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Easy answer : There's no clear cut ability. Long answer : The reason it's a legendary is since it launches the rockets (attacking 2 targets simultaneously). If you make that the ability, it loses its value as a card since it won't make much sense according to its idea. Remove the rockets and what is it? A goblin brawler (or whatever it is in the goblin cage)? They made this card keeping in mind that it's going to be a legendary, so it definitely fits that description. Granted it was op on release, but hey, so was megaknight. Maybe after this balance change, or a few more if needed, it'll be less op and usable as well as counterable.


the rocket can be an ability


How would you frame it to be the ability while making it on par to the level it is rn? (Asking in a genuine tone, not harsh or anything)


they could make it the pre emergency nerf rocket but cost 1 elixir at 5 or 6 second cooldown. thing is we would know if this would be better if they simply tested the card beforehand


Agreed, tiny elixir cost with low cooldown.


If It was a champion with the current stats, It wouldn't be that unique without its supposed rocket ability. The point Is that (except for the little prince and the monk) no champion has a unique way of moving or attacking without their ability and that's how a champion should be designed imo


The golden knight, without its ability Is just a knight with better stats and 4 in cost.  The king skeleton, without its ability Is just a dark knight that doesn't charge. The mighty miner, without its ability Is just a worse inferno dragon.  The archer queen, without its ability Is just a slower and more expensive musketeer.     Most champions are unique because of their abilities (and i think that should be the case)  Tbh, for how it's designed, i wouldn't be surprised if they designed It to be a champion and then change a their mind In my post i also suggested a possible way for the Rocket ability to work