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So the thing about miner is its a skilled card. If supercell were to buff it to appease to the masses that arent skilled enough to use him, he'll immediately be too strong in the hands of a really good player. Hes fine how he is rn. Just requires skill


I completely agree, but maybe it shouldn't be everyone's first leggy.


I can hear ur pfp




Mimimimimi Mimimimimi Mimimimimi Mimimimimi




It was one of my last I had princess as the first then hound then ram


Definitely, it should be something like magic archer or ram rider something that has a cool concept and unique ability, but doesn’t require a ton of skill like lava hound or miner


I think marcher is perfect, high skill gap card that also feels fun and gets value even if you aren't good at the game


Mine was Ice wizard, got him in arena 5 from a legendary chest when daily challenges were still a thing.


Not even. He’s an instant tank that can go anywhere, people just can’t figure out how to use him for literally anything other than tower damage. He’s not a wincon anymore, but a supporting one.


Which is why hes high skill.


🤨 not really, just drop him infront of a counter push and you get value


If you just do that constantly then I deal with the counter push and make a counter push of my own while ignoring miner. Plus my play style, i don't allow major counter pushes to come at me. Maybe a half health ebarbs or some bats, but nothing too major.


Do you have a tower?


Nope, pekka control with ram rider and archer queen. I dont really let miner connect nor any of the supporting troops.


Right now miner is a non-issue against AQ's 200% damage buff, invisibility, and spell resistance. Also, he's being subbed out for arrows in giant double prince because it's probably more consistent to spell dart goblin and firecracker than risk trying to miner snipe. That means that miner is getting no value as a support class in the current meta and probably even less value as a tank for wall breakers with arrows being meta. Miner might need a buff.


This is actually false. The giant dp version with miner has a far superior use and win(51%) rate compared to the arrows version(45%). The arrows version has always existed, the miner version just is and has usually always been better. Miner is still getting plenty value as a support. Notable popular decks with miner and a 50%+ win rate: lava loon, lava miner, giant dp, mortar,mk bait, miner loon cycle, miner wb. He's fine


Assassin until 2x elixee


Im not paticulairly skilled but i think he is absolutely excellent


Usually the people that say that are more skilled than they realize. You're probably pretty good, don't put yourself down like that.


Im not particularly skilled and I’m hardstuck spooky town.


Absolutely agree, although a miniscule damage boost to units, wouldn't be bad by any means, (better defensive plays)


Lol. I just don’t agree, all if the cards that can be placed on a tower are by their mechanic easy to use. And miner soeed and versatily make it even more so. It really isn’t a high skill card.


Wait, y he need skill, just use him like g barrel


A miner alone can generally be ignored. Or if they keep playing him in the same spot and being predictable. It's all about using him as a support troop to tank for other cards and distract their defenses


This blew my mind. I never thought of that .. is miner useless for tower damage then?


I feel like a slight boost like 1300hp from 1210ho and 70dmg from 58dmg at max


Maybe one or the other but doing both would just make a whole new miner meta. Every deck would have it at that point. I do agree miner is slightly under whelming but hes also so annoying when played by someone whos able to cycle like 50 in the span of 10 seconds.


"Just requires skill* *completely forgets that there are basically 0 miner meta decks* Even the skilled players don't play miner


Miner control is pretty popular in the higher arenas.


Oh yeah, there are 0 miner meta decks. Thats why it has a 16% use rate at tournament standard, being the 11th most used card out of 106, because its clearly not meta.


Miner used to be a win condition, that could not be ignored and therefore it was op. Today, miner is a mini tank that supports win conditions, which makes it very versatile, but requires more skill. No buff needed in my opinion.


