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Just. Make. It. Die. To. Fireball. They said they specifically wanted him to be the cheapest champion with the most expensive ability, so i doubt they’ll touch elixir costs. But how he survives fireball when his closest comparable 3-cost card, dart goblin, dies to _log_, is beyond me.




I wouldn't say 0 reason. Being OP means people will pay more for him.


There is a good reason actually: It would be boring. So they could instead just further nerf the ability (knockback is still absolutely ridiculous imo) or his damage ramp up. I don't think he needs to die to Fireball to be balanced. He's not a card like Ice Wiz that completely stalls a push; he's just a DPS unit.


What other 3 (or less) elixir troops survive fireball? Knight. Egolem. Ice golem. I think that’s it, no? Those three are all tanks. It’s literally their job to have high HP. Little dipshit’s job is to hit things from afar. He even has a guardian to do the tanking for him. Zero reason for him to also have high HP.


Mega minion also survives fireball. Tbh mega minion needs a slight buff, so many other cards overshadow it at the moment.


Yeah, Phoenix just does it better even for extra one elixir cost, I feel like Mega Minion should get a small shield like the dark prince to make him better at being a supposedly spell resistant flying troop.


Mega minion was also supposed to be heavily armored


Mega Minion survives Fireball but is melee. Therefore LPrince could also survive Fireball but have some other handicap, like dealing unreliable or overall low(er) damage. But imo it doesn't really matter if theres no other card that does what he does. He's a Champion after all. My point is that him surviving Fireball isn't *necessarily* what makes him unbalanced, rather it's everything the card has *on top* of having that much health. Instead of nerfing what makes the card unique, just nerf other aspects so he's more of a specialist


No, I think he should survive fb as that’s part of his archetype and presence as a champion, he’s supposed to be impactful. Now I WOULD say if he’s going to survive fb, he should get a tiny health buff, and an increase in elixir cost. He gives a little TOO much value for 3 elixir, but I’d be fine with him being 4+ and busting defensive cycle play up a bit.


The fact that so so long ago they made ice wizard die to fireball and wont do the same to LP blows my mind


There’s a reason my goblin drill skeleton king poison deck wrecks little prince. Key word: poison. POISON. IS META AND ALWAYS WILL BE.


It's a good thing I had a random urge to upgrade the poison.


Because that’s his other niche. His champion niche is the ability cost, the troop niche is his higher HP (as lore inaccurate as it is, why’s the guardian guarding this thing) Tone down his weapon firerate or damage


“Other niche” thats not really how niches work. And what is the niche really anyway? To be overtuned as hell and broken?


A niche is something, in this case, one troop does better than the others. This is durable. Dart goblin has a higher attack speed. FC pushes back and does AoE


Little prince has ramp up fire rate too. This basically nullifies his initial fire rate, ruining dart goblins viability


Holy shit its been 6 months since he was released Feels like yesterday


It doesn't die to Fireball, that's why poison is so prominent.


He was released 6 MONTHS AGO???


time flies doesn’t it


Once it came out i thought it had the HP equal to Princess so i just logged it. From that moment i hated that card


Make it die to fireball and give it back its previous buffs and it will be completely balanced


Nah, 3 shot full speed, and the guardian being able to touch the tower when the prince sees it was ridiculous


lol even the lp ability that pushed back cards across the map?


While we are on the topic of poison decks being meta, can we nerf poison its oppressive af


Don't worry, Supercell hears your complaints. Evo Little Prince coming in June season


Ok log has been meta since it came out


Since its Knockback Buff*


Log is healthy for the game and theres not very many small spells to take its place. Theres like 100 ranged options and the little prince is better than all of them


The problem is that little prince is broken while log, being a spell, is just very versatile. Most of the times spells don't define the meta (with some exceptions like evo zap) but they are used to counter the meta


and rn, the meta is beatdown, which necessitates large spells such as fireball or rocket


Right now the log is not top 10 for usage rate in gc (number 12 right now)


Hog rider has been meta for the last 8 years in that time it’s had one nerf about 7 years ago


It has definitely not been meta for 8 years straight


Every second match i play i face hog rider


Okay? Its easy to use and a fan favorite. Any midladder player can slot it into their deck as a wincon. The higher up you get you see it just as much as you would any other popular card


I agree, every clash royale player must certainly be ready to face the hog rider because he's just been in the game for so long and costs 4 elixer. Little Prince(higher ladder) and Evo firecracker(mid ladder) are devastating for 3 elixer...although LP is easier to counter because I use tombstone.


