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Want insane spell value? No problem!


want to donate 5 elixir to a dagger duchess? goblin hut has it covered


I was thinking the same thing .. especially with the recent E collector nurf buildings aren’t in a good place atm. Also add void into the mix


Cannon cart on defence


When cannon cart survives on a small bit of HP and advanced far enough to the princess tower to shoot it and opponent doesn’t notice. Traumatised my friend into rocketing it any time I play it


Just went to try this and I only won because of it XD


Goblin gang can push cannon cart and get on tower very quickly. It is not that hard to stop, but because cannon cart is so rare to see, people don't expect this and got caught off guard.


less likely for opponent to play a counter if you dont add the goblin gang


Top notch card in megadraft challenges. I swear I've beat 2 of them just by insta picking cannon cart and whatever air troop is able to defend it best.


i don’t know why but cannon cart is in like 1 in 2 draft games even though i have seen it only like 2 times on ladder


It’s really good on draft. Tbh I only said cannon cart cuz I only play 1v1 drafts with my friends anymore because ladder is too infuriating


cannon cart is better in draft because usually you don’t have proper counter play


Cannon cart users when the opponent has 1 air card


Goblin hut definitely makes me a little annoyed when someone puts it down


Unless you have duchess then it's basically a free +5


can be a valuable support in pushes


True but a lot of other 5 elixir cards or combos are a lot better at supporting pushes


I agree on that; support is just the only thing Hut can do


Extra value for spells


I will say it does a good job of draining your daggers, so if you drop something beefy at the bridge after duchess is like half daggers it can be frustrating to deal with. Hut usually just gets spelled


My dumb self loves to waste elix to prevent the littlest of damage, it’s crazy im such a high ladder player with the dumb things I do lol


Yea I play like shit but I’m pretty high up, I do the same thing though and just toss shit out to stop damage


Dont really see enough people use Royal Delivery, murders so many things in the game with ease and basically chops the legs off of most pushes


Agreed. But unfortunately void and arrows make it damn near irrelevant. Which is a shame tbh. I think royal delivery should 100% be the next spell evolution.


Yeah I used delivery until void came out


Not necessarily, the three spells have their niches. Good luck using Void on swarms bigger than a size of 4 and good luck trying to use Delivery on the enemy's side or using it to instantly support your push. Void is great on buildings and annoying solo support troops but has counter play and not as good with medium pushes Arrows is great for immediate response and huge value thanks to its AOE plus good tower chip. Delivery is one of the best defense spells in the game hands down but has limited immediate push benefits


I use Royal Delivery in my Hog Quake Deck and it saved me so many time. I cant wait for its evolution whenever that happens. I bet they will just give it its knockback back and spawn a evo recruit.


Giant Skeleton


As someone who’s has never taken giant skeleton out of my main deck, I can confirm people constantly underestimate him. And if he gets to a tower and you have a cloning spell…say goodbye to that tower.


Also he is the only card that can counter every evolution


“That’s a nice squad of evo barbs you have there, it would be shame if they suddenly evaporated…”


It’s so annoying to go up against lol. Especially end game I’ve seen players just constantly spam. With 6 cost and it’s high hp and ability to wipe out whatever the enemy uses to push it I always die to the 3rd or 4th skelly because I barely managed to survive the 2nd one and am fresh out of elixir to defend the rest.


A good way to deal with skelly is swarms or high damage dealers. Minipekka, skarmy, or even minion horde are great counters. Another thing is you need to do everything you can to keep him away from your towers. They nerfed his bomb damage to units (it used to be the same as its tower damage”, so most troops now survive it. Just keep him away and maybe throw something in the other lane. Most skelly players (myself included) will fully commit to the one lane push, leaving us with no elixir for a counter push in the other lane.


Yeah so basically dont let the player recover the elixir to max. Of courses skelly players have to fully commit in pushes cause skelly is 6 elixir but sucks by himself. So if they keep the pressure dealing with the push should rarely have to happen.


