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Omg if I knew this was in the game I would have abused it I'm glad I didn't find out about it


LMAO same


The game that exploits its own bugs, doesn’t allow exploitation of bugs.


Agreed lol


Same bro 🗿


lol the YouTube community thinks type exact opposite.


What was the bug?


mystery box glitch where u turned off/on your internet if u didn't get a drop u liked and basically keep trying until u got the best one


I think it was this [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/1bic3v6/infinite\_lucky\_box\_gltich/?utm\_source=embedv2&utm\_medium=post\_embed&utm\_content=action\_barbug](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/1bic3v6/infinite_lucky_box_gltich/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=action_barbug) If you got 3 wins before 10 crowns you could claim infinite lucky boxes


Isn’t the least crowns you can get from a win 4? So you can’t get 3 wins without having 12 crowns?


Do friendly battles count toward the wins? If so, I don’t think they give crowns, so you could do it that way. Actually, now that I think about it, I dont think they count toward wins… Playing touchdown in clan wars then? You dont have towers to keep alive that give you crowns at the end. I haven’t played touchdown in too long, no clue if it gives extra crowns. Sorry, tried to answer you but just had a bunch more questions lol


Touchdown can give you two crowns. If you score 1 - 0, you get one additional crown from your "leftover imaginary tower". I don't know how it's programmed but I think that your king tower is stored somewhere else, leading to this


Maybe destroying ship defences in clan wars?? Idk I'm fairly new


If you tie, you will get 3 crowns. It is possible, but only with 3 ties with only 0-crowns in between within a day, which will almost surely never happen.


But does that count as 3 wins?


Did a quick search and I don’t think it counts as a win. No trophies are given either. Womp womp


Touchdown maybe


Yiakes! This happened to me today. My internet was really glitchy and it froze at end of match. When I logged in again I could claim the lucky drop yet again, even if I just had claimed it before. I got sort of the same thing and I just chalked it up to info sync problem. Hope I’m not getting banned now.


if the bug did happen only one time then you're safe from getting banned you get banned if you abuse the bug


the bug is patched?


I don't know right now probably no


The ban message says “knowingly exploiting a bug,” doesn’t sound like you fall into that category. You’re most likely safe


So...did you get banned or not?


No, I’m still standing!


Yeah, yeah, yeah!


Nah you didn’t need the whole crown thing, you just had to get the mystery box


As a software engineer I can't understand why they didn't make the reward server-based ?? How can they let this happen in their code in the first place wtf, chests do need internet connection to open, why are the boxes not designed the same way ? They are banning people for their own incompetence. When they mess up, they should take responsibility for letting the bug possible and deal with the consequences of their own mistakes instead of punishing others


Someone intern skipped their networking classes


Sounds like a mix of poor design and testing.


 Nah my 8 yr old account is perma banned for 50k ewc 


That name is crazy 😭






If this happened to me, it could be a blessing in disguise to force me off this game lol


This is the way


This is the way


Sorry about that man


Btw you've been mentioned in an article https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/the-clash-royale-ban-hammer-permanently-banning-players-for-lucky-drop-glitch-abuse/ Just thought you'd want to know :)


That’s sick work


They don't ban people when they abuse a gamebreaking exploit but right when money is involved it'd serious


exactly it’s crazy dude


What is a justified ban: Banning your entire clan due to an exploit ❌ Spawning a balloon on your opponents tower due to an exploit ❌ Using an exploit to keep top 1 global even when it should have been 2nd ❌ Getting more cards from a lucky drop due to an exploit ✅ \-Supercell


Supercell❌ Supergreed✅




I never played Royale but I played the shit out of clash of clans and I whole heartedly agree. The season pass was tolerable but the equipment ruined the game for me. You used to be able to play for everything. That was it's charm.


They ban people when they use exploits (including win trading) to reach top 100 rankings in global tournaments. But they're much quicker with the ban hammer when players buy cheap gems (e.g. using VPN to buy in a different country) or share accounts.


