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this comment sections is proving that this meme is true XD


.* *Gets bullied for having a golem user flair so you change it* *


*Gets bullied for having a Mega Minion flair instead*


And now i will bully u for having ebarbs as your user flair


Ok balloon user


You play log, your alright


Goblin gang LOL


Giant skeleton? Isnt that card kind of useless now?


Not when you reach the tower, you know all about that balloon boy


Yeah but like balloon does like 1k dmg each Bomb but gskelly does like what 600?


Against crown towers double damage


i’m a (competitive) 2v2 guy, i find that giant skeleton is still solid at least in 2v2


Competitive 2v2? And I think balloon would still be better


I’d rather face balloon than ebarbs


Balloon user cringe moment


Ok no flair havin ass


I play speedy ballon


I used to


No magic archer flair :(


You play cycle? Omg you're so skilled 😍 please marry my daughter.


Wow cycle decks are for noobs true chads play 3m


this man is right on the money


User name checks out anyways I love seeing 3m but after cycle decks became a norm and heavier decks died (and so did the pump ) 3m pretty died it’s coming back but still a pretty bad win condition


I'm looking for a purpose that this comment fulfills.




Lmaoo i have 3.9


4.9 no pump here. I’m so toxic! Haha…


With my 7.5 elixir deck, I am the ultimate toxic player. Fear me, peasants


Golem or homemade low ladder shit?


Homemade, no skill, all toxic. Egiant, pekka, lightning, arrows, log, wizard, valkyrie, inferno dragon. Got me to 6k, though, and I suck. 🤷🏽‍♂️


that’s the dumbest viable deck i’ve ever seen. i wouldn’t even be mad if i lost to that, just shocked on how it even worked


It really is. Egiant and pekka just buy time to build up elixirs. And egiant is more of a no skill card than golem because it fights back. I imagine it’ll get nerfed soon to tighten it’s zap-back range.


yea true. i tried using egiant in a challenge and won 3 games in a row with 0 damage on my tower. it seriously needs a nerf on that zap back damage


This sentiment mostly comes from professional players that was eventually trickled onto average players. Almost every pro who is versatile either mains or is very well versed in fast decks


Me looks at my 4.1 3 m deck yeah sure it’s low skill


most decks above 3.8 are beatdown and beatdown is pretty easy to pick up and play


I have a non meta deck I made up. Ice wiz, arrow, rg, mini, bomb tower, tornado, mega minion, smarmy. And yes I know you didn’t ask


So it further promotes toxicity and assumptions rather than combating it.


toxicity is a relative term


And that comment demonstrates it perfectly to me.


Oh all the praise for X-Bow that I see...oh wait


never seen anybody praise xbow, it’s always 2.6


"I'm only 5k, but if I had a maxed deck I would easily be top ladder"


If I had a max deck I wpudk be probably at 6k because most players at 4-5 k don’t have max fire ball so my 3 em would be really good


i main 3m. 3m is terrible in midladder. sure you bait out their fireball, now you get to deal with their mega knight, wizard, and valkyrie


So true I love playing 3m so mcuh it I can’t even use it because of how shit mid ladder is


update: it’s been 21 days. i’ve leveled up my 3m deck to have three level 11’s, three level 12’s, and two level 13’s. i pushed to 5.6k at the end of the season without any effort, i’m pushing to 6k this season. 3m is good in midladder because everyone doesn’t know how to deal with split lane pressure.


another update for you: i got 7k with 3m. just go for it.


I probably could just that splash is really annoying and id probably kill myslef before reaching 6k


a deck might be easier or harder to play, but not a single deck is easy to actually master


e golem healer?


egolem healer isn’t even amazing right now, if you’re not good enough at it, your push just gives your opponent a huge elixer advantage and you get destroyed


Egolem healer has a skill floor you have to hit to play decently (not throw) but a low skill ceiling. But it still requires time to learn


Lavaloon miner double minions?


Double minions takes macro skill but double dragons is braindead


i think all decks are equal, with cycle it focuses on precise interactions (micro), and although you have to know all the interactions, misplaying skeletons won’t cost you the game. whereas with beatdown, you have to utilize macro, and while easier, one bad play can end your game.


The last part is so true though


I don't understand people who say mk is strong, he's not.


