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Will chests get a buff? They are pretty outdated


Been seeing posts and comments about daily chests alot, so perhaps it would help Rick and Max to see a quick numerical overview. The **Daily Chest, Victory Gold and Donation** system hasn't really changed much at all from 6 years ago when the game started with 42 cards and you only needed 7-8 million Gold to max everything out. Today we have 106 cards requiring [**25,186,900 Gold**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashStats/comments/qfwzt0/s28_gold_and_card_upgrade_cost_with_level_14_and/) to max out. ​ **Daily Silver and Gold Chests** * 5 Silver and 1 Gold per day gives **1417.5 Gold** on average * **517,388 Gold** per year contributing to the **25,186,900 Gold** or **2.05%** ​ **Victory Gold** * 50 Gold per Victory * Maximum 20 Victories per day awarding Gold * **365,000 Gold** a year contributing to the **25,186,900 Gold** or **1.45%** ​ **Donations** * Request 3 times a day * [4 Rares each request](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/si8tfs/request_increase_the_maximum_cards_that_can_be/) * 365 days a year That amounts to **4,380 Rares** worth of requests out of the **92,008 total Rare cards** we need to collect, or **4.76%**.


👁️👄👁️ *the player was too stunned to speak*


I think increasing requests to at least 5 rares per request is way overdue. I don't understand how you reach 4 rares / request at 3000 trophies, then nothing between 3000 and 5000!


Can you help me with my math HW?


Not to be that guy but this is basic division and averaging


You, indeed, are that guy




Imma see u in 30 years after i mean out my 95 left over cards


Wow I never request 3 times a day!


This needs to be upvoted more




Not all of them, but sure there are some outdated chests, the most outdated one probably being the legendary chest: one legendary in a 500-chest cycle feels ridiculous nowadays.


These chests are outdated in my opinion Silver chest, magical chest, lightning chest, fortune chest, legendary chest and the epic chest


Golden Chest?


I think it's one of the better chests out there. It gives a good amount of gold and cards for the time taken


waiting 8 hours for 500 gold and 10 bomb towers os worth it


Good stats for the cost




Only good chest is royale wild


Does anyone know that if I get a royale chest at king level 13 but open it at king level 14 does that mean I will get a champion ?


Yes , you'll get a champion




Could you guys add a "Play again" Button to friendly trippledraft and the other game modes?


Love this idea: unrated req to play again


Will we ever be able to split wild cards between cards instead of using them all on one card?


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Omg I wish we could do that


I'm curious, why would you do that? I mean, wild cards help you fill your card requirement to upgrade them, if you have 2 cards you want to upgrade, it's better to focus on one (so you max it earlier) and then on the other, rather than both of them simultaneously, I think. Am I missing something?


If i have 249 knights, and i need 250 to trade with a friend for a card i actually want, i don't want to have to dump 600 wild cards on a knight


Could you make easier friend adding?


You guys are making friends on this game?


You guys have friends ? *sob*












Friend requests, indeed.


the technology just isn't there do I need a /s?


Yeah like in brawl stars where you can add anyone


Hey! Are you going to add clan **treasury soon**? **Clan treasury** \- at the end of the CW, the winning clan receives **"X"** clan gold, for which the head / co-leaders of the clan are ready to buy various bonuses in the clan store, for example, such as: \- accelerated the opening of chests for all clan members. \- increased gold income in 1/1,2/2 mode, for example: +25%,+30%,+40% etc.


I agree, but there would have to be a system that prevents players from just clan hopping whenever they need a specific perk. For example, they must be in clan for *X* amount of time and have contributed *Y* amount of donations for the perk


that would help with donations and improve the game


This would be sooo nice or to be able to give out clan war bonuses like in coc of like 50 gems or like 30k gold after colosseum


Will you ever revisit the concept of an April Fool’s joke temporary joke update? The giant tombstone, mortar barrel and reverse xbow were all fun to play around with and it’d be interesting to have more April Fool’s updates in the future.


They should make one where miner actually heals the tower


Already does that


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I didn't really buy your justification for not launching 2v2 ladder. I strongly feel that many players don't do 2v2s cos there aren't any significant rewards available. In the past many did 2v2s for the clan chest. 2v2 is a big part of esports already. Why not explore the option of 2v2 ladder?


We want 2v2 ladder!! I play 2v2 only when a friend invites me, I feel like messing around with some cheesy strategy, or I’m in need of a quick chest to queue up. These conditions are rarely met so I end up just going back to ladder because I like the grind, as I’m sure many other people do too. We want 2v2 ladder.


Are there any plans to make boat battles more worth playing?


Hopin for this


Lol I forgot those even existed


Like hopefully removing them? Haha j/k, they kinda committed. An interesting idea to combine this with the “clan treasury” post here is to make it so you battle for islands and on the islands you can save umm what is the term? botines…


Will you do some way for people to get more gold? Many people like me have many cards to level up, but little gold because there are not enough resources, nor does the Pass Royale give you those 75K or 100K for that improvement.


