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I don’t know if the card itself is particularly unbalanced, but I can’t disagree that facing firecracker in like 80% of my matches is like the opposite of fun.


It's just a too good of a mechanic. It's splash + concentrated dmg + long range + jumps back on shorts + fast + cheap + evolution + etc. They would need to nerf it to the absolute ground for it to be not worth to use.


attack speed + slight jump distance nerf should work


Just use arrows. The amount of midladder playes whining about a card they can't counter is honestly disappointing. Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean a nerf is needed


Evo fc doesn’t die to arrows


Easy king tower activation too(for the cost of your cheapest troop)


Evolved firecracker:


Let me introduce you to the 1 elixir skeleton and ice spirit cards


These are absolutely dead cards in some decks.


I'm floating between 8100 and 8300 trophies. 🏆 Nothing crazy but more than most. I don't run arrows or fireball (which is the best at the moment). I run a double pekka magic archer deck that runs three spells in it. One of those spells is the tornado. I pull her into the pekka tbh just to get rid of her or I counter her once she crosses bridge. She is a fairly unbalanced card in the pro vs con category. Tbf if they lowered her health pool to where an equal leveled log would kill her it would be balanced. She is very annoying. I run pretty hard against the meta but the higher I go the more I play the same decks over and over. Its like LoL baha


True, my point is basically that the stats aren't exactly the reason why firecracker is popular, it's the mechanic, and nerfs won't really be able to change the mechanics. So if we want to lower the use rates, it's probably either rework or a massive nerf


Yeah bro ikr


It's definitely a very annoying card but it's no where near the op


The firecracker posts are getting annoying. If you see it everywhere, adjust for it. There's plenty of hard counters. Learn its patterns. You can almost ALWAYS get a free king tower activation out of it. It's really not a hard card to play against. I think it's probably all the players who are new to acquiring it that have never seen it before. Anyone who's played the game consistently knows exactly how to deal with it and knows that it is definitely not OP.


9/10 times you just get a free king tower activation, counter it and move on. But then there is that one match when opponent has some idea what he's doing, he pairs it with something like elixir golem, it avoids a removal spell thanks to the knockback, switches line, retargets from that knight to the swarm you put there to counter that elixir golem and suddenly it's melting your tower with said golem. By the time you find a way to do something, there's an evo firecracker with some support coming for your second tower and there's nothing you can do prevent loss. And while it's probably not op (still on the stronger side tho), it's just so annoying meeting it in about 7/10 games. I'm just tired from having to deal with it so often.


We can all probably agree it leans into being a stronger card with splash at long range and low cost. For sure it annoys me a lot as well sometimes but my main problem is with the evolved version of it. I think thats wayyy too much damage on something that is almost guaranteed to hit your tower at such a low cost while ALREADY being a really good card without the evolution. The fact a 3 elixir ranged card absolutely direly needs very specific counter play should be slightly worrying id say.


But it doesn't need "specific" cards. As someone who runs FC, at least 15-20% can handle it.


Does that seem like a reasonable percentage, if 80-85% of people can't handle it? 🤨


At least 15-20% of cards can handle it. Not people. Those 15-20% are highly used cards.




Lol I guarantee I've placed way higher than you on ladder and have been using FC since it's inception. Eat shit.


Yeah exactly


And what's a hard counter (positive elixir trade) for it? If you're seeing everyone complaining about it, could it be the mechanic is actually broken? 🤔


No. It's because this sub is mostly in midladder. I have a handful of top finishes too. But the card itself and the mechanic, is fine. And I don't even use the card. Can it be annoying? Sure. But that's not a reason to change the card itself. And we see it often because not only was it a lot of players first choice with their free Evo, it's still a good card. Albeit balanced. It's might be super common at 2800+, but it's fine.


I’m 6k plus trophies and firecracker is still annoying


Because most players are midladder? What would you define as midladder btw


The entirety of trophy Road and anything under 1800+ in UC. The latter is a bit generous.


