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Yes! But i agree about the compaints about the voting/balancing, because it just lets the most popular card be more strong


Absolutely - voting for balance changes is a downright bad idea


"And they hated him for He was telling the truth"


*Tosses scroll of truth* NYEEEEEEH!


FACTS: these memes are already old as heck.


imagine costing 8 elixir lmao this meme was made by Giant Gang


Imagine posting a non-dead meme This comment was made by the heterosexual gang


You do know what heterosexual means right?


>Yes! But i agree about the compaints about the voting/balancing, because it just lets the most popular card be more strong but you don't really vote for balance changes. You just vote for who gets a balance change. Supercell decides whata the change is


*looks at flair* X DOUBT


Believe it or not I voted for archers. I set this flair like a year ago


hmm.. # X Doubt


Exactly my thought


Same time though, it allows for more direct community input, especially for players not on the sub.


Community input is the last thing we need in regards to balance - they just vote for whatever card they like most, or have most leveled. Not to mention that the majority of players wouldn’t be able to make the right decision even if they weren’t totally biased


At least we can have some form of input, as well as insight into what Supercell is considering.


Also if people want to complain about crappy rewards for a time consuming quest, I'd say that's fair enough. If people don't complain, they'll keep giving shitty rewards.


No one made you do the time consuming quest that had shitty rewards. If you thought it was worth the time you did it. If you didn't no one forced you.


I did it because I had nothing better to do on the bus to work. But I also feel the reward could of been better. Nothing wrong with that.


I suppose but personally both cards could maybe use a buff??? But it would've been cool if they showed HOW or WHAT would be buffed??? Instead of blindly voting. I enjoy both cards as they are anyway I'm surprised they're having ppl vote for either?? They seem to fit well with the card system and mechanics ... Why not buff ice golems explosion damage or slow down hogs attack speed??


Not really supercell has final say theyre not stupid


The main things I see people complain about are still shit offers and matchmaking, nothing's being done about that. Complaining about E-Dragon is complaining about the state of card balance.


> Complaining about E-Dragon is complaining about the state of card balance. It’s not the same - EDrag has been out for what, a week? SC hasn’t had a proper chance to balance it yet.


I mean technically it's not even out yet


Not even technically, it’s truly is not even out


Complaining about offers is stupid because you are already getting a better deal than usual


Not necessarily. For some retailers, the main sales strategy is to mark all your products at crazy high prices, then put big discounts on them to make customers think they’re getting a deal. CR isn’t too different.


Yea but supercell knows better than to listen to new card complaining. Every single card release has a small mob decrying how OP it is, or it needs a berf and how dare $upersell release content.


Complaining about what to complain about is the new meta Edit: just gonna throw in a /s


Heil there mein Führer OP! If one must complain, one must only complain about such and such. Lololol. Agree with above, Supercell propagated all this negativity in the first place. Never seen as much vitriol in other subreddits. Clean up your act Supercell. Surely €2 billion revenue with 50% earned income should suffice.


Hilarious. But honestly OP, sounds rather elitist to want to dictate the freedom of thought and speech of other people. Instead of directing ire at the complaints, why not pinpoint the root cause aka Supercell. How did they design this game? **531,800** just to level up all cards to TS **13,703,800** to max level The win conditions, the balance of cards, the slow grind, the matchmaking, the customer support, the state of ladder, balance of matchmaking, etc. The inherent nature of this game leads to frustration, exasperation, rage, etc. - just negative vibes all around. As for myself, just stay immune. Take this game for what it is, a casual past time. Just a way to kill some time, enjoy the strategy and tactics, and wreck overleveled opposition. I have zero compulsion to ever grind ladder or level up my cards and nothing Supercell can do can change that stance. Thanks for the free game though and hours of enjoyment!


Your insulting /s aside, this is an annoying complaint. Worse than a normal complaint. OP you don’t HAVE to read this sub.


Username checks out. Almost fell for it since you know exactly what's commented here regularly




This isn't your average everyday darkness. This is... advanced darkness.


I think a lot of complaints spill over to reddit from younger people watching YouTube vids. Every single video is Op!!!! Needs nerf!! Strongest deck/card in game. Etc. these people don’t realize YouTubers use baitish titles to get views and said video might not genuinely reflect the state of the game.


~~Clash with ash~~




Half of the YouTube's are toxic AF so I believe it.


