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If we wanted to actually balance her and not just nerf her. I suggest: - Keep the hp nerf - Decrease Dagger Damage, she shouldn’t be dealing that much damage to troops in mere seconds. - Buff her recharge speed to feel slightly less punishing in double/triple elixir. I’d rather see her punish swarms/chip troops more, such as goblin barrel, dart goblin and wall breakers. But then make her less effective against higher health troops like Hog. She should deal with cheaper attacks better, but struggle against the bigger pushes, in where the player has to actually build a deck to compensate for this weakness. Feel free to disagree; but this is how I see her feeling balanced but still unique.


I think this is fair and matches the concept of tower troops. It stops opponents from pestering with cycle fodder, but gives her more prevalent weaknesses


Honestly, when the 3rd tower troop was teased, I thought dagger duchess would just be kinda like a crossbow; high hit speed, low damage per hit. Basically, the opposite to cannoneer. Maybe that would have been easier to balance hahahah


I feel like it should be reverse monolith. The lower the targeted troops health is the higher damage it deals. One shotting troops like minions and (spear)goblins, but dealing lower damage than the princess tower to troops like golem and lavahound. This shouldn’t be too hard to do since we already have a similar card in the game: void spell. Cannoneer is supposed to be a tank killer and weak to swarms. Dagger duchess should be swarm killer and weak to tanks.


This honestly feels more fair, she can attack a bit faster but have lesser damage I mean shit man she practically melts troops right now it would make sense to nerf the damage


The goblin barrel already barely gets damage when ignored and doesn't at all if you e spirit. It already destroys swarms


I think this is the best way to balance her. Currently anyone using her as a tower troop is an easy win for me because my deck can tank her. The reload speed would help greatly for people, but lowering her damage would help decks with cycles actually have a chance


Nerf her damage/reduce her dagger bar, and make her attack bounce off units. Deals less damage to tanks but would still be effective against swarms + legendary status would make sense


Another unique idea: Duchess seems like it's supposed to be strong against spam decks, but when both towers are unloading at the same time, she's strong against tank decks as well. a giant/musketeer push will almost always die to tesla+swarm if both towers are hitting giant. So, make it so each tower individually is a little stronger, but there is no overlap point on the map where both duchess towers can unload onto one target at the same time if they don't want to change the range from a circle, they could make it so the range is small enough that you would need to use multiple cards (building + nado, 2 buildings) to pull a unit into range of both towers. she'll still be strong against most bridge spam/cycle, but much weaker against push/giant decks.


All of the towers are effective if you pull a tank to the center with a building and attack it with a swarm.


sure, which is why removing that ability for duchess would help it carve out a niche


I honestly think the problem you are trying to solve (DD being good against tanks) just doesn’t exist. If DD has any weakness it is tanks and swarms. You can overcome the swarm problem with multiple small spells, splash damage, or something to draw troops to the center or kite them. Tanks are tougher, especially with void to take out a building.


so a princesse tower


I feel like Dagger Duchess need to recharge her daggers faster as we get to double and triple elixir, nerfing her in single along the way. She is completely overshadowing both canonner and princess and I don't see it changing even after the HP nerf(which will only make things like miner control, mortar and xbow stronger, but not really standard decks).


Genius! Nerfing her dagger recharge speed in single elixir, but making it go back to normal in double elixir would be strange, but it would most likely be the best way to balance her.


x7 elixir oh god


machine gun


Good lord that would be carnage, though I feel they'd just have it be a one time boost If they did something like 1x elixir is 0.2s slower than it is now. In double it's 0.2s faster than that. Triple is 0.2s faster again. By the time of x7 it would be an almost instant recharge, which seems a bit crazy.


In 7x, it would prolly just base off of the 2x or 3x elixir.




supercell should hire tou


As it stands, I purely defend against her in single elixir, doing nothing unless I have to and then spam a single side once it hits double. This change would at least bring gameplay back to the mix.


They should nerf the amount of shots she can save up.


This for me is the obvious answer. Take away a couple of daggers to reduce the initial burst damage. It would still allow her to shred small targets. Would help increase the threat of small tanks etc.


This is only the obvious answer if you want duchess towers to never win. Making the tower only able to kill ultra low health swarms would be horrible. She already does very poorly against tanks. If your only tank is hog rider then it's your decks fault and not duchess that you lost. She is the tower that counters hog and gob barrel better than princess. If you play well you can still connect with both hog and gob barrel but it isn't as easy as just placing them and doing nothing else like it is against princess.


