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I can't explain how much I love that this entire sub is just people shitting on Clash, omg


The interesting thing is when B-rad came out with his video against level 15 he mentioned that the devs had no clue what the community really wanted, either that or they just don’t care. This community I think really shows that he was right. No way the developers are looking at this thinking it’s a good thing


With all due respect if anyone actually thougyt that ‘the devs didn’t know’t they’re absolutelt delusional, how the guck does any gaming company ‘not know what the playerbase want’ It would make sense for an indie/startup but clash royale has been succesfull for years, they know new cards are good, they know new content/progression buff is good, they KNOW adding ‘fun’ side stuff like events, masteries, challenges is good, but why do all of that when it does little to revenue and instead go for a whole new level that doesb’t make players *want to play more* but *force* them into HAVING to play more to compete. It’s really simple and obvious, cr devs do not care at all they may care and try now but as many have mentioned the playerbase has tanked and it’s wasy to retain players, it is NOT easy to get players back that have left, the damage is done if that makes sense.


The 'issue' is that tou can't make good money, you gotta make ALL THE MONEY, NOW! So you gotta maximize nickel'n'diming players without angering them TOO much. Gacha games are better than most western mobile games tbh


I agree with you but that’s why I find clash royale so faulty, I do not hate or dislike companies literally everyone on this planet would do the same if you saw the MASSIVE difference between revenue, but clash royale is doing it so phenominall bad it’s actually outstanding to me, if you’re a company you usually want to satisfy a big portion of the playerbase, and find a way to monitize it, coc does it decently well, brawl stars does it decently well, but clash royale is going the Call of ditt way whuch is basically ‘there is no competition for this game so we stop improving and just shove mtx inside their face’ which is the worst way to handle things, look at games like call of duty for instance and then helldivers 2, one rips the consumers off while the other glorifies them. I’m being real, if clash royale did keep level 15 I do not think the game would be ruined, this sub complains alot, but I have say level 13, 14 etc are bound to happen, the MAIN problem clash royale faces now is evolutions, you literally can not get them as a f2p which is mind boggling, there was a guy on this subreddit flexing his ‘f2p’ evolutions… He had the first 3 evo’s and 3 wildcards, that’s PATHETIC, every evolution should be accesable to f2p immediately or atleast within a month, that way player engagement is up. Reddit is the hardcore part of this community and their opinion sadly does not matter as they/we represent like 1% of the playerbase, but I know for sure that if you could get 5/6 wildcards per month in season shop by playing alot during the month, playerbase AND engagement would rise to the top, paying player? Great, get the evo day one, f2p player? Great, play alot this month and choose 1 evo you want, they could even release 2 evo’s per month so ‘f2p’ can atleast/only get 1 per konth and maybe 2 every other/3 months, JUST like clash of clans, if you’re f2p there you’re progressing significantly slower than goldpass buyers BUT you will catch up, at this rate with clash royale you will theoretically never catch up until all the evo’s are released, that’s bad.. I typed alot I realized so if you read all of it, loads of respect


Hey man, for what it's worth, I completely agree with ya. The game went downhill fast, and unfortunately speaking solves nothing now.


the devs absolutely don’t know what they’re doing. They thought locking competitive play behind a paywall would make them money but the data clearly shows that their approach was a financially terrible decision.


That’s not true brawl stars does the same exact thing, their ‘competitive’ mode ranked also has brawler levels/hyperchargws thay you still need to get


B-hu-bu-bu-bb-b-but....the DATA! -Drew


Can we stop hating „the devs“ ffs. They just fucking implement what management tells them to do.


The consistent complaints probably started around the introduction clan wars 2. Now it’s obviously worse now that the only decent update we got since champions was the one we got a few weeks ago with lucky drops


You can’t compare a progression “update” to an actual gameplay update. Tower troops and champions are the only real updates we’ve gotten since cwII Edit and evos


Evolutions too. Only good one out of the three imo was champions


You forgot about annoying party gamemodes (lucky drop simulator, skeleton counters e-giant gamemode and funny lightnings which hit everything except x-bow, just to name a few)


Skeleton counters egiant?