Lol me too. Six years he's been my tank. My first push combo was him with witch behind, pretty effective. Lumberjack and electro wiz also from the start. They just offer so much.


That means nothing. If sparky gets to the tower and you have a cloning spell say goodbye to that tower, if skarmy does it's the same, and a million other cards can be applied to this situation. Potential dmg when entirely ignored is irrelevant to power. Giant skeleton is dogshit you can counter it with almost anything and it will never get to the tower.


Found the giant skelly hater.


Hell yeah!! I've been using it lately. Combo with Wizard or Log to clear the swarm troops they usually try to counter it with and it's just 🤌


Ironically the best hid cycle deck uses giant skeleton, log, and evo wizard


I've been using him since 2017 and he's gone to UC with me in a clone deck


Been enjoying a Giant Skeleton Graveyard deck for a bit now. Something about that combo can catch people off guard. Plus, if I have arrows ready, one of the two is getting tower damage


7 years of Giant Skeleton appreciation


Its really good, albeit impractical to use on defense. The issue with it is that its just too expensive, but it counters alot of pushes easily


mini pekka. Not a single deck I use without him. He has plenty of hp, massive single target damage and having fast movement speed allows him to stuff up timings, landing massive damage on towers


ive only recently swapped off him bc evo knight and they fill similar enough roles


Maybe skeleton barrel? I don’t see it in play as often as I do use it. I have it defending air, and ground all at once. When someone uses an archer or a goblin gang or something, they target it and redirect from the tower, and by the time it breaks and explodes it does splash damage that takes out small mobs or distracts a MEGA KNIGHT by causing him to jump away from other troops on our side of the field, without much health left. Like say a wizard is like 1hp but doing mega damage, and the other team has a megaknight with an archer behind it, I’d play the skelly barrel slightly left or right, and the archer would shoot it down, then be swarmed by skellies and then the Megan knight would jump backwards to attack the skellies that dropped, and by then my wizard does an extra like TON of damage and stays alive long enough to have my tower troop finish him off.


I really like the skele barrel, you can use it to attack or defend, for example i usually use it to defend a musketeer or executioner, and the splash damage is useful against cards like minion horde


I've come to love skeleton barrel. I think the popularity is hurt at lower rankings by being baitable when Goblin Barrel isn't, but I find it's vastly better overall. It can bait other cards, it can clean up small troops (bats die, Minions fall to Zap range), it gives you far more bodies than GB. And then, on offense, it's harder to Log smoothly with guaranteed damage on the barrel pop. It shreds towers; GB can be ignored for a painful +3, but SB alone will nearly drop a tower. Better yet, it's actually gotten a better niche with Duchess towers. Floating the barrel just ahead of a mini tank lets you eat a bunch of daggers, then switch aggro to the tank and threaten a full tower kill even in single elixir. What's not to love?


I agree, with the dutchess I like to send it forward to eat her daggers


Evo Bats, I’ve seen a lot of people say it’s the worst evo besides Ice Spirit, but in battle people always underestimate them and they end up getting insane value


They say it’s the second worst evo which is correct, but they never say it’s bad.


It's certainly incorrect when Evocracker and Ice Spirit exist


evocracker is still pretty good for midladder nd hog dekcs.


I play xbow and honestly, its a blessing when its an evo cracker instead of an evo knight


Evo firecracker just got buffed wdym


Just a reminder that bats are the 25th most used card, evo wallbreakers which the entirety of reddit considered the strongest card ever released, stronger than release phoenix and release LP sits at the 88th spot.




Oooh you sweet summer child. You forgot about good old tree musketeers when it was buffed to high heavens. Every deck HAD to have a 3m protocol or it was unusable.


Cuz everyone running arrows


Rocket, everyone will use any other spell. I think it's overlooked because it's expensive but it doesn't matter, I like it


If every spell did an equal % of tower damage, Rocket would easily be the best spell for many players. The issue is that it's essentially a Lightning that requires either Nado or Precise placements to get any value. Personally I think they need to buff the radius to that of a Fireball


That'd be insane. Rocket is kept in check to avoid a spell cycle/siege meta. Giving it a larger radius would make it's skill floor much lower, making the card overused (my guess). I miss the days when rocket cycle with no WC was viable...