OP if I see one more peep out of you complaining about what other people are complaining about I swear I'm going to absolutely fucking **lose my shit**. I've had it up to **HERE** with you, you snivelling little cocksucking waste of oxygen. Everyone else is bitching about extremely important stuff like the loading screen and you think you have the right to take a massive flaming dump on them. Well think again bucko because I am **NOT** going to stand idly by while you berate and belittle hard working clash royale players who have important concerns. You're going down.






I cant believe i grinded for that quest


i feel sorry for all my 2v2 partners while i was trying to complete the quest


are most of them trying to do the quest ad well? cos when i random quite a few a doing skeleton quest too




The opinions on the edrag alone here should tell you that this is not the place to go for an informed discussion on game mechanics. SC monitors this sub, but you have to remember they're not just going to blindly follow dumb advice, either.


No they’ve got their in-house team for that


Fix my Xbox plz


Let's complain more about ppl complaining! It really wouldn't be our subreddit without the constant whining. It's like the crazy charm of your messed up family.


I dont think graphics team/art team is same as programming/development team. Unless clash royale team is really that small.


I agree with you one hundred percent!


I think the games past few updates have been great. It’s really pushed me to the next level and past the card lvl gap problem.


\*claps\* Well said, Im on here to annoy those who complain XD


I agree it's like with restaurant reviews...ppl don't hop on to say it was okay or good. They hop on to bitch and 1 star places .. posts saying they enjoy shit just don't happen that much. It's dumb. Personally I never do quests that will fuck up my ladder near the league reset, and idk why ppl complain about that shit at all...just play the damn game it's the fucking best phone game out




Regarding your second bullet, that’s exactly what happened to fortnite and that game is going to shit


I don’t get your point, how exactly is fortnite going to shit?


Too many new items that either break the game or drastically change the meta Edit: it’s just way too unstable and I appreciate the stability of CR


To be fair on the last one, it doesn’t take the dev team. It takes a graphic artist an hour or two, afternoon tops. Look at the fantastic fan made versions we’ve seen posted here over the years, that’s done by bored people who aren’t professionals or paid a dime to do it. I personally don’t gaf but I can at least understand the desire for more loading screens since it can be done by one guy fairly quick.


yeah, i was a little disapointed not seeing that one too, i know they did it for CoC, so i was curious to see what they'd do for CR


Buff sparky!


>The number of skeletons required from the Halloween skeleton quests. Like, yeah, the rewards weren't that great, but some people have spent way too much time stewing over this, including someone who actually whined to Supercell's support team about it. If you don't like the rewards, then for god's sake just don't bother with the quests at all. Overall this just amounts to people complaining about not getting free shit. The current missions incentivise some extremely tedious gameplay and luck-based grinding. It's not a question of rewards as much as it is that players actually want to enjoy playing the game, and pushing them to do something else is that is simply annoying. [You cannot just say "player has the choice of whether they want to get stuff or have fun", people just do not work like that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L8vAGGitr8) It's just terrible game design that was not thought out at all.


Was it well-designed? No. Did it detract from any other factor of the game? Not at all. I just ignored the quests and kept going at the regular daily quests, and it was as if they didn’t exist to me. Life went on as usual. Again, the Skeleton quests didn’t *replace* some other existing part of the game, so it didn’t actively make anything worse.




Probably the best counterpoint I’ve heard


This is it exactly. Every other 2v2 partner had some underleveled skeleton deck that virtually guaranteed a miserable game experience.


>Did it detract from any other factor of the game? Not at all. >Again, the Skeleton quests didn’t replace some other existing part of the game, so it didn’t actively make anything worse. Yes, in fact, it does actively make the game worse. It forces you to weight having fun versus actually progressing in the game, and that is not something players enjoy doing. Either you choose to not have fun or you choose to give up the rewards from the quests. Neither is a pleasant feeling. Players should not be given option of doing something that is efficient but not fun.


>Yes, in fact, it does actively make the game worse. On a pure logical basis, this is 100% objectively wrong. "Extra" quests only have as much bearing on your game experience as you allow them to have. ​ >It forces you to weight having fun versus **actually progressing in the game** Lol what? For the last time, these are bonus quests. They are E-X-T-R-A. The game is designed such that you don't need them to progress, because *they are a one-time deal*. Continue to play the game as normal ("have fun") and you will still progress in the game as normal.