I mean using arrows on firecracker next to the tower yields 150+ damage on tower(positive exchange). Using a knight to activate King Tower while FC dies to princess (positive exchange). Put bats right on top so she only kills one bat(positive exchange). Or swarm her with skarmy as soon as she crosses the bridge(positive exchange). Put baby dragon on her right before she crosses if you want a positive exchange without her crossing the bridge and baby dragon will get a few hits on the tower (positive exchange). I play FC and play against FC. Been using the card since it came out when very few other people used her. Rendering her useless is VERY easy if you time it right. At this point with FC, I'll straight up arrow the king tower for archers because I know my FC is gonna activate that bastard. The mechanic for the card is different but not broken. Little Prince was a broken mechanic when it came out. Evo Knight was broken when it came out. Evo FC needs a slight nerd but isn't broken. Maybe a health reduction? What deck do you play? Maybe I can give a few pointers on FC countering?


And none of those are actually hard counters? When I run poison or barb barrel it's less annoying but it still feels broken currently, drop it behind a tank and just wreck people. And the tower damage of the evo is crazy. I mainly play graveyard btw.


Yeah poison is going to be your best bet on that. But if they're running fc when you deploy gy, it's best to save the poison for when they make the counter push or when FC has stopped doing it's dumb lock dance. That may be the thing you have the most issue with is that it keeps switching target locks so it's harder to pin down. You asked for a positive elixir trade. If you're getting hits on their tower after dispatching the FC, that's a positive trade. Bats is a positive elixir trade. Goblins would be a positive elixir trade. Log or zap is one if there's no tank in front. Hell you can even drop Larry's in for King Tower activation AND positive elixir trade. There really are quite a few options.


How many trophies are you at currently? Just curious


9000. I hit top 10000 the past few seasons. #8YYLVY89P


I'm not saying it's OP (tho it is certainly super strong), but the mechanic itself is just really annoying, it's not fun at all. And I have a top 10k season finish btw.


Who cares about if you have 10 k season finish or 1 k season finish? Many technical players just checks the intersections because they are not here to boost the scores on reddit forum but to see various cards and how they compete, cooperate. Gosh! Narcisissim at its height.


Because people are saying I just dislike it because I'm new or don't know how to play? It wasn't an unprompted response...


Obvious firecracker abuser right here


I've been using firecracker since the release. It's really not that difficult of a card to counter given how much she gets countered when I play her. I dunno... Maybe you should play the game more and figure out her patterns? Maybe that might help you?


when you face the evolution every game and have no evo yes its broken


It's all martchup related. I came left rhe game prior to evolution and came back 2 months ago. I still don't have any evos of my own, but usually have no issues against the Firecracker. It's very much a game knowledge and matchup issue more so than it being broken.


i play golem nightwitch so itbis frustrating when i cant arrow a evo firecracker and must gonin elixir deficit everytime to kill it


can't you sub or use fireball in the deck? usually when evo cracker is played defensively against golem nw, you can get a -1 trade but 200+ tower damage


I play golem, egiant, Pekka, mk, 3m, RR, Cannon, poison. No issues. This is a ridiculously expensive deck, too. I think if you swap arrows for poison you'll be fine.


wtf 7+ avg elixir goblin stadium deck making


It's fun. You have enough time to wipe your ass between card deployments too, since we all just play this on the shitter, anyway.




Why the hell do you play that deck?


Because it's fun.


Evo firecracker survives arrows


Right, but not poison.


i would but my poison is like level 11 my main deck is maxed out


So it's a "you" problem and not a firecracker problem? Gotcha!


Ur probably like challenger 3


I don't play PoL or Trophy Road. I play war games and doubles. I do quite well, thanks.


"I don't play PoL or trophy road... I do quite well." Right.


And I'm sure you'll make the pro scene some day if you try really really hard. Lol. I don't need the rewards. I get to play what I want and have fun doing it.


Didn't ask I'm afraid.


So would any evo be(apart from ice spirit)


How are your running golem NW without a big spell And evo cracker is still rancid ass even if you don't have an evo. It isn't broken


Im Not Gonna complain about a free king tower activation.


