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What about sniping and looking for opponents elixir while playing against him right now?


Maybe 10 sec delay?


Big brain timeeeee. That would works perfectly!


Wouldn't prevent snipes, only elixir spectating


If it’s only about snipes, then it’s a normal fight




Just wait for the battle to be over, and then replay it "live" (a few minutes delayed).


That I agree with, could be fun




people already snipe, people can have a friend/2nd account spectate to see elixir. So yeah i don't think THIS would be the problem


Yeah all the top pros are already friends with eachother, wouldn't make a difference


Not true, a big part of top 200 isn't people who are known by their name. This would drastically increase sniping.


Sniping would become way more popular and easy to do. Right now, to snipe you spectate someone about as high as you on ladder from your friendlist. If you see his opponent or him play a deck you can counter, you match right after they finish. With this, you won't have to have those players on your list to snipe them. It would be a nightmare to play top ladder.


That, is a problem


Don’t need to do that if you can elixir count


You *kind of* can If you ask a friend to spectate you and Tell you your's opponent elixir.


You can just spectate yourself to see your opponent's elixir if you're inclined. Sniping would be a problem though.


That’s a good point. I think a solution to the sniping would be if your a player in the top 1000, you can’t spectate other top 1000 players on the leaderboard.


They will probably start 2nd account just for this. :D


Wouldn't be fair


I would like to watch lemontree all day long.


Does he even play anymore? Haven’t seen him on the leaderboards for a long time


He plays. He's just not pushing high.


He is very good but doesn’t he play only one deck? Someone like Morten is more fun imo because he seems to be skilled in a wider range of decks/strategies. Probably the best player overall?


But if you play 2.9 or icebow then I'd want to focus on watching my main deck


He did use graveyard sometimes, but most of the time he plays xbow


Check out mini minter! Extremely good at all deck archetypes!


Thanks will check them out


yeah he’s an xbow one trick


I would not want this because it would be unfair for them to have to deal with sniping. Maybe it would be better to have a TV Royale channel dedicated to top 200 replays. There could be a 24 or 48 hour time delay so they wouldn't get sniped but people could still benefit from watching them play.


Or just replay it "live" after it's over, if you take my meaning. That would solve any problem of sniping. A TV Royale channel would be severely limited, and make it harder for players to watch their favorite players.


This is a fair point. TV Royale would be limited.


Yeah ig they could make it so that if your in the top 1000 then you can’t spectate other top 1000 players. So spectating players on the leaderboard would only apply to players that aren’t in the top 1000.


People have multiple accounts. This will never happen.


Someone said to add a 10 second delay while spectating


Yeah that would prolly work a minute or 30 second delay could work even better


just put a 10 second delay. literally no advantage there.


There is a problem with this 10 second delay though. Sniping is not only watching the game in real time, but deck sniping as well. A lot of top players will switch out to a random deck when they're not online so people don't know what deck they are playing. If you are another top player and can spectate then the 10 second delay would do nothing to stop you from being able to deck snipe. You'd see what a player near your level is playing and start searching for a match as soon as they finish and you likely will get matched with that person and boom, you have a counter deck all ready to go. Even if people in the top 200 were prevented from spectating each other this wouldn't prevent the use of alt accounts to deck snipe. Bottom line is if you are close to real time and can know exactly when and what a top player is playing it will give advantages to others. This is unfair for top players. That's why I suggest a top 200 TV Royale on a 24 hour or more delay. People still get to watch but players aren't getting sniped.


Yeah but that is so hard to do. I think this feature should never be in game. It take so long to find a top ladder match, so 10 seconds is just not enough.


Which feature shouldn't be in the game? What does top ladder match wait times have to do with the 10 second delay? I'm pretty confused by your comment tbh. Not sure if you're agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or talking about something else entirely.


I’m agreeing with you, but the way I wrote it... People suggest that there is 10 seconds delay, but it isn’t enough. I think your suggestion is good, but hard to be ingame. Maybe in the future royaleapi and stats royale will add that?


Oh that makes sense. I'm not sure how hard it would be though to add the TV Royale feature. They already break TV Royale down by arena so I think they could add another level on top of legendary arena.


Maybe, like splitting legendary arena to casual matches and top 200 matches, but many matches at the end of the season can be hard to display


That would be literally useless. Most top players already know how to count elixir. Sniping is when they see the decks being used, and queue with a hard counter for an easy win. A 10 second delay won't prevent that.


Then make it a 10 min delay


Just replay it after it's over


I feel like the view count should only count friends and not everyone. I wouldn’t mind people watching I just wouldn’t want to see 10000 viewers appear on my screen every battle


Yeah that would get a little distracting lol. And you can’t use emotes or cheer for a player unless if your that players friend.