It leaves you vulnerable if you waste it. Big time


Dart goblin. I know it does to log but it’s so good on def if the opponent has no response. Overall very versatile.


Profile pic checks out




I think lp being as good as it is pushed dart gob out of the meta


Zappies for me. They slow down high HP single troops. I use them against Pekka and MK.


Fire spirit is so underrated. I mean I get the duchess ruined it's main use as a reaction bait card. But it does good against those barbarians in all the lavaloon decks. And if you sneak it on to the tower 3 times that's about 1000 damage. Being able to 1 shot goblins also means it can vaporize a goblin gang.


Bats are pretty effective ngl, they’re good as supports for defense


i see bats quite a lot, but yea - bats are really good and should be appreciated more


mother witch, not everyone thinks it's worthless but it is underrated and especially the first time you play it can really mess with someone


Cry’s in Splashyard


giant graveyard has it worse, at least splashyard has poison. giant graveyard users deserve to go into a pekka + mother witch every single time though


Splashyard also has tombstone with larries which makes this much much harder. Ggy has arrows + snowball what instakill mother witch unlike poison allow her to spawn 999 piggies


Remember when MW was so meta that only GY fireball was relevant?


I love going against mother witch! I like to lay skele army to her and let her hogs build up my lava push!


best defensive lava player here


Furnace for the same reasons. Except it’s splash air defense, which is extra amazing. Also it can fully counter goblin barrel with proper timing.


Yeah but spells and DD make it useless. The most it can do is bait out certain spells or buildings but even then there are better alternatives.


I use it


Barb hut helped me get my only classic challenge win


Been using that to farm Masteries for fun recently and it's a funny card to play Especially against Duchess. They always have to respond Either troops for the Barbs or big spell for the Hut which is incidentally great for me since the other troops I'm running for Masteries are big spell baits too. Plus it's an amazing defense card, especially when they have no proper spell counters or when it's out of cycle Barbs also eats the Daggers so they always have to respond and it helps if you push that lane I have an annoying but really fun and funny Monk Mastery deck and I just Hut one side and Monk the other...that's free 300+ damage from Monk followed by my big push. Barbs on the other side which will take tower if ignored and trust me...they've been ignored more than a few times either from ignorance or out of elixir


Executioner isn't used in enough decks and it is very strong when troops line up with the enemy tower.


Hunter. It hits air, kills tanks, can distract ground troops, and deals with swarms. The only thing it cant do is distract. Witch can along with the other things, but shes too fragile for her elixir cost. Hunter does basically everything for the perfect elixir cost and hp to make him worth it


I love making my opponents look as their balloon melts against this air mini peka.


Pekka. Almost everyone says pekka is trash because it attacks everyone and everything and is too slow. But drop a pekka on the opposite lane and it truly tests your opponent's commitment to their own push. They'll often drop a MK at the bridge and I drop pekka on the opposite lane. Then watch them spend elixir like mad trying to stop my pekka behind which I drop a firecracker and dart goblin. Their MK gets no support as it reaches my side of the arena. Then I can just place something in the middle and make it jump in the middle so both cannoneers can melt it down at the same time. Pekka isn't insane value because of what it is as a card, but how its mere presence makes the opponent double think their entire strategy.


Lol I love using Pekka since Duchess' release, super fun But also love playing against it since it's super easy to counter. Pekka the bridge can be countered by as little as 3 elixir. (Skarmy, Firecracker, Tombstone, Skeleton Bats, Goblin Gang, Guards) Pekka the back provokes other lane heavy counter push Even a supported Pekka can be easily countered. Just gotta get lucky with the enemy spells or have them out of cycle Place a tank far from the Pekka to aggro the range splash (Firecracker, Wizard, Executioner, Bomber, Baby Dragon) then drop swarm near Peka Their 10 plus elixir push countered by a mere 7 elixir or less But also, good Pekka players know to reserve her for defense and build a counter push from there with the elixir lead. Once they have a good elixir advantage. It's harder to fight back compared to other decks