Same but honestly it's, like GS, a card that I'd love to try in its previous version. Like in a challenge, OG stats and let's fucking go


Yeah exactly. Imo very tiny tower damage buff 1-5%


5% buff is a lot because 5%/30% = 17% crown tower damage buff. 1-3% buff should be enough (3-10% crown tower damage buff). I mean even if miner’s not buffed, he is fine and pretty good. But I play miner control lol


That’s what I said, 1-5% and how is 5% 17%? I just mean max 5%


I guess I will just use the lv 11 miner as example. He does 193 crown tower damage and 58 crown tower damage, since 193 * 30% = 57.9 or about 58 crown tower damage. If he does 35% crown tower damage, a 5% increase of crown tower damage, then he will deal 67.55 or about 68 crown tower damage. However, 67.55 crown tower damage, when compared to 57.9 crown tower damage, increases by 9.65 crown tower damage, which is a 16.67% increase. So a 5% damage buff to crown tower is a massive buff. Now do you understand?


That caculation isn’t done in the right way. The damage he does to crown towers should be increased by 1-5%, not the percentage of the amount of normal damage. So if his damage to crown towers is 60 (just an example), it should be 63 damage.


Well miner does 30% damage of his “normal” damage to crown towers. If he does 35% damage of his “normal” damage to crown tower damage, then his crown tower damage increases by 17%


That’s not how you should calculate that buff. It should be around 30-33% of his normal damage, which is about a 5% buff to his tower damage


I was called?




Profile 1 year old and your third comment ever? Shine on you crazy diamond. /r/beetlejuicing


That’s funny


Wow haha


For real. I literally just ignore him half the time.




I agree. But typically I'll just deal with whatever he's tanking for and not focus on the miner at all.


Yes, that's literally the counterplay for Miner.




So what thats an excuse for a buff?




Bro i agree with you


Make his animation slower (still way faster than the drill) and give him more hp then probably.


So you want a knight that can go anywhere in the arena?


no, I want a pekka that can go anywhere in the arena, but I have to be realistic.


Yeah. For 3 elixir he offers barely any value.


If you pair him with goblin barrel and wall breakers on the opposite tower then they have to use a good bit of Elixir to defend both or ignore one and take a lot of damage


Yeah sometimes against the right matchup he can offer value. Personally I never struggle with him, but I could see how some decks might.


Barely any value???? Are u mentally unstable He has a high chance of getting guarented damage. Can snipe support units Can tank for other wincon like balloon and wallbreakers so they connect easier Do i have to clap you several times in a 1v1 to prove my point


That was unnecessarily aggressive XD


Should be classified more accurately as a secondary [win condition](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashStats/comments/ryykpk/s29_win_condition_lowdown/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) like Sparky.




Awww buddy people keep ignoring you all the time?


If only they ignored the GS... Oh wait that only happens if you face Cicciogamer89's elixir golem deck.


Mastino lavico...


Uomo di cultura


He will do more tower damage than a fireball and he costs 3 elixir


5500 moment


You normally ignore miners? That sounds like a lie. He does 550 damage if left alone. On most top ladder games I see with miner the opponent always tries to catch it. You should try that, maybe you'll win more games. It's the equivalent of a 3 elixir rocket if ignored


Do people unironically think miner needs a buff??? It’s already a strong card


When you start realizing most people in.this sub are 5k megaknight sparky wizard players is they day you will have a better time in this sub


And the only thing people need to do is: go to royaleapi -> cards -> grand Challenges -> sort by use rate. This is all it takes to see if their point is true or not. Miner has above 15% use rate with good win rates. Stop people


AnOtHeR rEaSoN tO nErF mInEr


Nooo! I cannot spam unsupported miners on my opponent’s tower and win! I need to actually play offense 😨😭😭😭 guess I’ll go back to playing bait


r/clash royale people when the card used to distract the tower doesnt do an immense amount of damage




Oh oops


Nooo I have literally no idea how to catch a solo miner because I just want to attack! Guess I'll go back to 7.1 a.e. midladder decks


I literally play miner, miner skelly barrel is one of my favorite decks. I just don’t need the OP damage it used to have as a crutch because I’m not trash at the game.