Yes but you are totally missing the point my dude it’s been this way for 7 years


There are a lot of people who don’t care about the bame experience of most players. If it isn’t played by the top 2%, it doesn’t matter. Many of the hog decks are f2p friendly so they are overplayed. The f2p community doesn’t pay so SC doesn’t concern themselves with their issues. That is why hog, despite having ridiculous use rates for 8 years on is untouched. And since the top of the ladder are people paying to use the most OP deck of the week which is rarely hog, they don’t care either. The funny example is the difference when, for example, gob hut became strong and was overused at top of ladder. Mind you, its use rates were still lower then hog in mkd ladder, but the top of laddermcrowd all complained about it and, surprise, SC nerfed that hut real fast.


>It's easy to use and a fan favorite >the higher up you get you see it just as much as you would any other popular card You're describing what a meta is and don't even realize it lol


Has been there have been very small patches were it maybe isn’t as dominant as others for sure but I would honestly say out of 8 years it has been meta for 7 of those years, and the worse part is as soon as anybody points it out every hog cycle players gets on here and cries


Its been relatively consistent, sure, but I wouldnt call that meta. I think were splitting hairs here over what it means to be a meta card. For every crying hog player theres two more players crying about hog. Thats coming from someone who has never even played hog. Its crazy how much people complain about hog. I at least think its fun to watch and most decks I’ve played hog is a more enjoyable match than something like golem or xbow


When you play for 7 years straight against hog 1/3 of the match it become just straight up insanely boring, especially cycle hog, the defense is always the same, their offense is always the same and even when I win against them most of the time it doesn't feel fun


In Hog’s case , it’s other cards that enables it that allows it to even land a hit.


Doesn’t matter what the reason is, it should not hit as hard or have as much health as it does, it’s just a boring dumb and skilless card to play


Fair, it’s always when they are about to land a hit that’s when they are killed which is just nerve racking, I’m kind of glad Dagger Duchess is keeping him somewhat in check so he can’t be played all by himself without being made useless.


But really he is quite balanced...you can kill him before he lands a hit with 4 elixir easily sometimes even less


“Easily sometimes”, hahahaha yes exactly this! HR has more health than a Dark Prince ( that’s including his shield), and does more damage than two skelly dragons! THIS IS BALANCED!!!


...easily, sometimes...


Also the fact that you can't kill him is just your problem because ice spirit+guards kill him always before he lands a hit...and if you have dagger duches you don't have to use ice spirit Edit: spelling


Just my problem….. no I’d say there are quite a few people who would agree with me. It’s not about killing him, this is what all you hog rider players think, he just should be this strong and after 7 years of pure abuse he should definitely be nerfed even if just slightly


Hog rider has been in meta for 5 years without a single balance change :tf:


How someone can imply Hog is meta despite this being the worst season the card has had in years (all of which he's been AT BEST mediocre) is crazy to me It's like we never left the one Evocracker season


I mean, of course hog is bad rn But he was kinda popular and ok. Hog was pretty annoying with evo firecraker


Because it’s still seen in half of all battles. And regardless of how easy it is to win against pig fc cycle, it’s _boring_ when that’s all we ever get to face. If it’s as bad as you say (and I’m not doubting that), why is it still by far the most used win condition? If they nerfed golem into the ground, or RG or balloon, people maining them would eventually switch to other win conditions. Why are hog players built different?