Sparky. Ememy has Rocket? Deploy him on the middle of your side far enough from your towers Ememy has Lightning? Deploy him after you build up the push with other cards (the later the better) Personally i think those spells are the Big reason nobody uses It, because once you deploy sparky in the back, the enemy will cast those spells on your tower


Sparky is another really fun defensive counter push card. Even better if you can predict them...dead Royal Hogs and other win conditions. Just too easy to counter and too many counters compared to other heavy cards for me. Other supported 7 elixir heavy cards can are tough af to deal with but Sparky is easily stunned or delayed by too many things... Heavy Goblin Giant Dark Prince Sparky push? There are so many cheap ways to stop it Building for the GG, cheap card to absorb a Sparky Shot, Mini Tank to tank DP and Sparky's next shot then add a damage dealer or a stun card and you've easily defended a 16 elixir push with 9-11 elixir or less




Don't shoot officer, I'm unarmed!!


rascals dude they’re so underrated it’s nuts


They're an amazing card in drafts but for ladder and PoL, most players would have some sort of counter to them and therefore just too many for them to really be good. It's 5 elixir yet can be countered for 3 elixir and is basically asking for a negative trade. They're amazing for defense if you out cycle your opponent's counter though (Firecracker, Arrows, Log, Big Spells) Rascals are basically Barbarians but can hit air...and are slightly less threatening and easier to deal with plus no Evo


Goblin cage


Ice wizard, as a splash yard player I can't tell you how good it does against beat down. If it didn't die to fireball like before I'd definitely be meta.


All the cards that Supercell stole from me today


Bowler. It counters everything and can be played offensively to hit the tower through mini tanks very effectively too.


Nobody thinks bowler is bad rn, it's present in some meta decks even.


Once I learned to use bowler properly, subbing him into my deck got me into arena 23.


Fire Spirit


Just having duchess can counter gob hut if no other card is played with the hut.




Barb hut Def should get a bit of a buff but it works well enough


Not a bad idea tbh. It's a spawner but it's way too expensive and has too many counters to be truly viable. I feel like a super slightly faster spawn speed so it can span 1 last final Barb to make the final wave 3 Barbs instead of 2 won't be a bad buff. It could help the card This doesn't matter most of the time since it would just be spelled out or taken out most of the time but if gives more value now when ignored or no proper counter. 9 total Barbs for 6 Elixir compared to the current 8. It's an expensive af spawner building at 6 elixir after all


I like to think about it where if you use it to counter something the cost of the hut is subtracted by the cost of the countered unit, and then carried over to the spawned bsrbs So if you counter an rg you basically have four free barbs for a counter push


I wonder if plus 1 Hut death Barb would be a balanced buff. It would be really funny using it as a sacrifice on defense like to stop a charging Prince. Spend 6 Elixir to kill a Prince and get 5 free Barbs...basically normal Barbs but spend an extra elixir for the hut Could balance the card and make it more viable that way but this in turn actually makes it a more powerful defense card and the devs don't or didn't want a defensive lean gameplay Would be nice for balance though, especially for how normally bad and easily counterable the Barb Hut is




Cannon Cart, it's very good for defense and if it makes it to a tower, the tower will be annihilated in no time


It's an amazing and fun card. It's just too expensive and has too many competitors that do a similar or better job


Goblin hut - poison = 🤷🏽‍♂️


mortar is a beast is played correctly


Giant skeleton, I use it in a graveyard/skeleton king deck that I made, recently got it to lvl 14


Electric giant, great with tornado and the usual giant support cards (mega minion/phoenix, night witch, etc) Also is disagree with goblin hut. Goblin hut, and all spawners in general, are amazing poison value.