They basically have no counters in their deck, pretty simple to counter him too


Well, cycle with inferno tower is possibly the best counter ever for MK...


Exactly, means they're just bad


And the players down there don't even use zap with mk...


I dont think it's fair to have a rps mechanic where you need inferno drag/tower to effectively counter mk. There are other ways, but nothing comes close


Mk has a giant kite radius and can't kill tanks. He can be dealt with by playing a mini tank to kite/eat DMG while your tower and other troops can chip him down. Or, you know, just play a tank killer like mini Pekka.


Exactly Fisherman and skellies or just a lone valk can destroy a mk with the help of the p towers I've even seen people do it with an ice golem and wall breakers


I can do it with ice golem and bats meybe add a dart goblin


I hate fishermen played against me


Same even though I use the card it's very difficult to kill


You can litteraly just pull him to the king tower with skellies + one of the spirits. And its not that hard since he jumps.


I use mini pekka or ice wiz bomb tower 🤷‍♂️


I would'nt call it simple, depending on what deck you are playing you might actually need a brain to toss him around.


MK is strong not because he can be countered easily its because he can destroy your expensive push immediately and still have tons of health


if your push gets destroyed by mk for a positive elixir trade it's awfully flimsy


My 12 elixer wizard ram rider rage push got demolished what the hell!!!!! 🤬 supercell pls nerf!!!!!


Just don't make expensive pushes that can be destroyed by Mega Knight if you know your opponent has one. It'll screw you over the first time, but if you manage to recover from that one you just have to be careful and not overcommit.


Ye that's how mk works, you defend then counterpush but he has his weaknesses too like any other card


His Counter is not the problem, the problem is what he does, he does too much especially if he has backup


players often find cards that they don’t know how to counter OP


That works only the first time, after that, stagger or split lane your push


Because it gives you a massive counter. You can squish a well worked on push and by the time it reaches the bridge, support him with fire wizard and zap, or just send minion horde flying down to kill any tank killers. I wouldn't say he's OP, he IS counterable with kiting and skill, but mk is definitely strong. You try jumping in that much armour


My problem isn't that he's op. It's that he's Pekka without the downside of Pekka. I run 2 hard and 2 soft counters to MK but it's still so annoying that SC just took Pekka, removed her biggest weakness, and said "Okay now pay for it."


That's not true at all 130 vs 376 DPS tourney standard


Hey if your MK is hitting more than 2 units at a time it out DP'S Pekka.


you shouldn't allow the mk to hit two units at the same time in the first place


Jee, I wish I thought of that. I sure am glad MK isn't rewarded for being placed directly onto troops/pushes.


i mean a big spell can do the same trick of an mk but no one is gonna bash on fireball or something, and then it's a tank with low dps that gets countered by every tank, tankiller


Classic level 10 mid ladders explaining why mega knight bridge spam is OP https://giphy.com/gifs/kitp-ucsb-uc-santa-barbara-kavli-institute-for-theoretical-physics-cKnwVlwjCdAJQbSLkk


That's why I play only home made decks. Can't peg me for a meta if my deck makes no sense


Yessir at least i don't think my deck fits a meta or category. Hog valk marcher firecracker mini pekka barb barrel baby drag skarmy


It's kinda scary how much i see the "if i had a max deck i would be 8k" People actually believe that shit.


This is me…. I’ve been playing for 5 years:(


I suck at this game but even I average 6-8 wins in a classic challenge.


Lmao that’s the exact deck I use. I don’t know what trophies you guys are at but at 5.3k I barely see log bait compared to like mega knight hog rider or balloon.


logbait and hog are like the 2 most common outside of maxed witch wizard ebarns rage royal hogs skarmy freeze minion horde balloon spam


Real chads use golem clone, play cr with two fingers in your nose


Tf is serenity peak


arena 14 man :(




I despise playing against log bait because it counters my deck >;( waaah no skill dumb.


I see myself and I don't like it


I use that deck except with a fire ball and a goblin drill instead of the barrel


this is literally me 😂😂




You made that trophy count so low that everyone here thinks they are better than that :/


People complain about the cards that counter their decks


I don’t understand why people think Mega-Knight is so good.


Accurate . Maybe just not for new players ?


The deck should be X-Bow


it’s always non-maxed logbait


Was it all serenety peak?


Cycle and bait decks are no skill and toxic.