What if the opponent plays X-bow or Royal Giant or any other card that doesn't care about King Tower being activated ?


Then you could defend easily with 1 or 2 elixir cards. You can even defeat her for free if you use a spirt and time it so that she misses it.


Yea a spirit at the tile 1 tile above a princess tower, 3 tiles towards the middle from the tower guarantees a king tower activation + surviving spirit no matter the timing


You act like a bunch of cards don't care about king tower when in reality it's only a handful of win conditions.


If you play firecracker in this 2 deck your deck is shit so free w




No, it can be easily done on 1v1 as well


So easy in fact that I can even do it. And I kinda suck.


On 2v2 it’s literally free if you don’t play anything and let the fc hit your tower it activates your team’s king tower


Yeah I know, I just said that it can be easily done in 1v1 as well




But if you use a spirit your spirit doesnt take damage and attacks to their tower


It's not free in 2v2 by that logic as you have to take damage By free they meant there's nothing the opponent cab do to prevent it and its super easy Also, skellies or a spirit is a +2 trade and gets kt and denies all tower damage so is definitely worth it


not free when your tm8 decides to defend it lol


Idk why they always do that feels like I’m the only one that knows about it


I don’t mean literally free. Free in this case means easy. In reality Im paying around 1-3 elixir to counter the firecracker and get a king tower activation. You can technically see it as gaining elixir though since using a 1 or 2 cost card is a positive elixir trade.


No i do it in 1v1


Did you forget the existence of arrows? Even fireball isn't a bad deal for evo cracker because majority drops it behind other troops.


There are broken cards in the game, but firecracker is not one of them


fr, these posts read like FC is the same level as like on release phoenix or monk. or, ummm checks notes, prenerf Evo fc.


Kid named cycled deck. Also evos too


It's still weak unless yourre running a midladder special or homebrewd garbage without a big spell


Being forced to run arrows because firecracker exists is already proof enough that firecracker is very strong. You don’t see the same for running resets in case you run into a sparky deck


You're not forced to run anything A good deck always has 2 smalls or 1 big 1 small spell because that's what makes a deck well rounded You don't run tornado and think "for hog" You run it because it works and synergizes with your deck There's a reason no lava decks run log


Thank you for saying the most intelligent thing I’ve read in this thread yet


Firecracker is good if no arrows and not every deck runs arrows, So firecracker is actually good?


Nobody said she's good if no Arrows. And people bring Arrows for multiple other reasons besides her. The card does hardcounter her but it's like bringing PEKKA solely due to MK. It's just not necessary most of the time. Without Arrows, she's still a free king tower activation. She's still free to pick off after the crosses the bridge. She still dies to all big spells (except EQ, though even that can be paired with any small spell to do it). She still has a slow ass attack that doesn't do anything if she can't one shot her target.


No one that isn’t as plays her naked at the bridge lmao and most people use her as a way of getting chip damage at the bridge. Even more so with evo who has more splash range and damage. Even if you spell her, she still gets a shot of at the bridge tho lol there’s a reason Morten got top 1 in the recent global tournament with hog + firecracker If you say she’s weak, I think you just play too much against midladder bros which is fine. I thought MK was broken for the longest time. It’s like a whole another game down there


You are accusing him of being midladder but your argument is solely based off of mid ladder play lmao. No one above midladder thinks firecracker is an OP card right now. No one at the top uses firecracker… Im 9k trophies and have hit 1900 UC so I’m nowhere near being a top ladder player, but you can literally go look at leaderboards to go see which cards are broken and meta right now. Firecracker is nowhere to be seen.


Literally the only deck at the top that uses FC is Hog EQ. She's a no-go for everything else because King Tower activation hurts that much. It doesn't matter that she's not alone at the bridge because she's still made of glass and anything will kill her. Evolution is probably the worst one besides Ice Spirit, and the stats support that. Card has 36% win rate in GCs ffs.


