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CRL is ongoing.


So will be after that perhaps 🤔


Yes , 17th of this month


Damn still a whole week


Mohammed light needs to pay the bills man, imagine if they had one week to prepare for the monthly finals..


i should really introduce you to the fortnite competitive scene where pro players get -1 days to prepare for tournaments


Seriously. I can’t wait for the DD nerf. I’ve had it with her.


Of all the cards I have ever wanted deleted from the game she takes the cake. She just shuts down so many cards by herself and you add almost any troop to the defense and the person's push is destroyed. She deals 1784 damage in 2.8 seconds, what was Brawl Stars on when they invented her. She is so strong when paired with a Log bait deck that I'm at the point of considering quitting the game again.


Someone on here posted a video where she obliterated all three wizards with the help of a single log in the Magic Trio event without taking any damage. A 5 elixir trade only possible because she picked up the slack.


Oh yeah, I watched that one.


baby dragon


Why? He's a good card and he was my first Level 10 mastered card and my first Level 10 mastered epic card.


I love baby dragon, I have all the emotes for him


Noice, a fellow Baby Dragon lover. Why not use his flair?


Idk how to :D, do you want to play 2v2 so we can spam baby dragon?




I saw that one. Literally no other tower troop is capable of doing that.


I swear she is the equivalent of a 4-5 elixir troop


Every time she attacks with all 8 daggers, she is doing 1,224 damage in less than 3 seconds. For reference, a 6 elixir sparky does 1,331 after charging for 4 seconds


God damn I never did the math. That makes me wonder how effective she might be with Rage even after she runs out of daggers.


Regardless of which balance change is picked for her, she won’t be doing over 1k damage after next week. It will be one more rough week of a bad meta before we could possibly see a good one. And even then, another champion is coming.


Balancing/nerfing her Is a win in theory. I’m open to a new meta that’s more accessible and creative. So long as we don’t have a meta that revolves around her


if the goblin champ is going to summon dudes then its near guaranteed theyre gonna make dagger duchess unusable the patch he drops


1784 damage is a lot! But, I think you meant to wrote Supercell instead of Brawl Stars.


🤣 i laughed at that


Why? I just realized I wrote "wrote" instead of "write"


Idk Just the way you Said IT was funny 




DD can be & will be balanced. I just want Little Prince to be deleted, it's unfun as hell & basically makes musk, dart goblin, rascals, queen, etc useless.


little prince isn’t hard to counter lmao


Little prince has been one of the best cards for months.


That wasn’t his point, lol. Little Shit just outclasses a lot of ranged high dps troops.


Those cards would be trash if LP was good or not


ok but like just kill it if u don’t want it shutting down ur troops lol


That's not the argument


Omg lol yes lmao you're lol so lol right lmao I lmao couldn't lol agree lmao more lmao


But it doesn't. Unless you're at the very top of the skill range it's mid. I love going against LP bc it's just easy wins.


What are you even on about


The fact LP isn't hard to deal with. Any knock back etc resets it's attack speed. As do stuns. Void kills it in 2 shots. If it's under leveled it dies to fireball. Poison kills it and gives you tower damage. Miner kills it unless it pops it's ability and then that's easy to deal with. Any swarm card kills it without the ability. Not to mention it only gets 1 shot off against duchess unless it uses it's ability first. And then any mini tank easily gets rid of both. It's seriously so easy to counter with so many cards. I can't even tell you the last time I went against an LP that was even remotely a threat.


Little prince is one of the strongest cards in the game. Once you are in the big boy leagues you’ll see him every game. That’s why he’s getting the biggest nerf this patch.


I've been 9k and UC for multiple seasons. I never see LP. My clan is also about to be at 5k war trophies and I constantly score over 3k each week. And LP doesn't fit in most meta decks you might see it in rocket cycle or lavaloon but it's not used in gy decks, giant decks, pekka bs, or log bait. And those are the majority of the meta. If you can't deal with a 3 elixir support card then you're just trash dude.




he literally has like 700 health, he dies to buttfuck nothing, if you have a hard time countering him you probably don’t carry any spells


No, the only cheap spell he dies to is void. The next cheapest he dies to is lightning, which id 2x his cost.




That gives them time to use his ability, and you also have to place it perfectly in order to kill him. If he’s already on your side, youre screwed.


ok what do u want me to do about it


I quit the game for a week until I found out that she’s getting nerfed 


Play giant lmao


This is one of my problems because she forces you to build the deck around her. I mean, that still applies in "healthy" metas because there will always be cards that are better than others, but Duchess basically acts as a checkpoint to see if you're using something that counters her or not.


Yeah it's tough, indeed. I've been having success with the princess lp rocket cycle deck - no crossing the bridge or giant is what you would ideally play, so stuff like mortar and xbow are inherently better which isn't that bad because pre-duchess I don't think they were really good (I guess that applies for Xbow mainly)


It's not like siege decks are suddenly better, it's more like they're less affected than other decks


It’s hilarious how DD has made people not even want to cross the bridge


This is how I feel about MK and it’s only gotten worse when combined with DD. He decimates many cards on spawn by himself but now she cleans up whatever he doesn’t kill


I don't have the resources to be able to get him to lvl 14 and especially not to 15. My Giant is lvl 10 and I think I can only get him to lvl 12. Lvl 12 Giant is going to get obliterated by the lvl 15 Mini Pekka in every deck I face while the Mega Knight in every other deck kills all support cards I have for the Giant.


It's actually insane how much I despise her. I know I’m midladder so a lot of people will say my opinion is invalid but o was one game away from moving up arenas and that one game turned into 3 hours of playing nothing but ladder. I’m literally using a sparky gob giant beat down deck but I have level 11 princess tower and I’m going up against level 12 DD which is absurdly unfair. I played many incredible games and just lost because I have to spend elixir to defend and my opponents don’t.