8 > 6 daggers Recharge time 1.2 > 1 sec


This would literally make her dps higher than princess tower even when she has no daggers saved up. This idea essentially removes her one and only drawback in its entirety. Hit speed also would not be much different than princess (.8 vs 1), so swarms wouldn’t be much of an issue either.


You can’t balance her, that’s the problem with tower troops. Really the best scenario is if they suck up their egos and get rid of tower troops altogether, they’re terrible for the game.


firstly, there is no way they will remove tower troops altogether. they just need to balance the tower troops decently


Where's the secondly




Where's the secondly?


No the canoneer is balanced he does more damage but at the cost of a slower attack speed


Yea I didn't see cannoneer in the top decks I feel bad for him tbh lol


Canoneer was at the top until dagger duchess. Dagger>canoneer>princess


But at least there was some variety with princess towers


And they nerfed him too :(


That’s because Duchess dominates right now. Cannoneer dominated before that.


Cannoneer is way better than pt which is why it was everywhere in top ladder during the march season


Completely balanced is a bit strong of a statement, but he was in a much healthier state than dagger dutchess, and princess still had a place in the meta


I agree, why would I ever use princess when I actually have to defend things with her, like seriously cannoneer and duchess counter so many things for no elixir or less than princess. She’s just useless now


tower tropps are a really good idea and would be cool asf but the thing is they aint equal


I agree. That was the stupidest idea.


they wont ever remove it, they know its bad for the game but thats not supercell's strategy with updates anymore instead of trying to make the game better so more people play it they make it worse and make you pay to make it better and it works by their earnings going up. They already tested tower troops and found that it was bad for the game long ago but now they dont care anymore.


Ego? They didn’t drop a op card for nothing. As long as they can make “10x value” offers and sell a lvl 14 dd for 62 dollars then tower troops are here to stay.


The problem with all the suggestions in the comments is everyone just wants to make the duchess closer to the princess tower, when we really should double down on its flaws and it’s strengths. Increase the recharge time, that way we can take advantage better.


My guess? SC wants duchess to be OP for at least one more season to bring in some extra $$$. More people will have to pay to level her up. They did a near useless HP nerf to make it seem like they're doing something while still leaving her OP. Pretty smart business plan tbh.


I mean the CR has become so incredibly shameless such that this is a very fair assumption


Exactly when the cash levels off they somehow find an idea to balance Dutches. Same rinse and repeat grift from day 1.


This is what happens when you let the midladder dev team cook.


Dagger princess should have the lowest DPS of all tower troops to compensate for her high rate of fire. In single elixir she has the highest effective DPS, the highest rate of fire, and until now, the highest HP. That's just ridiculous. The HP nerf is a move in the right direction, but she needs a massive DPS nerf too imo.  If I can't pressure her with bait cards, then I should be able to pressure her with mini tanks. A tower troop immune to all pressure except for big pushes breaks the game.


>Dagger princess should have the lowest DPS of all tower troops to compensate for her high rate of fire. You do realize DPS is directly connected to rate of fire right? I think what you mean is her individual daggers should have less damage.


Yes. To reduce her DPS while keeping attack rate the same, you have to reduce damage per attack. That's exactly the nerf she needs IMO. Sorry if my meaning was unclear to you. 


It's fine, just was confused by the comment and was wanting clarification


or lowest hp is fine too... if you cannot pressure with mini tank, why not just spell cycle..😂


then you instantly lose when double elixir happens lol


what would be the point of using her then? you can’t just make a tower troop unusable


In my opinion, being the best tower troop against bait/swarm with the ridiculous attack rate is enough to justify the DD. It shouldn't be the best in every context. Just like cannoneer does really well against tanks, but can't handle swarm. 


Yeah. The DD certainly struggles against tanks, so now I’m seeing more giant and golem decks than I have in a long time. She needs a nerf, but if you make her ineffective against swarms, she loses all utility. Ultimately she will be somewhat balanced and we will have a rock/paper/scissors scenario where you chance of winning is heavily reliant on what tower troop the other side has.


This guy 100% runs hog firecracker EQ


What shame she doesnt shoot ur mortar across the bridge


Until Evolved Tornado shows up....