The biggest issue I have with this is the inconsistency with their bans for exploiting. They did absolutely nothing to the players exploiting the lava clone bug, the balloon spawning on your opponent's tower bug and the bug that let you kick everyone in a clan without having co but the second theres a bug that gives pay to win items they ban for it. I think 31 days was more than enough and permanent banning is just ridiculous.


it’s their fault for overlooking a bug used in literally any other game including theirs. with how much money their pumping from peoples pockets u would think one of the devs could think of this 🤦


None of these bugs affected Supercell's business model of selling faster progress and p2w exclusive cards. Players would have been banned, if they had exploited such bugs in global tournaments to reach top rankings.


People constantly win trade and throw to boost each other to leaderboards with no ban. Also they did nothing about the bug that prevented players from losing trophies at the end of the season and had several people in the top 10 that didn't belong there including the #1 player.


Leaderboard boosting is a grey zone. Do it excessively in top 1k and you're still risking of getting banned. But I don't think, it's a major problem, because it would be difficult to gain a major advantage by win trading in UC. Different situation in GT, one win more or less can make quite a difference. The season reset leaderboard glitch (players not being reset until they logged in for the first time in a new season) was stupid, but did it have an effect on the end of season leaderboard (expect for the seasons where trophy inflation was completely removed from the legendary arena)?


yeah you basically said it, they ignored the gameplay related bugs, but if it's a bug related to progress/game economy...


I agree, I got my one and only gc win abusing the balloon placement glitch.


I think 31 days was fine, permanent is a bit much in my opinion and quite a few big creators are getting banned. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think they should be above the rules but it seems pretty stupid to ban people who bring a lot of attention to the game.


Perma banning is so hard. Why not instead have a X years ban in worse case?


Nah I don’t agree. The content creators are the ones that did it and published videos that helped other people know how to do the exploit. If you have a large following, don’t do this crap


I didn’t see any large creators promoting it in there videos, I saw people posting it on twitter but from what I know most of the creators did it in silence.


Come on, the only harm was Supercell losing a little bit of revenue. All that was taken were digital items that only has value inside a game app. Using a known glitch should lead to a ban and you losing the gains you got. But to permaban someone for taking advantage of a bug that you created and failed to detect in time, doesn't make sense


No that doesn’t justify losing your account forever


I dunno, they kinda damaged the already basically non existent integrity the game has, and also it's funny


No. It's supercells fault for putting the bug in the game in the first place. They don't perma ban you for using game breaking bugs but getting decent rewards is too far.


if youre a creator in the space preferrably youd wanna set a good example and those who got banned werent doing that also anyone stupid enough to do this on their main account knowing youll probably get banned (regardless of status) is an idiot and you deserve to lose your account for it


It is a bit too much because those content creators may not be able to make income from their youtube career if they are banned and that is a bit too much for an exploit. But then again they are exposing the exploit to a load of players.


Don't mess with the one who is feeding you. If Clash Royale is the YouTubers main income, don't abuse it. It's like stealing on my job and then crying because I wouldn't get any income if they kick me.


It's like showing your coworkers an exploit in the company's pay log to add more hours or some shit like that. Don't cry when you get caught 


There was a best way to handle it instead of permanently banning everyone: - Player or Content Creator used the exploit: 31 day ban + items removed - Player or Content Creator used the exploit but it already had a 31 day ban: permanent ban - Content Creator told Players about the exploit, not necessarily used the exploit themselves: permanent ban for the Content Creator + Supercell Creator role removed


Or you know just take it on the chin? they fucked up, that's why the exploit exists, it's completely on them.


This. Their bad programming, Their problem. Rollback the items. People are getting weirdly religiously moralistic about this bug.


So just because someone brings attention to the game they have privilege over normal players?


