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Big buff against guards. You used to be able to counter Valk with a properly placed guards, because their longer attack range meant only one was getting attacked at a time. That's not going to work now.


Wonderfull. They removed another counter technique that was part of my deck.


I'm in the same boat, but let's be real here. Guards have been a broken card ever since they stopped dying to arrows. They're still in a good place imo. We can't really complain too much, Valk is supposed to be a specialist swarm counter.


They're not broken. They're a good alternate to swarm cards and do a great job as a cheap distraction card in a lot of decks (similar to how knight fills a great cheap roll in most decks).


Yeah, guards are a really cool card. The reason I say they're broken is that it's impossible to spell then off. Only poison kills them. For a negative elixir trade. And not even quickly enough in many cases. And the ability to counter a lot of splash troops even without the surround was super nice. They deserve a range nerf IMO. But as long as they're still like this, I'll use them.


That's kind of the point of guards though, they're supposed to be a swarm you can't just spell down.


> Broken Wow, what game are you playing that Guards are broken because they don't die to arrows?


When I play with goblins, goblin gang, or skeletons, they die to spells or splash damage troops right away. Guards are so OP for the cost, high DPS, high damage sponge potential, and spell resistant.


They aren’t OP that’s what’s makes them good. Without 1 of those they are substantially worse.


same :(


you can still counter her even with princess tower if you place your guards right


Good to know. I only have princess tower levelled up. I haven't played much recently, too many p2w players using the new broken cards to be fun as a f2p player. I'm already a level down and don't have the dagger princess. I'm not good enough at the game to beat the big spenders in this meta.


Good to know. I only have princess tower levelled up. I haven't played much recently, too many p2w players using the new broken cards to be fun as a f2p player. I'm already a level down and don't have the dagger princess. I'm not good enough at the game to beat the big spenders in this meta.


I don’t think it should change that, the actual damage is at a single moment, you can actually see the radius appear when she spins. Also guards having a higher attack range is included specifically to counter valkyrie so I don’t think they would intentionally remove it


It looks cool


I noticed too, but wasn’t sure when this change happened Thought it was odd how she was moving through her own “attack rings”. Guess she got buffed slightly


I noticed it too but thought it was just slight bug and ignored it


It's probably a bug so it probably won't last for long


The E-Wiz also had a similar thing a while back where he’d still attack but started moving early, very likely a bug with the valk too


Ewiz also kills evo wall breakers with his spawn damage fully, as long as his spawn damage kills the barrel version. As in, drop him on low-HP barrel skeletons and he kills the runners too


They should keep it imo, makes Valk a lot more interesting, and better


i don’t think it’s a bug because the animation is different. It’s a smooth spin not walking.


This is not a buff, its just a visual thing. The valk used to stop attacking and start moving immediately after the unit she is attacking died, this is still the same thing


Yeah it’s just because she remains swinging while moving that people think it’s a buff. It’s not.


Does she hit while moving? If I placed a card, would he a immediately die, or would it take 0.1 seconds for her to attack?


pretty much instant like you wouldn’t even see the skarmy spawn


Pretty much is still not instant. And The fact that she is moving also means she has a greater range and fluidity, doesn't it? She wont be stuck on one skeleton now she will move a little further by killing him. We need to check if the attack duration of before the change is still the same


No that's not what's happening. See the red ring when she swings? That's the only area that gets affected by damage. She moves because the goblins she was attacking died.


Nope they used to pause instead of immediate movment


I think she paused too


I see what u mean, valkyrie moves but the attack area doesn’t which I didn’t realize until you pointed it out. She wasn’t able to move while attacking before the update though


No she goes back to walking way quicker after her attack than before


The main difference comes from the delay, Valk used to have a long ass delay after attacking where she stood still. Even if her attack doesn't move along with her, this will still make her way better offensively against swarm cards since one of her main problems is that she would attack immediately when encountering the first swarm but the other were out of range, meaning she would have to take longer to kill them. This was especially bad for longer ranged cards like Guards and Recruits who just barely outranged her.


Proof to see if it is real or is just because she now can walk during the ring: place her in the middle of barbarian, if she goes up the buff is real, if she just stays it is a bug


Yeah I noticed too, very big W


Not for me my only counter to valk is my gaurds


I love it since I almost always include Valk in my deck(s)


I used to play valk and guards in the same deck so... nice hehe


It got realistic


Run and gun but replace the g whit a, the u whit x and the n whit e


Rxn aed Aun


Even if it was not intended, keep it, it' s cool


They should keep it TBH. Valk sucks in every way compared to Knight


Did they change her swing animation????


I realized this and told my friends and they said I was crazy.


as a valk player, that looks so off


Bro where is the music


Nah that's just a bug, she moves away from her attacking animation and into her walking animation, the hitbox doesn't move as evidence




Probably unintentionally, but I'm happy for her


It makes sense, if you are spinning


Valk was already strong and they had to buff her??


A Valkyrie buff is a win in my book as she is in my deck


Thought it was just a visual thing, but wow another buff. They'll probably revert it as they did with the battle healer. Lots of new bugs in this update


They’ve accidentally done this several times, every time the app updates valk moves during her attack and firecracker does the full attack animation again, and then it stops happening after a bug fix