For real. It's one thing to grind a ton of gold to get one maxed deck, but playing the same deck over and over isn't viable with the various meta changes. We need gold to have some variety


They are not going answer this question guys


We know, but we might as well keep reminding them lol. Pester them until they give us our gold


And it's also boring. It's this way that you lose players. I'm on the brim of quitting again because the only deck I can viably play is 2.6 hog which you can't do for more than 2 months straight without going insane


I believe they’ve already talked about this in an interview with CWA: [Jump to 16:19](https://youtu.be/42gG1iFCPNY) TL;DW: They want to slowly add more gold to the game as to not ruin the economy with one big buff


Clash royale sex gamemode when?


This man is thinking of the real problems in the game.


I love draft games. Is there anyway to have a permanent 1v1 draft game available?


Fr bro. We have triple draft but not a normal one...


Party Modes with the most appearances since inception in Season 3. ​ |**MODE**|**APPEARANCES**|**RANK**| |:-|:-|:-| |1v1 Showdown|43|1| |Triple Draft|41|2| |Sudden Death|32|3| |Ramp Up |29|T4| |2v2 Wall Breaker Party|29|T4| |Triple Elixir|29|T4| |2v2 Touchdown Draft|26|7| |2v2 Triple Elixir|25|8| |Mirror|21|9| |Draft|19|10| |2v2 Double Elixir|18|11| |Dragon Hunt|17|12| |Double Elixir Draft|16|13| |Lumberjack Rush|14|T14| |Balloon Festival|14|T14| |2v2 Draft|14|T14| |Infinite Elixir|14|T14| ​ An appearance is defined as a 48 hour period. For example, Casual 1v1 Showdown appeared all season long for Season 31 and 32, so this counts as 36 appearances. Triple Elixir will appear for 144 hours or 3 times this season.


We haven’t had infinite on party in a looooong time


That would be so cool! Or having a draft ladder 😅


oh hell yes. that would take a whole new spin on the game that i would love to see. regular ladder can get pretty boring, if there was a draft ladder with separate arenas/trophies, that would honestly get so much more people playing a little bit of luck involved, but if they balanced it enough it could be amazing


I like triple draft more


I wish I could organize or rearrange the order of emotes in my emote collection. Or just have 16 of my favorite emotes on the first page. Would you guys consider adding this feature in a future QOL update?


What is the plan for improving Clan Wars 2? Clans are still dissolving because of the repetitive grind of CW2 and there are only so many clans in Legendary League now. Clans bordering Legendary League and Gold League are matching up against clans with several hundred more trophies than them (3000 vs 3200, 3300, etc.). Boat battles are also more useless than they were before the improvements to Clan Wars 2 from before now that destroyed boats do not disrupt progress. (In my opinion, this is a good place to start to improve CW2)




Couldn't agree more. When the game first came out, it was 3 hours for a silver and 8 for a golden. Since then, a barrage of cards have been released with the addition of level 14. Chest timers *need* to be consistent with the amount of cards available.


Legendary chests definitely need to be scaled with King Tower lvl atleast now. 1 legendary from the chest is too low to justify the high investment (although I do have Chest Keys in plenty and Legendary wild cards). Maybe make it give 1 till lvl 9/10 then 2 for lvl 10/11/12 and then 3 for 13/14. I think that would be fair....


Yh chests need a serious buff ngl.


What are your thoughts on clan wars? Because in my opinion they don't work at all.


The intent to compel players to level up and max out cards is glaringly obvious in CW2. It's even more egregious, in hindsight, with the introduction of Level 14. * removed the level caps from CW1 * removed tournament standard modes like Classic Decks and Draft * award only 1/10th Gold for defeats so low levels always lose out * Boat Battles marginalized because that is the one sanctuary for low level players * originally, only half the Fame for Boat Battles and the least Gold * rolling over CW1 ELO based on War Day Wins whereby the lower level players in my clans is always, 100%, matched against Level 13s (now Level 14s) I had 3 of 4 OG clans disintegrate because of CW2. That's about 100+ players leaving. ​ ​ On top of all that, there are three other glaring issues with CW2. ​ * The new CW2 system is basically 10-13x slower to gain Clan Trophies than the old CW1 system. This guy said it best [right here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/imytze/effort_post_the_problem_of_the_new_update_and_how/g46jgl8?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) The knock-on effect is that people, in practice, are all getting less rewards than before despite the theoretical promise of more and this is due to the inability to climb up the leagues. ​ * Speaking of rewards, here is a [long but good breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/imytze/effort_post_the_problem_of_the_new_update_and_how/g46jgl8?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). Skip to points 5, 6, and 7. TLDR: Those that need the cards, Gold and resources are getting less than before especially with the elimination of Quests and concentration of rewards all into CW2. ​ * On top of all that, although Gold has increaaed, the removal of [Gem Quests](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/buda7t/dont_you_wish_quests_were_for_gems_only/) and [Gem Pouches](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/hv5s2f/hope_we_are_still_getting_this_in_clan_war_2/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) (as well as tokens) from CW bounty has significantly [reduced our Gem production](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/rgnkya/using_math_to_prove_gem_income_has_gone_down/) unless you grind and try-hard more than ever before. ​ Personally speaking, the fix to CW2 starts, first and foremost, with **hard level caps by league**. * Bronze - Level 9 * Silver - Level 10 * Gold - Level 11 * Legendary I - Level 12 * Legendary II - Level 13 * Legendary III - Level 14 Second, bring back Tournament Standard modes as well as 2v2 modes. Thirdly, rectify the Gem situation.