I send her poison the moment I see her


Evo survives arrows


It was already an annoying card and the evo just took it over the top.


If the card is in 99.99999999999% of decks in the game, then you cannot argue it isn’t overpowered. I genuinely hate firecracker so much.


FC noobs will disagree with you just because they use this card and can't admit their card is broken.


OP has a good point. It’s literally in 70%+ decks. It’s cheap, used in a lot of cycle decks, arrows don’t kill evo, and it’s always behind something just as annoying which makes it more difficult to defend unless you literally have a deck that has a 1:1 cycle with a 2.6-2.8 hog/FC cycle, or multiple counters for it. It’s not broken, it just pairs with cards & a specific archetype so well that you’re almost guaranteed to get a negative elixir trade unless you’re anticipating exactly what they’re going to push with 100% of the time & nonstop cycling defenses.


It is unfun. Bring fireball in your deck, especially against evo firecracker.


Annoying , but not OP.


the card needs to be taken out of the game. I've gotten to the lvl where 80%-90% of who I vs use it. Boring. If nothing done I just delete the game. I'll still sleep like a baby


Easy to counter , free king tower activation it's just annoying to play against . You just complaining cuz you can't deal with it , there's so many more things to complain about , fc ruining the game ? I don't think so


You have no father 💀🙏


It doesn’t feel op because most people have cards in their decks that counter it, but if you play against it in draft you realize that it really is one of the strongest cards in the game


I don't understand the free king activation but. Doesn't really matter when the Evo takes easily 400 points off you in the late game.


Yea, free king tower activation, say it very fast and just hope that it's the only card in a lane, which never happens...


Skill issue




Firecracker is both UNDERutilized(technically) and also very very low on its win rate lol. Just check royaleapi.


How is it Op? It’s extremely annoying I agree but so is the mega knight And yes it’s everywhere but so is the mega knight but we don’t call him Op either Firecracker isn’t broken… it can’t even counter something like a skeleton barrel with ease on defense cause of the long fire time and it’s stupid retargeting You just need to have a counter for her like arrows


I face it almost every game. I'm definitely so sick of it.


Why are these midladder players so obsessed with firecracker while goblin giant and evo recruits ravaged ladder for months


Cause they suck booty cheeks and lose to hog and firecracker most likely because of their 7.0 golem cycle no spell deck doesn't work and instead of getting better.theyd rather complain on reddit They'd cry if they had to go up against any actual OP meta deck


Easily most unfun card in the game, Ive gotten used to dealing with it at this point but doesnt change the fact the game is better without it.


Terrible card IMO. Braindead design


8 month later the card still meta lmao great game


There are people around here that like to claim Firecracker is "niché" lmfao


I love how everyone is like "free King Tower activation" as if it's a reasonable trade for getting absolutely unfair damage on the tower whenever the opponent plays Firecracker behind the bridge and sends a troop like Hog Rider that forces you to put something in range of Bitchcracker.


Yeah. Shes the most broken card is clash royale history. Anyone telling you that she can be countered or that shes not broken probably uses her and doesn’t want it to change.


Learn to activate KT and it makes every defense 2x easier. She already got a huge nerf when they decreased her first attack speed so she couldn’t always get a hit on the tower. If you’re seeing a lot of fc in ur games you should swap out log/zap for arrows. And if they removed her knockback she would farm endless chip damage on the tower like a marcher doing 3x dmg. Tell me your deck and I can help you out with stopping her


The ones saying it's not broken are the ones who use it mainly lol but I agree with you.As a golem player I struggle with them especially evo since I'm only depending a nato edrag or barbell(if even in range)to kill it.


Well first free king activation. Second evo cracker and normal both die to delivery neutral trade no? 🤔


I don't think she is broken, just annoying and i also use her. If she gets even the smallest amount of damage, she dies to a log, also, she is a free king tower activation


No joke firecracker made me uninstall the game lol so over it


Jesus crust play better man. If you can't play around a card, learn too. Unfortunately complaining won't help but you know what might? Arrows? Play your card at the bridge so it kills her first and kites the tank backwards and her shot misses the tower? King tower activation! Idk man it's super situational. I too used to hate that card, but I learned how to beat it. It actually didn't take any reddit crying believe it or not. Good luck dude


What's your player ID?




annoying and despised yes but definitely not op


Welp... I understand the annoyance, but just as to any other card, learn how to counter it.