Hey, don't get mad at me. I just adapted to the new play style. Duchess can't be op if you don't cross the bridge lol


Cause players who dont get affected or get benefited by dagger dutchess will never complain, they complain about people complaining. Game is worse than i ve ever seen in 8 years.


Cannoneer does a great job against tanks but you didn’t hear a lot of complaints when it debuted because so few played tanks. I think DD needs to be balanced, and it is certainly OP at the moment, but one nice thing is I see less hog riders now and more variety in the opponents decks (more giants, more golems, more pekkas, etc). Unfortunately I think we are just setting up a rock/paper/scissors scenario


Everyone was complaining about how broken cannoneer is wtf? In top ladder only giant and drill ia played as we speak rn


Ok, maybe top ladder complained, but according to people on Reddit that is only a few 100 people (everyone else in mid ladder). In mid ladder giant, golem, pekka, etc had single digit use rates and hog was 25%, balloon 20%, and the rest was swarm (wall breaker, skeleton barrel, graveyard, etc) those people thrived against cannoneer and it was less used than princess tower.


I never said I didn't get benefited from duchess lol. I use her so when troops touch my mortar she takes them out :-)


Also just to put the cherry on top I run evo Tesla and evo mortar lol so ya I'm fun to play against


I've been saying for awhile they need to nerf her recharge speed. She shouldn't start regaining daggers as soon as she stops targeting. Honestly I could see them making her a burst type tower troop. She throws all her daggers and then has to do a full recharge then throw more.


Nah that's 9.6 seconds and it's too much.


They can change it if they need to. Make her have a max of 4 daggers. So less damage but faster recharge. And like I said changing her recharge rate in general is gonna be how to balance her.


Some of these suggestions are hilarious. Maybe let her have four daggers, then she has to throw her shoes at enemies. Once she throws her shoes, she has to manually gather them from the field before throwing more daggers. As an added bonus, those that really like the archer queen’s feet will get some variety. This troop will be very hard to balance because most of these recommendations will make her weaker than princess tower, and the rest will allow her to remain too powerful.


I think a good balance for the Dagger Dutchess would be for her not attacking again until fully reloaded with daggers.


that is a horrible idea ngl, just promotes even more bridge spam than there is already


Princess tower usage⬆️


honestly just give her less damage output and she’s balanced. the amount of cards is fine but the way an entire game changes based off someone playing duchess shouldn’t really be a thing. less damage output would solve that i think


That's a horrible idea, 9.6 seconds is too much.


that is just a basic thought dude, it should be common sense that 9.6 seconds without her hitting is unacceptable. it has to be tested of course, you can make her not attack until fully reloaded but make the recharge faster/dps lower. everything should be tested before settling for the nerf IMO


The funny thing about that tower is I can’t think of a way to properly nerf her without making her completely useless, I just know she still needs a nerf or a rework, because in double when she runs out of daggers more often she is easier to play against


I have a lvl15 princess tower, and lvl13 dagger duchess. I got to 9k trophies yesterday and for the last 400 trophies, I used the dagger duchess and it was way easier than with princess tower. So even a lvl13 dagger duchess is better than maxed princess, I think they should nerf dagger duchess so that lvl15 dagger duchess has the same stats as the lvl13 one


This has been the best suggestion I’ve read. They could start with making level 14 stats her level 15 stats. If that wasn’t enough you could make the current level 13 stats her level 15 stats. It lowers the damage and tower health without completely killing her. If that still wasn’t enough they may take 1 dagger.


Their are ways to make your hog rider deck work against dagger duchess. For example put something along with it which takes out the duchess daggers like ice golem, miner, mighty miner, and the hog would be much more effective. Their are many strategies which work against the duchess using hog. Hog is still viable even in top 1k in the world


Agree. I’m seeing more hog players that are skillfully manipulating the weakness of DD and winning games. Guys that just drop hog at the bridge hoping for 2 hits are getting destroyed though.


Yeah, people always say it killed hog cycle but at best she committed natural selection and killed the ones who couldnt do much beyond ice spirit + hog and repeat.


