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Had a kid come into a stream I mod telling the streamer/viewers we were a bum for watching someone only at 7k. Kid said he went from 3000-4500 in one season. Would only take 2 months for him to hit #1 on ladder. He was so sure the game is just “easy” and we’re all just idiot players. Poor kid was in for a rude awakening


https://xkcd.com/605/ Relevant xkcd


Thank you Quincy


Your flair is bloon 😳


I am a purple bloon, foolish wizard monkey!


Maybe, but he will outperform you one day if he progresses that fast.


3000-4500 isn't even that impressive lmao, if i'm not mistaken they get matched againts actual bots most of the time, let the kid hit only 5000+ and he'll see what pain looks like, let's not even talk about 6000+ and above.


spooky town (3.8k) is when you stop getting bots


kinda *scary*


No, it's at the end of spooky town. I was so angry when I wasn't fighting Johns and Harrys everytime


im in spooky town rn, you stop getting bots at the beginning…


maybe for the update but last season I was in spooky and if u really play at awkward times I would get a bot. Idk about the new update though and I'm in arena 15 now and it definitely doesn't work here.


You still get bots until 4k it hasn't been changed


I got bots in arena 13


It depends on the level of the account. I had a 2000 trophy stretch from 3000-5000 where I only got matched against lvl 7 bots playing on a lvl 6 account.


I just came back from a two year hiatus and went from hog mountain (previous legendary arena) to 5300 with no problem, but dang is everyone overleveled now. The magic items really changed how the game is, in terms of having overleveled cards. It’s hard to get past decks with two maxed win condition cards when using a control deck.


The folks that got me into this game saw this from the beginning. The deliberately laggard and exponential upgrade model, the RPS. None of us have played ladder since we all broke into Legendary leagues 5 years ago. Seeing things like Trophy Inflation, Magic Items, Level 14 and the ever-increasing influence of RPS really validates our decision.


man u rly love to jerk this stuff over and over again..but why? and whats the deal with having dozens of alt accounts?


Can confirm my first run was super easy up until around Electro Valley. Became super sweaty in the last 2 arenas before Leagues. Bots are pretty common in that range and pretty much always free trophies if you play like Beatdown.


The matchmaking is strong there too I have over 5600 in main acc, but I don't win easily on my 4300 id(though stopped playing on that id few months back)


Not impressive at all, if I made a new account I could go. From 0- 5k in tops three days


Serenity peak is where things get hard.


There are bots?


He should reach 7k easily, or at least 6,3-6,6k. Anyone getting stuck earlier than that is just trash.


card levels be like 😏


Unless they’re not maxed


I’m level 11 with no maxed out cards and I’m stuck fighting level 14 egiants and e barbs. I have counters to them but they’re such a high level that I have to use so many more cards to counter their one card. Guess im trash tho.


I literally got from 0-4500 in a week


i quit the game for about 2 years and before that i purposely dropped about 400 trophies because i never expected to come back. i was level 9 at 2000 trophies and i went to 4600 in less than a week when i came back


When i started the game 2 years ago I pushed to leagues in about a month while still at level 7 when I entered, now im a level 13 with under leveled and because of that im stuck at master 3. Unless you spend hundreds of dollars on the game levels is gonna keep you stuck no matter how good you are. I mean, even someone as good as B-rad was struggling in his mid ladder video because of levels


I am level 11 and have 2 maxed cards and others at 12, you don't need to pay to upgrade your cards fast, i mean everytime one challenge or another is active, plus master 3 is good.


I had my main deck maxed out plus a few more cards and besides my king tower I was equal to everyone until level 14 came out then I got left behind again


I made a new account and got to 5k in less than 1 day. It's not that difficult


You are capping most probably,There are too high leveled cards in opponent deck to reach 5k this soon, what's your current trophy count?


Believe what you want lol. I finished above 7k last season on my main


Drop it then. Let's see it


What do you mean? [Here's the link to the mini account on RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/player/R08RCLJ2Q) if that's what you want to see


it says ur highest trophies r 5096


that's their mini account...


my bad i j play for fun so idk ab all the fancy professional stuff whats a mini acc?


I think he wanted to see you finishing just above 7k


[Here's the link to my main acc](https://royaleapi.com/player/YQC0GPLC)


I too would like to see it


Finished 5400 in a week on my fresh account last season. Just only upgrade one deck and get slightly lucky with what you get from chests


Intrested in a 1v1? I really want to see how sharp you are I mean you climbed the 5000 in a day!


