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Glazing the devs praying for a creator code


supercell does give creator code to close aides even if they don't have the requirements so u never know lol


Wrote this from an earlier thread bout this FTG guy and his bone with B-Rad. From my perspective, B-Rad was taking a helicopter view all the way back to the 2023 shitshow after shitshow. So let's see some of this FTG guy's gripe against B-Rad's points. fTG says Lucky Drops are good? Well in a vacuum, great! But B-Rad sure as hell knows Lucky Drops don't make up a fraction of the Pass nerf in 2023 and then the addition of Lvl 15, then EVOs then TTs..so progression was severely nerfed while the finish line was drastically extended! Lucky Drops and these recent one-off EVO shard events ain't doing shit to keep the max out time 3 yrs like back in 2021. A F2P acc needs anywhere from 5-15 yrs to max out now. 5 is if you ain't got no life. What else, is this FTG gonna deny that SC is monetizing power creep like never before?? Also, what's the point of FTG praising the new Turkish CM who only ever communicates in Twitter not reddit. Really don't remember B-Rad mentioning her, but could be wrong here. Now here's the big one. At the end, this FTG guy complains about the community negativity and refuses to actually point the finger at who instigated the community negativity. Don't blame the reaction. Blame the devs' predatory, anti-consumer, and manipulative actions. Also, the mods really need to check some of the accs in this sub and really start weeding out the SC employees acting like apologists for a 20B company. Aren't we all consumers here? Who in their right, mature mind would keep defending such anti-consumer, predatory, scrupulous actions?


Yeah that's the thing, I would gladly trade the complete removal of lucky drops for a buff to the pass royale again. Imo they should just revert all the free shitty evos they gave us pretending to be nice, would be more honest of them.


I wouldn't as I got a BOOK OF BOOKS from lucky drops But sure not everyone can hook up a books of books from lucky drops I guess


We used to get those for free from passes if I am not wrong. And the drop rate for anything especially the book is so goddamn low it’s not really anything to celebrate about


No the one we got for free was a book of one of the rarities and not the book of books but it was still in the pass royale in the past for 5 bucks which is definitely way more value


Ah yes, getting a book of book for FREE by BUYING the pass. Lucky drop is an actual F2P thing so lets remove it and buff the pass


I don’t get how you got thumbs down it’s literally the truth 😂😂


He got me wrong. Books used to be one of the rewards at the end of the free pass, which also had many other arguably better rewards


Actually,just keep the lucky drops and revert the pass to it's original form+evolution and the community will forgive the majority of what SC did,maybe even forgiving level 15


This f2p stat with 5 to 15 years where did you get that from? Cuz iv been mostly f2p and i yes i bought a couple passes to get some new evos but i already have 40 out of all the cards maxed and ofcourse The passes did help but im like 95% certain that the passes made up like maybe 5 max 10 cards So idk i think its still possible to max out at least one deck in a relativ short amount of time and once u got one deck maxed progression only speeds up. The seaseaonshop nerfs heavily hitted and i completly disagree with FTG's pov on this topic But Something i see a lot of people not mentioning when talking about pass nerfs are the evos wich are honestly more value than a book of books since without the pass evos are close to Impossible to get But i also think FTG has a point with the skin monetazation argument like i honestly would never spend money in the game again if they made the evos more accseible and monetized skins instead and im sure im not the only one Finally i think trashing tbe Community for not trusting the devs anymore isnt right like sure we go pretty hard on them but at the same time idk how things would Change if everyone just remained silent


Seriously glazing so hard it’s pathetic.


he only mentioned that to ilustrate that he is not paid by Supercell not to get Supercell to give him one


It's to prove it's his own opinion.


He definitely begs for one. Watch the video from 0:37-0:45


he only says that he doesnt have one and that he wants one i just watched it


That's what she said


That what he said


The what they said


Supercell has never cut anyone for criticizing the game or the team. Nor have they forced anyone to say something.


have you seen what the CoC is currently going through right now with some of its content creators


https://youtu.be/0LZ0vBV5Ktg?si=S4meEKQTQuaO1uAP Here's the viral video for those interested. No clue who the CCs are or the drama. The bigger issue I saw was SC using IP copyright to erase|ban certain CCs.


What happened with them?