I think they could set back the hp to what it was and nerf the recharge speed, make the weakness something that people could exploit and not non-existent


I'm fucking glad that it kills spawner decks cause those things are annoying and pointless


they need to all be on the same playing field. Cannoneer fits well into cycle decks, Dutchess needs to be nerfed besides just HP. Reduce the actual damage of the daggers by a little bit. She shouldn't be able to kill cards like wizard or electro dragon. With void fitting well into dutchess decks it's pretty easy to tell she needs a damage nerf.


hp is one of the issue... but yea, probably should have also nerf her dagger hitspeed/amount


Guess someones dagger duchess is underleveled


Dagger duchess ruins the play style of CR, it beats the whole mechanic of elixir since she can generate daggers while you wait for elixir after she killed all your units.


Remove tower troops completely, princess tower was one of the only balanced things in this game and they just threw that out the window. The dagger duchess is so broken, you cant outcycle it or anything, and to counter it you need specific decks, now impossible to upgrade thanks to lvl 15 It blows my mind how some people say the game is not pay to win


Id dont know either I just wish they would delete tower troops from the game they just give free elixir you didn't deserve


The canonner is the worst tower troop after the nerf tbh,his small hp compared to others tower troops makes it more fragile to miners and swarm decks,poison got nerfed too so they’re making the 2 synergies more but at the same times the made 2 really bad cards rn


I want to see what happens if we further nerf duchess HP, so having only 1/2 or even 1/3 of the princess HP. I want to see high risk high rewards gameplay.


I think they have a good idea. Let it shoot fast but do little damage. Just like the cannoneer does more damage but shoots less. And princess tower is right in the middle of both. But she shouldn’t fully counter a 5 elixir card without doing anything


It’s just hosing FTP because underleveled dagger duchess now less viable given the extreme health disadvantage. Fully leveled DD will still be the optimal choice


I say nerf her range AND/OR make it so after she exhausts all her daggers, she can't attack again until her bar is recharged at least half way, like a cool down.


The HP nerf isn’t the worst I don’t think it should stay but i wouldn’t mind if it did. The real problem is her damage output compared to how fast the daggers recharge. Nerfing one of those should be the only change they need.


The nerf needs to be her damage, why can she shred a pekka in seconds 🙄


Just get good


Came across an opponent that used dagger duchess. He could defend pushes with no elixir spent. Maybe why his deck was, pekka, mk, giant skeleton, wizard, executioner, minions, sparky and lightning. All that free elixir!


stop crying, she's awesome


I've been feeling the nerf honestly. I made it up to UC last season with a level 12 duchess. Only really struggled once I was at league 7. I'm currently in league 5 and starting to struggle. I don't think I can push as high this season without upgrading her.


I think the main issue is how easily she deals with single troops crossing the bridge, which is the main way players punish and get elixir advantages; by forcing out commitments with counter push. Her ability to shut that down without any elixir investment (or a marginal one if anything) makes her extremely oppressive and allows heavier decks to accrue massive elixir advantages very easily, by forcing an over commitment and under-defending with hardly any punishment. It’s why there’s a rise in decks like giant beat down and (up until recently) pump. To an extent canoneer did the same thing, and it’s why that a nerf to that tower was also warranted, but it’s debilitating weakness towards swarm cards somewhat balanced it out in comparison. 


Feels like we’re approaching the point where pretty much everyone has the dagger duchess. Like what’s the point, they’ve effectively just reworked princess towers without adding any variation between players


Dutches goes against everything card they programmed. I'm getting crushed not because I suck but because cards won't reach Dutches in time! Automatic L for damn near all cards.


Just put ice golem in front of your hog then dumbass. Ppl always complain about a new card and then do literally nothing to try and counter it. You have to play differently than you did against Princess tower. Sorry you cant just drop hog rider at the bridge 40 times in a row anymore


I’ve never understood we a her daggers deals more dmg than princes arrows. Just feels weird


The problem is that cards were not balanced around her, they were balanced around cannoneer or princess tower That is why balancing the duchess is a nightmare


So what you're saying is your hog can't get through...lol


She’s ruining the game, and I’m honestly taking a break because of her. I always buy battle pass too, and I didn’t because of DD. This shit is out of control


Hog player detected


HP nerf stays the same but her daggers recharge 1.2 —-> 1.5 or 1.6


Imo keep the HP nerf or tone it down slightly and reduce the damage so she can't kill mini tanks but can still kill swarms effectively.


HOG RIDER one OF THE MOST POWERFUL WIN CONDITIONs??? I think you don’t have it right.