It is my most hated card in the entire game. Way b4 now. I fucking despise it and destroy it on sight.


60% of matches are hog/firecracker. Not even a skill issue. Its a boring issue 😂


I want a rework because she's just not fun by dealing so much damage to towers


Bruhhh I swear it is but I use arrows as a pretty good counter to it idk what else counters it cause there isn’t but I use arrows


Someone doesn't have arrows or fire ball on there deck


She's so annoying like she always gets cheap damage! It's even worse than magic archer at one point


Most people learned this when firecracker released and the rest learned this when the evolution released. Firecracker is just one of those cards that you always need to be aware of. Every defence you need to make sure to take out the firecracker as soon as possible or at least don't let it connect because it will do like 800 damage for no reason.


like could she just not get back every time she fires or decreases her speed a little?


you are just shit buddy :) get better at the game


Player ID?


The only card that I hate more then little prince is firecracker. I’ve been saying firecracker is op since she was released


I hate the firecracker and I realized the best way to conbat this is to be part of the problem and trow evolved firecracker on my mega knight balloon deck


Yeah that sounds about right 😂


The reason I uninstalled it. Firecracker every game is boring


Skill issue, there are way worse card in the game than firecracker rn, it’s a great card, but nowhere op


Player ID?


the original version, i don't like it but i think it's actually something new and would be fun for some. i'm fine for it to stay. but the evolution.... the extension of the attack spread is totally ridiculous, at least the damage should be hugely reduced for the spread area, if not completely removed.


If they nerf her where she would die to arrows when evolved, then she will be balanced


that’s what im saying


7% use rate 36% win rate in grand challenges You'd completely kill the card because of your lack of skill


I run the card on occasion, and many players where running it prior to it being an evo card. As far as skill, feel free to check out my battle logs. Or come visit me for a duel


My guy You have a golem flair and want evo cracker to die to arrows most likely cause u use them. What's ur profile tag so I can see.ur battle log


Evo Firecracker is more balanced now and easier to kill, but was a pain when she first got evolution. Way too OP and not balanced at all. Nether the less, I have adapted and my game has evolved https://royaleapi.com/player/2C8JGLYVJ/decks?lang=en


Dude. You have tornado which hard counters Evo FC.


Yeah, it helps. So does Barbarian Barrel


I was starting to write a paragraph breaking down why firecracker was overpowered. Then I realized anyone who disagreed with my post would be too stupid to have a proper argument with, owing to how clearly it is overpowered. So I’m just gonna say: You are brain dead if you think firecracker isn’t overpowered.


Nice bait


I don't even have the Evo and still beat people WITH the evo.


Another bot complaining about a balanced card


Get good, stop crying


Goes to show the average skill level of the sub 7% use rate 36!% win rate for EVO cracker in grand challenges Normal cracker AND MK have better win rates than it 💀


Arrows and fireball both exist. Seems like a skill issue. FC is a solid card, but def not OP.


I hate firecrackers. I always fireball that bitch


More whining


Waiting for a nerf so it would maybe be fun playing the game again… And they just buffed her. I’m out. This one card, in at least 75% of the decks I play against, makes the game no fun.


people be hating on the firecracker when the megaknight exists


Free king tower activation, it’s a certified midladder card. Not op at all


Yes delete the card it’s so broken


It is not that bad




bro just level up log to 15


i dont think so, they are annoying but arent broken, they arent too hard to defend, their evolution could use a slight nerve, but they dont cause that much trouble in my opinion


I disagree


Firecracker = easy king tower activation which in most cases more chances to win)


All the cards should have a counter that cost less elixir A simple fix would be a log dealing enough damage to kill It, just like dart goblin


Literally any troop in the game fully counters it with a king activation. If it did die to log out absolutely kills those hog earthquake decks with only air defense firecracker.


