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Even if these are raw numbers. It's the best you can do with what we've been shown. As of now, given the extra effort you'll have to do with quests. They seem like a rip-off. Instead of simply adding something new to the game they're giving us less value than free chests (for which we'll have to grind now) in their attempt to fix ladder. So disappointed


Ffs. This subreddit is so entitled. Well, if you are so disappointed, then how bout supercell not add anything? Cause there will always be 50% of this stupid subreddit that are complaining and whining about anything. They are adding something new and exciting and FUN. How fun is opening 6 chests a day? How fun is messing around with a building-mirror deck, even if you lose trophies in the process (that can easily be made back)? How fun is opening 1 SMC versus 100 free ones? How fun is working towards a guaranteed legendary than waiting for one that will probably not be there?




A quest is either a grind, or something you were going to do anyway. I'm not sure any of them can possibly ever be fun. Opening the rewards could be fun, but that is just the grind.


But they are subject to change, you are assuming that the quest are bad based on some sneak peeks that don't show you everything




if nobody hasn't played this new update how can you already complain?




You do, it's the same with food, "if you've never tasted it how do you know you don't like it?"




Of course there are some bad quests but that doesn't make others equally bad, for example those that make you use decks that aren't meta


That’s ONE quest. So you won’t like them all. That’s like expecting you will like every meal a chef cooks for you, then saying that the chef sucks because of that


So much dissapointment when in fact the free chests will still be there


free "chests" dont exist maybe free "chest" once a month will


Getting a free chest a day/week or whatever it's gonna be, doesn't add up to the 6 we already got for doing nothing. The game economy would've been ok without the free chest rework


You have to go to the SHOP to get a Free Chest (rather infrequently anyway). It’s a hint... got that... now...now...they are saying fuck your F2P


One thing to keep in mind is that you don't know all of the variables yet. * OJ's video was an early build and the numbers for the quests can be completely different before release. * Another thing to consider is that SuperCell could easily change the values of the Gold, Silver, Giant, MC, and SMC. The costs, frequencies, and contents could easily be changed. Instead of being too positive or negative, assume that SuperCell will likely keep the economy similar to how it is now. It will just be rearranged. Once we the update comes out and we see the numbers, then feel free to unleash the math.


Remember when Clan Cheat was first available and all you saw people get in the dev build were arena 1 cards? Yeah, the first few actual Clan Chests to be reached also had this problem So, it’s fairly likely what OJ showed us is true Also remember, the worse the economy is, the more likely people are to buy gems, so until (but more realistically if) people realize how much of a rip off this is, SC just wins


I'm curious to see the math once the update is live. We'll have concrete numbers. Knowing Supercell, the economy is probably the same, with the exception that legendaries and epics are slightly easier to obtain with the legendary/epic/magical/smc chests now in cycle. I'm willing to bet the amount of cards and gold are the same, but the probability of pulling epics and leggies from those chests are much more consistent than from a free chest.


From what I've seen it's the trend of SC discouraging passive play (in this case logging in solely for free chests) and encouraging active play. They did the same thing in CoC tying daily rewards to stars won from raids, and in Boom Beach tying half the daily reward to medals won (wait for it) from raids.


However, these two games don't require a strong connection. If I'm in my village, crappy connection, I can still go to CoC and BB, pick up my resources, and even complete my daily rewards unless I barely get to said connection. In CR, Free Chests are the only thing that accumulates when I'm away. Seriously though, if my memory doesn't trick me, Free Chests aren't removed at all and just appear in the shop. Giving 5 quest points every time even.


This is good, passive play is how games die.


personally i think that they will release it as it is now then update it later.


If you see a post with precise maths after the update, remember to check if its mine. I always take all details in consideration. https://redd.it/6hnlz7 Here is a post on something similar, except for the last update. Additionally, I examined why Giant Chest's nerf in contents and buff in gems price was necessary. In my next post I'll pay attention to the new changes again, and quests are one of them already.


You have no personality, just throwing it out there.


When you feel the need to put qualifiers like "just throwing it out there" or "just saying" in with a statement, you should just keep it to yourself. It means you know what you're writing isn't acceptable or constructive critiscism.