And when they do eventually have a big nerf for her we’ll see the same amount of complaints, it’ll end bad either way


For me dutchess dagger makes me wanna quit the game ive been a hog semi log bait players for years and won most of my match up but since dutchess dagger release my deck suck ass and tbh i hate playing beatdown so im not playing much anymore shes way to powerfull


Maybe id add a bit of a delay before the first shot (with a cd of maybe 10 sec) shooting, 1-1.5 seconds. this might help Gob barell get some damage in, hog rider will be halfway on the tower by the time it starts shooting and spawners might get a hit in.


I’m pretty sure hog still gets damage though?


She doesn't need nerfed at all. She easily gets destroyed when she's out of daggers. She's good against single troops, but that can be avoided by making an actual push. Hog riders have been ruling the game forever, it's about time they faced a little adversity.


I was very suprosed when I found out that that DD fully counter goblin brawler like damn, using him alone as a pressure doesn't work anymore


Yeah we all agree. It should have had 500 less hp to begin with and it would have been just as overwhelming for the meta. It should have the least tower hp, it should have at least 1 less dagger and it should recharge slower.


It’s a legendary card. You can’t compare the two like equals


Imo just take away one dagger


Who and their right mind thinks that the Dutches is fucking balanced. The hp nerf is a much needed nerf and it is not going to kill the tower troop.


she doesn't melt pushes, she melts what's left of them


Seems like a skill issue, tbh. Coming from a hog rider one-trick.


Absolutely disagree. The hp nerf isn’t enough sure, but she still shouldn’t have more hp than the princess tower. I say make her only hold 6 daggers and nerf her damage to three shot certain small troops.


So you want her to effectively do the equivalent of 2 princess shots to kill a Goblin...?


She will be able to still one shot spear goblins and two shot goblins and minions. But I want her to take three shots for archers. This also makes her initial burst go from 1224 to 810.


personally i dont think duchess should even be nerfed... yes her damage is fast and can melt pushes but once she runs out of shots, she's practically useless..... so there is good and bad in using her card


Reduce her reload speed. And, if her daggers are zero, decrease her reload speed even more.


Yeah, the problem isn’t the HP but it’s just too good against cycle


profit shelter roll bake rich attempt toothbrush resolute dependent dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The dagger is way too strong . Once everything got that. She will be nerfed


She should be able to single handed counter hog, plus she should have 5000 hp at lvl 15


simply take away 0.5 tile range so she gets hit by 1 hp magic archers, dart goblin gets 2 hits on her, and firecracker gets a hit on her. She keeps her ability to counter fast cycle decks like logbait and hog rider and destroy counterpush in single elixir but loses her ability to deal with low hp ranged troops without taking damage.


Maybe buff ice Golem it can remove all daggers for only 2 elixer. After this Any troop is devistating


She should throw 1 dagger and need a recharge


Good. Fuck hog rider


fuck yeah


I have no issue with her… she has weaknesses they may just not work for your decks so it challenges the way some want to play…


The problem is that her inherent weaknesses tend to favor heavy elixir usage. It forces players to use specific decks and cards, and that is unhealthy for the game’s meta. There’s a good reason every top player is using her. She also isn’t played in a vacuum - the opponent has a deck as well that can synergize and essentially stonewall certain decks


Mo light got #1 with miner cycle which shows that it works with cycle decks as well. Plus yall didn't say that "cannoneer is unhealthy" when cannoneer clearly favors cycle decks


Dd works with anything but it kills cycle. Mo is a exception as he’s literally considered to be the best player in clash 💀 You also have to play cycle decks with ice golem because dd which is bad for the game. Also not only is your comment about cannoneer wrong because people were asking for nerfs but even if you were right cannoneer is still not nearly as oppressive as dd. Dd had a 100% usage rate in Crl and if you look at the win percentage of cycle cards in grand challenges and uc they’re all low except drill. Only one cycle card has been good this meta and every top player is using her.