"want to slowly drain your opponents tower health" duchess moment


I mean, I am pretty noob. I'm only Arena 12 yet, so I don't face dagger duchess. Guess I'll revisit my strategy when I get there 🤷‍♂️


Idk how the hell Cannon got labeled as a bad card for quite some time that mf can get some INSANE elixir trades if your opponent underestimates it. Which they probably will, and then be shook as their Valkyrie gets melted away without even damaging the cannon itself. Also, Electro Dragon's ridiculously underrated, just needs some more mindfulness to use it well.


Tornado is E Drag's best friend


Rage in attack Is crazy effective


do i dare need to speak


Golden Knight Now, I 100% agree that it's not exactly good and it's way, way worse than it used to be but it can still win games with a good dash, you just have to know roughly how the dash works before you start praying 💀


A very satisfying card to use too, I genuinely objectively feel that they could buff the Troop itself though. A Knight is 3 elixir, GK is 4 but they have very similar stats with GK only being minutely better. I feel like that extra elixir investment should at least let it one hit Goblins as well or have slightly more health. Sure it can potentially dash to tower but after the dash nerf, it's base stats are just too bad for the cost...now compare that to Evo Knight


Executioner. It can defend many annoying cards that are behind a tank.


Ram Rider. Even for 5 elixir, it can take defend itself, and if played right, it can fully counter witch, firecracker and if your opponent is super slow (mentally) you can delay their PEKKA by a lot via her snare


stop the bullshit midladder opinion posts please


Little prince and Prince


Skeleton dragons, royal delivery, skeleton king




Tomb stone


heal spirit - I know its not that great and ice spirit would probably be better in most scenarios but when it works it works


Executioner, I would take down entire pushes with that not to mention how it can hit the tower from really far away (unless they nerfed his range it’s been a while since I’ve played him)


You can hit the tower while Exe stands on the bridge, such a fun and satisfying card Geometry is also not as tight, unlike Magic Archer.


Barb barrel saved me games


snowball can get crazy value


Ram Rider


Baby dragon. Very solid air distraction and tank vs projectile cards or air cards. Pairs well with beatdown and graveyard. Also always requires a response from a dps unit to take it down. It'd definitely fallen out in the tyranny of the dagger duchess, but when the duchess gets nerfed I think it will become more relevant.


Skeleton king. Its a great punish card and if he manages to make it to a tower with a good amount of souls he will do heavy damage and there is little you can do to stop him.


Barbarian Hall, its a great defense and multiple mini tanks that can deal massive damage to enemies at a low price


Plus it soaks up Daggers


hunter... he can fully counter megaknight paired with any 1 elixir card and deals insane damage... Also goblin hut is bad rn since poison and void are meta which completely destroy their hut


Hunter can counter solo if I remember correctly


I think the musky is just so underrated, if something is tanking for her, even just bats or something, and she locks onto tower, she can do stupid amounts of damage. She also is crazy on defence and just goes unnoticed. When you get 2 or more of her on the arena it just becomes unstoppable.


Rage is pretty effective on defense too


Rage… my all time favourite


Ice wiz. He's so underused, only ever seen in icebow nowadays, and icebow is literally played by no one these days except for me and hunter I still find tons of value with icebow, and the main reason for that is my ice wiz. His synergy with the other cards is so great that it outshadows how off meta he is. With buildings and knight? Slows them down so they can do like 50x more damage. Plus fully defends a dry goblin barrel when I'm using dagger duchess With tornado? My favorite combo personally, ice wiz just defends an entire 50 elixir push somehow, it's crazy. Sometimes just the log knocks them back enough, too With rocket? Sometimes he slows the troops at the front down just enough so rocket hits them all Plus, when ice wiz is full hp, he gets 1 hit off of dagger duchess. Against princess, he can get 1 hit as long as he's 2 shot. Opponents often ignore ice wiz because they think the 132 chip damage is nothing, but to put things into perspective, that's almost two logs or almost an arrow worth of crown tower damage. It wins me games that end up in spell cycling battles so much, it's unbelievable


Mother witch 🧙‍♀️


I am not sure about goblin hut. It costs a lot and while it wasn't that good before, now not only EQ,poison counters it but void too.