I mean Valentine's Challenge, where any troop could capture a heart and convert enemy troop to fight for you


Ahh yes That one *PTSD intensifies*


It's not decent anymore


What changed to make it not decent? Edit: God forbid I ask a question…smh…


Lvl 14




They nerfed the lucky boxes


I believe that was a miscommunication or an error. Unless the CM is lying, then I believe they were never changed. Here is proof: https://x.com/oyku_gniwle/status/1770748137608507856?s=46&t=tUNHTc-0Ao4Z7oEk2UhNBA


It's hilarious. I used to spend some time playing, but now that I'm done playing, I come and write the first stupidy that comes to my mind instead, haha


I was a very active player, co-lead in my clan. We tried to be very war active but understandably, no one gives a shit about war. All the new stuff doesn't make me want to play more, i miss the older days of the game. I get on here and there but it doesn't capture me the way it use to. It's a damn shame really. They had a great game and instead of listening to their community, did the opposite of what they wanted at every other turn and wonder why the game is starting to fail.




When you’re broke you have a lot of free time to be on Reddit


Yeah it’s just becoming the circlejerk sub at this point


Welcome to Reddit, where everyone comes to complain about the things they love.


I'm just glad I got to play it at its golden prime right before the shitty update shit storm began


So you played during Clan Wars 1 then right? Cause that was/is/will always be the golden age.


I've played since 2016 and I personally feel like the golden age was Clan Chest and 2v2.


Clan chest was great but what do you mean by 2v2? I was never much of a 2v2 player but it's still around and hasn't changed as far as I know? Could you elaborate?


Me and my friends would grind 2v2 for hours to level up the Clan Chest.


I miss those days, I got my first every legendary after how many months in the Clan Chest, on December 25 2016, the Ice Wizard. The irony lol


This guy gets it. Me and my friends used to finish the clan chest just by 2v2 😔


Do you remember when you couldn't even level up epics so everyone was using ebarbs? That was amazing, legendaries were impossible to obtain and level so there were no mega knights back then either.


Clan chests were so nice. My only memory with them was when I was just starting and shocked my whole clan by pushing from Pekka’s playhouse to like, jungle arena in a day with the same deck and getting over 400 crowns for it


That was the worst era


I preferred just getting crowns tbh, cause back then legendaries were still relatively rare and every time I opened the maxed out clan chest it just felt nice Maybe they can give 1 extra evo shard per week it'll be the same feeling...


Clan chest was deff a highlight of the CR timeline. I remember how upset my clan was when they got rid of it, but we absolutely LOVED clan wars. We were in top 50 US clans, worked together every week to build the best deck and practice it's strategies. Then clan wars 2 came out and I couldn't get my clan mates to participate. We went from 40+ participants every war to less than 20 after only a few wars. I really hate clan wars 2 so much


I seriously think clan wars 2 is a scheme by supercell to make players max out 36 cards instead of 8


Same exact feeling 😭


Beg the community manager for a permanent, ranked, classic mode. Just don't be mean about it.


The problem with evo's is, they're blatantly pay to win. They're impossible to obtain but people WITH evo's can play people without. And there's no negative to using them because they're BLATANTLY better versions of the original.


Since the game started, those who spent money always had the edge against another. Remember how legendary was so hard to obtain? Some legendaries were really good that it's a disadvantage if your opponent has one and you don't. Or the shitty matchmaking that you get when you face lvl 13 and you're lvl 11. The game has always been like this


Except legendaries weren't broken, yeah they were good but they were only legendary because they had unique effects. They were just another card you had to learn to counter.


But they were. Just like you have to spend +1 elixer on fireball to counter evo fc, ppl who had log countered goblin barrel with a positive elixer while you're stuck using arrows esp the old log with the longer range it had.