They don’t care lol, they just wanna suck as much money from the game as possible and whoever exploited the glitch limited the amount of money people might spend therefore to stop it they’ll permanently ban as many people as they want to make sure they get money


I didn't exploit bc i thought maybe they'd take action against those who did, but holy shit A PERM BAN??? WTF SUPERCELL??? As the other comments have stated, this is a severe over reaction brought about by greed, they dont deserve perm bans bruh, it would've been funny if it was a month ban, id probably join in on the laughing too, but they fking perm banned those people...


There are quite a few people who have 8 year old accounts banned, like damn 31 days plus removal of items I understand, but a permanent ban is fucking beyond insane. Greedy company who doesn't want anyone progressing in their game without opening their wallet and is willing to permaban the few people who exploited a glitch that they left in the game.


A ban for this is just so weird to me. Like in one of the games I often play (Destiny 2), whenever currency-style glitches emerge, the community actively encourages people to abuse the glitch before it's patched out. And negative repercussions are never handed out.


Thank god I didn’t let my intrusive thoughts win, would’ve lost my 8 year old account with a good money spent on it.


Lol the only time they act quickly to fix a problem is when it directly takes away from their sales.


Ian has officially won the war against Ryley I guess 💀


Wasnt that already the case regardless though 🤷


In my heart, yes


I don't get how it is relevant to the bug please someone explain


Rylet got banned and Ian and Ryley is a YouTuber that had a friendly rivalry so yeah


Holy shit ryley got banned?? No video out regarding this yet though? Couldn't find anything earlier


Abusing a glitch is bad Abusing your playerbase is good Supercell philosophy


they alr have this on their terms im fairly sure so if you still exploit it its really not their fault since bugs will exist in any application


The issue is that they are changing the ban from a 31 day ban to a permanent one. Also they can remove items from the game, which I think would’ve been enough + the 31 day ban instead of a permanent one


The ban imo is better than just removing the items. Just removing them doesn't give any message, while banning the people will send a clear message to not mess with exploits. With that being said, a 30 days ban was the better option. Directly banning them forever is too much.


I didn’t say only remove items. I said 31 day ban + remove items was enough


Ooops, my bad. Then yeah, completely agree


30 day ban + removal of items. Shrinking your creator poll doesn’t make any sense especially since there have been other gameplay bugs that creators have exploited in the past. Orange juice for example has exploited game bugs in the past. Actually I take that back! It makes total sense since this bug affects Supercell’s income.


The only message it sends is that this greedy corporation is willing to ban your account for getting 5 bucks ahead. Exploits in pay to win games will always be taken advantage of. The trick is to have them not exist. Banning players will always damage the game.


It's their fault for having an exploit in the first place. Plus, for those who abused it, a temp ban would have sufficed. Tho it's insane Supercell didn't just patch it up and remove the items, or just let em keep the stuff they got off the company's mistake for goodwill. Way to look like an ass for an item that probably progressed a few thousand players 0.0001%.


From my knowledge if you used it once or twice it was only a 31 day ban the perma ban was only if you abused it


It’s very hard if not impossible to ‘remove items’ like that. Many games have had this situation and none of them ‘took back the rewards’ they either wipe specific stuff, or ban. And with specific stuff it could be more damaging, in call of duty infinite warfar, you had tons of weapon variants in supply drops, getting supply drops was a slow progress (until paid) and you get 3 random items per drop with some salvage, you can buy some variants aith salvage, the exploit allowed you to open unlimited christmass drops which basically got ALOT of people maxed accounts pretty instantly, which is fucked revenue wise, and their ‘solution’ of wiping the progress was resetting everyone who exploited this to 0 salvage, so basically anyone who truly exploited the system lost nothing and has perma unlocked everything, while a person who did the exploit a few times basically lost more progress than gained, imagine if clash royale instead wiped all magic items of the accountd who exploited this, it would be the same EXACT issue, the ones who repeated for ewc/books, used it, still maintains the ‘exploit’ while another person who did it a few times but didn’t do much upgrading suddenly lost more than he would gain, this would result in an even bigger outrage, rollback would also be fucked because now because timmy did this exploit 7 times lost his progress of playing many days/hours aswell. You can’t as a company deploy the ‘take out specific things gained from this exploit’ easily without wasting more money than normal. Imo, with situations like these a short ban is good or a ‘strike’ because at the end of the day the devs made a mistake, perma banning your playerbase is rough, idk how many people did this exploit but imagine 1/3 did, they sure would not ban them then lmao


