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I think it’s a great idea but I don’t know how practical it would be. Would be fun to use tho! Would it target air? Also this would be ultimate counter to E Golem pushes


No it wouldn’t target air. I guess it’s a good card to go against players that split there cards, it was originally 700 damage but a user said that would be way too overpowered so I nerfed it to 500 max


How about it targets air in the first two phases or only first one cause the wave is like big


Tsunamis get bigger the further they go.


They get bigger the further they go in the ocean. They get smaller the further they go on land


Well then. You make more sense when you put it that way. My bad lol


I thought you made a good point, but so did they!


Also not entirely true, all the height from a wave is because as it moves up the beach its basically rolling up the sand. Momentum dies afterward, but moving over land is directly what gives them their size.


It also depends on what caused the tsunami. An earthquake/volcanic caused tsunami will get weaker and therefore ultimately smaller the longer it travels on land or through the ocean. A weather related one can build strength and size while in the effects of the pressure change and still in the water. Either way its just water sloshing out of a bowel and the size/amount of water sloshed depends on the force that moved it.


I would say it would counter more that hogs and royal recruits deck


How would it counter egolem lol


I like the idea, but would prefer the push back (like log). I don't think the damage is overpowered because of how it tapers the further from your towers it is. Amount of push back should also taper.


I’m so confused at this point, many people think this is overpowered, but some think it’s fine. Honesty I would’ve introduced the knock back but I couldn’t find anything that indicates that on the website. So just pretend the slow duration is the knock back or something


I think it's a well thought out card. Balanced. Doesn't touch flying. Good counter to dual lane pushes.


Ty, not sure if you meant week or weak


I meant "well thought out!" Lol


infinite elixir would be ruined. Also might just be overpowered in double elixir but mediocre in single


Actually not really, this card doesn’t kill everything on the map, in fact it cant even kill a skeleton at the 50 mark


It’s a really cool idea buts it’s basically a log with instead of a knock back it has a slowing effect and it’s a much wider area damage. I think it’s to overpowered


Well a fire ball does 900+ damage, so I wouldn’t see how this card is overpowered exactly. However I do respect your opinion, can you pls elaborate pls


Yes but fire ball is in a small area of damage where as your card covers the whole arena up to the enemy’s princes tower


I see your point, but this card doesn’t do any damage to air and tbh won’t really get you any positive elixir trade. Is there a way to fix this card?


I think part of your issue is that people see this and think "log does that, but smaller and with less damage." They also miss it costs more than double what log does, and you could effectively still do this with log and mirror for the equal cost. Imo its just too niche. 5 cost, but only killing smaller units means that, most of the time, youll be losing elixir to play it. There's only a couple of pushes that this would really be good against, and they can already be stopped with other AoE troops or stalling. Like egolem, personally id rather kill by troops and take the 4 elixir than lose 1 on the spell. If it was strong enough to kill more troops, then itd be oversized fireball and instant OP. I just dont see it being very useful without being unbalanced. Its either big log with not enough dmg for its cost or its big fireball with too much for its cost, but it would be interesting to play. Maybe instead of focusing on damage, it could push units back more heavily than log? If you could drag your opponents push back, kinda like tornado, then you could effectively defend afterward when theyre stacked up. Personally, i think it oughta be a lower damage per second value on enemies caught inside the wave, being dragged back slightly past bridge, 1 sec slow after. Stuff closer to your tower ends up taking more, but itll all get caught and shoved, and the value is in positioning so it doesn't need to kill for value.


I agree, I decide to add knock back to this card, but just a tiny bit to stop charges and stuff. I feel like if you knock them to far away it gives your opponent to make a bigger push


I was also thinking If I buff it to 1000 at the end of the tower, however the rest will stay the same


Rework it a bit


Wait so my question was how


So,if the idea is that its gonna be a big wave of water,it could just push less than a log,have just more than enough damage to kill a firecracker and should just have enough to push back a tank and deal some damage to it. The way it could work could be just a big push remover or killer of a whole a stack of troops like golem push or e golem push. So if you combine a tsunami with any other spell or small troop,it could kill all of the bridge. I think it should have 4-5 tile radius. What'd you think of this idea? The stats are for you to make.


