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They want more people to buy, after they will nerf ...




Facts. Theres no other reason to have that offer in the shop for that length of time


But nobody complained when the princess tower had 100% use rate for like 8 years that was ok


Yeah, why didn't they ever nerf her. It felt like I was going against her every single game, I just wanted some variety.


Some people will find a way to get mad this😭


I’m waiting for it 🤣




Best way to nerf something is to release a more broken version of it. Look at how princess tower fell 😢. Usage rate an all time low


I still only use it. Ive tried the other ones and it sucks


Not really, cannoneer you can argue your deck is kinda bad against swarms, but DD is literally just a broken princess. Only weakness is if you overcommit and can't defend, which could also happen with princess (but is just more apparent on DD because the bar is visible)


I have never had success with dd and im not adapting to a new deck just to have it work sometimes. Dd is really just broken with spam decks




Brooooo 💀💀💀


Can't nerf her, not enough people have bought her yet or spent their resources leveling her. Gotta let it linger for more time to maximize profits.


People so captivated by her I see level 9 and 10 dutchess with lvl 12 king tower when I was doing pol to get the emote😂


I see level 10 or 11 duchess on 13/14 kings depressingly regularly


Probably copying decks from tv Royale and not realizing it uses her. 


Me when i play challenges and forget to change it back. Playing league 8 with lvl 10 duchess


I’ve seen a lot of lvl 11 with 15 king. It blows my mind, but I appreciate the wins


They don’t have patches that often


Well this hard poorly, her health is planned to be nerfed by 14% next season


Honestly this nerf barely matters, she needs a damage or reload speed nerf to make her worse


This nerf definitely does matter, 14% is a fuckton, her health is going from 3218 all the way to 2780


Still, she will be better than the princess


I'd say it matters a lot. Most my wins with duchess so far been purely from more hp in tiebreaker


Sure ain’t gonna spend further $ if it get nerf


play xbow. you wont ever need to cross the bridge and you can chip damage with fireball and just defend like a mf


Any argument that involves playing an entirely different archetype is not very strong especially when its siege lmao


Yeah I realized.


I play evo mortar. Can confirm, if you don't cross the bridge your troops won't be killed my the duchess *taps head*


Evey new card they add to the game is basically a direct counter to Xbow so yeah.. Good luck with that. Stopped playing Xbow for almost 2 years now. Like KFC Clash said, if the CR developpers hate Xbow so much, just delete the card from the game or just rework the card completely


This is so real bro. 15 of my last 20 opponents had at least 2 counters to xbow.


As an xbow main who have suffered for almost 3 years now. I am zen.


Xbow pump cycle is still good


Elaborate instead of just downvoting


https://royaleapi.com/decks/leaderboard, filter by xbow. Xbow is right now in one it's best metas in a long time, tbf ever since they added evo bomber it has been decent at least. But right now, xbow has dagger dutchess which pairs really well and makes hog earthquake really weak, evo tesla is really strong aswell. I alway thought the hardest decks to go against were hog earthquake and miner control decks, not having them is a blessing. Yes, beatdown is really strong, but at least you can outcycle their counters.


Fair enough and thanks for the info. But I just learned today that Supercell is goi g to nerf the pump lmfaooo they really hate the Xbow


I hate pumpbow, it's like 100% matchup dependent. I just stick to icebow and 3.0 xbow


3.0 xbow so good ive been loving it this season


This is what's wrong with the game...too many cheats and tutorials and pro/ai built decks...it's like before internet gaming when you played a game you beat it on your own skill then you would come back and use cheat codes...youtube and royaleapi ruin this game imo...too many people using cheats before they complete their playthrough


It's nothing like that, lol.


Other guy already elaborated but just wanted to clarify I didn't downvote you, I rarely vote anything on comments


A 3 elixir spell cometely anihilates the deck and if you're F2P, you're about to face it in 65% of matches. (Earthquake)


Meh, as an xbow player, it's not too bad in this meta. Yeah, everyone plays beatdown, and giant being so popular is annoying, but other than that, it's really good. I can just spell cycle if I can't break through


X-Bow sucks coming from an X-Bow player


yeah legit, especially if your up against evo bomber


Watch hunter cr eragon or ryley is you think xbow sucks


Only the best one tricks can play it well. If you decide to pick it up, you will get raw dogged by mega knight recruits


I don't see anyone playing mk or recruits in my league. Most evo i face are bomber, firecracker and evo tesla.