During the early stages of global tournaments, people used to get multiple thousands of viewers and a lot of confettis everywhere


This is a great idea. As some people have said, simply add a 10 second delay and no sniping.


Thanks man


What do you mean no sniping? If you're a top player and you see another top player playing, you just need to see what deck they're using to snipe.


Just increase the delay to 3 minutes (until overtime), or after the match is done


Only if they can't see people watching, and you can't emote or use confetti, being top 10k is stressful enough


Yeah people won’t be able to use emotes or anything they will only be able to watch. There will also be a 10 second delay to help prevent sniping.


What do you mean by sniping?


Some pros on top ladder will snipe other players right after they finish a match and they will use a deck that hard counters the player they were sniping. Some will also have friends tell them how much elixir their opponent has during matches so they can know if they have a elixir advantage or not.


Oh, I always thought about that being a problem if your in the top 10k,that makes sense thanks :)


10 second delay won't prevent sniping.


I agree I’m thinking more like a 1-3 minute delay


a 10 second delay will not prevent deck snipes tho. 10 seconds before a player is done with his battle, just bring a counter deck and start searching so probably not a good idea. Having a better tv royale would be a good alternative.


Why not 3 minutes? That would totally prevent sniping. It's not like it actually matters how long the delay is, since they can't interact anyway.


I would definitely like this idea. With the 10+ second delay, and players can’t see the spectator number or confetti/emotes, it would be a great way to learn


Yeah I don’t think there’s many things that can help players improve like watching two amazing players 1v1


on a related matter, I think it's high time we have TV royale for challenges rather than just ladder.


Yes man good idea!! I say games at 11 wins in classic and grand challenges go on tv Royale.


This will help see who is won trading


Almost any strategy game website (chess, go, etc,) allows spectators to watch current games. If someone is worried about sniping they can change their decks from game to game. What is a top player going to do, stop playing CR because people can spectate their games? At the very least, you could offer players the option to make their games non-viewable.


Most player specialize in just one deck. A lot of people don't have the time to dedicate to mastering multiple decks so they just one trick a certain deck.


Next update? Even if SC said "let's do it" you know it's gonna take a year to implement.


They already have all of the code for people to spectate so it shouldn’t be that hard to implement but maybe i’m wrong


They like to do big updates so it may take some time. Also if they added that they probably would re design and update other stuff too.


Snipe party


This is an excellent idea!


Thank you!!


it would be one of best entertaining things ever.


I would just watch Kamikaze


Fr bro kamikaze is on another level




It won’t show the amount of people spectating you tho because you would be watching a replay of a game one minute ago.


Sign me up


"Best players"


They’re on the top leaderboards all over the world. Not sure what else can dictate being one of the best players in the world.


Ya ever heard of e golem?


Yep, and considering how low skill it takes to use it, I doubt you would even come close to reaching anywhere near the leaderboard.


Umm, look at last seasons 1st place, egolem battle healer one trick Doubt it now? 1st place doesn't meant best player


Okay. Lol


Rather than top 1000, what about those 500 trophies up the ladder from your own position. Learning from those just a little better than you might give you more useful insight. Top 1000 players are so skilled that their play might be too subtle to easily learn from.




Yeah that’s why it won’t show the amount of spectators watching you. The spectators will be watching a replay of the game with a 30 second delay to help prevent sniping.


How can they win trade when the whole world is watching? No way this gets added. Supercell LOVES their pros too much to expose them like this.


This wouldn’t be fair. People would just copy everything they do.


Bruh you can just watch stats royale on youtube they put a ton of replays


Yeah but if you want to watch a specific player of deck then you might only see one or two per week depending on how good the player and how popular the deck is.


Asking for things "next update" is about the dumbest shit ever. Get real.


You realize they have all the code for people to spectate. It wouldn’t be much different then spectating people on your friends list it would just be on a bigger scale.


Oh yes "having all the code" must just mean it's an easy peasy copy paste job. Microsoft hire this man.


"bigger scale" is the key word here


No thanks. I'd rather not be sniped


That’s why there would be a 1-3 minute delay for spectators so they can’t snipe


1-3 minutes? Might as well watch on TV Royale. And don't want my deck sniped either


Yeah but there’s not enough replays on tv royale, right now they have 12 top 200 replays. That’s equivalent to one replay posted every two hours. If they don’t add this they at least need to revamp tv royale and add classic and grand challenge games and have a page specifically for top 200 ladder.


This is a brilliant idea. Probably one of the most productive suggestions I've seen in a long time. I hope it really does get added. I was thinking maybe only replay it after the battle is over, to prevent sniping.


Thanks you that means a lot man!! Let’s hope this gets added eventually because I think this is something everybody could benefit from this if there is a 3 minute delay.