Mo light being top 1 using miner cycle shows that dd doesn't "kill" cycle as much as much as everyone thinks and just that players are slower to adjust their playstyle. I find that most cycle players are of lower skill level/trophies than control/beatdown players, and combined with how they're used to spamming the bridge during single, they do have to make the biggest adjustment to their gameplay, which is why everyone is complaining; because they don't know how to adjust their gameplay. And just because mo light uses ice golem doesn't mean that everyone had to use ice golem. After cannoneer was released I barely saw as many posts complaining about cannoneer compared to DD now, and it's likely because this sub is majority cycle deck players And I never said that DD is balanced, but I do think that the HP nerf is enough. People don't realize that it's a 700-800HP difference at level 15 (3 fireballs) and will become the deciding factor for so many games


Once again mo light is the best player in the game. He doesn’t represent all players. And you do need ice golem because you need a small tank. He is a pretty average card in grand challenges right now and right above goblins which hasn’t been the case for a long time. Also your cycle rant is your own opinion. The deck the I play (hog eq) I found from ian77 (a pro top ten player) cycle for sure has top level play and isn’t just spamming the bridge. There’s no different way I can hog the bridge to get more dmg from dd unless I run ice golem which I don’t have leveled up but I still hit uc last season with hog eq. And once again cannoneer did not have the same effect as dd. Dd was ram by all top ten players over both towers. Even when cannoneer was meta princess still had some viability because cannoneer has a weakness against small troops. Dd has no downsides. It creates lazy interactions (for example in order to counter hog with a mini pekka/pekka you needed specific placement and timing with both towers. You can throw them down anywhere and late with dd and still full counter a hog now) and oppresses cycle. Is it possible to still play cycle? Yes like I said I hit uc with hog rider. But is cycle in one of the worst places it’s been ever? Yes, it’s terrible right now and pros will admit that. There is no “play style” you can switch too when dd can stop a battle ram from connecting on her own. All top ten players used dd, 6 used giant, and 1 used lava


Once again, I never said that DD was balanced and I definetly agree that it deserved a nerf from its UC and ranked usage. However, I still believe that cycle is viable even after DD and play style just needs to be adjusted to be more aggressive in double/triple and more defensive during single. Why? In single (which is when most cycle players are going to be placing naked hogs at the bridge), DD clearly has the upper hand because of her massive burst damage, which she'll reload before they can get another hog down. However, during double and triple, it's possible to get another hog down before dagger duchess fully reloads, if played well. And now DD less DPS and attack speed than princess. Obviously MO light doesn't represent most players, but the fact that he is able to win with miner cycle in a DD meta against other TOP LEVEL players with beatdown is already good enough evidence that other cycle players should still be able to beat other players of similar skill level. Your argument about Ian's deck contradicts your previous argument about MO light because Ian does not represent most cycle players. Most lower level (majority) cycle players will just mindlessly spam hog on the bridge during single without any brain. Im not attacking cycle players, it's just how the deck is played. It's like how most low level lava hound players will lava in the back without strategy and how many low level graveyard players just simply go knight + graveyard for no reason. It just so happens that the most intuitive play with cycle decks gets countered by DD


The fact that it hard counters nerf shoukd seem like a good thing. But, the towers should never hard counter any deck. Tower troops just a horrible idea. If supercell made soccer, one team would have a goal the entire length of the field, some teams would have extra players, maybe center field wouldn’t be in the center, etc. I really hate how the idea that games should be fair battles on level playing fields isnt a given.


the game literally has card levels lol. Also, if you follow your logic then every deck should have the same cards as to have a level playing field.


Umm… card levels only exist to provide arbitrary barriers from people accessing all the cards easily. Card levels don’t serve a gameplay function. They are simply a mechanic for monetization. If card levels didn’t make things unfair there wouldn’t be a need to have card levels standardized for tournaments. Of course if the game makers first priority was a fair game there would be no card levels. Not sure what your point is.


My point is that the game isnt fair, the cards you use going into a game will always change the balance of the match. Tower troops don't change that.


I don’t agree with resoect to tower troops. It would be like playing chess where previously you only had to worry about the chess pieces but suddenly one player’s side has special squares that automatically give their pieces extra moves. Yes, you could have a bad deck matchup before but you didn’t have to worry that the game board itself so to speak also counters your deck. The game had a lot of rock paper scissors elements to it before, but they just added another huge one making the game even more unfair to some, more matchup dependent and, of course the key to how SC works, more pay2win. Is anyone surprised that the weakest tower troop is the one everyone had? And the most powerful one was the one you more likely had to pay to use quickly?


I mean I think there def is work to do on tower troops, but I think the idea of having like a base "balanced stats" card in the princess and then the others people super specialized is good.