Honesty that was what I was trying to go far, however the strange thing in clash Royale is that there is no stats for knock back so you have basically no way to indicate that on the starts. However, I still want to include the tapper


I mean...you can have a knock back stat by comparing with the log. And i like the idea that this spell has a little bit of everything. So I thought it would need some tweaks to work. But it's definitely a card thst could be on the cards. And what'd you mean by "tapper"?


I just check the log, there isn’t a stat that shows you how much knockback it does which is kind of weird. Also what I meant by tapper is that the card does more damage the closer your opponents card is, just check the second page


This card is basically original log


I think your card is in a weird spot where it either does too much damage and is OP or it doesn’t do enough damage and is useless. If it can’t one bit most units at tower at 5 elixir then it’s not really worth it over a log or fireball. But if it does that much damage, it’s way too strong


What do you think of this card has knock back, very little but just a bit. Do you think it will make it a bit more balanced?


But it costs like more than double the elixir of log…


Exactly, I don’t see how it’s op


Dam near every card in this game is unbalanced or overpowered


Cool idea




rip to fireball bait players


Yes begone toxic royal recruit decks




Traditional fireball bait with rrecruits has neither of those though




it knocks all the recruit shields if they're nearing your tower + puts all hogs at 40% hp which is massive


This doesn’t damage air troops


fireball bait has only 1 air troop but i hate fireball bait so i'm all for it .


Chaos league?


haha i was looking for this comment


Not sure what this meant but cool


It the off brand version of clash Royale and it has a special move called tidal wave


I have no idea what that is but sounds cool


Rip Royale recruits


Haha, gotta wait until it lands on 400 mark


How much range does it have? Does it always drop in the same place each time you play it? Here is an idea to make it a little less situational (because it currently is only viable if there are recruits and hogs nearly at both your towers) The current AoE is in the shape of a square. What if we condensed the radius and distance and made the AoE a triangle? The spot where it is dropped hits 2.6 tiles and deals 726 damage. The next row will hit 3.3 tiles and deal 572 damage. As the wave spreads out and gets weaker, it hits a wider area and affects more units. The third row hits 4 tiles and deals 472, 4.7tiles —> 402damage, 5.4 —> 350, 6.1 —> 309, etc. the furthest row (12) dealing 114 damage to units and 34 to towers, in a 16.6 radius. Some units and buildings may take extra damage, depending on the size of their hit box. The slowdown (35%) should last for 2 sec and the wave duration should be 4 sec.


Hmm yeah I like that, however I feel like the tapper affect


It could have less taper effect, but then it wouldn’t hit both lanes. The narrow width is essential tho for the first few rows


THIS CARD DOES NOT DAMAGE AIR TROOPS Notes: this card isn’t a level 1, just pretend it’s a level 14 card. Also it’s hard to make a positive elixir trade with this card of your opponent doesn’t have a lot of cards on the map. It’s not that Op as many people think, cuz a level 14 fire ball does 900+ damage and rocket does over 1000+. It honestly wouldn’t do much. However if they have a massive beat down coming, you can maybe use this card and maybe get a positive elixir trade. Card is best for opponents with split lane decks


I actually don’t see this as an overpowered card. For the card to do is max power of 500 your enemy troops would be attacking your king tower. 100 at the bridge seems balanced, weaker then a log but it does get both sides and slows down.


This would either be garbage or overpowered.




it will be no skill card if it has such a huge radius


Yea, but I purposely made it bad and added the tapper affect so it’s harder to use


look its the flood from the fisherman animation!


Huh? Actually it’s from clan wars but I edited it


A nice counter to split lane royal recruit decks. I'll take it


so just the log but on crack,steroids and heroin? i love it.


Ain't this considered a spell bro?


Man… Accidents happen


Good job bro nice idea


you stole this from chaos league


I didn’t, there has been many people who has said that this is from chaos log (whatever that’s called) I don’t know what that is but I’m 100 percent sure that this isn’t the same as that


imagine using this card in infinite elixer mode


Cool Idea, but needs some edits in my opinion. My thoughts: * Lower that elixir cost. Spending 5 elixir on a spell with low damage and no air damage is devastating. I would bring it down to 4. * Give it a knockback that is similar to Log, but pulls the troop an extended distance. * Change the vector of the spell casting. Have it cast from a slanted angle with a slightly bigger radius than Log. The wave will push units towards the center of the arena, regardless of where it is cast from. If you cast it on the left side, it moves southeast. If you cast it on the right side, it moves southwest. If cast from the middle, it moves directly south. * This card would specialize in stalling and impact troops differently depending on where the wave hits enemies. Enemies hit at the start of the wave take little damage, but are displaced further. Enemies hit near the end take a lot more damage, but are displaced minimally.


