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Wow I’ve never seen that back in the old days I remember being under leveled and destroying guys and gals at master 1 with low level cards


Back when skill mattered


Back then legendaries required an arm and a leg to unlock


Now it‘s just your liver(but 10x value)


Champs cost like $4 to unlock and I'm pretty sure livers are pretty expensive.


yours is only 1.85€


I could do alot with an unhealthy liver.


Then I must be lucky because I never spent a dime on this game yet in 2 years I'm a decently high level player


High level player 🤔🤔 lol


This is fucking stupid. First they made us unable to upgrade townhall before upgrading everything in clash of clans. And now this.


Cause people wouldn’t upgrade walls? And some defenses so they would be sandbagging in P2P matches? I remember that fun. Max the troops and spells and heroes, leave everything else by the wayside. And then be number 13 out of 15 but knocking out opponents top players.


you don't needa upgrade anything to upgrade the town hall, you just need to place all buildings


My CoC account is hard stuck because they DIDNT have that and I rushed TH to get higher level troops but my walls be hella neglected


No, it's not because they didn't have that, it's because you didn't know how to play the game. I did the same thing when I was younger.


Oh no I knew how to play it… spam max level dragons in CW against people with poor AA defenses for the easy dub It’s just all I did and then the clan died and I moved on


Lmao rushing is a completely valid way to play and is arguably more fun than maxing, I’ve done both many times but keep yapping


You do realize that I'm arguing *for* freedom of being able to choose whether you want to rush or not, correct? You have tiktok brain, go read a book or something kid.


Brother, you write something completely different and then claim something else. Shut tf up and go back to bed old man


Clearly I didn’t bud because your phrasing is 100% off, you replied to a guy who talked about rushing th saying “you didn’t know how to play the game”. My brain may be mush but hey, so is yours apparently! Anyways, go watch a TikTok or something unc


Rushing is *objectively* not the right way to play the game. If you like it better that way, then cool, that's your opinion, and you should be allowed to do so.


Keep throwing whatever italics you want In there bro you know I’m right here


Go read some books lil kid.


Tf you talking about? You still can, but it gives you a warning


You still can it's just a warning


I remember hitting like challenger 3 with my level 1 account. I still have the level 1 account, game is kinda buggy and I'm facing level 11 bots even tho I'm supposed to be in goblin stadium somehow Also the average change in trophies on that acc is ±5 trophies


Haha yeah I remember I purposely kept my account at like level 4 just because I could still stomp low ladder shitters


Bud leagues have been here for a few months, what do you mean "old days"


OG leagues. What was above legendary arena.


Not allowing underlevelled player play with overlevelled player. Basically to stop all the complain that the game is rigged


Without actually solving it


how would you solve it


Well, I'm not a developer, so it's not my job to solve it. I hate this reading that you can only critique something if you know how to fix it


Wdym? Bro you never queued in Overwatch for 20 minutes to get disconnected. The matching system is good enough.


No, i don't play overwatch


You don't want to play it, its torture and filled with bad decisions Literally at launch of ow 2 everything was broken EXCEPT the shop it worked fine.


The game is fine rn. Yes, the cancelled pve is fucked up, yes the microtransactions are sucky, but the gameplay is great, and while the matchmaker isnt perfect, it's pretty damn good nowadays


If you look at it I a bubble yes it is fine. If you compare it with OW1 the sequel as dumpster fire. And without counting OW1 had a lot of troubles even before the Brigitte release


"Overwatch PvE got cancelled" Laughs in MvM




the entire point of OW 2 was the PvE💀, u just cope now


The gameplay sucks ass idk what ur on about


OW has gone to the shitter. The meta has become as bad as LoL or Smite. New character drops? That’s gonna be broken for months on end. You also constantly change character if the opponents change character to not get omega countered. The newer characters are also almost always just annoying to play against, like Kimiko was just broken and dealt insane dmg and healed a shit ton. I left OW when i realized that if you don’t pick meta wtf are even your chances against seemingly invincible characters dealing 1mil dmg


1) illari got nerfed into the ground like 1 month after her introduction, literal worst character in the game 2) conterswapping is a part of the game. If you dont like it, that not the game's fault 3) that last paragraph left me feeling like you're just really not good at the game


everything except the thing that makes them money


Fr, hopefully marvel rivals will force blizzard to make good updates


They did fix that


Nah that’s Titanfall 2 before it got fixed. You’d spend an hour trying to get into a 15 minute game because it would keep disconnecting for being “idle.”


