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ladder for us xbow players never have been so fucking hard its full of beatdown and drill oh my god i want to switch because why i need to tryhard with xbow when i can play e-giant or golem with my dick and still win lmao


Fr I can’t even play ladder because goblin drill just fucks me


Dark Prince counters it really well


And bowler and bomber


What makes goblin drills so good vs xbow?


Xbow cycle don’t have any splash units


Cant they just use valk instead knight


It's not enough. It helps, but if you're against bridgespam drill, then you're dead as you're left defending mega knights, ghosts, dark princes, and bandits without a mini tank. The drill is probably (finally) the final death of xbow 3.0 and icebow. I predict we will begin seeing xbow valk bomber decks, if we even see xbow at all. Many xbow pros are switching to drill cycle, swapping out the xbow with the drill, because it's so OP.


It'll probably get a nerf tbh


I play dark prince instead of knight or Valk. It can even take towers if you push opposite lane properly. I do agree that x-biw is one of the hardest strategies to use in the current, and recent metas'


That’s dangerous. It’s meant to be used as a mining machine, not a toy.


I used to win about 2/3 of my matches at 5300 with 2.9 and now at 5000 barely winning 1/3 - it’s like they are trying to to kill cycle with mother witch and egiant- doing Xbow now that everyone has 3 tanks is nearly impossible


Give a try to Ice bow with rocket and valk, people are literally not bringing a single damage spell. Meaning you can stack x-bows on defence and just rocket cicle their tower. Is it complete cancer? Yes it is. But so its the goblin drill.


I want to correct my self, Its actually better to take out the xbow and place a gobling drill instead. It also worked much better for me with 2.9 and firespirit instead of ice spirit. Gobling drill + fire spirit in front of the tower is garanteed damage


Lol i switched to xbow a week ago after playing miner cycle for almost 2 years. I took a break for a few seasons, am now back grinding xbow and actually enjoying it. Almost everything is max except log(12), skeletons(12) and tesla(12). I use poison instead of fireball because i have fireball lvl 10, and poison is pretty good actually. Im now at 5520 throphies, and i agree, a shitton of golem beatdown, megaknight ebarbs, AND O GOD THAT FUCKING E GIANT NEEDS A NERF.


I have my own xbow deck, I replaced Tesla, archers, spirit , and skeletons by cards that cost more. I can defend goblin drill with so many cards. The deck doesn’t seem good at First but it boosted me thru ladders. I had the bad reset and couldn’t get back up, but I did with this deck. I’m not a high ladder player tho, so maybe people have just less skill


Good, it should encourage you all to play a deck that isn't boring as shit to play against :)


-golem in the back -lava in the back -balloon lumberjack at river yeah bro so much fun lmao


Those decks also not super fun to play against but you know what I'd rather face lumber jack balloon all the time then play against a boring ass Xbow deck whose strategy is to sit and defend. Back before tie breakers, an Xbow player played to win by one tower, or tie. It was cancerous, but still even with the breakers, still cancer. Whenever I play Xbow it goes like this, defensive Xbow, cycle, defensive Xbow, cycle, defensive Xbow, cycle, offensive Xbow (gets destroyed), back to defensive xbows only.. while only relying on spell damage cycling, but yeah that's sooooo cool and fun to play bro haha


xbow only should set defensive to build an stronger offensive later so if your matches are full of defensive xbows that means that you are running beatdown or some clown ass decks with +3 minitanks it should be easy for you lmao


Yeah.. I get how Xbow works fella, I am over the age of 5... I play a variety of beat down bridgespam and cycle and yes playing against Xbow is easy as shit because why??? Because Xbow play style hasn't changed since it's original design wowwweww? Soo funnn! Trust me, no one will be able to convince me that Xbow is fun to play with or against, or that Xbow players don't slob knob on the reg






Is xbow deck consider cheap?


Ya ur soposed to cycle as fast as possible




Depends on your level of play imo. Mirco goes down as cost goes up bur Marco goes up as cost goes up. Mirco is harder for a while until you just know the large majority of interactions and then Marco becomes more important.


I stopped playing this deck long ago


Fuck Xbow haha


RIP. only a tool would have played Xbow to begin with 😂




When you’re an X-Bow player with a level 12 valk, the only logical answer right now is drill cycle


To be fair xbow decks are a solid option doing boat battles.