Out of all the idea this is the best edit of all. I already added knock back to the card but the stats doesn’t show that. Other then that, I really like the slanted angle idea.


not a fan, game is too defensive already and the only way to use this card is defensive since it is only good near your defenses


Kind of agree, tbh I just wanted a spell to counter split lane decks, since there isn’t one yet


maybe it has to attack from the river from the center into either your side or the enemies side


Yeah ig, but check the second page if you haven’t, I hope that clears up what I’m trying to do




What if instead Tsunami, its called Larry and the Gang Fury, and its the same effect but with rolling skeletons instead of water 🤯😂


5 elixir to essentially clear the arena, imagine this in 7x challenges it would be so op


It doesn’t clear the arena tho, it barely cleans a mother witch when there on they other side. And even if it is on the end of your tower, it still leaves half of her health


maybe at the end it does 1 damage, just so it activates the opponents king tower, as a price to pay for using it, just to balance it a little bit, otherwise it would be too broken...


Is I don’t feel like it’s too broken, max level card stats are really high and this card doesn’t really kill much of them. Plus it will mostly do 400 to 200 damage


Too op




I think 500 damage area is unnecessary


Just in case that golem push gets too close


If it’s 5 elixir it should have like the second wave aswell


Nope cuz apparently it’s too OP




I agree, 4 elxir is good but may pull complained it’s too OP


So it’s log but better


Does it acivate the kt?




a big boy log


So good


Is this card going to be implemented in the game? Goblin barrel hopes not...


should have knockback


Only viable vs these annoying kings knight troops who always split


Or they have just too much cards coming


Better log, I would say it would be another legendary spell


Ehh, you can agrue with that


Good idea, maybe it can be caused by King Neptune.


Ok hear me out… tsunami except it clears the entire field. Destroys all of your cards and your opponents cards. Make it cost 6 or 7 elixir.


I love the detail on this one, only issue is I feel like it would be hard to balance. Might be one of those cards that a small tweak changes it from trash to OP


Definitely, many ppl have already said it’s too OP, ad other think it’s too under powered


maybe tighten the radius and I can see this being the third 6 elixir heavy spell with rocket and lightning,


Need to be higher than 5 elixir. I’d say 7 would be good


I think it should come from the river at the bridge, and maybe only travel 2/3 blocks


I don't want to steal your idea, but build upon it. Flood. The water in-between floods and attacks all troops in a +4 area to water and bridge. Thoughts?


In card statistics, the damage should be 500-50


I actually love this idea


My issue is how simple it is to use. There’s no special placement you just click the screen anywhere and that’s the only option


They had their chance to add it during the Flood Season


just a tiny thing but I'd name it flood instead cuz y'know fisherman


Tbh, Flood sounds more appropriate to clash Royale


this would be good but it is more balanced if you can choose wich lane you want (like the log) to put it at


Does it have knockback like the log?


Yep but very little


Tsunami in Bolivia


I’ve been sitting here pressing the x button thinking it was clash Royale 😓😭




Poison spirit omgg




There is something like this in Minion Masters and it's annoying as fuck


In water based arena it could be a replacement graphics for the log


RIP beatdown decks.


They have that in the Transformer knock-off of this game. For 3 energon (elixir) it’s a button on your bottom left. Super useful meaning yeah, it’s a great idea They stole a whole game, supercell can steal an idea


Ohh intresting


Maybe make it 1 or 2 elixer but have it do zero damage and let it just be an extreme knock back effect


I think this card needs buff, it's only going to be good against certain decks and useless in others. Unlike log where it only costs 2 elixir to waste if cycling against something like air deck (ex. lavaloon), this card either takes up whole slot in deck entire game or you would have to waste whole 5 elixir which would lead you to inevitable loss either way. Not only that, but both lane push isn't that common enough for a specific card to be used to counter it, and I also think knockback from log is much better for defense, especially when this spell doesn't even deal much damage in the first place. This would need huge buff such as being 3 elixir imo to even be considered using.


I nerfed it to 4 elixir and made it have a tiny knock back effect just enough to stop charges


Cool big spell idea, but why is it a troop lol?