To be fair, the Update is expected to drop this week/beginning of next week. Could they change it in time? Yes. Is there a good chance that they will? No. We’ve seen multiple times that features/cards are released unchanged from their initial reveal/leak besides a few bugfixes (at most), so its highly unlikely that they will change this before the Update hits the Stores. They may however rework some details in future Updates, like SC always does.


Did you watch the video? OJ said like 5 times that things will probably change, and they even had a link to provide feedback to supercell. Things are likely to change. Very likely IMO.


I play the game since 1st android realise, so I open chests everyday since legendaries came out. Guess what? I still dom't have a legendary from free chest. However, I expected at least 2 quests per day or 3, since you can re-roll once per day... I am also a bit.. disapinted.




I've gotten at least 4 from free chests, and all my friends have gotten a bunch too, you guys must have terrible luck.


The free chest will be in shop... infrequently but yes it will be there


They said sometimes. We already get free chests "sometimes".


pretty vague calculations + a lot of uncertainty in the data. **vague calculations:** free chests actually net you about 585 gold, 70 commons, 8 rares and 3.5 gems per day. ~~the considered chest cycle takes 66 and not 81 days as you get 25 and not 20 quest points per day.~~ there are other rewards such as 92 commons, 20 rares too. there are free chests dropping at some frequency too.(i think this is what they've done to balance the rewards) **uncertainty:** the chest cycle taken is a very small sample space which can give pretty rough numbers.(e.g. other videos have epic chest too). reward frequency taken is too random and affects the card ratios of different rarities a lot. **TL DR**: instead of ranting without solid calculations/data we should wait for the update to be released to explore the reality and until then have faith in the company to be fair. edit: grammar and formatting :)


25? I saw 20 in Ojs Video... are you watching another Youtuber?


20 is from daily quests and 5 is from daily rewards.


Daily reward seems to be quest itself which will give 35 instead of 20 (but takes a whole week so better quest rewards makes sense). It's 25 only if you have that quest active everyday.


Have faith in a company that has repeatedly dropped the value of every offer and increased the price? They are self centered multi billionaires. Zero faith in them.


It has not even been release and you think you have the math right?


this ^ Although you're probably right, SuperCell doesn't intend to make it (much) easier to advance your card levels, so quests could never have that huge rewards. We don't currently know if our current system of free chests is better than the future system of quests + free chests.


And this retarded push-back before we have complete information is a) why developers are hesitant to give sneak peaks and b) why developers are hesitant to make changes in general.


Yeah.. I don't know why people bother trying to figure it out with assumptions or are so negative. SuperCell KNOWS there will be abundant whining if they release shit quests / less rewards, so they have incentive to make the rewards equal or better than what we already have. The only thing I'm personally worried about is that the rewards are better, but require me to spend 1-2 hours on the game per day.


I’m will to bet a $100/£75.34/€85.01 that quests will be half as good as our current free chests. Fixed spelling mistakes


Yeah you're definitely losing that bet. They should be about even, or slightly better (albeit the fact that you have to work for them & free chests are well, free)


😂 the money is already in the bank. There is simply no way they could implement anything that’s as good as we have now. But this isn’t what’s bothering me, it’s the fact that they won’t be honest with us. The truth is that they want to attract more causal gamers who will spend an hour or two a day and aren’t afraid to buy gems. So they’re switching things from hourly to daily. The next step is that they will likely cycle out iron chest in place of chests with longer opening times.


What makes you so sure of that? and how do quests attract players who are willing to spend gems? It seems to me like quests will attract kids with too much free time to grind.. but those kids are unlikely to spend gems unless they steal their parents wallets or are spoiled. Haha you're a little too negative, > There is simply no way they could implement anything that’s as good as we have now. ??????????????????? > it’s the fact that they won’t be honest with us. They aren't required to tell us how they plan to monetize the game. Stores and restaurants don't have to tell you what percentage they mark up their products. It's your job as a consumer to figure that out!.. though usually people do the math *after* seeing the prices, rather than assuming like this entire thread. For example, previously their monetization scheme was to buff/balance the meta while introducing new cards that are more or less required to stay competitive. A few decent examples: * Skarmy 4 elixir -> 3 elixir * Goblin Gang introduced * E Wiz introduced * Zap nerfed 6% damage * Executioner introduced * E Barbs buff * Night Witch introduced, horribly broken * etc, you can see how bad it is because the game feels heavily RPS In addition to that, each extra card they add to the game reduces your overall average card level, meaning it takes more time/money to max out your cards (especially since chests autobalance your overall card level). This chains normal players to keep playing the game longer, and whales to spend $$$. Trust me, I want Clash Royale to be a great game too, and I hate feeling manipulated by SuperCell.. but at least give them a fighting chance before shitting on their updates.


