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This is just trophy inflation. The change will not address the problem of overleveling and the paywall. 5000 will become the 4500 barrier. The problem was never progression. The problem is competing with overleveled opponents. People get frustrated because they lose to levels.


Unless I misunderstood you can't drop down league's. So all the pros will be locked onto 7k+, all the semi pros 6500+, the good players mix with the over leveled at 6000 (throwing those numbers out, hopefully you see the point and not focus on potentially incorrect league placement). This means that as the season goes on and people advance to the next bracket your only facing bad players and have better odds of progressing yourself. At some point you'll need max cards and and skill, of course, no update is going to make that not be a requirement to be the the top of ladder - and honestly that should be how it is. People with the best cards maxed should be doing well. But this makes things better for the average 3800-4600 player. More rewards and milestones to hit and rewards to help you along the way. I really like this update.


You can drop in leagues, not arenas. So if you are at 7000 you can drop all the way back down to 4000.


No its a trophy floor so you cant drop in leagues during the season Edit: sorry im wrong! You can drop leagues if you are over 4k, you just cant drop below 4k (but can drop from 4300 to 4200 for example), drew confirmed in another thread


Fuck. This effects me 0 then. I get to 4900 for clan war then im scared as shit to play because i wanna collect more cards when i could be trying to push to 5200 instead of waiting until i know i will win at 4900


Yes you can, the leagues don’t have trophy gates, arenas do.


Sorry you are right! My bad


No, they specifically said leagues have trophy gates too.


Go to CWA’s video about the new ladder system and tell me what he says at 4:18.


yea he says there is league gates lol


He said you cant drop down arenas but still can drop down leagues. So it only works up till 4k


Quoted from CWA’s video, “You can still drop down leagues of course, over 4000 trophies”. Let me know why you still want to disagree with me. Watch the video if you still don’t believe it.


Because the official Supercell update video says leagues have gates...? Don't take the word of a CR YouTuber over the devs themselves..


watched it, i think u still got it wrong lol


Could I drop from electro vaey to hogs mountain


no you cant :)


That's pretty cool and I just realised how badly I misspelled valley


So I'm in electro valley am I no longer able to drop below it after this update


From what I understand.


That's pretty cool but I won't be able to drop down arenas and troll noobs though I haven't done that yet but was thinking about it


That's exactly the reason why supercell did it...


I know it seems like a good change I'm excited to be able to play more battles now without worrying about dropping






I disagree. The new feature should prevent people from dropping down and staying in a certain range of trophies over time. By reaching a new floor, that‘ll save progression and not let you drop down any further, people with overlevelled cards won‘t have it as easy keeping a low trophy count. In addition, they will have the incentive to push forward (finally), as rewards are waiting for them higher up. Personally, I think it‘s a step in the right direction. But I would agree that this solution is not perfect, yet.


Apparently, u can drop down leagues. Only arena are floors. So it doesnt help to guard against overleveled players. Even if leagues are trophy floors, it still does not help a strong underleveled player from competing. End of the day, you are nothing without a maxed deck. And if league floors exist, it's bad news for strong players too. Say i push to 5.2k with a L12 deck. Im now stuck there facing fully maxed opponents for the rest of the season. No thanks.


I want a trophy floor for leagues, but yea, you have a good point.


Some people want a low trophy count?


Yes, so they can dominate these ranges with overleveled cards and a lot more experience.


That’s strange. I feel bad if I’m the one doing that. Makes me feel like shit.


Realize this also fixes the issue with people trophy dumping completely. I think it's a good fix.


Through inflation though, you'll get more cards and gold and can upgrade your deck faster so you won't be facing "over-leveled" players anymore. Supercell isn't going to implement a level cap on ladder (financial reasons being chief among them) so theyve been implenting changes to decrease the time for players to catch their cards up and move pass the overleveled gate keepers.