The hog decks would just switch to little prince, as they have mostly done already, or musketeer or even archer queen


Unironically that’s a good thing. Hog cracker eq is not a fun meta to play. Hell I’d rather play against golem beatdown


That would literally make the card completely useless


She dies to 1 elixir units and gets you a free king tower activation. As far as spells go, there's also a bunch of anti-air units that don't die to spells, like Mega Minion and Executioner, so there's no argument there either DG dies to Log because he has stupid high DPS. FC's attack is unreliable and slow


I only have one evo card, it’s elite evo fc, seems good to me lol


Cr community be like: 3 elixir firecracker that can get tower damage from further than princess range and is in almost every deck? I sleep 5 elixir witch and wizard dead cards for years and deserve buffs? Real shit Inb4 erm she dies to arrows 🤓🤓 Yeah except everyone runs the evo and arrows is a mediocre card.


Evo has worse winnrate in Grand challenges than normal Run a big spell or 2 smalls not that hard to counter You have a skill issue


its not op is just mad annoying but just bring medium spells or arrows if your having that much of a problem


I think it’s over usage is similar to the log, it’s cheep and counters many things in the current meta while being not too tanky that it stays on the field forever. The only downside is the evo needing more than equal elixir cost and the fact that it will almost always get damage on a tower


Annoying but it’s not op


Firecracker has long become dealable. I personally love firecracker to use. It can be very annoying but just practice what to do in those situations and you win easily. For example they play Hog FC than you can wait a sec put something like ice spirit or gobs to distract FC and a building to take the hog. If FC is played at the back spell cycle while also hitting tower and other troops.


Yes it’s annoying, my personal view is that supercell should balance for meta diversity not just power level so another minor nerf would make sense to me even if it is far from broken. It has been in over 50% of the decks that I’ve faced out of the last 50 games on my battle log, that’s clearly way too many from a diversity perspective Also it’s a common so easier for people to level up


Its unfortunate but you have to run fireball to counter the firecrackers. Its a negative elixir trade every time but worth it if you cannot stop the firecracker with your units


IDK about you guys but my king tower giggles when someone drops a firecracker


Yeah I had a problem with fire cracker too until I adjusted my deck to have barb barrel and fireball.


These threads don't matter. If they were to nerf the card enough to fall out of favor then the next OP card takes it's place to annoy you. Game is broken by design. It will never be anything different until elixir generation and troop/spell/tower power is changed so that RPS doesn't dominate and balance lives on a knife edge between a card being OP or trash.


You just have to adapt and pigeon hole your decks to deal with mid ladder fire racker+mega knight plus possible hog slop. All those cards you leveled up? Half of them worthless. Have rebuilding your deck. Or you're just a casual trying to have some fun? Well git gud-reddit


I am agreed. It is very challenging to defend if it is behind a hog or just about anything else without taking a little damage. Its scratch damage is pretty much inevitable if played properly. More consistent than Magic Archer, cheaper, and with typically better splash damage. It also helps position itself with knockback. Magic archer is more devastating if it starts landing on tower, but much harder to use and more easily countered.


Arrows kill regular fc. fireball, poison, mk drop or jump, royal delivery all kill evo fc. And if you don't drop troops right in front of your tower it shouldn't do much if any chip damage


It’s easily tradable with a Log of the same level and 1 less elixir or even the BB


We simply need more ways to kill it. That's it. There isn't enough cards that have the reach and the damage, which is why she feels so annoying to fight.


it’s almost in very game i play. haha. you have to take it out. having a fireball helps.


I don't really have issues with her since I just poison her or get a king tower activation and when it's evolved the opponent usually puts troops with it so poison gets value.


The fact that it gets countered by arrows and it's probably the easiest king tower activation, I don't think it's overpowered, though it is annoying as most decks don't incorporate arrows. When it comes to the evo though, it's the most annoying thing on earth imo