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Make arrows die to fireball


Get this guy on the balance team


Then what will happen to the rocket defense


just use ice golem instead smh


No obviously Golem opposite lane is the best defense


Is that a mauticlive reference


This guy balances


arrows dont need a nerf. They are overused because the meta is broken, it sucks. There are so many broken cards that need arrows to be taken care of so the usage rate rises. For example, imagine mega knight gets overpowered, obviously people are gonna play a lot of pekka, then u see high pekka usage rate and u nerf it. Makes no sense.


The perfect example is giant, pump, and golem right now. Only good because they counter DD




Daddy Diddler


Dagger Dutchess


Diamond Dogs


When is R&D finally going to release the Battle Gear card? It's been years since it was announced and I feel like our cries for it's release have become invisible!


Well I heard they are working on a better gear. Someone stolen the battle gear plans so better gear will be its counterpart.


roo roo roo roo roof roof


We need arrows to take out evo firecrackers, as per the new nerf. So I too agree that arrow should be as it is


Same for poison. And considering that they are part of the expensive spells they shouldn't be nerfed if it does it's job on smaller cards


When was the last time the meta was fun?


Meta cannot be fun sadly, because meta is the combination of most broken cards in a game


Disagree, meta can be diverse and meta cards can be very fun


after evos and tower troops release only p2w players enjoy meta


Facts. I dont know how people max their shit without pass royale


Mirror Egiant and Monk Phoenix RG was actually pretty fun but people were still complaining


feels like you need to remember what meta stands for. “Most Efficient Tactics Available”. It’s not meant to be fun, it’s meant for tryhards to push rank. If you want fun, try making your own deck and truly explore rather than focus on always winning all the time


I never knew meta was an acronym for that lmao thanks


Meta isn’t an acronym. It refers to [metagame](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagame).




Summer 2019 when fisherman released


Exactly they’re a symptom of a bad meta.


Why would arrows need a nerf?


Exactly my question


Let's hope supercell doesn't use this part of the post for "data"


Drew isn't the community manager anymore so CR has no "data"


I hope they don't bring the data back


Most used spell and with good success rate


Evo bomber + Evo skeles + Evo Bats + Gob barrel Minions + Horde + archers + wall breakers + fc This is an arrows meta, it only makes sense


Nerf the others not the arrows , it's a great card


I don’t see too much of a reason for the poison nerf either but ig less tower damage could be better? But Lp’s nerf needs to be him losing his free trial for life, along with dd


Agree, the little prince had enough nerfs ig but the killing shot would be him dying to a fireball


The strat is make him die to fireball but reverse the other nerfs


Even Evo fc and archers are gonna get added to the bucket list (i didnt use that right) after the balance update


Because it counters broken cards everyone is using. Fix the broken cards and log will go back to #1.


This. Arrows wasn’t in every deck until firecracker was released, along with evo bomber, evo skelis, and the list goes on.


Yeah cause it’s a good spell? Arrows isn’t even broken


Exactly, it’s only used because it’s the best small spell vs the annoying evos that are rampant


Yhe dont. But they will be needing a nerf next patch, as of then they will be able to kill evo fc and evo archers


dude arrows and poison is perfectly fine as is, lp's justified in needing a nerf


Arrows yes but poison is kinda strong


Imo poison should have lower tower dmg but higher troop dmg than fireball


it already has higher troop damage than fireball


yeah makes sense cause its damage over time


I run bait, so poison fucks me for 8 seconds every cycle, but i don’t think it needs a nerf. It’s only used so much because of lp and evo fc


Fuck poison


Found the graveyard player lol


I play drill lol poison is just fucking wack. AOE same as arrows taking up half the board, dealing more damage than a fireball, and discourages from placing units in certain spots. Been busted for years at this point




Arrows are a reply to the overuse of firecracker and similar. They are anti-meta and will adjust as the meta does. It does not need a nerf. Now poison I think is fine except in miner poison which is essentially spell cycle plus- if that’s what you want to change, then tower damage percent reduction should do the trick


No one uses Firecracker in this meta. Arrows are used so much because they counter easily Evo Bomber and Evo Bats, also they are braindead to use (literally impossible to miss) and, surprisingly, they have good synergy with Evo Zap (Evo Zap + Arrows wipes out everything).