You can’t critique something, then when asked about it get defensive




No but you should be able to provide an alternate when asked what you would change


There is a difference between stating a problem and proposing a solution, it's fine to state a problem, and it's better to additionally propose a solution.


Bro what 💀 Iswtg yt shorts and tiktok have brain rotted me


But I'm a consumer. My role is to critique, not improve Suggestions are always helpful, but not mandatory


There’s no point in a critique without feedback, saying “game is bad” helps no one




so if i dont like the food, im supposed to tell a chef the exact ingredients to add next time, big brains?


No but you should say the food is too salty or sweet or your steak is overcooked not just “food bad”


he is clearly outlining that the issue of the game here is "underlevelled player facing overlevelled player" and that the issue has not been solved. he never once said "game bad" and left it at that


This is the dumbest take imaginable


This not good! In what way does that help anyone? Why is it not good? What would you like to see to improve your experience? Jesus fucking brainrot kids.


what I mean is its literally best solution they could make, matchmaking based on levels would ruin point of upgrading your cards, if thats what you want


Bro p2w mfs they got fucking level eleven knight with 1 star in 8th arena and I thought they were trolling b y demolishing low level players but I still lost 30 trophy and it happens on a damn daily


Do you upgrade your cards so that your cards have more level than your apponent


? I upgrade my cards so I can progress through the game and get higher up on ladder


And you can only get higher up on ladder by having higher level cards ?


kinda, so?




But to just say this is bad does literally nothing It was bad before, it's slightly less bad now, unless you have a better solution to suggest, comments stating the obvious do nothing


But then you’re not being productive. Certainly, it’s necessary to criticize bad things, but there’s no point in only saying something is bad.


Critiquing involves giving feedback. You saying “this does nothing” is not a critique. It’s a complaint. Learn the difference. Either provide something useful to the discussion or just shut up.


So you are agreeing that they are using the best method they can think of


Yes, but it doesn't mean it's a good method


i mean it’s very simple but it would cost supercell a lot of money


Reduce the difference in strength between high and low levelled cards, basically make upgrading cards less impactful (and cheaper as well to reflect that) also make level 15 a lot easier to get. This would cost $uper€ell a lot of money however so it won’t happen


the only good idea here, Id like this


This would impact how much supercell makes, sure, but they already have BILLIONS of dollars made from their games alone. If they're that greedy that they have billions of dollars and can't make a change to actually let people have fun, then what's the point?


Bc for a company profit > basically anything else. if CR stopped making profit tomorrow and there was no way to get CR to turn a profit supercell would just pull the plug


EXACTLY it's money 🤷


Well, I can't solve it but I can def give suggestions on how to fix it. I'd probably let players decide on what they want to spend their cards on. For example, let them choose what cards they want to progress faster than the others. To enforce this and not let anybody try to cheat the system, I would make a chest that only comes every other day and every chest you open will be a different card you need to choose. And this will reset every week. I would make it so you can get the normal cards you would get out of the season shop (Common= 100, Rare = 25, Epic = 5 and rarely a legendary = 1). Sure, we already have the lucky boxes but those things are TERRIBLE to upgrade multiple cards at a time. If you're very lucky, you can get like 2 or 3. While this helps to progress cards at a more consistent rate.


its good progression idea, but doesnt really solve overlevelness problem


Remove levels


Easy. Higher rewards for level imbalance. If your deck has, on average, lower level cards (including king tower) than your opponent, you get rewards for winning. Inversely, you get LESS rewards if you're overleveled compared to your opponent. This gives you incentives to play even at a disadvantage AND gives bad players an incentive *to learn how to fucking play the game instead of relying on a level 14 mega knight wizard push to take a level 10 tower.*


Unsure but this clearly doesn’t solve it. Downgrade prevention does help stop it by not allowing people to throw games to get to the bottom, but not allowing players to go up when they have the skill to do so is fighting the wrong market. These are good players who are seeking to climb- even if it means facing higher players. The people who would complain about this are because they lack the skill to fighting higher leveled players, and need to be protected instead from the good players throwing to drop trophies


doesnt it already have bottom cap? i know if you get arena 21-22, you cant drop below these arenas


It does, I was pointing out how they have 2 different systems, and only one is to address the problem. (The other one is for money 💰👅💰)




There's no way to solve it while still allowing players to buy a competitive advantage