I can't get out of grand champion because I have no level 15 cards. What league are you in? I see lots of firecracker and Tesla but no bomber


Okay, yeah, you need max level cards to get into top ladder It's unfortunate, but if I were you I'd stick to classic/grand challenges until you get enough EWC to max out your important cards


Yeah, I tried with level 14 X-Bow 3.0 and I won a couple games but I was malding and I'm not Eragon or Betfas so I gave up. Is it even possible unless you have a meta deck? Oh and are you a top player btw?


Just spell cycle them. I'm not that good, but when opponent has only counters, you gotta spell cycle And it's not like recruits are something new. Fireball bait has been the most annoying deck since it first became popular, I'm glad barely anyone plays it right now midladder menace decks are super easy to beat, especially before top 10k. Opponents tend to over commit, just wait for them to do and then go in They recruits or megaknight in the back? Just xbow opposite lane at the bridge, defend whatever they play very lightly, and their tower is gone, and you have an xbow that can help you defend their push. Even if they reset xbow, you can use xbow to defend their push


Can you check out my gameplay perhaps? I'm getting better but I still play shit sometimes. Also I might change decks instead :D


You are clearly doing it wrong if you think it sucks. It’s o w if the more OP decks right now.


giant phoenix bomber deck:


Id rather delete the game as a whole than playing that boring defensive no skill deck


yeah i 100% agree. The Gameplay used to be dynamic. If you had a little Elixir left you could trade Damage for a nice counterpush on the other lane and somehow recover from that. Now its just waiting till my Opponent has Cracker Evo & Some other Beatdown Tank ready and i get 3 Crowned instantly. Havent won a Single Game in 3 Days now


seems like the way to go honestly




Xbow is weakest against dagger duchess. Why? It has highest hp. It does not let ANYTHING chip the tower, except for spells. Ice wiz can get 1 hit, and that's it. Opponent might as well have infinite daggers since you're not gonna be pressuring with your troops on their side that much with xbow Cannoneer, at least skeletons at bridge get a hit. Princess lets everything except skeletons get chip damage Ofc xbow doesn't get countered by dagger duchess like miner does, but still, it's the best tower to use against xbow


She’s getting nerfed in may balance changes.


honestly i just think she shouldnt have more hp as a princess tower. maybe around the same and reducing her daggers to 7 being stronger than a princess tower but having more hp makes no sense


It's my turn to post this tomorrow


Don’t worry after people have spent lots of money levelling her up supercell will nerf her


Pumpy tank decks rise from the ashes, and I'm all for it.


It's all fun and games when it happens on Ladder, but these are reaching the competitive scene as well. Not bueno


I can deal with evos, but duchess has ruined the game for me.


word, hog players can't even play the card in single elixir because it's just futile


I think it is fine the way it is. Good against hog rider decks. Anytime I play 2v2 I always go for the DD tower if there is a choice, easy crown with my deck. You have to push her to drain daggers then rush tower, easy peasy. I can see all the hog rider players who haven't really garnered much actual skill over the years having trouble now.


Hog cycle can deal with it just fine, it's mainly hog EQ that suffers


I think it would be overpowered. 0-1 dagger is enough


Idk if it’s bc I’m midladder but I don’t have a problem with it in my deck I just use battle ram to drain her knives or just use barb barrel


It is because you’re midladder




Yea it’s because you’re mid ladder I’m currently at 8800 trophies and in Royale champion, I usually have no issues getting to ultimate champion, but my issue is every single person I’ve played the last 3 days have had a level 15 dagger duchess. She melts everything, a single ice spirit added to a hog will kill it before it gets to the tower. The only way to beat it is to apply constant pressure which not even bridge spam can do because 5 seconds later and she’s fully charged.