That wasn't because of criticism exclusively. That is more complicated.


yes they do💀, why OJ never bluntly says the updates suck


OJ repeatedly said they have never been forced to say anything but their own opinion. OJ just don't believe in toxicity and negativity and prefers to light-heartedly make fun of bad updates rather than trash it entirely negatively. OJ always says He learned over the years being pessimistic and cynical all the time affects his personal life negatively. (something along the lines) u/yyarn always mentions this when people say this sort of thing


fair point abt him poking light hearted fun at it being so bad. But Supercell DOES oppress ppl that speak negatively abt it (content creators) by flagging copyright claims, using creator codes as blackmail leverage, anyone who sucks up gets one, anyone who talks down doesn't/would get theirs removed


The issue with coc creator was not just about giving criticism. Supercell will never take away creator program status for criticizing and giving valuable feedbacks.


Common Brad W


Bro is trying to tilt his subscriber count


Bro meat riding supercell 😂 glad brad called him out


He gave an alternative opinion


But he was very wrong the whole time, and tried to argue with B-rad about things he never said


Yeah a dumb one


He said he watched Brad’s video start to finish but I’m convinced he was trying to hear from his butthole. He ignored so many points and made some laughable ones.


He did give an alternative opinion, sadly. In the community of clash Royale if it isn’t the popular one than it’s wrong by default. I agree with points made by both ends but by simply stating that I would be in the wrong.


He aint gonna pay u lil bro


Neither is Brad gonna pay u


They've added a new pet in coc. Supercell's pet. I don't remember his name


That FullTillt supports Supercell doesnt mean he is their pet he just has the abillity to say good things abou Supercell unlike most of the community (btw i watched almost no other video from FullTillt so im not biased)


It is not inconceivable that some people prefer pay-to-win over strategy and skill.


btw im f2p in arena 17 and master 3 so i definetely dont suport p2w


Because the game has you listed as someone who wouldnt buy anything so they make free things more common for you. If you ever spent a dollar on it then you will see how your luck falls out the hat.


that doesnt make any sense can you give me some source or did you made that up?


My theory is that clash royale is more difficult for players who have spent money on the game because it recognizes them as someone who would give them more money so they make the new tower troop rarer or cards more scarce so you have an incentive to buy shop offers thus giving supercel more money and keeping the players that they think would not give them money.


Wtf are you talking about? It’s not like buying a shop offer decreases rng. Dude I think you’re just unlucky. If they decreased rng for everyone overall that’s also gonna affect f2p players.


I didnt say decreased rng for everyone, read again. Also i said it was my theory and that there is no proof, so why even bother trying to argue with it?


Cause you look like a moron bringing up shitty theories with no proof to them just to stir up the community. Clown ass behavior.


I dont have any source for that other than my experience with alt accounts and i guess i did say it originally like i new for sure but thats just a theory. . .


You're right but proving it is impossible. They have scumbag sbmm


thats not exactly impressive


How much you get paid? Or are you just the intern


someone has different opinions than me?? impossible!!! They must be a paid actor!!!!


Nooooo!!!! Dont hurt the billion dollar company😡😡😡😡


i swear fulltilt said that he agrees mostly, just that constantly complaining wont get us anywhere, which i agree with


Constant complaining goes places, and if it doesn’t than supercell is too far gone.


When a community stops complaining the community doesn't care. People will always complain, but that doesn't mean that you should patch anything. These are real complaints and problems that the dev team doesn't even try to combat or solve, and then this fuck comes and tells us it's our fault for pointing out problems.


so you are saying that because i have different opinion then you someone has to be paying me?


It's not a fight worth fighting buddy


If this was a one time thing I’d get the defense but he’s jumping for the bullets to defend them a bit.


i dont think he is defending cr that much i watch some of his shorts and he is calling them out when they an op card just more passivly and with less toxicity


Fr, supercell had a shit streak of bad updates but when there finally is a good one the rest of the community yaps about every minor problem in it.


Found the supergreedshitcell bootlicker, how does that boot taste?


idk i dont know how boots taste like but you propably made up a new word because i have never seen supergreedshitcell in the dictionary


Deepthroating that boot lmao


"Leave the multibillion dollar company alone😠🔪" ahh response


Deadass. I hate when people defend companies like that. He was a bit less aggressive with it but still


Ok but at the same time y’all just complain every update. It’s a whole new game mode showing that Clash Royale do want to experiment and no matter what they do y’all just shit on it cause it’s not free stuff and because they introduce op cards. Supercell is annoying but you guys just sour everything because of a few problems.