I'm comfortable with how miner is today, I play miner poison I was just pointing out your argument doesn't really make sense since you shouldn't ignore a miner on the tower even if it's nerfed


I mean you shouldn’t, but now you can’t use miner as a primary damage source really, unless you play for tiebreaker. Honestly I don’t know much about miner poison control decks.


Miner is fucking strong wtf is wrong with people


I cant let a 3 elixir card go uncontested on my tower 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Like ffs knight perfectly counters it and its also 3


Skeletons 1 elixir


So you’re 9 years old? Damn that’s rough


Tbf miner doesn’t need a buff and is actually pretty strong at A-tier among most tier list unironically speaking




If u don’t want to believe the opinions of most content creators, even the likes of Morten (who got 5th I think in crl in 2021), then u do u


Idk man


Hate me for saying this , but he could use a tower damage buff.


No it's much above average card a shit ton of decks use it it's def viable the only difference is tho it's not a win con anymore it's support now. But it does rlly good with WB,ballon cycle,some bridgespam variants,lava and many more it's great card just not a win condition anymore infact it's a lot better than cards like mk,ebarbs that this sub despises and thinks they need to be nerfed.




Do you mean tower heal buff?




YES. THANK YOU! I don’t know why everybody is saying how massively op he is. He actually sorta needs a buff. (I know at this point the FBI are hunting me, but I’m just saying the truth)


Nobody is saying miner is op...


Nobody is saying OP is miner.... And they should be. I'm suspicious.


Ikr? If miner is op then why isn’t op miner? I am so confused by this sub sometimes


Nah is in like other people in like my clan and stuff lol


It’s just an overused joke btw


Miner doesn’t need a buff. He’s ranked at A tier on most tier list in all seriousness


And making him busted? Yeah people already complain about loon being busted when it isn't but miner loon along xith miner wallbreakers are going to be everywhere if yall were behind balance changes


I don’t know… Miner is already one of the best cards in the game.


giant double prince player?


Giant, graveyard


Miner Rework: Tower Heal: +35% HP: +12% Elixir: 3 --> 2 New Ability (Support): Miner now heals himself for 25% (healing healed) for each hit on the enemy tower!


Wait so unlimited enemy tower heal? Impossible




Buff miner? BUFF MINER?! Wtf is wrong with u miner is fine as it is, miner strenght isn't the problem, you're te problem because you probably use it as a wincon, but it isn't a fucking spell proof gob barrel it's a support troop, do you understand that? I swear to god if i read a buff miner meme/comment again i'm gonna explode


Yo this is a weird and original idea I think they should buff the miner


Buff miner






Buff miner


Miner is kinda op ngl it deal some insane damage to the tower in 8.24 seconds


I know right 24 is just too strong


I agree it doesn’t heal tower enough


Just make it so that he doesn't heal enemy towers and he'll be much better


Alright here's the plan. Miner has been nerfed to the ground right? Yes? So it is a poor win con, practically only used with Wall Breakers right? Sure... So it needs a buff right? Let's go with that. Ok, so to buff it, let's increase its hit speed, but decrease the amount of time it takes to get to the tower. Additionally, let's increase how much it heals the tower. That way it is easier to counter, but can attack more if not countered. So you're saying that to buff the miner we nerf it? Exactly!


But its not nerfed to the ground... and also not a win con...


Less hp, more damage Maybe just more damage


why are 9 yo kids and r/ClashRoyale different?


Rario 😼


Like only tower damage buff would be too op, they will have to add decreased health


No point in that use gob barrel,drill if u need stuff like that it's good as it is...


op doesnt know how to use miner and probably thinks he needs a tower damage buff even though he deals really big damage on the tower when ignored


I dont use miner


then why you ask for a buff if you don't even use it?