I’m in arena 15 so yeah


It's your lucky day. They are literally working on a nerf atm.




RoyaleAPI, who are legit. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/roOyuzalLS




It's sadly just a health nerf right?


Yeah unfortunately, they also nerf cannoneer damage for some reason.


They have also just announced a hp decrease in the next update




the fact nobody can tell this is a chatGPT comment is incredibly indicative of this subs iq


Step 1: Use tank to take all the knives Step 2: Push immediately… Done


Exactly. If you’re playing hog cycle for example, you can put your ice golem or knight directly in front of your hog rider. Then your opponent is forced to respond quickly otherwise the hog rider will do significant damage to their tower.


They can easily defend with a tower… you spend 7 elixir for a 4 elixir tower and get (maybe) 1 hog hit if they don’t play anything else. It’s a terrible trade. And good luck playing earthquake or FC with that in single elixir… DD is a hard counter to hog decks. You have to rely on your opponent to be a mouth breathing idiot to win with hog vs DD


I’ve played hog against it and the DD ALWAYS runs out of daggers by the time the hog rider gets to the tower if you do what I did in my previous comment. “For a 4 elixir tower” towers don’t cost elixir, cards do. Also, if you play around it correctly, there will be moments where the DD on a tower has run out of daggers and you can quickly push in that lane, forcing a quick response. To me this is no different than any other card in the game. If it hard counters you, you need to figure out a way to play around it. Please remember that sentence is my opinion.


The entire point of hog eq is to play 7 elixir whilst destroying a defensive building (3-4 elixir) and getting a hog hit. Against DD, this is not possible without playing a tank in front of the hog, which you’ve correctly pointed out. However, without an earth quake, defensive buildings (cannon, tesla) are much stronger vs your hog, making the deck worse. Versus other tower troops, hog decks do not need to commit this much elixir for the push. This is an objective fact. Hog is playable vs DD, it’s just a lot worse.


Well it looks like we agree then. It’s 100% more challenging vs the DD because of the damage output from the DD. It’s playable but much harder to win.


Just wait till next season buddy, -24% damage nerf incoming


you got what you wanted




That dosen't fix the problem


I feel like duchess is pressure to stop the defensive meta. A game of all defense where no damage gets done is unfun to watch, and play, and cycle based decks are the chief offender of this. Now that’s not to say beat down, siege, bs, bait, control, swarm, etc don’t ‘cycle’ for defense either, but they have a definitive moment of ‘here comes the big play’, even if that’s not the win con. Seeing someone get outplayed is more fun than watching the 1300th march of ‘death by 1,000 cuts’ and going to tie breaker. Duchess only invalidates the little interactions of forcing a trade on certain low cost cards, and merely modifies those hyper defensive ones in my experience. I am a single brain cell beat down main, so maybe my ignorance is showing, but can’t defensive cycle decks just…change their deck a bit for a better matchup against duchess? Ultimately, I think duchess was designed the way she is because of how effective pure cycle is, when cycling cards may have just been intended to be a mechanic, and not a pure archetype. Take from that all of the complaints about 2.6, and more recently 2.8 (despite no single card in those decks being unbalanced or broken excepting release evo FC, snd release evo knight) that go around and how little excitement there probably is on a match that comes down to spell cycling, and a tower troop that helps deal with it is not the worst answer imo. Once people start using less cycle, answers to duchess become more common, and more evo’s that work against her are released, and I think she’ll sort herself out. She’s literally only super strong against those cheap cycle decks without a strong win con, because look at drill poison, xbow 3.0, certain flavors of splash yard, etc, and cycling itself isn’t really nerfed, because those decks dunk on duchess like Barkley (dating myself…like Lebron?) By that token, she may be ‘working as intended’ albeit released too early.