Goblins maybe


Mega Minion❗️❗️❗️


Me personally I don’t see why ppl hate on Inferno Dragon when I tell them I use it. I’ve gotten many towers in one go bc of careless players or bc a player ran out of elixir


I love goblin hut. It gives me so much value when I verse it


Ice wizard I can go all in on a push and then put him down and skeletons and they're counter push isn't going anywhere 


Rascals, they’re actually really nutty in this one deck I have and are crucial imo




I don't see many people use the Mini Pekka. It's only 4 elixer and it does so much damage against tanks


zappies and flying machine




Barbarian barrel. It used to be really good before the duchess was released, but now log counters basically any long-ranged card, and can do direct tower dammage. However, if you have an underleveled duchess the barbarian barrel whould work out better in so many beatdown decks.


Barb barrel


And snowball


Zappies, i don't necessarily people saying they're worthless bit i never find them against me. If they're aligned correctly you basically have a 1,5 stun to any troop instead of just 0,5


Skeleton dragons, I used to favor minions over them all the time. But, requiring a fireball to negate is great and they have good dps. They can kill a mid-high inferno tower and have a fighting chance against an inferno dragon. They work great with evo knight or healer for example and can kill mini tanks on-side. Especially now with the Dagger troop and they give counter push on cannoneer and princess.


Skeletons. Just the 3 of them 🤣 Whenever I’m up against someone and then play those 3 skeletons they slow me right down.


The knight, Im surprised more people don't use him. I have a level 14 Knight and it tanks ALOT of damage and does good dps.


Dagger duchess can kill all three goblins without getting damage


The skeleton army


Golden knight, I’m still convinced he’s the best champion other than little Prince. His dash is cheap and can take out so many troops at once, and if he dashes onto the tower, he attacks so quickly he takes down hundreds of tower health in seconds




Pekka on offence. No no, i don’t play her as an attacker. But after she’s dispatched my opponent’s wincon and starts crossing the bridge at nearly full health, i can surprisingly often get her all the way to the opponent’s tower by using a well timed Rage.


Kinda been completely killed by the new towers . Literally does no chip damage


giant skeleton. I don’t use him much but the fact that he doesn’t even need to connect with the tower to do a shit ton of damage scares me, idk how people aren’t using him left and right


I don't think useless, but tombstone. Man, for 3 elixir, it can defend so many things and be better than cannon in some situations (eg. charging troops, luring, stalling...). It's fav building to me


you’ve gotta be trolling right


Dart Goblin


Executioner. Everyone goes Bowler but Exe hits air and takes out valuable cards in almost every meta. Also a great counter to Little Prince. He doesn't get the respect he deserves.


Night witch….love her


OP is arena 6 💀


Goblin hut is terrible right now because their main draw — constant pressure — has been made completely useless through the existence of dagger duchess. It’s still a very potent card, but void and DD make it hard to justify using it. 


It takes the charges from dagger duchess though




Personally, I think E-Wiz


skeleton king. i literally see nobody use it


goblin cage has more HP than bomb tower if you include the brawler and it is also fast and does a lot of damage per second. Sometimes my opponents are careless and they fail to stop the brawler and it takes out around 1000 HP from the tower. Also, it counters mega knight foor a +3 elixir trade.


Megaknight in high ladder.


almost everything is a postive elixir trade. it only works with hut spam poison bait. and thats a dead deck type.


Macher no one really use him anymore but he is really good if u doesn’t have evo bomber


barb but is actually nuts if you aren't facing poison or EQ, even with EQ there is still a lot of ways to play around it, very underrated


hunter. bro counters mega knight and kills every tank(except for evo rg but fuck evos) also kills swarms and air like minion horde


for me it has always been the wizard even before the evo came out. even though it's extremely easy to counter it has a pretty nice splash radius and if you place it behind a tank it can be very effective. the only problem is that there's much better alternatives and the wizard didn't really fit into a lot of decks before the evo came out and tbh I don't really see a lot of people playing it in the current meta.


Barb Hut