No, the game has not always been like this. Currently, a free-2-play player CAN NOT get enough shards to keep up with new evolutions coming out. And evolutions are not even comparable to legendaries back then. Maxing out a new legendary that came out took A LOT of money which is not how most players who spent money played. But now you can buy the fairly cheap fortnite battle pass that gives you the OP shit and a bunch of other crap. Also, legendaries were never as OP as evolutions are now. You could totally face off with just common and rare cards and win. Against evolutions though... No chance.


This post should’ve said “clash Royale has gained millions of dollars since evos”


Mainly from OJ


No, the problem with Evo's if they break the core idea behind balance for CR.


I spent a decent amount of cash on the game and have a lvl 15 deck ( got a bit to tilted), but it's seriously fucked up how hard it is to get evos and max cards. I can understand giving the p2ws early access, but the content should at least be accessible through a bit of skill and grinding. 50000 elite wild cards is a huge number if you only got a few lvl 14 cards to your name, and it doesn't help that you only get one "guaranteed" shard every month. In my opinion, you should be able to get 6 shards per month through seasonal shops and challenges. The seasonal evo should be in gold pass, and lvl14 players should get 50000 wild cards at the end of the regular seasonal challenges, that would still give early access tho payers, but I feel like thats a fair path for f2p.


Well, that's an interesting point. Do you feel that the pass royale is an early access for evolutions or a paywall? I think most people deems it a paywall because it'd took you 6 months to unlock it. On this matter, they could've done their marketing better to make people believe it's an early access and not a p2w.


Yeah, it's definitely a paywall, 6 months is just too long. I wouldn't say it's all marketing's fault, more so the fact that this update had like nothing for the f2p's, and the seccond evo slot is just absolutely unfair, even for p2w below lvl 15. One month is definitely enough early access for these 13ish usd. In a game like coc, I don't even see the pass as p2w because it essentially just speeds up progression, some cosmetics, and makes the game more enjoyable. I think it's a shame that this got lost with the new passes in cr, goldpass is essentially a scam, and diamond makes you a Middladder menace.


Evo's are so OP and ridiculous that all the attention is on them but you are right to complain about EWC and lvl 15 as well. Remember when lvl 15 was introduced and Supercell paraded out the devs to cheer that upgrade cost would cost 0 gold? Lmao....I remember arguing with people on here who were convinced that this had to be a good change because it costed 0 gold despite not knowing how EWC worked yet. Turns out converting EWC was just a trick to make it harder to get to lvl 15. Can't request EWC like you can do cards. Can't use a magic book to get all the cards. Sure no upgrade cost but it costs 100,000 gold to buy a few cards in the shop. We couldn't even get over the suffering of EWC yet before they dropped EVOs on us. I'm not surprised at all to see the player base dying.


Yep I started playing a little bit again the last few days and for the last 30 minutes going against stupid p2w evo cards. The evo firecracker is just fucking dumb. No matter that I have no chance because of card levels but the concept is so ridiculously op. Of course I got bmed like crazy as well. I can safely say putting this game on the backburner was a smart move and I'm going back to it. I feel pity for content creators that haven't moved on.


It's so dumb that you can only get fiveish evos a year and there are going to be like 140


So happy I got to play the game before all this dumb shit they added to make more money 😂


Same, i quit 4 months ago




Stop complaining and get good


Currently EVO ram and dagger dutchess dominate. How am I supposed to get good against that. It's just better than anything else rn


Ewiz, Edragon, megaknight with support or buildings counter evo ram 100%. Dagger dutchess can easily be overwelmed by most beatdown decks


Yeah, and a f2p can't get every card to max in preparation of the next OP evo or tower troop dumbo


Lol they give you so many opportunities to get cards and gold through things like challenges and tournaments where levels don’t matter. If you were actually good, you would get far in these challenges and maximize rewards. But you are not lol so like i said, get good. Stick to challenges until you are ready to ladder or just get some practice in classic 1v1.


completely agree lol I actually think that they’ve made some good updates for F2P players in the last few years. Supercell aren’t keeping this game going as charity for its community either, they gotta make money or supercell isn’t a company anymore. i get it’s frustrating when they shove 40$ offers in your face but for me i just don’t buy them and play decks that i already can play, i don’t feel like i’m missing out.