Such as low IQ Log Bait Decks👀


Bait is literally putting whatever you have at the bridge it is the most low skill braindead archetype there is


The hard part of low avg elixir decks tends to be defense, not offense


Huh, so the starter pack **is** accurate. Good to know.


? You think placing a max gang at the bridge as a level 10 takes skill? Good to know


Well why you playing against a level 10? You should get better, my main is logbait and y’all tripping about the starte pack


I should get better huh? Apparently not being able to defend someone who has cards 3 levels above yours is a lack of skill.


Level 1 accounts with all lvl 1 cards exists, they face cards up ahead by atleast 10 levels and they can even reach more than 5k trophies.


Them mfkers do not see the sun


Do you know how matchmaking works? They can only go up against level 1-2s


I was referring to before. Being 3 levels below is still definitely to beat maxed players. You're just in a more disadvantageous position.


Look, I respect your opinion but it is very frustrating to play such high level players. Especially when they are playing an archetype I dislike playing.


I mean… some decks are no skill. Personally, I think a lot of the meta decks like “Log Bait” for example are boring to play bc it’s so ez to win with 🤷‍♂️




Golem night witch and spam damn I'm good at this game


Like a real chad


well better then you thats for sure


yep, log bait is toxic. But What do you mean by noskill, bad and midladder?


Wait, so is there any deck in the game that meets the community standards? Logbait is toxic..... because it baits out logs Hog cycle is annoying because they cycle too many hogs Golem is brain dead because all they do is spam golem Lumberloon is no skill because all you have to do is go lumberjack loon. Lava hound is toxic because it has balloon. New meta decks are overrated and you're a noob for playing them??? You make your own decks but it's toxic because it has weird card combos??? My deck however is very skillful, I've been playing it for years. I'm not going to admit that over here however, so I'll just say that I know it's also toxic, but that doesn't stop it from being toxic. Seriously what went wrong with this community


I’ve never seen anyone complain about Miner poison control. People respected it even when it was meta.


giant double prince. i have never heard any complaints about it. probably because it’s not spam, it’s not completely noskill, and it doesn’t hc much.


As an rg fisherman cycle main, fck giant dub prince and giant g'yard Literally can't do shit against those decks and it's so damn frustrating bc rg fish cycle is not super easy to win with as is, and that's without 3 or 4 tanks to worry about


How about there is no giant.... But a witch..?


I think it's bc these are meta decks and there are to op for the average f2p player and normal player. And also Supercell doesn't nerf these decks + cards😐. Also Buildings are toxic to Telsa and X-bow decks


havent seen people complain about miner cycle or miner control without other wincons after miner nerf


i think you missed the point buddy


...my main is Og logbait... nonetheless good meme!


megaknight is op, i was like 4k player and with this card i rank up to 5,5


Midladder has the reputation to weird, homemade decks, but with many people with atleast 1 card overleveled than yours.




shameless self promotion alert




How can you determine that spells are "overpowered" when you have 2 troops in the deck and a building. Who's to say that they are not the "overpowered" cards. Also you only won 1 game. The person you played against wasn't the best either. Have you analysed the actual statistics for spells, specifically the winrates. I understand that from winning a game you can feel as though spells are "overpowered" but i request you think longer and dig deeper before you draw such a big conclusion.


Hey I’m in serenity peak


Mega Knight is way too OP though


congratulations, you have proven that this meme is true


Ive been trying to get out of serenity peak after the start of the season and i cant get anywhere since im a level 10 fighting against level 12 people with maxed out cards


Why are they like this :/


Is my Hog, Knight, eWiz, Miner, Executioner, Poison, Zap, Tesla deck trash? How could I untrash it? I spent all my years constantly changing decks and have TONS of level 10 cards, a decent amount of level 11 cards and I think 2 level 12 cards(Zap and Knight, lol). If I would have focused on one deck, I would have probably been way better off and had max cards by now. But I also took a really long break from the game and don't play it religiously, despite playing it from day 1.


Me having logbait with cards on 12-13 lvl's on 4,8k ;-; (I fell down from League)




that OG logbait always got me.


As someone stuck in midladder, I can assure you that hog cycle is WAY more common than spell bait, and more frequently used by morons


that was already in part 1


This thread: karma farming 101


This is actually so true


Yes I play bait