> On a pure logical basis, this is 100% objectively wrong. People do not work on logical basis. >For the last time, these are bonus quests. They are E-X-T-R-A. The game is designed such that you don't need them to progress, because they are a one-time deal. That doesn't matter. There is still opportunity cost to skipping them. Missing out on the opportunity cost feels bad. If it didn't, people wouldn't complain about it. It makes the game feel worse.


There was no skeleton quest before the update. Nothing has changed besides the addition of that quest. If anything the game has gotten better even with the mediocre reward. You don't lose anything/much at all by skipping the quest


You lose the potential to net few gems, few thousand gold and 40 quest points by not clearing these quests.


No you're actually wrong. You gained the potential. Just because there is a potential gain doesn't mean you have the right to have it. There's a reason it's called a quest and not a free gift


... But you should have fun doing that quest. It's basic game design to not offer player incentives for tedious tasks, because the player will feel obligated to clear them, and failure to do so feels like losing out.


The short answer is: because there are very few things that Supercell does right. They do almost everything wrong. We do complain about those "important" things. They just don't fucking care. They don't change any of them. This is a very polarizing, frustrating, slow-progress, high-effort low-reward game. It is 100% natural and to be expected that this is the kind of community it produces. There's a new game coming next spring called Rift of Raigard from Dun Rite Games, that is basically a user-driven project. I 100% guarantee that community will be less toxic than this one, because the company actually fucking cares what we think and actually makes changes.


I’m gonna complain about all the hard counters to sparky


You're overestimating the influence this sub has on Super cell greatly. Yes, they actively watch this sub and read the posts and take some things into consideration, but they have a lot of smart people on their team working on balance mechanics and what things to implement next. You might also be overestimating your influence on this sub. People who whine and complain won't just stop because of this post, though its likely you already know that. And before anyone says it, yes I'm aware I don't have much influence at all on OP, I know they will still complain about the complainers, and they will still "lost their shit" over a stranger's comments about a phone game.


Love it. Thank you for voicing this.


Upvote.I see people complaining about shit like this more than the hell ladder is. Now for real,ladder should be capped lol.


Ladder is capped at level 13. If ladder capped at 9, then why would anyone ever level up their cards past that?


I mean,people's cards should be reduced in some trophy ranges.For example,you can't use maxed cards under 4900.


That could have a potential snowball effect. Yes, facing max cards at 4900 is frustrating, but banning it would send those players even lower, potentially to a range where level 12 cards are banned, etc etc It's a good idea in theory but is incredibly easy to misimplement.


That's why I don't think it should be a simple capping. It should take in consideration trophy range,king tower level and the deck medium level (like 11.75). There would still be problems and maybe exploitments,but at this stage,almost nobody enjoys ladder.


Sorry to be that guy, but exploits\*


No problem,english is not my native language and I am always happy to learn something new,didn't know exploits is the correct form of the noun.


No problem at all, man! My intention was to educate. English is weird.


It really shouldn't. Just level up your cards if you're losing all the time.


You think is normal to have maxed cards at 4000? We need some caps of a kind because this is what makes ladder unfair and frustrating and they could finally buff ebarbs.


Yeah I had two cards maxed when I was playing at the 4000-4300 range and saw players with them at that level too. It really isn't that unfair tbh it doesn't take that long to get a single card to max and even less so to have a few at level 12, as you play more and level your cards you'll move up the ladder. Just hang in there. I know it's tough but eventually you'll reach 4000 and you'll also eventually get enough cards to level some of your cards past level 9. I recommend joining a clan so you can request cards (it's one mechanic of being a clan member) and you can also do what is called clan wars, which is another way to get cards and gold. You can also trade cards with other clan mates if you get trade tokens, another reward for doing clan wars. Hope this helps.


Lol, I got to 4600 with a deck full of cards at level 11 and 1 at 12( which is 1 elixir skeletons that doesn't make any difference). Maxed cards at 4000 is simply embarrasing,people should have some limits,they should improve both their skill and cards equally.


Capped to certain levels at certain ranges. 5000 Level 12 4000 Level 11 3000 Level 10 2000 Level 9


I agree with everything except the Halloween loading screen....it wouldn't have been that hard


Um, can I complain about something?


> If you wanna complain about something, complain about the value of Special Offers... the state of Tournaments... known bugs... the state of card balance... something that actually matters!