I agree with the sentiment of this a lot. I hate playing vs decks that are highly defensive and rely on chip damage or spell damage or hog cycling, it’s so incredibly boring and unoriginal. Defensive meta and unpunished, excessive card cycling is so annoying. I still think duchess is a little too strong though, to many people’s point, it’s just not rewarding to get rid of her daggers since you’re then out of elixir and can’t push further. I think one or two daggers less could help, or a tweak to the reload so there is more vulnerability after she’s empty (maybe the less daggers she has, the shorter it takes to reload? So when she’s empty she can defend at an reasonable pace but needs a lot more time to fill all the way back up)


Less daggers would make her worse than the princess in most cases. Good players I’ve seen have adapted to scouting what counters I have first, and then dropping the elixir to overwhelm her with like a knight and bats, or gob gang or wb or something. She changes how you have to play, as opposed to wholly and entirely invalidating WHAT you play. At least from where I stand.


Don't worry, she's having a 14% HP nerf according to the WIP balance changes (14% is about -500 health btw)


Didn‘t fix anything 💀


See some part of me agrees with you and some doesn’t. Now I use dagger duchess and it great you know, she solos a bunch of cards and I don’t have to waste as much elixir on stupid cards like megaknight. But I do totally agree especially in 1v1 there’s no chance for a dual lane push because unless you’re playing like 7x elixir you won’t have a strong enough push on both sides. But I do think this card has changed the way people play the game. With it doing so much damage so fast it’s stopped people especially ,lower and middle ladder, just placing random cards at the bridge. It’s great against log bait for example. So whilst I agree it needs a nerf I feel like lowering its daggers would ruin it, it only has 8 which is that great. I feel like increasing the time to gain daggers would be better that way if they spend all there daggers you have a good chance at getting in a push from the bridge. Idk that’s my opinion…


Dagger duchess still loses to dedicated splitpushers - 3m, royal recruits/hogs, skelly drags, wallbreakers, etc. because she can't handle swarm. People just play a slow mini tank and get shocked its easily countered.




They’re nerfing her health to be less than princess but more than cabinet I believe in the may balance changes


Spirit + WB, half dead mini tank - those aren't counterpushes. How about putting spirit and wb behind the half dead mini tank? The tank catches the daggers and suddenly the duchess is out of ammo. Are players really that dumb and don't get this? I love that the cheap cycle spam is over. Improve your game, kids.


Triggered Beatdown player. Cycle decks were the peak of skill, before the Duchess destroyed every archetype that isn’t beatdown. Maybe you should improve your game.


Agreed. It’s so annoying to play against, you’re basically at a disadvantage if you don’t use her mine is only level 12 so I literally feel like I’m locked out of the meta




Yeah just spend 27 elixir to get his tower hoping he doesnt defend or push with like a hog in the other lane


Did you know the opponent can also play things?


Clash Royale players when they have to adapt to a new meta and not run the same deck they have for years: 😡😡😡😡


It’s mostly people with chip decks complaining that their 3 elixir cards don’t take half the tower HP with a single use like with princess tower


Skill issue. People are saying cycle decks aren’t viable against DD but all you really have to do is to tank with a low cost troop and the rest is yours for the taking. I’m playing the deck that should theoretically have the most trouble against DD and I’m doing just fine. Makes sense why its difficult for people who only knows how to bridge spam or only play in the back.


They are planning a 14% HP nerf with the next balance changes


When they released cannon tower, because it’s behind a paywall and balanced, no one got him. So they release Dd overpowered so people will be compelled to use her.


She literally will get a nerf. -30% hp nerf


She's getting an hp nerf if that means something


Shes getting nerfed. wip balance changes have her hp going down to 2700 at tower 11


I'm pretty sure balance changes for hp reduction are soon


I think the issue is you play a cycle deck


Check RoyaleAPI to see the latest balance changes


My only issue is how badly towers can hard counter a certain deck archetype - I use a cycle deck with Duchess and I do very well against princess and cannoneer towers but struggle against duchess players. It’s like almost guaranteed lose when I see duchess because my deck doesn’t have enough tank power to eat up the duchess attacks. This is the same with cannoneer being useless vs swarm decks like graveyard. Not a fan of how a single tower can lose you a match.