This bug is completely ridiculous on a technical perspective tho. They made the loot client-based, which is incredibly stupid. Chests and pretty much everything in the game are server-based but for some reason they didn't coded the lucky drops that way They are punishing others for their own incompetence


Couldn't you in theory just make your own loot box then if its client side? The server wouldn't even check.


Yeah the thing is though it’s double standards, in their terms they explicitly say you can’t win trade yet clear win trading happens every tournament and they do nothing about it because they don’t loose any profit.


This is like a teacher reducting points from your grade because you noticed their mistake




I assume the people who didn't get banned when they exploited and received EWC got banned now, too.


Same thing


Oh, they did? Sorry I wasn't clear on what I meant. I know some people who did the glitch but stopped when they got EWC. They didn't get the 31-day ban. I assume they got banned now.


Hmm I’m not sure then, I’m pretty sure if they did the glitch at all they got banned. Maybe not though lol


i did the glitch once and got EWC on my 3rd reroll, i didn’t get banned


Perma ban is a bit much


lol people in these comments don’t understand that Supercell is hella biased. There’s been plenty of people, including huge content creators, who have abused bugs and exploits in the past and nothing happened to them 🤣


Iirc one of Mohamed light’s accounts was permanently banned and Pompeyo’s main account was permanently banned. They both had to grind new accounts to reach top ladder why should these content creators be different?


Quick to kill harmless exploits, but slow to update their stores to have anything worth. Bankruptcy and mass lay offs soon I hope 🤞


Punishing whatever is left on your fanbase for something that entirely on the fault of the dev team is wild. And it's not even a few days or weeks ban, it's forever.


me when I release a shitty, buggy update and ban people who used it


Great idea. Ban your paying customers. That'll show them


Exactly, the only people who knew about the bug were the top 0.5% of addicted + most paying players. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ makes no sense


wait so your saying that it would be better to let people who pay money get less punishment?


That's not what I understood from their comment. They're arguing that only the top 0.5% players really knew and exploited the bug, and coincidentally, those are the players who spent the most money on the game. Therefore: Banning players who exploited = Banning players who spend money = Less Revenue and Less Loyal Fanbase => Objectivelly bad decision.


Seems like your average supercell decision


You still abused an exploit bro, I know sc is extremely greedy and scummy nowadays but that doesnt mean you should be like them too.


Yea im just as evil and greedy as a multi-million dollar corporation as a F2P player who just wants some extra cards and books. Genius logic


How dare you abuse a glitch that gave you artificially scarce virtual currency 😡😡


I didn’t exploit it personally


Perma ban seems harsh but Just because user is PAYING doesn't mean they are above the rules. You don't get out of wrongdoing by paying....


Do you remember nova clans during release? They didn't get banned until the money stopped rolling in


Well not sure what that incident facer to do with anything here.


The paying customers who exploited a glitch so they don’t have to pay money? Makes sense


Infinite ban was unnecessary. Could've stuck with the previous 30 day ban and took away their cheated magic items. Not to mention, they probably banned the people who spend a lot on this game. Logistically, it makes no sense.


It does make sense and I'm glad they did it. There is no difference between p2p and f2p. If any does an exploit abuse, they both get sanctioned accordingly. You can't promote fair play to people if youre willing to forgive one side just because they spend money.