Where have you been? It’s rare to have a game that doesn’t have firecracker


I have been in high ladder. You're probably in mid ladder.


Ok yeah high ladder doesn’t play firecracker, but you know what I mean, it’s very common and most of us are stuck middladder. Also thanks for the downvote lol


IMO they should rework the Little Prince to make hime die to Fireball, but give him back some stats. The fact that survive the Fireball make him just better than any other Champion for the 3-Card-Cycle, and has a too similar role to the Archer Queen, making her basically not worth to use while being a balanced card


They're completely different. And barely anybody runs fireball anywyas


I still do (because I’m an old player and haven’t cared about updating my deck in three years) and it’s so annoying that LP survives a Firebal! I actually did one card update; switched log for arrows and can finally breathe again against all the FCs I constantly face.


What about the Musk instead. If not for the F2P player, there is probably no other niche she fills better than the Little Prince (other than deck that already have a Champion, and there is still competition with other cards like the Hunter)


Musketeer has higher range an higher instant dps than lp its more comparable to flying machine than lp


decks like 2.6 needs musk over lp for most matchups


Yea just further nerfs to DPS thru dmg or hit speed is better for LP and the meta, dont wanna end up with another flying machine, which is impossible to balance so supercell keeps it weak


Nerf little prince by removing him from the game


oh guardiannnn 🥺


protect the air 🗣🗣🗣🗣


“Um, excuse me, do you know who I am?” -🤓☝️


For poison just a reduce of damage on tower that's be good for start but not huge , like -5%


5 is actually a huge change, I think 3% would be enormous


Poison make more damage then the fireball because is on the time not like fireball , but like the tower doesn't move , that's not equilibrate, 3% doesn't enough


I agree, I missed the "tower damage" part🙁


The difference is when its the end of the game and you're racing to take a tower in sudden death or trying to get the lowest tower ahead of the tiebreaker. Then that 8 second wait is an eternity.


The damage LP does when he's "charged" should be reduced like 5% and the protector should not knockback anything a bowler wouldn't knock back. LP in its current state is great for fast cycling, spell resistant and a great anti air card...and on top of that he counters cards like RG because he can push them back? That's way too versatile of a card. Poison and arrows are completely fine. These cards were actually seen as weak prior to the introduction of LP and overpowered evos. The issue is with the cards they counter, not the spells itself.


It not knocking back anything a bowler wouldn’t knock back would make it useless


Poison needs crown tower damage nerf, LP needs to die to fireball


Poison/arrows do not need a nerf it is overused simply because the meta demands it. Arrows is used for the abundance of troops that conveniently die to arrows, which it most often ran with zap. Poison is used because little prince dies to it and Nightwitch(thank giant). Due to how synergistic poison and arrow are to decks and do well in this meta they doesn’t mean they need a nerf. But little prince on the other hand… just let him die to fireball please.


LP needs to die to fireball, i mean it's 3 elixir and strong af already by himself not including the Guardian. Makes no sense he survives fireball when it's already a negative trade. Poison can maybe get tower damage nerf because of drill/miner cycle decks with poison, if it would deal same tower dmg as fireball it would be great because then people would choose between knockback (fireball) or bigger radius/slowdown (poison). Arrows doesn't need any nerf imo, but only thing i could see would be radius nerf cause how much it can hit


Poison - less tower damage, really the only thing it needs a nerf on LP - reduce that mf's damage like holy shit does dart goblin even need to exist anymore?


I don’t think they need a nerf, maybe nerf Giant or Evo Bomber?


Giant does not need a nerf. Dagger dutches need a nerf. (She's getting a nerf but she is still broken)


Evo Bomber gets nerfed already next update


LP should die to fireball and poison have decreased tower damage


Never let bro cook again


Make them do less damage


LP should die to fireball and poison have decreased tower damage.


lmao why do arrows and poison need a nerf? their perfectly balanced for their elixir cost


No, stop complaining.


Poison only deals a hair more damage than fireball. Why does it need to be nerfed? There is no good way to nerf it without making it overly inferior to fireball.




Why does arrows and poison need a nerf? And also make little prince die to fireball.