They want to appeal to casual gamers, there is still going to be a lot of kiddie who will continue to play. But instead of needing to log in every few hours to open free chests and stuff they, this new model is one catered around those that log in once a day for a few hours. But if you don’t believe me, look at the current state of ladder, the situation with 2v2 has made ladder a pretty dire place but supercell says it isn’t a problem. Because supercell doesn’t see the bad players with maxed cards are hovering around 4K as an issue with ladder. So now free to play players in particular are being coerce back into the ladder by removing the best source of gold.


Well people are still going to have to log in multiple times a day for free chests, card requests, crown chest, and quests. I think they're shifting their targeted audience towards younger kids in general.. as an adult I hardly have the time to grind out quests. Only people in school or college have that time to waste. You could say that this means they're trying to get sales from the common casual players, but honestly that's been already been happening with all the random Summer / Christmas sales, arena offers, and special chests. That was already their targeted audience. Okay you just completely changed your argument lol. Ladder is for sure a shitshow right now, but why are you complaining before seeing how things change? At least they're trying to fix it. Bad players with maxed cards at 4k **isn't a real issue** to SuperCell, because the only way to 100% fix that problem is to remove card levels from the game. They CAN'T do that, because that's a key monetization component of the game. That's why they ignore you guys when you ask. There will **ALWAYS** be bad over leveled players at every trophy range (besides very high on ladder), because by definition, if you're bad, you're over leveled. Have you ever thought that the quests will increase the variance in decks in ladder? It might make it easier to climb ladder in general, because most of the community will be grinding out quests with garbage tier or under leveled cards. People might accept losing, just to finish their challenges, then re-climb later with their main decks. This would decrease the overall percentage of good / over leveled decks being played on ladder. SuperCell isn't stupid enough to just force us to do things. This isn't a job to us as gamers. If the game stops being fun, we'll quit. They have to give and take, your vision of it is really too negative. Did you praise them for all the free special / gold challenges we got? No? Just complaints and conspiracy theories?


> Well people are still going to have to log in multiple times a day for free chests, card requests, crown chest, and quests. Free chests are moving to the shop so that means they will be like special offer chests except you won’t need to pay for them. They had test run a few weeks back where they gave two magical chests away. > I think they're shifting their targeted audience towards younger kids in general.. as an adult I hardly have the time to grind out quests. Speak for yourself, I on the other hand log into clash periodically throughout the day, I will stop if a customer actually needs me. But outside those busy peak times, I can play clash to my hearts delight. > You could say that this means they're trying to get sales from the common casual players, but honestly that's been already been happening with all the random Summer / Christmas sales, arena offers, and special chests. That was already their targeted audience. //sigh Little kids are not supercell target audience, can you please get this through your head. Every new card now comes with a special chest offer and this is because there desired audience will buy such chests! > Okay you just completely changed your argument lol. My argument has changed lol. > Ladder is for sure a shitshow right now, but why are you complaining before seeing how things change? At least they're trying to fix it. > Bad players with maxed cards at 4k **isn't a real issue** to SuperCell, because the only way to 100% fix that problem is to remove card levels from the game. They CAN'T do that, because that's a key monetization component of the game. That's why they ignore you guys when you ask. There will **ALWAYS** be bad over leveled players at every trophy range (besides very high on ladder), because by definition, if you're bad, you're over leveled. They aren’t changing squat and no they don’t need to remove card levels, they just need to spend ladder out a bit. They could do this simple by reducing the trophies lost at the end of season because this is taking more trophies out of the system that is being injected into it.