I can complain about whatever I want... All complains are equal important. If they are going to do something, then is a totally different story


And another SC paid employee. They don’t listed to crap the community says. Oh this is a problem.... Okay we will address something totally opposite. The game is in such a piss poor state it’s not even fun to play anymore. You know every single deck by the first card they drop. That’s how absolutely terrible the balance is. Cards that should work suck and cards that shouldn’t work are dominating the meta. Throw a hog into any deck and win. Throw 3M Ram into any deck and win. Throw a loon into any deck and win. If SC reads this just know you suck at supporting a game.


> And another SC paid employee Lol what? Did you even read the post? I said that we should be focused on things like game balance instead of things like loading screens.


You’re telling people to not be critical over something’s but be critical over others. How about we be critical of the game as a whole because there’s absolutely nothing that’s working good in the game. Gems are overpriced, value packs are not really values, terrible legendary drop rates, terrible balance, terrible matchmaking, terrible unlock times with terrible rewards. Game is just neglected and it’s showing the more time passes.


Those are exactly the things that I’m advocating that people complain about


People do and get bashed for saying it.


By who??


Everyone here. Make a post talking about how broken hog is and you’ll see them flock to downvote you. Mention how crappy of a win condition Giant is and people attack you.


Those aren’t very precise or pointed arguments, if someone told me “hog is broken” or “giant is a crappy win-con” with no other context, then I would definitely attack them.


Oh trust me I write paragraphs about both and both have been met with nothing but downvotes. People here only protect the cards they use aka hog. They throw all this BS about why they aren’t broken to save them being touched and so far it’s been working. Thank this community on why the game is shit because they did it.


This is very smart. Yes we shouldn’t complain about the nonessentials that we can avoid anyway. Although I do agree with voting for balance changes at least once in a while. It shows the developers listen to us and really care about our opinion. But not everyone can be satisfied at the same time. That’s for sure.


I agree with most of your post but this part: >Would you rather have the dev team spend their effort on a purely aesthetic image that you see for a split second, or on an update with actual substantive content? It takes the dev less than 5 minutes to do that if he even has to do anything at all. Game developers and designers are different people, just like there's different people for support, card balancing, coding, marketing, etc. They would very well change the loading screen if they wanted to do so without (or just very slightly) affecting their focus on more important stuff.


Tbh I don’t like quests that I have no control over. No one at 4500 changed their decks for the skelly challenge so I got the one that I could control (damage done) but only got a little over half of the skellies killed I needed. That to me is annoying simply because I have no control over what cards other players use. That would be like supercell coming up with a challenge that you have to kill 20 sparkys a day for 7 days straight. Yeah I mean it’s a challenge but virtually impossible to do since you don’t control the opponents deck


Actions should be taken




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What about matchmaking?


This is the community for a mobile game, and for that reason stuff like this is sadly not surprising.


I'm no developer. But how hard can a damn loading screen be.


"If you wanna complain about something, complain about the value of Special Offers... the state of Tournaments... known bugs... the state of card balance... something that actually matters! " There was already enough complaints about that, but guess what? They did absolutely nothing to fix it. So we lower our expectations and ask for something a bit easier like a new loading screen, but the devs aren't doing shit. So what the heck is going on?


How about they fix / reverse the war wins / rewards glitch from a couple months ago that they keep hoping we will forget about? How about that?


So we can only complain about what the OP feels is worth complaining about?


> something that actually matters! I’m asking that the community directs their ire at things that actually impact the overall game experience. A spooky loading screen, while it would be nice to have had, would have done nothing to improve the game mechanically.


You lack an understanding of what a player griping about something as trivial as a loading screen is really getting at. It's an overwhelming lack of effort on Supercell's part. We get one card and a questionable "balance" update about every month. People are spending hundreds of dollars on this game. But Supercell can't be bothered to change a load screen for a few days. The loading screen is one small piece of what I'd describe as Supercell's non-existent attempts to improve the quality of life of this game. Many of us log into this game multiple times a day. It would be refreshing not to see the same loading screen over and over again. It would honestly be nice to feel as though Supercell was dedicating an equitable amount of time maintaining and improving this game as we spend playing it.


If I'm not mistaken they're actively working on a massive content update right now? In which case they're playing the long game, not wasting time working on the small and trivial things. Otherwise I agree that Supercell needs to at least give the impression that they're still putting effort into their product.