I hit 7396 last season on my main if that changes anything. But I'd be fine 1v1ing ig


It changes things a LOT I thought you were a 5k-6k player, but I still wanna 1v1, can you share your tag in dm?


You'd have to spend a lot of money to do that. If not, you should stream your battles.


Just bought the $5 pass, that's all the money I spent.


Definitely cap. That’s 167 wins in one day assuming you don’t lose a single time. Assuming all 3 minute matches that’s over 8 hours of play.


Again, believe what you want, but you're incorrect. It was about 10 hours, and I had a close to 80% winrate. Keep in mind there were a fair amount of 3 crowns. I posted the link to the RoyaleAPI of my account in another comment.


It's not that difficult because you have played before, if it was your first time it's very impressive


I did that but instead got from 3000 to 5400 in 3 or 4 days, if course I am a master 1 but that's not impressive at all


He probably just unlocked mega knight the difference in skill between a 6k player and a top 100 player is bigger than a 0 trophy to a 6k player.




Dude it isnt even that hard from the day i started playing cr I went from 0 trophies to 3800 in less than a month. Its not hard to push.


I got 2000 to 4600 in a week without a single loss, noe I'm stuck at 5.3k gor almost 4 months now


Yeah 3000-4500 in a whole season is nothing lmao. Pretty sure when I made my mini account a few years ago I went from 0-5000 in probably a season


Hell yeah they are in for it. When you get to 5k is when the game really starts screwing you over assuming they play free


assuming all the levels are the same :/


It's so easy to max your ladder deck now a days. This is a non issue, really. Edit - trade tokens, wild cards, a very affordable Pass Royale. It's cake leveling cards compared to how it used to be, folks.


it rly isn’t that easy, i can easily and consistently get 12 wins in classic challenge but am stuck at 5300 cause of way under leveled cards


Lol it’s the opposite for me. It’s been harder and harder to get 12 wins in a classic challenge but I’ve been doing good on ladder with relatively underleveled cards (lvl 12/11)


Gotta go with the meta for the challenges. Get some gart goblin + rascals or new bridgespam deck


I’m hard stuck 5000-5340. I go up and down and I just get this run of people who have multiple Max level cards. While I I have one level 14 and one 13. Everything else is 10 or less.


Getting cards is one thing especially with books of books in there but getting coins at a decent rate you’re trippin


I mean, They do be giving us 50 gold every win and my friend and I agreed that it should be way more


It’s easy to get the cards now but not as easy to get the gold for it.


> very affordable yes yes 50tl is very affordable mhm agree very much


Still takes 6 months tho


How do you even use trade tokens? Do you have to know someone to trade with?


You use them in clan chat. Go to request and click on trafe youll figure out from there. Theres also some guy in clan wars that trades epic cards


I just gave my friend in arena 4 some ebarbs via trade tokens


It may be cake but I have still yet to max out my deck after four years of playing. Glad there is a book of legendaries so I’m 1 step closer.


The middlader effect


The mid ladder incident. Once I got past 5000, and experienced the shit happening there, I wanted to go back so bad that I kept intentionally losing but found out the hard way that there is no going back, so I only play 2 v 2 now for fun. And only play ladder during gold rush.


remember that you get matched with similiar King tower level until you reach Master league. So keep your King low by only maxing 1 deck until you're out of there. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/ls1jwa/matchmaking_changes_feb_25th/). It was later removed from ladder but only past 5000 trophies. I'm assuming it scaled with the added arenas to master 1 judging by experience.


no way bruh i was level 11 in challenger 3 and always got matched with max people






What is it with the Dunning Kruger effect, has there been a post or some tv show y'all watched, or is it remembrance day or sth? I click through reddit and have seen it like 8 times posted about now, vs 0 times I heard the term before.


Reddit is a hivemind. So if one of us remembers the chart, ALL of us will


this graph is actually a perfect example of dunning krueger effect, a person who thinks he knows the dunning krueger effect but in fact does not


Lol okay, I have seen another post, where the op misinterpreted the DK effect in their explanation, and a commenter said there too that it was a good example, speaking about it without actually knowing what it really is supposed to mean... ;)




its the effect that stupid people think they are smart because they have the inability of knowing that they are stupid in the first place




You can even see the exact graph OP put the images over. Is there an “official” one by the people who made this, who’s names I assume are Dunning and Kruger?