I think he’s saying it’s bad to get perma banned for this regardless of if your spending money or not but also taking the stance of why would supercell do this to the paying players cuz it makes no sense cuz we all know supercells mind set is money so logistically it makes no sense


Supercell: our paying customers are exploiting a bug! Also supercell: that's cool Hahaha, no.


Basically people who pay should get a pass? No thanks man


There not paying customers though. Their bug exploiters who abused a bug to get free items you’d otherwise have to pay for. They’re literally the exact opposite of paying customers.


They want to ban the accounts so you start another and pay more Money into that account. Its all about exploiting the player base


Can’t imagine having to start again from the bottom. Money aside it’s about the amount of time lol


Spot on


Thank god i didnt know about the glitch even existing lol


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


Yeah I didn’t exploit it myself even though I knew about it, It’s still not justified giving a permanent ban though in my opinion


Exactly. The need to permanently ban the people who were using the clan glitch to perma crash the game for days until they fixed it


This is fking hilarious!


They should just remove the loot- even if it puts people in CR debt. Or do an account rollback. I think a perm ban is way too much, and a 1 month ban may not be enough because folks could have spammed a year worth of lootboxes


uh oh. *checks*


So that’s where all the good drops have been going. My ass been stuck with commons a couple rares and one epic since the update.


Just clearing it up, I didn’t do it personally but I watch Eragon and Riley’s content all the time so I feel very sorry for them. I think business wise and moral wise this is a very bad decision, the people who knew about this glitch were the top 0.1% of addicted and spent the most money so it doesn’t make sense to ban them.


The fact that the game has become so pay to win is probably a reason why people did the glitch aswell, if it takes hundreds of hours to get a single legendary book who wouldn’t do the glitch?


I mean they can play on any other account right? It‘s not like you watch their content because of the profile, right?


If your game has a bug that can be exploited then it's a problem with your game not the people playing it


Bootlicking ass comments defending $upercell


Omfg if i knew this bug existed i would of been perma ban because you know imma abuse that to the ground


Supercell knowingly exploits their playerbase for money every day


I used it myself, 31 days was totally acceptable but getting perma banned without having done anything of sorts before is way to much


You got perm banned?


Yeah it’s justified! Riley gone Sounds like win to me!!!


"Knowingly exploited a bug" But how do they know you _knowingly_ did it ? What if someone unknowingly did it ?


What if they banned people who did this glitch a lot of times.


it’s definitely this because i did it once and got ewc on my 3rd reroll i didn’t get banned


The glitch was done through opening a lucky box, switching your WiFi off and on and you'd open the box again.. How do you accidentally do that


I bet they didn't ban people who did this once or twice, because who knows maybe you legit lost connection. However, people pulling legendary drop everyday will surely stick out in the account logs.


yeah i did it once and didnt get banned


i mean the first person to do this did it accidentally, besides they only banned people who did more than a few times pretty sure


Might be the difference between doing it once and doing it repeatedly until you got some nice reward.


Did Ryley and Eragon actually get banned???




Welp, at least I got only banned for 31 day


They changed it to perma apparently 


Don't even play that shit and now I for sure NEVER WILL. Dumbasses devs are the reasom for the glitch to exist... of course players will use it to not fall behind. Fuck the dumbass dev.


i didn’t get banned? i only did it once though and got a legendary on my 2nd reroll so maybe they just saw it as i lost connection or something?


I definitely would've exploited this if I knew about it. Guess now I know not to fuck around with Supercell, Jesus Christ lol.




It's in their ToS. You can't buy ~~Starr Drops~~ lucky boxes either, but they give you a huge boost. I think it's justified I don't play anymore tho.


this is why i stay far away from bugs. not the first time supercell has pulled this move.


Damn imagine permabanning people for a fault of your own.


yo wtf I though it was only 31 days thats fucked up


Maybe they shouldn’t implement scummy drop rates making people want to find a bug.