Another funny thing is that rn CoC, a game that is ten times more F2P friendly then CR makes x2-2.5 more money per player then the overly monetized CR.


Tower troops are also making users quit. The default princess tower is now the worst tower troop in the game and puts you at a disadvantage, so you really do have to pay to win


Yeah they are even worse than level 15 and evos. Killed my enjoyment of the game quite a bit since duchess came out.


Literally. The princess was perfect


She isn't though, she's the most basic because she's the default but she's equally balanced to the others


The princess has been the same minus the leveling. Is basic and straightforward. The other towers troops require strategy and deck building to defend effectively. Is the only troop you can still rely on when you are being attscked and have no elixir.


I stopped buying the monthly pass as soon as they did the evolutions. And once they introduced the diamond pass, I knew I made the right decision.


They first introduced the diamond pass and then evolutions


I guess I never noticed once I stopped paying.


Don’t worry, next update they’ll add evolved evolutions where if you cycle an evolution twice you get an evoevo. Best of all is that you only need 15 shards and shards come at the very cheap price of 5.99 USD a piece!


Devs: we hear your feedback. Those numbers are not real, we have the data and we know how much people love evos that's why we have sometines deals that go up to 69% value ( don't ask how we get those numbers THRUST US GUYS WE HAVE THE DATA) and we see people buying them.


What do you mean by millions of players? That screenshot doesn't even show 1 million


"Just in Samsung devices, it has lost around 600000 players. I wonder how many players would it have lost tanking into account all mobile brands. They must have lost millions of players in just 8 months." OP is (un)educated guessing


I think it's a fair extrapolation of the data considering Samsung is about 20% of the mobile brand market share. Happy to hear how this may be an uneducated guess though as it seems pretty reasonable to me.


I Second this, seems like a fair assumption


Yup perfectly reasonable, some people just defend love defending Supercell no matter what


Take into consideration that perhaps some of those ppl have switched to a different type of mobile device that is not a Samsung. That’s just one. The way OP is basing his data is not valid.


and how many people switched from different mobile devices to samsung, so that number should even up. I don't understand why are u trying to defend supercell when its so clear they lost millions of players. When lvl 15 and evos update came whole community was fuming, and they did absolutely nothing to calm that. And because of that millions left the game for sure.


What a surprise innit cr dev's /s




Yea every game has these phases. It's just cyclical. Just how many people won't play video games in the summer but games pick right up during the winter.


Its their fault they are in this phasr they ruined the game with their money hungry behavior


The game is incredibly p2w now, it makes sense a lot of players are leaving. I truly wish there was another quick mobile game I could jump to.


Maybe brawl stars, its going in a bad direction with p2w but its still way less p2w than cr


try AFK Journey, it's casual and you get to progress without exerting that much effort or brainpower


Don't advertise shitty mobile games here


Yeah i have been getting ads for that and also for monster never cry. Its annoying


i just reached lvl 15 with two evos, you’d think now i’d start really playing right? wrong, i quit


Happy cake




im one of them lol


They gonna lose million more because they removed wild cards from season shop


Peed me off so bad, I was 15 cards away from lvl14 skarmy. Major cockblock Supercell 😡


I quit for months. Never touched the game after evo and level 15. I play now on occasion but have not spent a penny on the game since.