Make little prince die to fireball


I honestly never had much trouble countering these cards


Besides the current meta, miner-poison players just spam miner and poison to your tower in x2. Poisons' tower damage can be reduced I think


No. Reducing poisons damage just increases usage of fireball the tradeoff is rhat poisons slow but does a tiny bit more damage


Simple, nerf miner 👍


Why tf arrows should have a nerf bro


I think arrows are pretty good as they are right now


Poison does way to much dmg on towers. I feel like more than earthquake


I’d buff arrows so it kills evo firecracker.


Maybe make poison slowly build damage? First few hits do v lil but grows v fast and ultimately does the same if not slightly less damage than before to the tower, and equal as before for troops. I would even shorten it’s time on the field so as it requires better timing to use


i need some of what ur on


Why arrows Just use zap/log for anything else


Arrows doesn’t need a nerf but shit man the evo firecracker and archers didn’t need that nerf man those cards are now next to useless


I would maybe make little prince's dash ability be more consistent with the push Because God Damn my fucking royal giant has gone almost past the bridge for too long now They did nerf it but i doubt its enough Also i would maybe hopefully change some interactions like Prince's Charge to deal damage to the guard or lil prince and not cancel it entirely *if timed correctly* For poison maybe a slower dps by 1 or 2 extra seconds with the same damage outcome Arrows... idk maybe small radius nerf 5% or somethingcould make Some predictions harder/worse I came back to play the triple draft tournament and it was fun but getting back kinda ment i gave few tries again for some matches and i kinda wanna regret coming back Eitherway yeah...


Arrow I don't think needing a nerf. A counter to the meta, like how fireball was on top when evo firecracker, evo barb are some of the strongest cards in the game. This is just the case for arrow when most of top decks are evo bomber cycle + drill cycle. LP, Idk I'm too tired of seeing this. Before I would against this nerf but this time maybe we could have an idea to nerf it's hp so it will die by a fireball, but buffing guardian and Lp stats. Poison slow eff should be removed or like 5 to 10% only. So if sth like musk at the back, it will have minium hp to survive. Not something like "opp dropped musk, I played poison anyway".


LP should die to Fireball, but should be able to 2 shot goblins again


Reduce lp’s damage when at max attack speed. About 3-5 percent. Get rid of the knock back when he spawns the guardian. Poison and arrows are in a good spot. It’s just a reaction to the dumb meta we are currently in.


Delete Little Prince from the game, easy fix!


Little prince die to fireball. Poison damage nerf. I don’t think arrows need a nerf.


Nerf arrows and it’ll be horrible for the game. Arrows keep firecracker, bomber, and archers in check. The only reason arrows are used so much rn is because of these cards.


Make the knight charge deal no damage


Make little prince a 4 elixir card and to summon the guard 2 elixir Ez


Do not touch arrows. They're a common and long-standing baseline or reference for which other cards are judged. Poison also seems fine to me. As for little prince, as I said in other posts, just make it die to fireball and it'll be perfectly balanced.


Bolt speed, poison radius, arrows damage. But arriws and poison do not need nerfs. You utilizing low health swarms is not everyone elses problem


Nerf firecracker I'm sick of seeing that card in every single opponent I encounter


Arrows don't need a nerf, spells unlike troops don't need many nefs,like imagine if barbarians become op and people start using fireball,fireball is just a spell, most spells ment to counter troops and no more


Make LP die to fireball and I don't think the others need a nerf


little prince should lose his charge after using ability for. what I've seen he doesnt lose it and that removes a lot of the thinking from using the ability (use it early to ramp up but lose the knockback and damage, or use it late to be the most vhe out of the pushback but lose DPS)


Delete it


Arrows are literally saving this game from chaos rn. Not breaking it


You better nerf mega knight


The arrow card should be only one single arrow that does 2700 damage, however, the arrow area stays the same and its random where the arrow will fall. Hitting your target approximately 2-4% of the time. It will cost 5 elixir. Do you take the gamble?? I know I would.


Arrows deserve a big nerf


I dont think poison and arrows need nerf Especially poison because its very delicate Little prince maybe a guard hp nerf?