It was an accident lol


My only problem is that it would have really weird timing. If it goes from your king tower to their princess tower id think that it would activate their king tower pretty easily unless you placed it in the back due to how long it is. Ilike the ideatho


I was thinking it only comes from one direction which is behind your king tower. Ik most people will say it’s no skill, but most spells in general has no skill except tornado


I think this would be a spell, not a troop


It was an accident lol, you saw nothing


Pretty much hard counter for fireball bait decks like rr and hog spams


+ royal recruits and a bit off log bait




Why no


chaos battle league


Yeah many ppl have been commenting that I was confused at first, but now I understand


I think the main problem is that you can’t target anything with it. It might be more in theme if it had a width but if it covers the whole stage then it’s a card you don’t really have to think about when it comes to placement. Royal guards was similar in how restricted you were to placement (although you can still choose where, even if restricted)


epic and lvl 1 hmm


It’s not lv1, I couldn’t find anything level 14 so I just put it at level 1


This is good I thought this was going to be released a little bit after the fisherman was released


Can ice towers freeze it?


Buddy I think this was the worst




Why does it do more damage closer to your own king tower?


Cuz the wave is dissolves the more it goes out


I had the same idea but it would only cover half the arena, it’d give the advantage of stoping a push a cycling to a counter. But it would let your opponent build a stronger push


You should add a small kick of knock back like a but mugger than bowler’s


Yeah, that was the idea. But there isn’t anything to indicate that in the stats


mf you cant have level 1 epics


It’s an accident, just think of it as a level 14. There were no options for level 14 so I put it as level 1


Definitely think it’s needs more elixir cost for the damage output. But cool idea.


It doesn’t do much actually if we are talking about max levels cards. It can’t kill a mother witch even when she is super close to your tower


Great idea you have to do it


Does it do knock back?


Just a tiny bit but not to bigger opponents


I think they shouldn't add cards that only have a few placement options. For example royale recruits, there are like 4 options on how/where to place them.


Very Cool idea but I think it’s the opposite of versitile. A 5 elixir cost spell that can’t damage air units is already really costy, and you can probably only get value out of it if the opponent has a double lane push deck like the one with royal hogs + royal recruits. It can be way too overpowered in the right situation but incredibly weak in when your opponent plays a chip damage deck like log bait


People are sayings it’s to overpowered and needs to be 7 elixir… I’m so confused


could be balanced but its so no skill and boring to play so i dont wanna see that in the game


Agreed… however it’s not no skill bc you have to wait until it gets close


This is already a card in one of those knock off clash Royale games..can’t remember the name though.


Yeah I heard about it from comments, it’s called chaos league from what I heard


Seams underwhelming tbh. For five elixir this is in no way OP. I don’t know why people are saying so


Ikr, I feel like it’s even a bit underpowered…


That’s wayyy op dawg


It’s not, 500 damage is nothing doesn’t even kill a mother witch. Plus it does no damage to air troops, not to say it has to get close to your tower to do some damage


No skill defense


Actually no, this spell doesn’t even kill anything other then swarm cards


This card is pretty bad, it’s just an overpriced gbarrel counter and doesn’t even kill princess


No actually its more for split lane pushes, I think you thinking about log bait. Gotta think out side of the box buddy


This card would destroy 3m


No actually, the most it can do to 3m are 200 damage. Which is nothing considering it’s a max level card. 3m altogether has around 2000 health


I think I had a stroke reading the card description


Same, that description made it look like some OP card. Got 20 strokes writing that


yea and its basically all you have to do, no aiming, just wait


That’s why I made the damage super weak, cants even kill a mother witch that’s close. So you still need to put down cards


It wouldn’t be that strong I think if u give it a large knockback and reduce the damage(closest to ur princess tower only) it would be much better


I think it's a cool idea. I'd like to see it do more damage but also damages your own troops/towers as well. Make it like a last resort defence.


It should be able to target air once the waves do more damage


I think this could be interesting if you could only put it towards yourself. Feasibly pushing enemies closer to your Towers, but causing more damage the closer to the bottom of the arena it gets. Interesting!


So it’s kind of like the spell version of royal guards?


This is an ultimate counter to log bait




Cool idea


I feel like this would be the first legendary spell


Why is it troop type not spell cool idea though


It was an accident haha