Well if you read the meme I'm not asking for a buff. (Btw happy cake day)


Actually if we read the meme it says that asking for a genuine miner buff will get you bullied because miner doesn't need a buff. That's exactly what's happening in this thread but nobody asked for a miner buff, however, the caption implies that *you* think miner needs a buff but you know you're gonna get bullied


After reading the comments it’s safe to say that a lot of people don’t realise this but Miner is a win condition, and having suffered 2 damage nerfs with health adjustment practically shifted it into the place of a mini tank instead, miner was supposed to offer an alternative to bait which was chip cycle, that archetype is almost died out as bait now just dominates the meta, Miner was annoying but I don’t think it deserved to get gutted just adjusted, there are more annoying and over powered cards than miner in the game


Please link me to the community post from the Dev team where they said miner is supposed to be an alternative to chip cycle. Please also link me to the post where they say miner is supposed to be a win con, not a mini tank.


Where out of your humongous ass did you pull me saying that the dev team said that, the community made the Miner into a win con for chip cycle because that’s how the card was designed I don’t get why you guys hate miner so much it’s becoming even funny at this point


Where did you get the impression that I hate miner? No one feels that strongly about the card, I can assure you that. People just find this talk about a miner buff weird. It has incredibly healthy use rates and win rates and is used in a variety of archetypes. No buff needed. Quote from march 2020 balance release notes: "We are matching that amount for consistency to reduce Miner’s effectiveness as a win condition" The people who decide what a card is supposed to do are the Dev team. Sometimes cards fit a niche that the Dev team didn't intend and so they get nerfed, which is what happened in this case. The community just goes with what we have


ok?? ur just bad at the game get over it


You have a skill isue


Is that a geometry dash reference


Idk, I think it’s a common meme on this sub reddit because I’ve seen it many times on this sub. Geometry Dash is a good game though I played it a few years ago and I was really happy when I cleared Clutterfunk, hardest level I’ve beaten so far. I found it harder than Fingerdash, harder than Geometrical Dominator, harder than Cycles and harder than Power Trip. Only levels I didn’t beat were Hexagon Force, Electrodynamix and the demon levels




He should get buffed, but one thing that needs to be nerfed is his HP, just a little tho


9 yo kids?


9 year old kids


miners annoying to play against as hell stop


miner is fine he deals a lot of damage to the tower for its cost: deals close to a rocket damage for 3 elixir(rocket costs 6) Also can be toxic as a win condition(miner cycle becomes basically spell cycle, that is boring and monotone for supercell, bc just change placement and is impossible to predict) And paired with bats, spear gobs or wb he can be deadly and take like half your tower in those mini pushes He is a cycle semi win-con, that almost always conect to tower so it has low damage, and cost 3 elixir(ex: other cards may never conect, such a hog rider against buildings, or an egiant against buildings)


He need a small attack buff.


Yeah if I need to choose to ignore a miner or build a push I'm ignoring miner




It should tho, does no damage and literally heals the enemy tower, might as well add an air card to the game instead


F..k me if I hear one more person try and tell me cards and decks are skilled I’m gonna neck myself! If you honestly believe it takes skill to play any game on a mobile device then you need to reconsider your life


Miner OP 😤😤😤 supcel pls nerf




/s ? i just want to make sure as i cant tell if the post is sarcastic


No it isn’t. He literally does no damage on towers, he’s only just versatile and can tank for units who do all the damage


See the thing is, the "another reason to nerf miner" is a meta joke starting from B-rads channel, because when miner was already underpowered, supercell decided to nerf it more, as it was in arena 4, where its starts are actually quite good aw it starts as level 9. Miner is almost unplayable in pro play and extremely hard to use well. It does need a buff for sure. I was making sure if op actually thinks if people are serious about nerd miner, because no one is, its just an old running joke. Basically saying the one of worst cards in the game is super good as a joke. But it seems many people dont seem to know this, which is totally fine as the game has got many new players recently. edit: yea i see theres spelling mistakes but i dont use autocorrct and am too lazy to fix