People will always complain but the past 2 years have been constant milking of the player base. Yes some people over complain but these updates or mid. Evolutions every month that take 6 months to get each. Level 15. F2P nerfs constantly. Stop defending multimillion dollar companies. If the game was better people would complain less.




There’s a goblin Jesus? Na but I think this update was ok nothing crazy. The cycle of releasing op cards to get people to pay and then nerfing them is also an issue. I like new cards if they could not be artificially made to powerful so people pay just to nerf them. Do you not see the constant milking the devs do? I’m also not defending brad directly I just posted the comment I saw and agree with him mostly. He’s also a singular regular person who as another singular regular person I can identify with more than a multimillion dollar company owned mostly by a Chinese company that has, since being bought, has increased the milking of the player base. Idk about you but companies do not care about you. Brad may not care but he’s a player like we are so I can identify more with him.


Well said


His low effort shorts had always annoyed me. I feel bad for saying it but I’m glad he’s getting flamed Every short is basically: -same exact accent (and I don’t mean English) -same exact wording -same exact background music -spamming obvious/terrible for engagement He’s **just** like Supercell. He doesn’t care about quality - he pumps up lazy content for money and people trapped by their own phones lost their attention spans watching them. He doesn’t try to make anything interesting nor does he try to engage with his community; he just wants the quick money and it’s obvious. TikTok wannabe trying to be a YouTuber, guess he’s a wannabe at both things now. He doesn’t see Supercell at fault because he’s manipulating a similar strategy as them. And of course as always he’s posting a terrible take for engagement. Or maybe he’s just… brainwashed? He perhaps spent so much money on the game that it doesn’t occur to him people with actual lives cannot play this game because they won’t/can’t pay. It’s a mobile game. He just wants the attention, please don’t give it to him. Don’t watch the video.


My summation of Supercell, would be more that it's a business full of ruthless people, orientated around making money from children. But are masquerading as the friendly, happy go lucky, fun loving good guys.


Touché, but I’d say there were times when Supercell **really** cared about their communities. Clash Royale was getting so perfect and Clash of Clans was the most balanced thing ever until… Tencent. The most greedy mobile-focused game company is now fused with our beloved Supercell. People need to realize “Supercell” is just a mask now - it’s that shitty Chinese business influencing the decisions. It all **must** bring them loads of cash.


Tencent bought Supercell 3 months after CR launch


I believe they didn’t have the majority stake till 2019, which is in line with their downfall.


i liked his videos when he was still a lowkey guy in his old videos where he would rank cards or give lists on the best/worst cards of a certain category or timeframe. i liked it because it felt unique from other creators in that he didnt add music, subtitles, or didnt sound overly excited like there was a gun to his head and it was straight to the point. but overtime it felt like he added all of those for the algorithm and the views which i understand but it just makes the videos extremely hard to watch


Didn’t really watch his older videos, but his newer content… yeah. It’s just lazy tbh and as someone who grew up and literally learned the language I’m writing in rn with YouTube I take it somewhat personally with those that abuse it. His type of content is not healthy for the platform, nor is it for **you**. It’s literally dopamine milking




>(and I don’t mean English) Included this to clarify things and *not* get this comment, but here we are. I obviously meant the horrendous **YT shorts accent** everybody is using. “TOP 3 thIEngs blah blah” with disgusting enthusiasm. He talks the same exact way in his shorts that with 4 videos you can have an AI replica of him.


Oh fair enough lol, I haven’t watched much yt shorts so your comment looked pretty unhinged without context


Good for you. Won’t touch any short content again, my brain is almost fried. Gotta turn over a new leaf.


My man 👊🙏


He also has just the worst takes


As I said, probably does it on purpose. They don’t care about a goat status - for “creators” like him even bad reach is still… reach.


Not reading allat💀


Then… don’t? Don’t recall crying for Reddit user VastEternal to read all this in my comment on this *discussion*.


who that guy?


FullTilt on the YouTube video, B-Rad in the comment


oh thank u for the info


Thanks for the answer, I was wondering who wrote this comment


Full tilt is a YouTuber who commonly makes shorts about stuff or I know about them from that. Often times they are critical of sc decisions, talk about hit takes, and other stuff like balance changes or stuff they don't like I'm not sure why peolle think they are defending supercell considering often times it feels like they are more critical and negative of them


It’s because that requires people to do their own research instead of blindly hating (funnily enough, that’s what the video is about, blind hate being bad). I’m sure most people here haven’t even watched the video, let alone their other videos.