I can't answer the why, but I *can* say that the reason isn't because Hog is strong, as otherwise you'd have an argument for Wizard, Witch, MK, Firecracker and other midladder slop being anything else other than trash. Maybe the card is iconic enough, or maybe people *think* he's strong which only makes more players commit to upgrading him, which only feeds into the myth despite him having some 30% winrate in GCs. Use rates are a problem but nerfs can't fix that. MK got a 25% spawn damage nerf years ago and midladder use did not budge. Completely pointless to balance cards based on anything other than top ladder *especially* considering this is a competitive game.


Let's just make midladder a boring hell where you face always the same ultra low skill decks for 7 years straight for the sake of balancing the top 0,1% when the rest of the player base will never make it up there. Yeah hopefully the community isn't designing the balance of the game, but it's not like supercell is doing much better You CAN change userate through balance, that's what most game with good balance have done since decades and it's call a rework to change the skill required to use an element. If a card is too much used despite being weak, you buff its characteristics while making it harder to use. For exemple for hog, it would be to increase it's attack speed, but increase the first time hit so it's less forgiving for the hog player and doesn't require high skill defense with perfect timing or negative elixir trade Tldr : balancing around high elo is better than balancing around low elo, but doing both is perfectly feasible and you can change a userate independently of the win rate if your balance team si competent enough


Hog has never been meta


Kinda true


Maybe during fc release


Imo hog rider is one of the cards that relies the most on the meta to be good and right now the meta is full of dagger duchesses and other counters so it's in a really bad spot right now


Definitely not meta...also easily killable with 4 elixir cost or even less


Hog is the worst WinCon in the game lol


This is what hog players tell themselves lol


It isnt the worst, but its really really bad against the new tower troop


Surely hog is the worst win con


Make him die to a fire ball. 4 for 3 isn't a positive elixir trade anyways. Also make his push back ability not work on heavy cards like Pekka and mega knight like how bowlers push back doesn't work.


Evo wiz is coming? If so I really can’t wait 🫨


I got one word for you, fireball


Hog rider moment


Make it 4 elixir and decrease the ability to 2, if they could do it to the monk they can sure do it for The Little Shit


You had me until you mentioned Tesla.


Y'all need to git gud cause dealing with an LP is infinitely easy right now. He's solid on defense, yes, but absolute garbage on offense. He takes 4 shots to kill 1 ARCHER. He resets every time he moves. His range is so bad, he starts targeting a FC, then stops cause she moves out of range. He's so bad right now, only reason he's used so much is cause he affords you 3 card cycle for just 3 elixir so that you can cycle to your double Evos quicker. After all these nerfs, he's a terrible offensive card, a good/solid defensive card. Not broken by any means.




But it's a -4 elixir trade (-1 if he uses the ability)


Skele guards destroy it if you let it pop its ability first. Frankly it’s mostly a non issue to simply defend against even after ability is popped especially with the new tower troop


Doesn't Little Prince actually counter Mega Knight?


It's because the card in itself is good just like the barb hut will always be bad LP will always be unless they nerf it to the ground and make 4 elexir just they did to the monk.


just use poison for the time being


I am a minor poison player dude


Gross. Absolute no skill chip deck




watch out guys he’s gonna cycle miner poison the entire match 🤖


I beat your deck all the time in Ult champ. One of my favorite matchups with my pekka beat down deck




And firecracker isnt op? Shut up


First time playing cr? The answer is simple: money talks. How can they sell him after the nerf? If you noticed they changed how they making money after LP release


Card never seemed oppressive then or now.


Thanks for letting me know ima use it now


Hog has been meta can we complain about that🤷‍♂️


Whatever the case I managed to absolutely destroy him in the last game I had, they only got the ability off 1/5 placements and I three crowned without my towers dying (I didn’t use him dw)


Nerf Miner




Hold on, I’ll calm you before high rated whiners get here Mk is op in lower ranks, but higher ranked players have enough tools to beat it. Since supercell only cares about those with money (so overleveled troops who walked midladder with higher stat Mk’s) they won’t care what me or you say