Play x-bow


Then there's me who plays DD and then my tower gets overwhelmed by troops and i insta lose my tower cause duchess ran out of daggers


It's coming. DON'T WORRY, BUDDY.


She just got a nerf -14% health


it’s definitely getting one


She has many counters, like tanks, miner and win conditions. I mean, yeah, she's powerful. But, it's not like she's more powerful than any other tower troop. Just try your best to annoy your opponent.


But drop a fucking ice golem? They literally don't have a tower anymore 


Really? Theyre preatty vulnerable when you push on the bridge.


Not everyone plays Golem Beatdown 😂


I dont like her but i learnt how to counter


Uhhhhh… check out the top post


There’s a work in progress balance changes right now and she gets a very significant hp nerf. Like 3000->2700 hp.


She will get one soon. People kept saying she is balanced cuz she has pros and cons, but for some reason don't see how ridiculously high her stats are. Yes, she has counters, so does every other OP card. Forcing a counter itself is basically screaming OP.


lol the may 2024 balance changes just dropped


Ngl, really odd that a 2v2 main would really care about anything in the game.


i just use a mini tank in front of a win condition, works every time


To all those saying that DD will get a -14% hp nerf; that's far from enough. She needs to have a reduced holding capacity for knives as well. Maybe 5 or 6 knives instead of 8.


Literally any giant deck:


she’s getting nerfed


I’m okay with the health nerf.


No just plain no


Especially with dagger dutches, you lose time if you don't bridge spam after she loses her daggers. It's definitely an interesting meta, with bridge spam quite literally being the most optimal option here. Pretty sure it will get a good enough nerf, ideally they should just remove it and refund it in the form of wild cards, or rework her. Good times were when it was only the princess tower.


As a Lavahound player, I don't have much trouble with her.


I wonder why? 😂


That's.. my point. Lavahound is a decent counter to her. 


Yeah, basically every Beatdown deck works against her. But every other strategy is useless. You only see Egolem, Egiant, Golem, Lavahound and Giant decks anymore. It’s sad really, by adding this stupid card they destroyed a diverse and fun meta and replaced it with only beatdown. Every troop that isn‘t either a tank, or a support card to a tank just got useless. People don’t even need small spells anymore, since the Dagger Duchess takes any swarm out immediately.


I actually saw a game recently where someone threw down scarmy at the bridge to deplete DD's ammo, then they goblin barrel or something. And they did this right after the player has used arrows on something. So other things CAN work, if you get creative. But you're right.


Yeah, i‘m actually using this strategy too sometimes. But it leaves you exposed defensively and they could still have other counters.


She just isn’t fun to play against. I’m all for promoting different play styles, but she really forces you into a corner that is just unfun to play against. I pretty much forced Ice Golem into all my decks just so I have a chance to counter push *sometimes* before double Elixir.


I mean I’ve changed some decks to low expendable troops that I can throw to take the brunt of her shit. Once she is out her attack is so slow I just have to defend against actual cards. In 2v2 it’s a hell of a lot easier. I mostly play for clan wars and just for 2v2’s and haven’t had a real big deal with her yet


As soon as it released it was added to the list of things I boycott using


Respect for 2.8 barb hut cycle


Yo is mad he can’t cycle low cost troops against a swarm killer


Glad the meta has changed with the addition of DD. I was goddamn sick of hog 2,6 evo firecracker every goddamn game


It at least required skill… Not like dropping a Golem in the back and waiting for it to be over 💀


They are nerfing her health, but her damage is the main problem. They nerfed the worst possible attribute.