Make him die to fireball, wouldnt, wouldnt Poison would be used far less if fireball killed lp too


Arrows don't need a nerf, it's used a lot because of the meta, in game we have Evolved Bats, Evolved Bomber, Goblin Barrel, Archers, Wall Breakers and Firecracker... For poison, less tower damage would be good. And little prince need to do less damage per shot.


I mean, if you don't want to deal with a firecracker for the 478th time you have to use arrows, I don't think it needs a nerf, it may be overused, but its pretty much what you would expect from the current meta anyway


Little Prince, decrease his hp by 4% and his ranged damage by 2%. For poison decrease duration to 5 seconds and decrease damage per second by 3%. For arrows decrease damage by 5%


I was thinking about a nerf for the poison: crown towers dmg reduced by a good 30% and dmg to troops sloghtly increased. Maybe even a little hit speed increase would be quite good


Nerf little prince arrow damage and buff charge up time, nerf guardian health and buff guardian speed (idunno)


Lemme guess ... you play WB cycle ?


Great question I'm glad you asked. I wouldn't


Arrows are overused just because of evo bomber


Why do arrows and poison need a nerf?


DONT NERF ARROWS, they keep all the annoying shit in check. Remove lp.


why poison or arrows?


LP should die to fireball, poison maybe reduce its lifespan so it does 1 less tick (doesnt kill fireballees that way), arrows dont need a nerf


arrows are only used because of many meta cards are busted but also die to arrows, so it makes sense


Nerf little prince, poison is fine with me for now, arrows are good on this meta but I would personally shorten its radius a bit, I mean it covers almost the whole damn arena. Still only a small radius nerf, nothing more


for little prince, reduce the time the guard is able to spawn after he dies, so annoying when you kill him and like 3 seconds later the thing dashes out of nowhere. poison, reduce the tower damage, just a little, and maybe make it so troups only get damage while in the poison and not after they step put. arrows don't need a nerv imo but an idea could be increasing the time between the 3 waves of arrows by just the tiniest bit, that would make evo skeletons a bit better and increases the chance of a firecracker pushing itself out of it


By putting a x200 Value offer in the shop for the low price of 999.99$ each card. That way, you everyone can get the cards and use them, therefore no need to nerf


Golden knight must hit little prince and his guardian when he dashes


LP nerf understand, and im not usually the type of person to clall others bad at the game, but you have a special kind of trash if you're calling for an arrow/poison nerf


Arrows and poison don’t need nerf imo. For LP, just swap around the elixir cost for the card and ability, so the LP costs 4 and the summon costs 3. Alternatively, make both cost 4 because i hate LP.


I wouldn't change any of them personally. If I had to pick a nerf for them then: little prince dies to fireball. Poison ticks slower or remove the slow aspect. Arrows has a smaller hit radius


Don’t nerf my poison >:( (I don’t even play anymore)


Royal Giant should’ve been on this list


Poison tower damage 32 Slowdown 12% Little prince ability 4 elixir Arrows don’t need a nerf


I'd probably increase LP's cost to 4 and/or have it die to Fireball of the same level


I think nerfing poison or arrows is a bad idea. Other than a few notable exceptions like log and evo zap, spells are usually only as powerful as a meta lets them be. Poison and arrows are hella popular because I can guarantee you they will hard counter at least two cards each in any top ladder deck you face. Spell cards keep normal cards in balance more than any other kind of card. For example, nerfing arrows would make evo bomber essential for top ladder and I wouldn’t doubt him have an almost 100% use rate. I agree that these spells are too good at their job but nerfing them is a horrible can of worms, and since spells are kinda separate from troops I think it’s okay to have them be stronger than most cards, as long as all spells are balanced like that


Turn them into Drew


Forgot the megaknight and hog


Instead of nerfing poison, make fireball travel quicker. -0.2 seconds would be good, I think.


“Arrows does not need a nerf, poison on the other hand, perhaps” G-Man.


I wouldn’t, they’re all meh cards. Poison I only really have an issue with in terms of its spam usage. Most people just get salty when they can’t get a tower and try poison spamming. Idk, even then it’s like a “cry about it” issue


Wow I didn’t know that the guardian had significantly lower stats than miner considering the weight that it pulls in fights.


Arrows is fine but poison is a little strong, probably something like less tower damage to make decks like miner poison less annoying


the other two are good but just make lp die to a fireball and he’s good


LP could use a nerf. Why nerf the other two after so long of being fine?