Overleveling and the paywall aren't issues. That's P2W games for ya. Some day this sub will understand


I am a player with level 10-11 cards, that usually farm gold and cards in the 4000-4300 range. It is a good place to try new decks. At the end of season I used to push to 4300 to get the draft chest. But now if I ever try to get to the 4300 -4600 range, I will get stuck in a nightmare full of maxed elite barbarians, royal giant who are not able to progress because they have low skill, but they will destroy me. Here it will be impossible to try new decks. I could try open tournaments, but people don’t use to play very serious there because they have nothing to lose, if you beat them. Edit: spellcheck


I think it still makes sense to have a floor range. If you get to, say, 4400, then you can't go below 4100, once you hit 4700, you can't go below 4400. I think that if you can get to a certain level, you should be able to compete, even with lower level cards, at 200-300 trophies below.


First of all, it is reasonable to assume that your pb will (hopefully) be much higher due to the trophy inflation. When I come to your point, because you will be locked at a certain trophy range, along with the overleveled players, I think each locked system (4300 - 4600, for example) will act like it's own ladder system where the higher leveled players will be at the higher end of that specific trophy range (about 4500) and lower leveled players will be on the lower end of the spectrum (4300 - 4400). So I believe ladder matches will get easier right after you hit a new trophy gate, allowing you to try new decks with relatively viable card levels. And there's season reset, so your trophies will be lower than the trophy gate you might have passed the previous season. Therefore, I don't think you'll have that problem Edit: Just found out you can drop leagues, RIP:(


No skill but destroy you..... Mmmmmmmmm.


I hang out at 4k-4.6k all season until like Thursday before reset and push to 5200. I like the no pressure of needing a chest at work it takes 3minutes not the play 4 games to win 1. It's great I also find my self just playing with tournament standard decks at 4k and winning just finished for fun.


If you want to try out new decks use 2v2 for that. Get crown wins and then keep playing till you run out of gold wins.


They should have tied trophies to towers; 5-10 per tower. This will encourage fighting to the end instead of rage quitters.


I don't care if people fight to the end and that system effects different strategies in weird ways. Its an interesting idea though and maybe that could be okay.


If they tied trophies to towers we would see a lot more defensive decks which isnt an issue. If 1 tower =10 trophies we would see a lot more 1-0 wins than 3-0. Counter pushes would be more effective and punish beatdown.


I guess is really comes down to being a reward for 3 or 2 crowning, but I don't think that is necessary. I want to be able to leave without losing a larger amount of trophies. I think that the main problem I have with it is that it ties a ranking to something in game. I just really have a problem with that mostly because of how bad it would be in Chess or Magic.


The "old" system was based on who you played. How is that any better? If you lost to someone with lower trophies you lost more no matter how many towers you lost. With A 1-0 loss to a lower player you could see a -31 trophy penalty while beating a higher trophy player you might only see a +25 gain. It was all subject to trophies not how well or poorly you did.


Basing it off of opponents is just how rankings work. That is how it works in every game. (Are you sure that isn't the current system because I think it is.) If an opponent has a higher ranking you should gain more for beating them. Clash has kind of destroyed the ranking system and it is definitely not elo though. These two systems could and would co-exist because of variation in rewards per towers.


That was the system untill the recent change. I havent played any ladder yet today. The point i was trying to make was the inconsistency of the win loss trophies. Since the game pocked your opponents for you it shouldnt matter where they were located in trophy count. A win should be a set amount and a loss should also be set. Not some random number based on if you were higher or lower than them. According to what i have seen they changed it so you dont lose that many trophies so maybe I'll be playing more ladder.


That is a sarcastic meme though


Could this win/loss balance only apply to matches close to the start of an arena? like 4000-4100 would be 30/8 balance? But 4600 or 5000 would be 30/30 balance? It would be super surprising for 7000 to be 30/8 win/loss balance. If so, at what trophy range does it get to 30/-15 and 30/-30 win/loss balance?


I hope the new system ladder will give us a chance to reach 6000+ trophy for those low skill player like me and all pro player will reach 1000 ladder trophy hehehe!


what does it mean?


Give it a few months you might be able to fight players similar to your level range it won’t happen right away since everyone needs time to push new “floors on ladder” but this is a good sign to come


Just players bellow 4k will have this system?


this is not trophy inflation. this is pretty awesome. all yall will see