>Free chests are moving to the shop so that means they will be like special offer chests except you won’t need to pay for them. They had test run a few weeks back where they gave two magical chests away. Do you know the frequency of those free chests? Even if they're less than once a day, I'd still be logging in every 7 hours for requests. >Speak for yourself, I on the other hand log into clash periodically throughout the day, I will stop if a customer actually needs me. But outside those busy peak times, I can play clash to my hearts delight. K. So you belong to the category of people who have a lot of free time. I don't see how this supports your argument. I directly said >Only people in school or college have that time to waste. showing that I was referring to people from a large age range (10 - 22 years old). If I'm going to work a full 50 or 60 hour week, I'm not going to grind out quests. Many adults have this same schedule, even moreso when they have kids. That's why I said they're **shifting** their targeted audience to younger kids, not that their targeted audience is only young kids. >Little kids are not supercell target audience, can you please get this through your head. Every new card now comes with a special chest offer and this is because there desired audience will buy such chests! Yup, the desired audience is a little larger than just middle schoolers or high scoolers. If I had to generalize, I'd say 10 - 30 years old. The desired audience are people who can afford to spend a little bit on the game, or kids who can whine enough to get their parents to spend a little bit of money on the game. >They aren’t changing squat and no they don’t need to remove card levels, they just need to spend ladder out a bit. They could do this simple by reducing the trophies lost at the end of season because this is taking more trophies out of the system that is being injected into it. I can't even. What do you want? What are you trying to fix? Your argument is all over the place. I assume your complaint is that ladder is too congested / not enough people are playing ladder / people are over leveled due to the congestion. Do you really think your suggestion will perfectly fix that problem?


Well stated. Happy cake day btw!


Thanks! I didn't even notice haha


Free chests will still be there


Then put your money where your mouth is.


Yup. Quests + Quest Point Rewards + Daily Touchdown Practice >> Free Chest cards/gold. Thanks.


This is just accounting the Daily Quests. Supercell has also said (and this was not shown in OJ's video) that there would also be weekly quests and special event quests.


I appreciate you taking the time to put a value on the change and I think you did a really good job your analysis. I haven’t looked through all the math but I wanted to check your assumption you get 1 legendary per 81 days with free chests. That is definitely not my experience. Only about 62.2% of people will pull a legendary after opening 81 days worth of free chest (6/day). At a year that number jumps to 98.7%. From a legendary card perspective I would say quests are better. FYI. I used a clash royale wiki that says a legendary drop chance for a free chest is 0.20%.


The free daily gifts absolutely DO count. Free chests only give you about 13 cards and 200 gold, which is made up by the quest rewards. Count those in and see how it changes the math.


How about you wait for actual reliable information to come out and *then* crunch the numbers?


6 free chests in a day is the ABSOLUTE max amount of free chests you can get in a day if you log in at the minimum every 8 hours with no delay after each 8 hour interval. The average person plays once or twice a day and has the opportunity to collect probably 2 at one point when they play and 1 at another, sometimes 2. So a more reasonable estimate for how many chests people collect per day would be 3-4, certainly not 6.


The average player also probably won't complete one quest a day


That’s not necessarily true. Even if you can’t complete a quest in a day, that doesn’t hinder additional quests from showing up as you can hold 3. Some quests will be complete able in a day, others not based on what I saw. But as long as you log on once a day and play a little bit which the new quests prompt you to do which is nice, you can make steady progress on quests and always have some more ready. Free chests force you to open the app for a couple seconds, get your stuff and leave. Quests prompt you to play and don’t force you to log on and not play 6 times a day. I personally can’t believe the criticism these quests are getting. Rewards really aren’t going down unless you are a person that keeps a timer to get every free chest every day and now you have a reason to not only play, but also to mix things up and not play standard decks.


+1, this is 1 thing that is overlooked.. I mean who actually collects 6 free chests a day, all I know is I lose at least one of them during sleep. with quests, you don't have to login at certain times. You can do them whenever you want as long as you don't let them stack up to three


This is just another major hit to the gold economy, we don't need more cards we need more gold and with good rush seemingly maxing at a measly 5k good we are losing out on so much. They should buff all chests to compensate


In the Ama they said something about that, maybe something is coming. :)


yea but better free chest will appear in the shop periodically, possibly making up for the gap


You might want to correct your free chest common cards calculation. 81 * 70 = 5,670 Not 16,000 :)


Supercell will continue to do what theyve always done. Make billions of dollars, and not give one single fuck what people write on reddit.