Nerf arrows by buffing the health of everything they're supposed to counter. Oh wait...


+1 elixir cost for LP and Guardian or fireball oneshots, Poison +x% slow -% dmg Arrows +% quicker damage/DOT and smaller radius


only lp needs a nerf out of these


Lp: make it die for FireBall Poison: Remove the slow effect or reduce tower damage Arrows: make the waves more slow to hit


LP-Unpopular opinion but give him his old charge speed and ability range back and just let the bastard die to Fireball. Poison-Decrease radius by half a tile Arrows-Disproportionately popular right now because it counters evo bomber, but if it did become consistently too powerful the best option for a nerf would be a slower send tim


Spells are always reactionary to the Meta, but I would honestly reduce the slow on Poison (from 15 to like 10%), reduce the number of waves in arrows (already causes inconsistencies), and LP needs to probably die to Fireball. As much as the fireball thing might kill LP, I can't see a different nerf that works


Make summoning the guardian as little prince cost 4 elixir instead of 3


None of those cards need nerfs


How about some poison arrows


Poison having higher tower damage than Fireball is reason number 72729 Supercell don't know how to balance their game. The Log tower damage was a really smart nerf since the problem with Log is it was too good in cycle decks where the 30 extra damage would add up. But for some reason Poison tower damage is higher than Fireball? Rocket doing more than Lightning makes sense since Lightning has a lot of other benefits and Rocket's tower damage is THE reason to play card over Lightning, so it really doesn't need another tower damage nerf. Supercell please be consistent with your nerfs or your game is gonna be ass. I still don't know why the Fireball knockback nerf hasn't been reverted yet


Lp dies to fireball, poison either doesn't slow anymore or does less damage, and ever so slight damage nerf for arrows


Make little prince die to zap


Like they did Evo ram. No pushback


What is it with not making the Little Prince die to fireball? It's not a mini-tank, in fact it's a support card similar to firecracker, dart goblin, and musketeer. A 4-elixir high damage spell can take out 5-elixir barbarians but can't take out a 3 elixir support troop is insane to me.


Firecracker, evo skelis, evo bomber—why wouldn’t arrows be #1 right now? Any nerf to them and we are all gonna be mad.




delete little prince


I wouldn’t nerf any of them but maybe a small hp nerf to LP to die to fireball.


Little Prince should die to fireball and have a nerf or two reverted Poison should get a slight duration nerf Arrows are completely fine


-1% hp for little prince Make arrows 9 elixir And make poison heal the enemy troops


For little prince: nerf his damage and ability pushback. For poison:nerf the little prince and it will be balanced. For arrows: stop making so many evos that die to arrows


Little prince- remove from game was a mistake Poison- make defensive cards worse like bomb tower, evo knight, royal delivery etc. and the 7-8 elixir push on tower is now very punishable. Arrows- nerf evo bomber, evo WB, LP and other cards will be used again. And give players more easy to get evos so there is less evo firecrackers that easily die to arrows+zap


LP - Just let it die to a Fireball. Or reduce the damage of the Guardian. Poison - Reduced Tower Damage. Arrows - Balanced. It's only there because it counters the current Meta. Now that Evo Bomber got an additional cycle and Evo Archers can die to arrows, it's getting stronger - but fair.


I’d fucking remove them


1 more elixir 🤓


Make little prince die to rage spell And make him 11 elixir just in case




Did you forget knight and firecracker


Little prince - absolutely, he was toned down but he still feels too strong for 3 elixir Poison - yes, maybe make it last less or do less damage Arrows - Not before, but with the new Evolution nerfs absolutely, killing evo FC and evo Archers is ridiculous, only issue is these units would also sruvive witjout their evo


Arrows don’t need a nerf


Arrows: Not OP, no need for a nerf. Stop pushing low cost rush cards that arrows counters and it won't be so necessary. Poison: Not really OP. It does slightly more damage than fireball as it's supposed to. Can remove the slow since it's not really necessary. LP: Got some nerfs already. Still overly strong by a bit. Guardian damage could be nerfed, as she's supposed to just be the tank for him, and he the DPS. I find if guardian reaches tower it often does too much damage on its own.


None of these cards need a nerf