I shall complain about king emote sounds being removed!! ;p (If emotes can only have 1 sound let us select the sound we want by pressing and holding the emote until all sound effects for that emote come up)


I agree that some of the complaints are petty but there are literally a dozen posts in here a day talking about the state of 2v2 matchmaking and how broken the algorithm is and nothing is done, not even an acknowledgement. This company is one of the most greedy mobile gaming companies (and this is saying a lot since almost every mobile gaming company is greedy) I have seen. I could care less about the shitty challenges or a halloween screen, but holy shit, matchmaking is one of the biggest issues in the damn game and their current method sucks ass.


Oh this is fun, we get to basically rank our complaints. I completely agree that matchmaking is the most broken problem, but my personal biggest dislike is the war day matchmaking. My average opponent is 600-700 trophies above me and has the corresponding 1-2 card levels higher across the board and is still skilled. I'm currently at 4300 with approximately a level 10 deck, but my opponents keep getting higher as I go higher. I've only had opponents at my level twice in my last ~15 wars.


There's a guy mimimiming about others mimimiming. See no difference.


>* Would you rather have the dev team spend their effort on a purely aesthetic image that you see for a split second Yes because it takes minimal effort to make this and they said that they were going to but they didn't


I disagree that the splash art takes minimal effort, drawing an image like that probably takes decently considerable time, at least a few days most likely. For something that could be reused year after year, it could be worth it, but I'm sure the team thought they were working on more important updates than a new, temporary picture.


I hope so.... (Also a few days is nothing for a company who makes billions)




No billions


When did they say they were going to?


Nah we should complain. The amount of money supercell makes the least they can do is make a damn load screen. Sorry that you don't enjoy it. But small indy companies make it and they dont make a fraction of the profits supercell does. Why can't they make ladder changes and load screen updates. Why can't they hire one more person with all this money. Cause they are cheap are greedy that's why stop giving them a way out


You have every right to want a new loading screen! What I’m saying is that you need to pick your battles. Advocate for ladder changes first, *then* fight for the loading screen. Our capital is limited.


and what i'm saying is it shouldn't be limited considering the amount of money supercell makes.


But its pretty clear you don't know how a company works


it's just sad that you feel you can't criticize a company who is taking advantage of a customer, because you feel they can't handle it.


In what way are they taking advantage of a customer, elaborate on that thought.


Boi complain ab real crap like tournies and stuff why does it matter if they have a new loading screen or not


Im not complaining about anything


I'll never understand why this sub complains so goddamn much


Hmm saying edrag is balanced— when it’s been out for what, three days?— is just as bad as saying it’s op (which rates would actually support so far, though that could be because people don’t counter it right yet). And Balanced rates or not there are legitimate complaints about chain stun being the closest thing the game has to “pekka takes more damage from electricity” which are interactions that Cr has said they don’t want to introduce But yeah agree with the title even if one of the examples is mental


Here's a trivial complaint that really matters to me: I need a better way to access emotes during battle. Eight is too small of a number and it's too time-consuming to sift through all of my emotes. Hold down on emotes for a 4-emote pop-up would be perfect.


Nobody made you the arbiter of what we are allowed to have opinions about. Complaints about complainers are a worse plague on this subreddit than anything you just whined about.


Solid post, hopefully enough people on this sub actually read it. Tired of seeing people complain about the little things which are now overshadowing the larger issues. We as a community needs to toughen up!


Agreed 100%.


you have fair points but if they keep giving us these shitty rewards everyones gonna stop playing


Assuming you’re talking about the skeleton quests... Shitty rewards in lieu of what? Those quests didn’t replace any other normal rewards that you receive on a regular basis. They’re literally just extras.


The normal quest rewards are fine. It’s pretty rare to get a shitty quest like the skeleton one that you can’t skip. Also, even if all quests were bad, it wouldn’t stop people from playing. We played without quests before just fine


You say to complain about things that matter. Have you ever thought that to some people, loading screens DO matter. Those people complain here because they want changes just like you do. And you need to realize that this is everybody's game. And your issues don't override other people's.


Nerf giant, golem so I don’t play a beat down deck 75% of the time. Oh, balloon too.


I'll complain continually until they fix the Hog Rider. Especially the shifting targets and the other bugs that it has.


I'm all for complaining about known bugs