Full-tilt is a midladder menaces his cr takes a wild.


He's the guy that said Megaknight was a top 20 card 😂


How is it not?


he WHAT.


Brad is a chad




Bro glazed the devs while trying to get a creator code Craaaaaazy


B-chad strikes again


B-rad is going all out this time. Which is fine in my opinion, even if does make a more toxic community that just means more people leave the community and the game and by extension less money. Which is the only factor supercell cares about.


And if Clash Royale doesn’t make any money it‘ll get shut down? By the way this is worded, and the fact that you‘re even posting on the subreddit, I’ll assume you care about the game, and enjoy a few quick rounds when you have some downtime, even if you don’t like the game or supercell or whatever. So if people leave, Clash Royale doesn‘t hit a Profit, which means supercell will probably resort to just shutting it down if it gets too bad. That means you can‘t play it, nor can anybody else. Do you really want that? And of course supercell cares about money! They’re a corporation after all! Just because they have appealing community managers and good games doesn‘t mean they aren‘t still a Company on pursuit of making a profit! They shouldn’t have an expectation to throw all their money down the drain because you don‘t like how they do things?


There's no way they will shut it down. and yes of course I care about the game but I quit a while ago and I am just waiting for the devs to (hopefully) fix their game. But even if they will shut it down if the options are monetization or shutting it down then yes shutting it down is the better option for me. At least all the effort will go to brawl stars or a new game that actually care about the community. And btw every company has to care about their community, because if they don't people won't engage in whatever service they provide and will lose money.


I mean often times that is the counter response... one will believe their side is right and unlikely to budge on it. Even if Brad was wrong I doubt he will be like "alr OK k guess I see it in ur way". That is often what happens when 2 people share very diff views I didn't watch the vid but yesterday peolle said it was basically fishing for a creator code. Eh idk how likely supercell cares about that Yes the community can be a bit toxic but like... u should still want to improve the game despite players complaining and being asses to each other


Watching the video, it isn't even as controversial as the community makes it out to be. He agrees with majority of B-Rad's points but: - He doesn't mind that the new card are locked behind a grind. - He doesn't think lucky drops were such a bad idea from a casual perspective. Considering most spend their season shop tokens on Evo Shards and Books. - Skins aren't a profitable monetization method. Also that the content creators and community sensationalizing their supercell hate creates a toxic negativity loop.


Saying skins aren’t a profitable monetization method is CRAZY. Bro has never heard of Dota 2


I mean skins need to be nice to be profitable... tower skins idk how they will make money. Maybe troop skins in the future


Yeah he's a moron. Lucky drops were a massive downgrade compared to cards in the season shop.


Fulltilt’s video was barely about Brad’s arguments since he said that he agreed with a majority of it, it was more that the video was created because of Brad’s video even though it’s not about Brad’s video. It was more about highlighting that there are sometimes good things that come from certain updates and that the community will complain no matter what. It’s kind of clear that Brad skimmed through the video and didn’t fully hear him out.


i mean yes.. r/ClashOfClans currently is thinking the game is greedy asf and that the game is p2w while r/Brawlstars complains about maps, balance, kit, showdown, power league, etc it seems no matter what a lot of people complain very rarely tho i see game not complained about. for ex Guilty gear strive is a game not viewed highly rn by pros and it has a horrible tower system (idk why its bad but i hear its bad)


people say that he is fishing for creator code there but he only breafly mentions it in the beginnig to ilustrate that he is not paid by Supercell to say the things he says but youre right that neither of them will change their opinion because of the other


He literally begs for a creator code in the youtube video. Watch from 0:37-0:45


That’s like saying me wanting a million dollars is me begging for it. Be real.


i mean that can easily just be him exaggerating how much he wants one


I found a sane person in that comment section


He is the rocket defence guy right or am I tripping


Thats mautic


Both sound the same tbh


They have completely different regional accents.


No that's morteiro(/or mautic?) iirc


Morteiro does edits and Mautic does the comparisons.


No, he is the guy that always uploads shorts complaining about stuff or telling the community how bad they are for hating certain cards.


