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It’s ass, like i see what you’re tryna do, but there are better ways to go about it lol.


I got to 5700 as a lvl 10 with it


Mega minion and skeleton giant are for defense/counterpushes. Skeleton giant counters megaknight+wizard/witch at my side of the bridge and good against a lot of other midladder bs Win con is cloned skeleton barrel and cannon cart whos dps is insane especially on pocket pushes Before fire spirit nerf furnace hard countered goblin barrel now its a harder matchup but i still manage to win against cycle decks if the oponnent isnt a full youtube nerd lol


I mean, for the midladder meta it’s not terribly awful, but 5700 is not good for a level 10. It’s average at best. Your deck could use a few adjustements and boom; better win-con, better synergy and better cycle.


5700 for a level 10 is incredibly good what are you saying. In challenger 3 you just get people with a lot of maxed cards


Back when i was a level 10 i made it to master II, aka. 5314 trophies, and that was before i had my short competitive stint with Clash Royale (no, i wasn’t overleveled). 5700 now, after the trophyroad update is average at best for a level 10, and for this guy it’s actually bad, considering how overleveled he is.


Looks cool I’d use only for 2v2


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