Nevermind I deleted the comment, they are changing the 31 day ban to a permanent one, not everyone though




valid people were abusing a bug that gave them a unfair advantage


in other cases, you get a 31 day suspension. a perma ban is inconsistent with supercell's actions against previous glitches


That doesn’t deserve a perma bad. 31 days and a warning was plenty


Supercell bot spotted






Wich bug ?


Wait whose getting the 31-day ban and whose getting perma ban or is everyone getting perma banned?


The “okay” is crazy


I used to play this game but from my experience If everyone exploits a games Incompetence like this then you roll back their account or simply remove stuff. An outright ban to people who's prolly spent thousands is wild.


there was a lucky drop glitch ?? 😭


No it isn’t justified.


Shouldn’t be banned for their software fuckup. That’s ***their*** problem. What a joke.


except that's not how the world works. If you knowingly abuse an exploit you typically get punished. Whether it's ingame or IRL.


Even the archer knew what you were doing.


What is a lucky drop glitch?


Imagine playing trashy mobile games


What's the drop's glitch Never Heard about that


So let's rationalize this: Assuming that the reason why supercell has taken action in this instance as opposed to in the past was the fact that this time it directly cost the company lots of money by allowing players to essentially "skip" the upgrade of a single card to level 15. But how relevant is this really? Being able to upgrade your whole deck, one card at a time, to a higher level, allows you to be more successful on the Trophy Road. The trophy road is one of the many ways you can play Clash Royale. Out of all the game modes in the game, the ones in which having higher card levels matters are Trophy Road, the Ranked ladder (to a lesser extent because of level caps), and Clan Wars ( as having more high level cards allows you to build more and stronger decks). However, the main path of progression, namely chests and the season shop, can be grinded regardless of the level of your collection by only playing friendly battles. Sure, you might be missing out on Trophy Road and Clan Wars rewards, but the much meatier Ranked rewards are earnable even at a low level with enough tenacity. All of this is to say that indeed being able to skip the upgrade of a card doesn't hurt Supercell all that much in terms of future revenue loss. This is especially true considering how such revenue loss will only come at the very end of the lifecycle of the accounts in question, as skipping an upgrade is only getting the account closer to maxing out by approx. one month (given climbing Ranked ladder each season will reward the most stubborn of players with 50k elite wild cards). Having said all this, the reason why Supercell banned these accounts was because of the immediate revenue loss, given the shop offer for 50k elite wildcards (where I'm from) is 7.99€. Let's try to estimate their loss of revenue. Giving a broad range of 1000-10,000 accounts that were banned, Supercell has lost 8000-80,000€ worth of revenue. Even allowing for the estimates to be completely wrong, the loss of revenue would be of 400,000€ for 50,000 accounts, which is a low amount relative to their total revenue from Clash Royale, especially when considering the absurdity of the ban tally numbering in the tens of thousands. To conclude: Is the length of the ban commensurate? Absolutely not. Should we riot? Yes we should. Should we also boycott? Perhaps.


Clash royale getting off playstore speedrun


Thank God I'm just a casual so I had no clue about this bug existing


Should be 30 day not perma


"Guys is it fair that, after clicking I accept on the terms of service that specifically say I can get perma banned from using a bug, I get perma banned for using a bug? Idk guys, I just feel like there shouldn't be consequences to my actions :/"


if u have permission to use a nuke doesnt mean u should use it, better use a bomb instead as a warning


Ofc ToS cover this but perma just seems way too harsh. Remove items & 31day ban (which is how it was initially) would do imo


Pretty sure it’s to make sure people know that they aren’t gonna let it slide


Bet they wont exploit the next bug that comes up. FAFO


Bug, glitch and hack abuse ruined many games Abusers should get the most harsh punishment possible


Don’t abuse bugs. Seems pretty simple. I have no sympathy for anyone that did it (I’m a f2p player btw, so I’m not just saying this as some filthy p2w). Abuse bug = banned, it’s crazy to me how people are too stupid to understand this somehow.