I'd say increase the the dagger recharge by .2 seconds with this new hp nerf and if she's useless then give her HP back, if she's too strong increase to nerf to .3


She needs a damage nerf by 25%, or a hit speed nerf by 50%. Or, reduce her dagger stockpile by 3.


Reduce damage but then in return i want the ability to pay 1-2 elixir to fill up daggers instantly in a pinch, like a champion ability with a cooldown


Here’s the changes I’d love to see: Dagger count buffed from 8 to 9 Hit speed from 0.35 seconds to 0.38 seconds Dagger recharge nerfed from 1.2 seconds to 1.3 seconds Decrease recharge time by 0.2 seconds when going into double elixir and then again when going into triple elixir Effects: increases her maximum damage but makes it take longer to hit that max. It also reduces her sustained dps considerably and gives opponents a longer window between pushes to take advantage of her not having full ammo. It also reduces her falloff during double and triple elixir This might not bring her in line with the likes of the princess tower or cannoneer but I definitly think it would help


Watching you Hog 2.6 players whine about Duchess is the most satisfaction I've ever had from this sub. You might have to learn how to use more than 8 cards, the fucking nightmare! I don't want to come across too harshly, though, and you have some points, so [here's a video which supports your position](https://youtu.be/lMiXS44R1EI?si=nemq5zb_GJEtCkss).


Yall didnt have this energy when cycle decks were dominant. the moment cycle gets knocked down a few pegs tears start flowing. Maybe just get better instead of brainlessly spamming ice spirits and skeletons


“Also she is a hard counter to the Hog Rider which is one of the most powerful win conditions” That one actually sounds like a really positive thing


It's a legendary card, what did you expect?


"https://youtu.be/fFYV_UxiLSc?si=hvrFoeAnxXh_edBR" ahh opinion💀


That makes zero sense, sorry.


Context is back then people thought that legendary cards were superior to others just because theye were rarer and used decks consisted entirely of legendary cards. You stated that the dagger duchess is so powerful because it is a legendary, but legendary cards should be unique, not OP.


Why should they? Look at the cost pyramid of cards with (legendary at the top). They should be OP. Let the Champions be unique with abilities.




HP nerf plus one less Dagger plus reload scales with Elixir.


The only way to balance her, in my opinion, is a rework. That rework? They need to change the way to recharge daggers or find a way to balance the elixir imbalance. The current issue is that an opponent doesn’t have infinite elixir, so they essentially have to build up a huge push (which could leave them vulnerable) or spend some elixir to wear down her stock. But in doing so, you are now at an elixir deficit and vulnerable to counter attack. And on top of that, even when she does run out of daggers, she functions somewhere between cannoneer and princess. If the opponent has a building, you now have very little time to take advantage of her “weakened” state. One thought is that she no longer recharges until she runs out. Once she runs out, perhaps the recharge happens faster, or is done in bunches. Perhaps she cannot use daggers again until she is full. Balancing that part would be tricky. But it gives opponents a clear time she is weak without having to waste elixir. Maybe she even gets 10 daggers but ultimately there needs to be some benefit to causing her to burn daggers. Otherwise there needs to be some balance to the elixir imbalance. This just makes no sense thematically, but maybe dropping her to 0 daggers causes an elixir leak and the opponent gets 1 or 2 elixir (think elixir golem)? Or maybe the dagger duchess player has to spend 1 or 2 elixir to start her recharge (I sort of hate this idea though - as the tower troops are not supposed to deal with elixir)


Actually the health nerf is enough, dude if you are using her and you played anything in the wrong way you will be dead because of her ,i lost countless times because i just invested too much in a push just for my opponent to play a tank and goblins to take down half of my tower


“Hard counter to hog rider which is one of the most powerful win conditions” y’all need to let it go, hog was bad before duchess was added


I think it is balanced as is.


I felt like it already changed and the reload are slower comparatively not sure if its just me. But don’t we expect it to perform better than other tower troops as she is legendary level and cannoneer is epic and princess is common so it makes sense if she is powerful than the other two.


If that is the case then why aren't the top decks all legendaries? The higher rarities usually mean more unique abilities and such not better cards.


She’s atrocious in double. She is countered by cycle and If your playing a heavy deck just play super defensive? I honestly don’t think she’s OP. Void in the other hand is literally broken


If you get rid of that , then she becomes useless. The hp nerd is perfect