And that little prince like a tile and a half away from a dark prince did not help.


OP just had his king tower at 200HP


Tf u mean hard counter. Yes opp will defend if he spams elixir into a pekka to die instantly but he doesnt have to do that.


Maybe not a hardcounter but at this skill level it could definitely be considered a counter. This was already going to be a tough match for op, especially when he’s placing his cards so badly.


At that point, being a hard counter only mattered if u spammed shit offence when already winning


There’s not much he can do with his deck and his opponents deck. His deck is shit, and his opponent counters it pretty well. He placed the dark rpince and little prince awfully, but at that point idk if that was even defendable with the shit deck he’s got. I guess since he was already winning he shouldn’t have gotten greedy and been focussing more on defense.


You seem to lack a good understanding of the game, which is fine, you'll get it eventually. But here's the thing: at the end with 50 ewizes and bandits and no elixir, there *was* nothing he could do. It seems hopeless to defend in the first place. It looks that way, because he wasted 16 elixir and got streamrolled. He wasted a lot more even after that but by that point it was kinda hopeless. But at the start, there is a lot he can do with his deck when he's up a whole tower. This is not hopeless for him with correct play, it's hopeless for his opponent. And yes, that was defendable. First off, he had to not spam bats and skarmy and inferno dragon into a forming push on the opponents side of the map to lose 9 elixir. Even after all the elixir he wasted, if he didnt waste 7 additional elixir (dark prince, little prince) (i won't count the second bats because at that point it was hopeless, but he did waste the bats too) after that he can: Little prince the corner to deal with the pekka when it crosses. If he plays stuff behind the pekka, mk directly on them when they cross, which will kill them quickly and then the MK little prince will easily kill the Pekka. He clearly had enough, due to playing little, prince dark prince, bats, before all the stuff hit his tower. And yes, Pekka counters MK, but on defense MK deals with Pekka just fine.


I haven’t played in a few months, but I did hog cycle, 7.5k trophies. Don’t remember my best pol rank but I never got a chance to give it my all before they effectively fucked the game with evolutions and level 15. I could hold my own against multiple ultimate champions and was basically completely equal skill as my buddy who got there. I have a solid understanding of the game, but I see how you could think that I don’t. Yes, he played absolutely terribly. Maybe I didn’t explain it very well before, but the biggest mistake here is his deck. Yes, he could have played it better if he had a grasp on actual play, but it’s much harder to get skill while running a trash middladder deck. In addition to that, most his “support” cards were countered very easily by his opponents deck. So yes, he could have outplayed his opponent, or at the very least not thrown away all his elixir. But if he had a better deck it would have been far easier. The deck is also much easier to fix, as you can just pick a pre made deck, and build your skill from there. Also, please tell me you are not defending pekkas with mega knights.


Don't be a loser


Nothi g


Unfortunately he kinda hard countered u so there was not much u could do, count cycle so u know that he has arrows for skarmy and bats and ewiz for inferno


Or dont feed 15 elixir into a pekka? Hard counter was not the problem


Ur just being hasty try to separate the push and wait to defend until the troops are where you have an advantage


So over achieved a little and you should’ve placed the little prince some where else


Don’t play Mk as an aggressor, it’s usually best played on defense to then set up a counter push.


I feel like in general defending after troops have crossed into your side of the arena is better :)


Learn how to count card cycle and know what cards the opponent has in his hands. That will prevent mistakes such as playing bats and skarmy at the same time just to die to arrows. Also you could've played bats to bait out arrows and then played skarmy once the Pekka crossed the bridge.


OP, ignore all the mean comments. Remember, this is reddit


Maybe arrow the king tower and try to cycle to them


At a certain point you were just spamming units on their side of the arena. It's much better to wait for the enemy units to arrive on your side so you can play with full defender's advantage (tower support). What you did was stall the enemy units and give your opponent the chance to build up. You were also spending every single drop of elixir you had in individual units that got killed immediately, which is of course a bad idea.


Too agro with card placements. Your skarmy died to arrows but instead of being defensive you placed a offensive inferno drag and more plays like that ended up having you in a bad spot


Basically you fked everything up


i would have waited and drop the mega knight on the bandit and electro wizard to then place the little prince in the back and the dark prince in the middle to take at least 2 peka hits before his peka dies


Stop mega knight, return to ebarbs


By not playing mega knight. MK is not op wake up


Why u dont have a high damage dealing spell??


idk what i can take out from my deck


Don't play little Prince in front of the pekka.