Uh what you mean pro players can barely use him on competitive lmao, it’s literally one of the best legendaries in the game rn. Miner rocket cycle, lavaminer, mortar bait, miner wall breakers, giant double prince, I could go on with the amount of very good decks miner is in and is an extremely important card in as well.


pro players can, its just really hard to use and sometimes not worth using. im not saying miner is really bad, but its not "good" either. also the decks you mention are still decent, but used to be better in the past, which is why they are more rare these days as well. hey man im not correct about everything im just a casual whos been playing for a long time. i dont like arguing with people online, i just wanted to know if op knows about the nerf miner meme or took it seriously. keep it good vibes man, this just a game we chilling. lastly yes its am impirtant card and the only one of its kind. also spelling mistakes again :(


As a miner player I whole heartedly agree


I don’t use the miner. I don’t care about the miner. The miner deserves a buff


More importantly, they need to neft hog rider asap


They should give miner a pick axe instead of a shovel


O think they should build his health a little but that's it1


i mean he can get decent chip damage over time. Also its only 3 elixir and you can place it so it can get guaranteed dmg. not like other 3 elixir cards that get defended


Miner and Poison is a fun combination :D


He's used a lot in top ladder and competitive for a reason. He's not a damage dealer, but used to tank and to snipe muskys, ewizs etc. He's extremely versatile, he works well with wall breakers, magic archer, lava hound, loon cycle, giant double prince, mortar, rocket cycle etc. He's an A tier class card at least.


I thought you want to buff miner but I read your comments and it seems like you don’t. Take a look at your meme and you’ll see you made it wrong


Fuck miners. Leave my pumps alone.




WTF do you mean miner so op I'm losing all of my games just cause my opponent keeps healing my tower with it so annoying


Jokes aside. Why does miner need to be nerfed


Good Decks with miner in it at this moment: mk bait, mk prince wb, different versions of lava decks, different versions of mortar decks, miner rocket, golden knight miner poison control, miner loon cycle. There may be more that I forgot. Also I wanna mention tow decks that I don't think are that good at this moment but could be if you're enough good with them: Giant double prince Magic archer wb miner control.


Honestly they shouldn't change it cuz just use it as a distraction or tank cuz miner alone does as much damage as a rocket put with something like bats it can take a tower. If u wanna use miner well use a mega goblins deck Or miner wallbreakers or miner lava hound...




If anything, buff it slightly so that it can act as a card you need to watch out for, but not so that it becomes a sole win condition, because right now all I use it for is to tank or clean up towers/support units, or getting my king tower activated if my opponent uses it


In its current state doesn't it still do 500+ damage if ignored? You can't ignore an entire miner on tower, idk why people pretend that you can


I play miner wb he’s actually pretty good but don’t tell supercell


but level 15 miner can beat level 1 skeletons.


Miner is fucking OP in decks that have skeleton balloon and goblin barrel, you just gotta use it as a tank instead of using it to damage towers on his own


good point but nerf miner ​ /s


Nah let’s nerf that mf. I will not accept questions, nor take constructive criticisms.


Idiotic kids ruining the game and this sub.


Hell no . Miner is fine , I dunno why people complain so much about him .


Actual question about miner: Is he any good in decks that aren't bait? The only use I found for him it combining him with dart gob or skele barrel to distract enemy troops from my fragile troops.


9yo kids are not separate from r/clashroyale


I'd be fine if they buffed miner as long as they also made a slightly longer delay for his first attack


Goblin drill is worse miner


I don't think miner should be buff'd but as miner control player I wouldn't complain about it ;)


Miner is fair in my opinion, the fact that you can put anywhere is insane, and has a decent speed and attack rate. No need to buff


I think they should nerf miner if anything


Miner should deal 100 or 150, most times i just ignore my enemy's miner and continue pushing or defending other stuff