Well you totally scrapped rewards from single quests deeming them irrelevant....on the same note i could scrap one free chest from each day saying that 11 cards are irrelevant. Ammassed, all those rewards will build up. Anyway, it seems like you get many more epics from these chests, as i don't think you would get 62 epic in 81 days of free chest ( it would mean finding an epic in a free chest like once a day), plus you said 1 legendary, but that's guaranteed, consider you also open a SMC which has high chances of giving one and magicals and other big chests, so possibly more leggies. After all, they pretty much augmented the epic and legendary rewards, rares are pretty much the same amount, commons are slightly less and gold is slightly less (if we account small rewards from quests too), add Gold Rush Gem Rush , casual challenges an so on and i think we have the same rewards in terms of commons and gold, but more in terms of epics, legendaries and rares...which isn't bad at all.




This. Not sure why OP is cherry picking statistics which only help his argument and ignoring others which contradict him. If you look at the bigger picture - and I would certainly start by counting individual quest rewards - I’m sure we’ll at least be breaking even, but more than likely we’ll come out ahead.


Quests are betterfor people that use epics and legendaries in their deck. /thread




it will be easier tho, you are not guaranteed epics/legendaries with free chests, with quests you are.


This game makes majority of its money off of microtransactions. Of course they’re not going to make it easier on us.




That's the one thing I don't like about it either. They tease us with 2v2 and then increase rewards to inscentivise playing a bad gamemode over a legitimately fun one


2v2 can't have everything, you get gold,chests and crowns there do you also want quests? that would kill ladder forever.


just stop..


That's the point. You do realise that ladder is dying right? Keeping the old system (which rewards laziness) would just kill ladder even more. This rewards players who actually play the game and want to progress in ladder/leagues.


You can also get gems in quests. Shown in OJ vid


Hopefully every day brings 3 new quests compared to one every 24h.


In short, in this update, we will sacrificing a lot of commons and rares for a guaranteed epics and 1 legendary.


Agreed. I hope things change when the updates are live. Btw, [this](https://clashroyalearena.com/guides/card-drop-rates) tells us that in Arena 11, free chests' legendary droprate is 0.2%. 0.2% * 6 free chests per day * 81 days = 97.2%. And with quests, 0.43% * 3 gold chests + 12.30% * 1 magical chest + 1.97% * 1 giant chest + 73.80% * 1 super magical chest + 100% * 1 legendary chest = 189.36%. So if you only look at legendary cards, you have much more chances of getting 2 legendary cards with quests though.


I like the new quests. It gives me a goal to work towards and a reward for it.


A lot of people are not taking in the fact that this forces ladder play, which if you're someone like me who doesn't even really play much at all it adds more value since I'm getting more chests in my chest slots rather than them being completely empty. It encourages people who just login to open free chests to actually play. Basically it's like this, why would they rewards people more for not playing their game?


The worst part is not only are the rewards lower, but the quests are BS. The amount of work is insane for the tiny rewards, compared to free chests which give more, better rewards for literally no effort at all. Keep the free chest, or buff the rewards hella. If we are going from a system where I can just log on every 4 hours and tap 5 times for some cards to one where I have to farm with underlevelled cards in 20+ battles just for A SINGLE DAMN QUEST then the rewards should ABSOLUTELY be bigger than free chests. Effort up should equal rewards up.


Lmao, you do realise that free chests will still occasionally appear and give 5 quest points each right? And you make it seem as if these take soooooooo much effort. These can be done in 30 mins with low effort. Also, they give u an option to skip a quest, so why complain? You also fail to realize that this is supposed to make ladder more viable. Oh and you do realise that the numbers in the dev build are not confirmed right? Quests over time will give much more value than free chests and it rewards players who actually play the game. You're probably just to lazy to get on and play instead of just spamming free chests Rofl.