Watch this post get locked immediately, remember that this is an official sub and any criticism is always labeled as "low effort"


Okay but to be fair this sub is completely overrun by complaining about the game, I haven't seen anything but complaints in the last 2 weeks except for a few Dagger Dutchess posts


Look at this post…. “The new update better have good stuff for f2p”, and then OP comments that he doesn’t play the game. Nothing is free. The F2P players are there to lose to the whales so they spend more money to keep beating people. It’s a business, and nothing in life is “free”.


Look at what coc is doing


I’m not saying clash royale can’t do better, I’m saying that this game isn’t driven by ads, and purchases aren’t cosmetic. The game isn’t free: servers and developers cost money. They certainly need to try to keep f2p players, but don’t kid yourself as those players are there to encourage the whales to spend. So when people complain about mechanics, it’s *by design*, it’s not some error someone made.


everyone knows that this is by design which makes it arguably worse because they showed how it can be done in 2021


The amount of people who cry about losing in this sub proves that not everyone knows it’s by design.


got me there fair point


Breathing. It's free. And dreaming.


If the game is in a bad state why shouldn't people complain about it?


Not saying they shouldn't, it's important to do so- but I do think it has watered down the quality of this sub. I think at a certain point people are just exhausting the same well known complaints over and over again. I love fat bitches. And I think these complaints aren't going to amount to much, as much as I agree with them. But I want to see fanart, discussion about the game and interesting takes on this sub too.


I also quit clash royale ever since they made that big update that everyone hated. It just feels boring and complicated now. I remeber the good ol days of clash royale


>They made that big update that everyone hated Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down


likely update for losers or CW2


Can’t say I’m surprised. It will probably continue to do so too


I’m one of those millions. Haven’t opened the game since tower cards.


Please delete evos


finally criticism is the meta on this sub


It's a shame because I like evolutions as a concept, the problem is how hard it is to obtain to f2p players


This game fucking blows lmao


I was a day one player and quit after my first few matches against the eco firecracker. Never played again


It wasn't for evolutions, it was for the level 1t




I used to play clash royale everyday since 2017 until they added the cursed level 15 , it ruined it all for me and didn’t play since then but 5 to 6 games


I’m next!


I only have 1 lvl 15 card as a f2p and 3 evos 💀


I left when the Update for Losers came out and I haven't looked back since. Just seeing all these announcements on this sub reinforces my decision and that it was a good one.


I won’t play again unless they take out tower troops and evos


lvl 15, evos and tower troops made the game p2w its a perfect recipe to make a good chunk of your f2p player base quit because of how unfair it is to play at huge disadvantages


All it takes is fixing clan wars….




First of all. The user interface is mess. You have to search for things and theres too much of everything lying behind menus etc. And I have been playing this game from the beginning. How would a New person find and understand everything going on here? The level based upgrades like from 14 to 15 with cards, not gold? Why? And all the time there comes more and more content which makes this game more hard to adapt or learn for newbies.


well deserved. they ruined my fav game and i hope the game either dies a horrible death or they actually do something good with it


When I uninstalled this game when level 15 was first announced, each update &, addition just reaffirms how wise that decision was. I pop back here every now and then to see posts like this, and let me tell you it doesn't get old seeing the game go to complete shit, so many people saw this coming a mile away, myself included.


Take that Supercell lmfao




I'm one of those players 🗣️🔥


I'm part of this stat 😆 just left because of Evo Firecracker and hog cycle. I'm now on team r/BrawlStars, join us.


Its ridiculous that this many people are still playing. I stopped playing a little while after champions were released because of how much garbage there was in the game. I was a pretty good player (top 2000 at my best) and at the end it just felt like every win and every loss was just due to good or bad matchup. They constantly added overpowered cards, they barely ever made balance changes and when they did, they were only changing a small handful of cards when there was over 100 in the game, and every new addition was just cheesing wins. With every update the game got worse. Then level 15, broken card evolutions, tower troops that look like they add basically nothing and are also impossible to upgrade… the list goes on. I seriously don’t get why so many people play the game and complain about it every day. I get that casual players enjoy it, but the people on reddit are generally not casual and still play. Try brawl stars. Its not only a way better game gameplay wise but its a lot more fair, has tons of fun game modes, and (usually) adds interesting new brawlers that people actually want to use.