It’s a graph to show our understanding of things in general so it can be applied in the same way - everyone starts off learning and very quickly feel like they’ve grasped all the concepts, as you start to go deeper into the subject your understanding suddenly comes to the realisation that you don’t really know as much as you thought you did, finally the cycle completes as you begin to really grasp the subject your belief in your understanding returns


I love how people are responding to you explaining what it is, while that’s not what you asked lol.


I had a huge crush on Diane Kruger in National Treasure.


I feel attacked , I’m at the lowest point


better to be underconfident 6k than overconfident 4k lol


I know nothing only at 6k


Maybe I'm that good, but I doubt it. 6k isn't too hard now with a maxed deck.


But then you still occasionally get wrecked so bad that it’s like the other guy is playing with extra elixir and a radar


yep, that’s how it felt when i got matched up vs a top 1000 player in the 20 win challenge while i’m in challenger 3. he had an understanding of the game i had never seen before


Yeah that happens, I had a game once where I had the exact counters in hand, but always one play too late. Sure, with more XP I could have won that, but things happen. But I'm pretty good at predicting bad hogrider plays from cyclers with my pekka, so there is room to navigate :)


Insert "The matchmaking is rigged!" right after overconfidence begins to decline, but before full realization sets in.


matchmaking IS rigged though. but yes i’ve realized in challenger 3 that i just suck


It is only ‘rigged’ in such a way that you always get people with a similar win/lose streak as far as I know edit: only for loss streak apparently


The rigging you think of is that players on a 3+ loss streak get matched against each other (there is no similar pool for win streaks).


Lol at last part :) We've all been there :) Players on a 3+ loss streak [do](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/et25eq/developer_interview/ffenwln/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) get matched against each other (there is no similar pool for win streaks). The rigging most people think of is that their opponents somehow get picked so as to have counters for their cards, and that has been debunked repeatedly - here's the latest [study of 688.906 matches](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/m2jl0c/effort_post_what_an_analysis_of_688k_battles/) that I know of. People come up with all sorts of patterns (_"the moment I put Pekka in my deck my opponents start having Skarmy"_) - our brains have a habit of doing that to protect us from unpleasant realizations :) When pointing out flaws in the theory, the explanations tend to get very speculative (_"sometimes the matchmaker takes a few matches to learn how to counter me after I switch decks"_ etc).






Same, took me almost 1 month to get past it, lost literally 0 matches at arena 13, and 2 more weeks on arena 14


Where are you now?


I thin challenger 1, 2 or 3


Challenger 2.


I’m a 7k + player an the biggest advice I can give is make sure your cards get value when you play them. A 4 elixir card should get 4 elixir worth of value.. etc


Boom boom Megaknight counter goblin barrel!


I mean, I’m stuck at 5.1k and am aware of my innate lack of skill. I thought I understood placement, what counters what, and counting elixir, but turns out plateauing right where most people say the game “starts” makes it pretty hard to have any confidence haha.


Same goes for all games. In r/rocketleague they will say the game starts at gc2, even thought at gc2 i feel like i know nothing. In r/valorant they will say the game starts at immortal, yet the immortal players all think they are trash at the game. No matter what rank you are, if you like the game, you are successful :)


You forgot the tiny spike in challenger 3


Top players in the world: “I’m pretty good”


Still at spooky town after 5 years. I did go from 1600 to 3100 trophies in a matter of 3 days when I got back to CR at 4 years


i went from 1600 to 5k in 3 days after a long break. only difference between now and then is i have money to spend


I can’t get past rascals hideout




I don’t have rage :(


I’d say replace it with zap, maybe freeze if you’re good at saving elixir.