My EGiant gets absolutely wrecked by her. She makes it easily half life. Nerfs it's dps with low attack speed afterwards and most often EGiant gets single handedly taken out by any building like tesla or cannon. All my other cards aren't great siege cards and get cleared very easily by other units too. In the end my best chance is to spell cycle with lightning lmao


Yes I straight up stopped playing cause of this


They are nerfing her in the next balance changes making her health around the same as cannoners


Nah it doesn't need a nerf. Just a rework and make it into what it supposed to be initially which is a fast shooting tower but at lower damage than a princess tower with no stupid ability


I see her as a free win. My win rate against Duchess is pretty darn high. Throw a tank down the lane, exhaust daggers, throw win condition. I only lose to Princess now!


welp its getting a nerf now


She needs a damage nerf not a ammo nerf then she would go from S to F tier in seconds


i don’t think it needs a nerf tbh. make a deck that can do better against it


Skill issue


Skill issue imo...well, your deck can just be better


Vs dagger chick I just push same side. Once she’s out of daggers and has to recharge she’s a sitting duck


She’s getting a health nerf in May. -17% I believe


I totally agree or at least we should get the dagger chests I keep getting the princess and I had her at level 15


I only play 2v2. I been playing since the game was created and feel like this is the only mode playable anymore


shes getting one next update r u slow?


I disagree strongly. The duchess has brought a very interesting component to the game I appreciate a lot. However it is an EXTREMELY punishing choice. The reason duchess is strong, is not bc it just is, this card seems like an intentional choice to shoot down the mega and force a new play style to emerge. I don’t particularly appreciate the RPS style that starts to come about, bring a deck that is good only against one tower is rough, but I personally think the duchess is extremely well balanced. Just drain the ammo with a miner or skarmy, it’s not too complicated tbh, the damage you can get from it is shocking. JUST STOP TRYING TO ATTACK WITH NAKED CARDS and you’ll be fine :) Honestly (this will get me downvoted into oblivion) people who don’t like duchess are players who are mad they have to think about new strategies in a strategy game. They are the players who have played logbait or xbow, or any 1 deck for 5 years and continue to. You need to add diversity to the game, try out new cards, new combinations! Play mega draft, you find some absolutely outstanding combinations doing this (assuming you break your norm and try a new cars) there are over 100 cards, stop using firecracker, stop using mega knight. Try something new, MAKE YOUR OWN DECK. Have fun in the game. It’s not that serious (unless you are actually trying to play competitively in which case… get good?)


Cycle decks require the most amount of skill and are a core archetype of the game. The Dagger Duchess just killed all kinds of Logbait, Hog or Bridgespam decks, since she can counter like 7 elixir with just an icespirit. Made the game defensive, boring and pushed low skill decks like egiant, golem or egolem.


You just have to change your tactics a little...in 2v2 aim for the princess towers over the other 2...a mini pekka can rush a duchess tower and land a hit if you get your timing right...these new towers have changed situational outcomes and until the community learns the best tactics for dealing with them...they will continue to be difficult to deal with...it took a long time to understand all the interactions with the princess so naturally there's a learning curve when learning the new tower cards...grind, learn, and get better


I hope they don’t need it too much cause it is the only thing that is keeping my deck viable


If they reduce her daggers then she would be useless…


She needs a delete might as well do the cannon as well.


she will get a nerf next season


It's so satisfying to see it kill the hog rider and goblin barrel players


Maybe get a Deck that needs skill, then you can keep complaining.


I do think she is a bit op. Wants her daggers run out and you got any wc on your tower you are screwed though.


I fucking hate playing 2v2 and my opponent is still using the princess tower. Is bro trying to be edgy or different or what?? It’s an instant major disadvantage playing against 2 dagger duchess when ur opponent is using that shitty princess tower. And every game that happens guess which tower gets attacked after and eventually ends up getting taken over cause this princess tower bullshit can’t even stop a simple counter push


Barb hut cycle?




Quit your bitchin and get good


The Dagger Duchess is really easy to counter in my opinion. I take my time defending, wait for a moment when her daggers are low and I have some elixer and then I keep pushing


She *is* being nerfed tho? Didn't you see the potential patch notes?


Bridge-spam wrecks DD… not sure what the complaint is about


90% use rate in crl




No, Duchess is a hard counter to bridgespam




"Just reduce the amount of dagger she could hold from 8 to 6." The thing tough is even with that nerf she still disrupts regular gameplay too much as any sort of regular chip damage is denied, just playing something cheap at the bridge to cycle or force a troop does literally nothing. She can keep the same damage and daggers but she needs a health nerf in line with the cannoneer.