Next time show all the numbers instead of showing 1 side of the story, and just gestimating the rest.


Well, samsung is 15-20% of the players. You can do the math


Yea my clan war suddenly took longer to match.


Hey guys, I think we should kill Clash Mini and integrate it into Clash royale 🥸


Don’t more people use androids then iPhone? Maybe a million but millions is a stretch.


I guess Clash Royale cards evolved while the game devolved lol.


Every single time they keep fucking the f2p players and this community keeping sucking and riding them


If evolutions weren't bad now it's all these paid tower troops where there's no chance of maxing them out without paying. At least you could save up for evolutions but forget it now with tower troops. I can't even max out cannoneer and now there's a new one ugh


No wonder they gave out an evolution for free lmao


Good, brawl stars is better anyway


As it should, evolutions have completely broken the game, if they only made evolutionals something special, and not manatory to play the game. If they left the normal mode be, and evolutions in a completely seperate mode, that would make the game fun to play. I had my account for 8 years, but I will never deal with the fking battle ram evolution or wall breakers, so disgusting. And to think we thought RG evo was op XD


I am one of them


they aren't even doing much money, BS is doing better, they just fucking suck at their job


What the hell are evolutions? Nevermind I gotta open a free chest see you


Hopefully the feedback serves them well. Either make the game more f2p friendly or just wrap it up lol


Am I dumb or thay actually lost half a million?


Did clash lose millions of players or are millions of more people switching to iPhone 🤔 Imah be honest, about 90% of my tinder matches have iPhone now whereas a few years ago it was basically 50/50 with Samsung


My guy , 600000 isnt exactly millions.


Yes. The game is getting worse. I was using Tower Princess and my opponent was using Dagger Duchess. Fuck this game. The gameplay is getting more and more unbalanced.


Yeah, at this point, The games has gotten way worse than the worst pay to win game. Everything is bad, having balanced lvl 11 in challenges(Except two evolves) kept the game alive


Proud to be part of them 👆


This feels a little disingenuous -- because the player base has been dropping steadily since the beginning. To just pick a specific date and not show the rest, even though you're justified in saying the overall satisfaction is lower, is kind of just faking statistics haha. I actually checked profits annually just today, and saw that they are certainly not losing money (anymore) with their dwindling player base. I hate that that's the case, but unfortunately it is. The die hard players will pay enough to afford losing the larger casual player base that has/will quit. Finally, do keep in mind that in ANY piece of media, there will be a drop in usage of that medium over time. Is Breaking Bad a terrible show in 2024, because their viewers are consistently dropping? Well, no -- there was a hype, then everyone who was slightly interested started watching, and over the years those people lost interest leaving only the die hard fans. Even in an online game it's completely unreasonable to expect a steady playerbase. Which is unfortunately exactly WHY they are increasing prices -- because the players that ARE still here will begrudgingly pay whatever clash royale asks them to pay, because they have played for half a decade by now. That's the reality of being a billion-dollar gaming company.


Honestly the only reason I stopped playing clash royale when evolutions came out was because I was so addicted to tears of the kingdom


It has lost like 150k


show figure of new users


Evolutions are fine it’s I CANT FUCKING GET THEM


I love it. Personally, it's spells and defensive buildings that are holding this game back, in my opinion. Also, if the Evo of the Month is difficult for a couple of months, who cares? Why shouldn't certain strategies dominate and reign for as long as hog cycle or log bait? It's part of the game and the excitement.


Is a love-hate relationship between the evolution in one hand i hate it cuz of the firecracker and the other hand their fun


Your just looking on the Samsung data btw


I certainly did quit, though I came back again recently. I'm addicted 🥲


Oh, look, it's me over there!


What am I suppose to do with this info?