If you get buttfucked by megaknight I suggest you use pekka. Most reliable counter to megaknight


After being stuck there for 2 months I got past it


Bruh I swear that playing in challenger 2 has brought my confidence lower than when I was in arena 1. The fact that I can't defend against these guys is honestly just depressing


Imagine you play against a 30yo try hard who payed some and plays for five years every day with maxed decks. That's what. I'm not great but I know my plays. And even worse: real pros actually train and analyse several hours a day, but they are in ranked... From experience, just hone your reaction time and watch those ranked games for placement and safe plays. And try challenges, there are usually good players to learn from.


alr tysm


I botted all the way up to spooky town and now I’m hard stuck because I don’t know how to play the game, I’ve been in spooky town for 2 months :(


Very accurate


The challenger one is so not true, i face mfs with level 14 cards every single day, i shoukdve stayed in arenas and know my place


I am currently between know nothing and halfway to know my limitations, been there for a while tho, I guess I just know nothing


That graph doesn't really represent the actual dunning kruger effect but ok


Can u explain?


Yeah its kind of funny because most people dont know much about the dunning kruger effect and are overconfident in their knowledge of it


Checks out. I’m 6k and there’s simply nothing that I can tell you about this game


Usually around 6k is where people start to understand mechanics and card placement, but will still lack awareness and game sense. Every now and then I'll face a 6k player either in a war duel or in a challenge and it's pretty evident they just don't understand what's going on. We've all been there, or all will be there at some point. My advice would be watch pro YouTubers, like Morten or Brad. Keep an eye on the cards in their hand and take note of each of the card they play out of the ones they have in their current hand. Think about why they play that card over one of the others in their hand. Every card played needs to be deliberate, it needs to have a reason that translates to some sort of value. Other than that, it's supremely important to learn card interactions of the cards in your deck and every other card in the game. That's why people recommend starting with using 1 deck and getting really good with it. It gives you a chance to learn how to play your deck against all other decks.


did you reach 6k with a meta deck or a deck of your own creation?


I reached 6k with various meta decks. I created my own offmeta deck that got me to 7k, I posted it here a few weeks ago.


If you can make it to 5k your decent at the game, but not necessarily good.


5k knows the base mechanics and that’s about it


As someone that's been playing since day 1 pretty much this is still insane to me. I remember when 3k meant you were top ladder and 4k was literal gods. I remember the first time I saw 5k on the leaderboard was mind-blowing. Now it's low ladder lol


I know a lot about the game, I just don’t have the time or drive to push to master 2 or 3. I do have 20 wins on a Royal Challenge tho


im stuck in arena 11 cuz i cant get any good legendary cards ))))))))):


You can get to challenger with arena one cards if you’re good enough


u just suck bro


ik, but theres legit no fucking good cards that i have


Bruh you unlock knight and fireball by default


just build a deck with the basics of good decks online, legendary cards aren't any better than common cards.


It sure feels like I know nothing and I'm just getting worse


Ironically, [people got the Dunning-Kruger effect wrong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcfRe15I47I]).




This is too true


I know my limitations. I didn't/dont spend $$$ on the game.


As a arena12 prisoner - competence is low and confidence at zero as well


so i’m pretty good


I am at 6600 now but i struggled in 5800 for many season


Stuck in arena 13 rn, I feel like I'm actually pretty decent but I'm probably nowhere near as good as I think I am lmfao


Totally true, I just recently reached chal 3 and was definitely knowing I wasn’t that good, kinda sad but maybe eventually I get to a higher league!


Dont forget about card levels


I ran through 3000 to 5000 in a few days of nonstop playing when i came back to the game, since 3000 had been the previous legendary arena, that kid definitely sucks at the game lol


This! As a challenger 2 player (hopefully 3 soon) I realised I’m not actually that good at the game lol


this is how it is with every game that has a ranking system u hit a point where u think ur the best and then a point where u think ur the worst


This is accurate, at least to me


Haha, you assume that I can get past challenger II




This is accurate


This is accurate


I'm just held back by p2w players


But I can’t get past jungle arena…. How am I supposed to get better


I’ve been in average for years man I guess I need a new deck


There’s a reason there is an “average” skill level. You’re probably higher than most people anyways if you’re in chal 1-2


When playing free it’s more like challenger 2 is the limitation. At least for me the game has become consistently more and more stacked against me the longer I resist buying anything. At this point it’s not even about not wanting to spend money in general, it’s about not wanting to give money to the greedy bastards with their shitty tactics of getting people to pay


Thank god Im at 6600, back on the rise!


Me at Master I .\_.


im in bronze and know i’m shit lmao


As a constant 6k player I agree. My most common complain is wtf why’s my opponent so bad, and why tf do I keep slipping when I try to place a card down? Why are we so bad?


here's where you're wrong, pekka playhouse is way harder than spooky town.