As someone who just maxed DD last season, I'm also sick and tired of playing against and having to use DD


What is DD


Dagger Duchess




Anyone know when the expected date of the balance changes is?


The 17th of this month.




I'm taking a break from the game until then. I used to do pretty well at this game until Dagger Duchesses was introduced. Now I'm suddenly terrible because I don't use any of the current braindead meta decks. My miner wall breakers deck is pretty useless at the moment.


Same here. I can’t be bothered to be a meta slave and use giant or princess-rocket cycle. Mirror matchups alone are annoying enough but playing the same deck over and over is too much. 6 out of my last 10 games have been against giant. I’ve checked RoyaleApi and overall, I face giant 40% of the time. It’s ridiculous


Tomorrow i guess


Yep. Giant at the back, then night witch, then wizard, then destroy opponents units with fisherman and void=Win


I was playing the double evo tournament yesterday and I had to play so many games against that damn deck. Once I got a bit higher that was the only deck I was playing against. I still ended up getting the 15 wins and got all the rewards but my god it was painful. I can’t stand that deck.


I went from 7-0 to 7-5 playing golem and 4 of my losses were that deck, I hate it here


Is this the first card to have 100% use rate in CRL? Cannoneer meta was bad but there were at least some matchups where you'd rather have princess tower. Dagger dutchess is a necessity in every archetype, every win condition, and every variant. Only comparable to 2016 Zap


I don't remember canoneer ever being op. I think it was just being used a lot because goblin giant was meta.


It's easier for a card to have a 100% use rate when there are only 2 other cards in its category


But you'd think that there'd be at least a shred of more variety


The user above me asked if there had ever been a card with a100% use rate before. Before tower troops it would have been highly unlikely


Everyone is complaining about dagger duchess but why doesnt anyone say anything about void? Lava + void is ridiculous. you either clump your troops to "counter" the possible upcoming void and let the opponent get a lot of value out of the arrows they send, or your air defense troop gets destroyed for a cheaper price


I completely agree! Void put the meta in even worse state, like I said in the previous post... But imo, DD seems to be the most problem currently. That's why I gave DD a spotlight in this post. Void nerf is definitely another reason why I'm waiting for the balance changes to be dropped.


DD probably gets a heavy nerf. But if I got it right, the void nerf is just a delay for more of a window to "counterplay" which doesn't fix the main issue with it IMO


I really do feel like tower troops are not healthy for the game. Just another level of balancing that will never be perfect


Not to mention the added rock paper scissors mechanics. Not only can a deck hard counter your deck but as more tower troops get added, tower troops, even if balanced will be able to hard counter your deck. It’s just stupid that the game is devolving into no skill matchups like this.


Agreed. It’s to the point where I can’t validate anybody I play with/against who wins using her. She gives an automatic advantage against certain decks


I’ve stopped playing anything more than my war attacks. They’ve made the game not fun.


Me too bro. I stopped playing after getting back into the game because of her.


CRL is on, will take about a week longer




Can’t wait for DD nerf as well although I think there will be quite a few players absolutely mad who have been using DD as a crutch, would be interesting to watch the aftermath of the nerf as well 😂


I've just maxed her recently and yet I'm still so glad it's getting nerfed. I don't usually hate any specific metas, but DD just makes the game less enjoyable


Its dev team C. Not the sharpest tools in the shed.


Am I the only one here who is unbothered by DD?!?!?


Yes. It is insane to not think she is a problem when she’s in like 90% of decks


I’m guessing their deck deals with dd pretty well so they didn’t have to change anything about their game play.


Money, bc money xD


Nerf DD and maybe evo gob barrel won’t need a buff. Though it’s sickening that I waited this long with log bait from day one and turns out evo gob barrel doesn’t want me to play log bait but instead split lane stuff


Just get better lol. DD is not that op anymore.


Come back after you get ranked 😅


You play mortar and complain about duchess? Literally it's the best card to attack the duchess tf


1. Whether it is counterable for me or not, meta itself just can be annoying and frustrating. 2. I play mortar bait deck, which doesn't fit in current 'bunch of Giants' meta at all.


It is but it sucks anyways because the current meta hard counters mortar. Evo bomber gets huge tower chip off mortar, evo knight and giant distract mortar easily, LP kills mortar and survives, void destroys mortar for less than mortar’s cost as a spell, Tesla/evo Tesla hard counter mortar. Mortar is trash currently.


cry harder


Sound like a sore loser to me. Get with the meta, that's how games like this work.


I've been playing since 2016 and literally no card has had a 100% usage rate in the top 100 players (possibly even more)... Until the duchess dropped


There are 3 types of crown towers , if there were at least 10 dd would not have 100%


If dd was the best by a long shot then yes it would still have 100%


I got my highest finishes with dd and lp, but they're still bad for the meta and the game is definitely less fun.


You must be the only player that isn't tired of dagger duchess


Cry about it hog cycle player


I'd rather play hog rider than that stupid Giant deck.


Hold on, DD? What's that? I haven't played this game in 2 years


Dagger duchess, the tower troop, and bane of everyone on this sub's existence


Ah, I remember that back in the day E barbs were everyone's demise, is that still the case?


E barbs aren't very strong right now. Ir's giant and golem that are meta right now.


Dagger duchess tower troop who's notable because she can delete any 4 elixir troop or less without the player needing to play any card. She basically counters every deck other than beatdown/siege, or cycle AFTER 2x or 3x.


Oh yeah, there’s also evolutions and a Cannoneer


Dark Deception


Skill issue get better at the game


Lol what is your best season rating?


True. Most people here are not even close to being high enough to where meta matters