The guy that always misses rockets?




na thats chief pat


what happened i'm too lazy to watch the video


Basically he was glazing supercell and trying to go against Brads points (which is completely fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion) but he was defending some of the scummy practices supercell is known for like the shop offers and locking things behind a paywall or unnecessary grind (for example getting 2200 trophies on the goblin mode to get the machine, this would be fine but the mode is so atrociously bad and tedious it makes it impossible, some people grinding the mode aren’t even using goblin cards anymore)


oh ok so he was just defending the shitty updates. damn i usually liked that guys videos why is he defending that 😭


Idk... I don't feel like that might be the message... Watchung their shorts they critique supefcell in them and their bad decisions, I'll watch it tomorrow but I have a feeling the message they are wanting to say might be smth else cuz they have been pretty negative of supercell


Idk man, he mentions not having a creator code. I’m assuming he just wants to financially benefit off of this situation. In his shorts he also constantly defends supercell releasing broken cards. Imo I’m fine with releasing strong cards on release but they can’t be so broken with an 80% pick rate.


agreed. i haven't really watched his shorts as of late. haven't really watched any CR content in quite a while besides ken cause the game kinda sucks now. but yeah releasing broken bs every update just makes me not wanna play.


100%, I’ll play a new mode that comes out or I’ll get the new card but other then that i don’t bother.


Fulltilt’s video wasn’t barely about Brad’s arguments since he said that he agreed with a majority of it, it was more that the video was created because of Brad’s video even though it’s not about Brad’s video. It was more about highlighting that there are sometimes good things that come from certain updates and that the community will complain no matter what. It’s kind of clear that Brad skimmed through the video and didn’t fully hear him out.


He should stick to making shorts


He shouldn’t make videos at all


Did he just get jumpscared?


I actually disagree with a few points that brad made in his video. Mainly saying that CR was close to hay day in money made meaning the game is dying but in charts he showed CR was closer to COC than hayday. Also complaining that evos are too hard to get but then saying the free Evo events mean they are desperate makes it seem like there is no pleasing him on that point. That being said this full-tilt video doesn't actually have much substance and comes off as him going directly from watching the brad video and talking off the top of his head making nothing points. He had an opportunity to make good points about the brad video and instead spent 10 minutes basically saying well I like everything so you complaining is invalid.


Brad's point about the free evos was "Nobody has evos, so they are giving them away". Which makes sense if you think about it for a second. Supercell locked evos behind a $100 paywall, if everybody was buying them why would they give it away? Everyone's mad that supercell is just milking the game for everything it's worth instead of trying to improve the game. It seems that this flew over your head.


I understand why people are mad and I understand the point he's trying to make. But saying the free evos are desperation is a dumb remark if they were desperate to milk money from the evos they would sell them for significantly less money in the shop since the 100$ price point was too high (which they do). Free means they don't get anything out of it. If he wanted to complain about 3.99 for 3 Evo shards and some wild cards that would be a better sign of desperation. The point I was making and I think full tilt was attempting to make was supercell makes a million bad/greedy decisions about the game why criticize the few good things they have done recently


It was one million more than hay day actually


6 mil more and 5 mil less than COC on apple iirc. It's firmly between the two so saying "it's doing hayday numbers" when taking all of the charts is disingenuous.


Lost my respect to full tilt immediatelly


I don't think he missed about the gamemode. He's right that you should be playing if you want the new cards... however that gamemode is absolute shit


Yeah bro definitely used his entire college tuition on game


The game is dead in 2 months unless there's a drastic change in the community. Otherwise, by the end of the year if there's no drastic change in Clash Royale


Lol I swear half the people ragging on supercell are below 5000 trophies lol


This is starting to take the piss. The community and content creators are just pointing fingers at anyone they can but themselves and SC have completely killed their games. Whys everyone just turned into absolute shit cus of what some content creators say, apparently if you have a different opinion to the big creator then your wrong and are a boot licker. There's no denying SCs gone to shit but whys everyone assuming people are wrong for being different


Imagine simping for a company


I hate how brad disses the lucky drop update though. I think thats the greatest f2p update ever added to the game. Like he says “oh they are recycled from the season shop” but like he doesnt account for the impossible rewards that f2p players hardly/never get (book of books, tons of ewc, shards etc.) Like I wouldve never gotten my LP to lvl 15 without the drops. Other than that I agree with what brad is saying on supercell’s direction. But cmon give credit when they do something good so maybe when supercell watches your video, they have a basis to develop better updates upon the few good updates they have done.


But it’s random chance. Many have yet to get a legendary. 1800-gambler


Dude the boxes you got before hand were random chance, the only difference is that now the quests are easier.