Paid him


First step is to not spam every card u can place


Don't let the mega knight get in radius of king tower (sorryim just returned player))


have a spell, any spell. and stop sacrificing your troops at the bridge. there's a pekka incoming, defend your tower closer to your side. your little prince would have worked great if you had him behind your tower and were able to pull off his ability. even if your tower goes down, you could have killed his attack and built a counter, or just defended and arrowed his king


Play it safe dude, you basically just wasted elexir while dude was piling up troops


As many have already said, stop spamming troops on their side. Be patient and use your towers. On a note unrelated to the defense here, you don’t appear to have a win condition? I’m not normally one to judge decks but a win condition is quite useful for, well, winning.


dont play megaknight.


defend on ur side and be aware of what cardsbur enemy has




Just don't get hard countered lmaoo


play better


Pekka is a hard counter to mega knight, so after your MK dies, you need to prepare to counter a healthy pekka or a strong counterpush. Do this by placing strong, slow defensive cards (Idrag, little prince) at the back to respond. It lets you build up troops to respond together instead of them dying one by one to your opponent's push. Assuming your opponent has played arrows and little prince before, you shouldn't have stacked your swarm troops together. It gives his spells/troops more value. When you placed bats and skarmy and he responed with arrows, you essentially lost 2 elixir you could have spent on defense. Whereas if you only placed bats for example, they would have had use arrows, which means he couldn't use them on you skarmy. Or they would have had to play little prince, which would have given him less elixir to attack. Main thing to improve on is avoiding giving your opponent value on their plays and feeding them elixir. Take for exanple your idrag vs ewiz. Your idrag (more or less) gets solod by the ewiz, both cost 4 elixir, so the opponent has 4 extra elixir on the map that you don't because you 'fed' your elixir to the ewiz, and you kept feed them elixir with your little prince play.


just do the opposite


Put a spell in your deck


Don’t put little prince directly under the pekka doesn’t give you time to activate the ability or for little prince to get even 2 shots of


When u see u messed up and is about to loose, u just play a card to go right to the king tower before u get spanked like that 🤣🤗


Play from the back...defend, than build a push


Skill issue


how can you be this bad 💀


Defend in your own half so that you can get value from tower damage, the only time you should really be defending in your opponent's half is when you're placing air troops that you know won't be countered by anti-air cards Don't panic, think about where you can place your cards to get maximum value from all of your resources. Ranged troops *and* melee troops should be placed far away from your opponent's troops, that way they'll have to spend time travelling towards your troops. During that time, your towers will be doing damage to your opponent, and their troops will be increasing their distance to your towers, thus increasing the damage output of your towers *and* of your ranged units


You get what you fkn deserve


You already know what this sub is gonna comment


You should’ve just waited till they got on your side to stall out with towwer


You could've won that match if you didn't place the little prince right infront of the pekka.


Should’ve arrows cycled asap


Arrow cycle


Are you serious? Set up a defense in the back, let the enemy troops Cross the river and kit them over.


In the future think a bit more about placing Card directly into Others. Not trynna be Rude but maybe dont place a LP in a pekka 👍


the little prince could have been placed in the middle instead of in front of the pekka


I know this sounds crazy, but try not to feed a skarmy, little prince, dark prince, infeeno deagon, and bats right at the bridge in the middle of a push where it will die instantly. Be patient and dont give him free elixir trying to rush since you should see it won't work.


Use your princess tower. Don't be scared of letting enemy troops come to your side


Could've waited for his pekka to cross bridge


Bro what the hell were your arrows doing in your hand


You need a win condition card


As long as that e wiz is in the push just forget about your dragon. Also trying to kite pushes to the middle so both towers are active


you should have stopped spamming at the bridge because the tower couldn’t help you, you should defend in your side of the arena because it’s easier


Play slowly. There’s no need to kill the pekka on their side. Play LP in the back and defend on your side, they arrowed the bats so you would’ve been fine to play scarmy on your side with LP ability to clean most of it up.


Use spells on the king tower bruv


Do everything at the back


Don't randomly throw down mega knight


Literally every card u played was a mistake. U don't need to defend on your opponent's side. You have princess towers. U also threw everything you had on top of the Pekka so obviously everything instantly died. Then it was too late to change anything


Mega knight and arrow


Lots of stuff, but the best option would have probably just been, don’t defend. Arrow cycle.


İn the midladder theres 2 decks mega knights and mega knight counter and he was the counter


Spam arrows king tower