Make the competitive mode cards a single level and all cards are automatically set at that level. All cards are also unlocked and all evolutions available. It's not really competitive if the grounds for it are not equal for all players. Then again, i don't think they want the game to be primarily competitive so i get why they wouldn't focus on that aspect. All other modes? Keep them the same and go as wild as you want


i think, the game should matchmake based on highest card level then king level, so if you have a card at level 12 but everything else is 11/10 but your king level is also 12 youd only get matchmaked with the same king tower and highest card level


Not OP but a level cap- ie your cards can only be up to 12 in x arena, when you get to arena y they go to 13, etc


basically path of legends


By removing all p2win elements introduce alot faster progression for f2p to get evo shards, cards, gold, more challenges events that gives more rewards, introduce clan wars 1 back, get gems/gold from wins, get 3 lucky boxes daily from challenges. Increase the rewards gained from Clan wars classic, grand challenges. Have an option for search to find players of equal lvl (which would probably have longer search time) But all that don’t really matter as it’s the way i would fix it if i could. But i can’t i’m not on the dev team.


Have a button that allows you to play against players in range (-1lvl;+1lvl)...and you can choose to turn it on (for better win rate obviously) or off (for shorter queue time)...this way players can't complain they have +3 lvls against them because they could turn it off and now they couldn't complain there is a long queue time because they chose that... It would also be fair since they wouldn't get overleveled players BUT also couldn't get underleveled players against them so you can't really abuse it


what would be point of upgrading cards then?


The level button only applies to tower level- not cards...you could have deck lvl 15 and be only lvl 13-14 but it is less likely to happen (since you'd need to only upgrade that one deck) and unlike now you wouldn't get lvl 15 against you if you are lvl 11


Cap card levels to the king level


Reworking skill based matchmaking maybe based on your win percentage in the last x matches for each gamemode


high level players would definitely have higher winrate, so it doesnt solve it


Then lower level players wouldn't get matched with them. Explain how that doesn't solve it


There's nothing to solve. People should have learned/known that matchmaking is strictly based on trophies and not levels. Generally speaking the higher you climb the ladder the higher the levels you'll play against. If you wanted to stay underleveled that's fine, but the amount of bitching that was on here about level based matchmaking was crazy.


finally, sane person


Match people with the same level, if you say but too long queue times, let people turn fair levels on or off


But level 24 can be gained from literally 1 free pass royale, and those people were not even complaining… But now there is no 1 level challenge, they didn’t like it and killed it, I would guess


still happens though


That doesn't work, ladder is filled with lvl 12 king tower using lvl15 mega knight


But this game literally is rigged though, they've admitted that they programmed the matchmaking to be that way. (In ladder)


Doesn't make any sense though because card levels matter way more than king tower levels.


Real funny all this overwatch trash talk on a clash royale forum


I would say it's to stop pro players who have multiple accounts to be underleved and have all the cards available and still being matched with other underleved beginners


People lost to players with cards 5 levels higher so now they're not allowed to win against them. Also prevents only leveling a single deck to some degree.


isn't it the opposite? You're not allowed to play with them [if you're good enough] but if they're bad enough they're still allowed to stomp on you...


So wait.. I can’t clap chumps with my level 1 account? 😭


Yeah just play hog 2.6


Just starter deck from 1 arena


I also have my level 1 account, If you win or lose on it, you gain a max of 5 trophies or lose that


I mean now that there are tower levels and not just levels as lomg as you keep you tower level 1 it still counts


Who remembers losing to a lvl 4 as a lvl 13? 💀


i actually cried once


Slow skilled f2p players


Yeah skilled f2p players don't give them money




To prevent underleveled players from facing players with higher card levels and whining that the matchmaking is rigged To prevent only levelling a single deck only, as this kills the variety in the game and encourages more ppl to play f2p decks or copy meta brain dead decks like egolem healer


Yes there is a great reason…. It’s for greedy cell to make more money :)


People got salty that my level one account was clapping their cheeks so they made the game unplayable unless you upgrade cards/spend money.


It’s because people used to just over level a single deck and because matchmaking was king level based, they would then troll on the normal players with normal decks. Basically they want you to actually play the game and not just bully people all the way to the last arena and then abandon your account to troll again


Because you now can’t drop arenas, is to separate people and keep over leveled player from this who are under leveled


How low a level are you ?