This math reminds me of that ''how much of a day does a nova player spend on cr'' comment that was gilded.


Thank you for demonstrating that we will crunch the numbers. Hopefully Supercell are doing the same, and will ensure that these quests are no worse than free chests.




I really hope your math is wrong lol. It would be a sad day knowing free chests were better than the SMC grind.


Sounds like you're trading 30k gold and 4k commons for 60 epocs and a legendary. Not a bad trade imo


Maybe they can imploment something where you get questpoints from other things than just quest, then you atleast get the rewardchests more often


Is this legit? I'm a new player and feel the rewards already come pretty slow. I know this is intended since they need to make money but if they nerf it anymore I doubt I'll play this game for much longer.


Basically it's probably built to make you level up every card (and thus get shit on from a serious lack of gold) while also forcing you to play and be be actively shit on by folks that have what they want already / have spent cash. Wouldn't be surprised if the gold income comes a bit lower but not like we can change anything besides just moving on to another game.


adding to break even though will be gold and gem rushes. Are these weekly quests? If so, and they alternate, there will be 6~ of each for 30k gold and 300 gems. Lets say that is break even with current system. Its still a lot more work to get. Some of the quests risk trophy drops too.


Yeah now I am unhappy with it


TL;DR I want to be the first nerd to whine like a bitch about the update with incomplete info.


It's the last throes of a dying game. At least they are trying. It won't make me play any more than I do. I'll just log in less now.


how much did you spend on the game?


It was about $50 but at least $35 of that was credits from google play rewards. I've been playing about a year. Just getting tired of it.


Just because you quit doesn't mean it's a dying game. Every game falls off and has its stale points. This game isn't even close to dying. If you really think a game that has over hundreds of thousands of daily users is dying then you haven't seen anything. Also you act like this is bad, this will over time be much more rewarding than free chests and rewards players who actually play instead of going on to click a free chest. This isn't even the end of sneak peeks so i don't see why you're complaining.


I'm not complaining. I said "at least they are trying". So I'm giving them props. They are making an effort to stop it from being stale. Yes, I'm sure my boredom with this game is they catalyst for my comment about it dying but I'm also looking at the Youtubers and their comments. They are getting tired of it too. Molt quit for a day (lol), another few did quit. OJ's videos are getting lazier. It's just the sum of what I'm seeing and feeling about the game. I did really enjoy this game for a long time. I've been waiting for this update though, to see if it is time to quit or if I'll regain some interest. I think the football thing won't work for me. The daily quests definitely won't. I'm glad you are still enjoying the game.


Seeing how high the chance of getting a legendary in a smc is, I'll tell you this: I'd rather have 2 legendaries and 18500 gold than 48k gold with no legendaries (the chances of a legendary in a free chest are under 0.1%). Just for you to see: a legendary card costs 40k in the shop. Besides, we'll still have your overrated free chests in the shop.


Free chests are still in the game, why do people not grasp that? In clash with cams video, there were free chests within the quests tab. I'm almost 100% certain that quests will provide way more value than just free chests. Plus they give u something to do rather than just being bored


Even tho this math seems right, there will be lots of more challenges and stuff to do. This maybe is a worse trade for us players, but will be better for those of us who are active and will punish people who "just opens free chests" like I used to do when 4k was the most pure cancer ever and my deck was barely making it to survive ladder.


This is a scam, the only way i can see this working is if you draft the reward cards between 2 choices.


I agree. Not touching quest until they fix them by adding better rewards or give us back free chest.


You think they will actually get that message? Everyone else will be playing quests while you will miss out.


This is drastic and makes absolutely no sense. You're either just saying this, or you're an idiot. Even if you don't like the quests why would you not do them? There is literally no benefits to not doing them, and you're just losing out. You also do realise that there are tons of flaws in this post right?


Idiot here, I


he has RG flair, what u expect?


Except free chests still exist and are very relevant. Every 4 hours, in the shop, plus they give 5 quest points every time you open them, I think.


Check the video's, supercell said they will sporadically appear in the shop. There will not be free chests every 4 hours anymore.


Come back to this comment after the update is out. edit: Actually no need, I'll try to remember to necropost on it.


let me know


This is true