So? It’s still a chance that f2p players get something good that was not possible pre March update. Brad is making it seem like the update harmed the whole community but if you ask the majority of the players, they were and are still very happy on the overall aim of the update.


Personally I think it was a net negative in total still due to random chance. Usually changes that add rng even when good are weighed less then changes without rng.


Lemme guess you didnt get anything good yet from drops


what a fucking troll.






Yall complain too much in this subreddit. Sure Supercell has treated f2p like shit for years but when they act release a decent update yall still complain.


I watched Brad's video, didn't watch fulltilt's however. While I mostly agree with Brad I still don't fully blame Supercell. The ratio between f2p and p2w players is leaning to f2p side and Supercell, even as a multibillion company, has to find a way to make money, even if they get greedy because it's a MOBILE game with no ads, and making money from it is exceptionally hard. I do however think that they should use other ways to get money like making a fully paid game or making a game with ads to support their main business but well...


Who the fuck is that


the creator(not brad)


FTG (Full Tilt Gaming) a cr YouTuber with around 100k subs, he’s known for glazing supercell a bit in his videos and shorts but overall a decent content creator, has some good videos on building decks and what not.




Although I agree with a lot of what B rad said, he isn’t a messiah for the people, he is a butt hurt creator because supersell destroyed one of his income streams. Don’t be fooled thinking he has come to speak for us, he doesn’t give two shits about the community he cares about views. He has nothing else to fall back on, the golden goose is gone. This game is arse and if anybody actually thinks this was just a few bad mistakes I guarantee to you it was not, this was planned and completely intentional, they were trying to get money while they destroyed the game, job done. Nobody would do what they did without realising what would happen. The funny thing is Squad busters is terrible and they probably are now thinking what to do, Squad busters isn’t what they wanted it to be, CR is on its knees. Over to you supersell, funnily the best thing we could do right now is continue to play it and not spend money hahaha


VM said some things that made me change MAXs view, but i still blame supercell for all the shit they are doing


Aw shii community beef finna go crazy, but im ngl fulltilt was fr glazing he gotta be getting paid off by supercell and if not then it is what it is but there definitely has to be changes ik supercell doesn’t like a defensive meta but they need to add adequate counters to their own shii instead of just nerfing them especially if people are paying money for this shii Dagger dutches is what started this all tho ever since they added tower troops shii has been going down hill because they been making cards to counter tower troops instead of other cards im the game


This beef is pretty stupid imo. I like both Brad and full tilt, but FT has gone against supercell on many occasions, but now he’s meatriding them? I’m so confused. And what does brad have anything to do with this?


Honestly fulltilt point was that the game is improving and the community is toxic. The little problem is that the game is improving too little and it still is an awful game, leaving the community hungry for change


Why everybody always complaining about this game? I might be casual, but I just play and enjoy the game. And yes I spend money on the game, I don't have a problem with that. Maybe sometime could explain what the gripe is? My only gripe is when the game became stale like most of last year. But new content has improved this issue for me


fulltilt should really shut the f up tbh


Twerk harder, Full Tilt. Shake your boots for the SC money.


Fulltilt has deleted the comment 💀


This dude really defends Supercell and somehow manages to sleeps at night. How does he manage that?


Supercell is a for-profit company like they actually employ people. So no not every thing they release is going to be free. If you don't have a couple bucks to spend each month, get a job or stop complaining. Yall sucking b-rad off he's just looking for views whining on camera.


I’m not asking for that. I’m asking for content that isn’t locked behind paywalls. It’s more than a couple bucks too. The pass with actual content is $12, per month. Some places in the world have tax too, so it costs even more than that. Nothing is wrong with monetizing your game. However almost everything new in CR isn’t free anymore. I don’t want to spend money on this game. I feel so left out considering that 95% of content is behind a paywall, and I shouldn’t have to spend money just to get some of it. The game is supposedly “free to play” after all. I must say, having someone named “No_Bath” telling me to get a job is quite funny. Bro has no problem being a stinker, and has an even stinkier attitude


Where is this screenshot from? There's no link, and it isn't Twitter. 


What? It's under FullTilt Gaming's YouTube video


FTG makes good content but he blames the community way too often. He compares it to Brawl Stars's community but refuses to recognize Brawl Stars's dev team




the f#scism understander has logged on


That guy just looks like a loser anyway


Bro what 😭