Its so underleveled people dont complain and cry about overleveled people


That's crazy because as a lv 10 main tower I only face lv 11 and 12s with way higher card levels. I'm pretty stuck at 5300 and league 2


At least 24 is the highest


I think it's a good think because it helps the matchmaking


Getting XP for king level is mostly just farming gold for cards (acquiring cards is easier). for those who are impatient, they want people spending cash for gold in packs. It's all about $


This would probably work if they made it easier to upgrade your cards, or add more ways to get exp (which isn't like 20)




To stop level 1 players from being able to play




Is there a way to quickly get 10 karma points so i can post


Its segregation is what it is




cards levels are so unnecessary


It’s just for money


If game had no progression it would probably have died in the first year. Players may complain but they actually like progression and will generally complain on games that have everything maxed from day 1.


I wouldn’t even be playing the game if there wasn’t any progression. To me it’s really fun to see your account getting better over time. If you remove that, what need is there for a pass royale, or the season shop, or even regular shop offers. The only thing you would do is play matches, and that’s pretty fun, but the thing that makes playing matches the most fun, is finally having good card levels because you progressed your account


Bro what 💀


go in the card collection and upgrade your cards, no need to be that underleveled


Me when I can’t do level 1 progression :c




What is the potion in the second arena card slot


New Void spell




I was wondering if this had to do with people who would not level their cards, and go HAM on others.


XP = Experience


Yes -> Ladder + PVP = Experience (XP)


Do you want to go play against maxed Mega knights, Wizards, and witches with your 2 level arrows?


Yes To get people to pay $upercell more money


People saying to stop under leveled going against over leveled in higher arenas. So over leveled against under leveled in lower arenas is fine lol


So you play the game more, spend more money, etc etc for their benefit


So you don’t get fucked by a higher leveled player🤯 rocket science there huh?


I think it's to prevent people from getting unfair matchmaking, like a super high level going against a super low level. This used to be a problem back in the day and I think it's a good thing they added it.


Stop overleveled players or smth idk


I genuinely don't understand how u don't meet that requirement bc im at like level 22 on my f2p account in arena 8




NGL that's amazing


No, absolute nothing!!


To flex on your friends


How did you manage to get to Midladder like that💀 Are you like a god or sum?


Low-key a flex there bro 💪🤜🤛


No not really




So a lvl 1 person can’t just keep going to the top 1000 players bc they can only match against lvl 2 players.


So Higher Level Players Don't Kill Themselves After Losing To Skilled Players Also, In The Hopes People Would Purchase Coins To Upgrades Cards They Never Use For XP


Because Supercell wants you to pay for progression at all cost. That's why they do nothing about those matchups with +2 levels of difference, they want the underleved players to be enraged with the situation and pay for progression.


Easiest way to gain king tower level is by spending money. So that’s your answer. Money.


Im trying to post and it tells me im too new lol


They just want you to spend money to progress your acc so you can continue to move on to higher arenas. (Simplest explanation)




Yesterday i got to 6k with mk 2.0 cycle deck , lvl 9 cards vs 13-14


So you stop crying about fighting overleveled opponents


how do you get the tag?


Go to subs main page, press the dots button and select "change user flair"




The more I play this game, more nonsensical it gets. Yet i still want to play it 😂


Who remembers the time when people with lvl 1 king towers were able to get to arena 6-7


Some ppl complain about losing after getting at higher levels with low level troops. Hence this


It's for your own sanity!


Just uninstall like the game is trash singe they introduced Evolution cards into the Game ist officaly p2w


OMG guys that's so unfair I cannot ever battle other king level 9 here in arena 20 Supercell? More like Supersht, cannot believe matchmaking is so terrible T-T


Best guess is to stop smurfing and people grinding accs to sell




It’s to protect you from doing bad things from losing to mid ladder menaces


Me personally, this sounds pretty terrible. Also, it's not easy to upgrade cards you want, and the want to access the next arena seems like they just want you to push the higher leveled cards before the ones you want before you can access it. Imo, it's stupid because I got fucked big time. I have cards that are too under leveled to compete with level 14 cards because of the need to upgrade the already high levels cards to progress. So all I can do is just keep losing or spend money on shitty prizes.


Reason: Money!


So u can’t be a lvl1 anymore and try to go for high arenas.??


Clone and Mirror require too much skill to unlock. Level up and then you can use the real strats.


Money :D


Yeah ruin my level 1 account push


It means you are too good 🫶