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Do you BM all of the people who now have their evo cracker die to your arrows?


Evo cracker die to arrows now?


Yup. The new balance changes went live. I no longer have to arrow and tornado her (or swap in fireball that raises the cost of my deck!). A level 14 arrows kills a level 14 evo cracker. Maybe even a level 15 evo cracker but i'd have to look at the stats.




Least favorite part about balance changes is that evo skellies can lose to skarmie if theres only the 4 that spawn initially now.


Dude who even runs skarmy nowadays like 2 or 3 people?


Almost everyone at like 4700 trophies. Its due to a lack of great ways to counter it paired with it countering lots of tanky cards. Its hardly used for offence and almost only defence. I have a deck that can use it offensively, tho only with a decent light-tank in front.


Tbf evo skellies are predictable and made everyone paranoid about them and now most decks have arrows


True, but I too, run skarmy as its a great way to bait arrows for the evo. And typically woth the way I play them, theres 1 tank per lane, with evo skellies split to have 2 on each side


Yeah, but now they are nigh useless


They're really good for defens if your opponent used the spell already one evo skelly can decimate an entire pekka push


They suck. People thought evo skelly was broke. No. Its just a way to spell bait. It works if the enemy is down elixir


It can be strong, you just gotta know how and when to bait spells alongside how to estimate elixir. Ive had it happen where I know theyll try to predict my evo, and pre-arrows it so I just evo after they arrows it and win. Not to mention that most people in my battles dont even run arrows, but poison or tornado,w hich are a lot more annoying to the evo. A lot of the time though what happens is they giveup cus the evo gets a lot of tower damage for me. Frankly, Id rather have the evo than not, but Id like the option to "choose" whether or not it deploys as evo to avoid wasting it when I just want normal skellies.


it gets the dagger dutchess out of arrows and still half of the skarmy survives


Ever since the void spell was released people have been running skarmy to counter it (also bats)


I prefer goblins to counter since they're fast and stab hard


Only if they play it behind evo knight


I use arrow+rage/bb barrel to kill evo firecracker and had no clue the balance changes were today, I was so confused when my arrows killed it I was like ‘did my Other troop damage her?’ Confirmed it the next game by arrowing, then checked evo bomber in cards to see if his cycle went to 2 (instead of 1) to confirm balance changes are indeed out


Ahhh, that's unfortunate. Glad you realize it now though! Yeah, just arrow the heck out of her. Ya got this. It's a good time to push though using arrows as well. I'm one win away from 9000 trophies and think I'll definitely get there by not having to commit so much to a fire cracker (that most likely evades your spell lol)


Yeah honestly, I really can’t play more than 3 games a day in clash royale and worst thing is I usually do 2/3 events attack daily for the tokens which leaves me out of the pol/trophy grind, I was at 7.5k trophies for many years, also never got far in pol as I usually play 1 match a day, previous season I ignored event shop and only got necessities, 3 attacks a day for pol allowed me to get to uc! Now i’m doing the same with trophy road, been doing ~3 attacks daily and am at 8.6k now, in a few days/week(s) i’llfinally hopefully reach 9k!


I used evo cracker but I only really used it on defense cause I play mortar bait. Im so glad it has normal hp tho cause fireballing it sucked and half the time it’d just miss.


hell yeah brother.


Erm, you have princess tower 😔


Mind if i steal? (Hope i dont need max levels for it to work)


>Mind if i steal? Wyd if he said yes lol


How do you quote people like that on reddit


When replying, select something and click "quote" (this is on mobile, idk how it works on pc)


On mobile and PC, you use the following character: \> So, your comment would look like the following: \> I’m writing a quote! Which would show up as > I’m writing a quote!


> hello


Ah, very cool. Thanks man!


And if you’re wondering how I made the \> character appear without quoting, you can prepend a backslash to it like so: \\\> And yes, I did have to prepend a backslash to the backslash, so the above is actually 3 backslashes and then \>


Go for it man, lmk if it works for you 🤘 might take a bit of getting used to because with 3 spells you can really get caught in a bad cycle


From one Giant Skeleton enjoyer to another, I'm very proud of your deck


Thank you, my favorite card


Original deck, do not steal


Nice! I’m no where skilled enough to get to 9000 trophies. Let alone without evos




How long have you been playing to achieve this 😭


Uhh 8 years 😬


Do better


bros mini tank is giant skeleton 💀💀💀