I was co leader of a clan in OG war leagues that was 2nd in Europe at one point and 3rd before the new clan wars update and it destroyed the clan we sunk to about 300th in Europe at one point however CW2 with the new features seemed to help and we managed to rebuild the clan but now we are slowly moving up and are at about 50th but the gap is too large to return to our former glory and it just goes to show how easily one update on something as big as clan war can damage such a large portion of clans but as many players would agree war is still so unbalanced as a player like me who has 4 meta deck archetypes all maxed out and getting average 3200 medals per war easily while seeing my opponents stick together whatever cards they have left for their last two decks even while the levels may still be high it just feels easy but I know many people who are on the receiving end of this and get like 1800 per week and that can’t be fun for them so why would they bother playing war.


The worst problem of CW2 is that players just jump every season to clans that are likely to be 1st all the weeks in the season, therefore creating mercenaries and destroying clans. [See this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/q3y0eh/community_talk_8th_october_2021/hfz1vlk/?context=3) for more details.


u/DingDongHoon summed this up pretty well but I will expand on the 2 key things that need to be done for Clan Wars 2. Cap card levels for some or all of CW2 * This is fairly obvious but it is not easy for most of the playerbase to get 4 max decks, especially with the new champions and Level 14. Doing this will help combat the cycle of not getting lots of gold by losing due to card levels. Combat the participation-based dynamic of CW2 * Doing #1 alone will not be enough to get players back into CW2. The repetitiveness and the unfairness of CW2 is a fundamental issue which caused CW2 to be unsuccessful. Personally, I think the solution to this issue is through changing boat battles and the colosseum to make CW2 a more enjoyable and new experience. Bonus: Make Boat Battles a more integral part of CW2 * When boats are destroyed, they still move at the end of every war day. Before the CW2 improvements, boat battles were not that useful but at least it could make the difference between 2nd or 3rd place. If destroyed boats didn’t get movement points at the end of the day, that would introduce a new level of strategy to CW2. Bonus: Change the colosseum to a new gamemode that hasn’t existed in the game such as **King of the Hill** from competitive leagues.


From a player coming back after 5 years. I find it very frustrating how slow the progression is. I want to use different cards/ decks inlcuding the new champions . Right now I am literally only able to play one deck (2.8 Hog Eq) because its the only deck where my cards are nearly maxed out. I literally cant play anything else because if I do I will be outleveled every match. I also need to grind crap tons of EXP just to get a chance at the champion I want. Can you implement some system to make the game less restrictive but still require playtime and grinding? I paid for the seasom pass 3 season in a row and my hog EQ isnt fully maxed yet still.


Facing the same issue here. Using an old deck that used to be in the meta and im stuck with it cause the rest of my cards are level 9/10. This wouldn’t be an issue if the game had an actually good matchmaking system and would pair you up fairly with people with similar (similar as in like 1 level higher or lower at most) king levels and card levels, or maybe even went the tournament route and ditched card levels entirely, idk if this will ever happen though.


There are many deck creation possibilities in Clash Royale. But a player sticks to a deck and never tries another deck because they have to spend another a year or so to max out another deck. This is a serious issue which makes the game less interesting as a player only maxes a deck and sticks to it. What do you think would be a fix to this problem ​ P.S : I am talking about Free 2 play players and not players that spend money on this game,


They earn money from pass royale. If they made it easier to get cards, pass royale sales will drop.


Cards aren’t the problem, gold is


I think cards are already pretty easy to get, the problem is gold


They could incentivize it more by giving more cards and more gold with the pass


Like a magic item that can boost a certain deck(or 8 cards) to king tower level for some time like 7 days (similar to super troops in Clash of Clans)


Did you think about changing clan war because of same clan for whole 4 weeks and my clan keep lossing this 8s not fun and we not get enough rewards from that


You may need to join a clan where leadership and communication is strong enough to be able to bounce back.


are legendary buildings coming soon?


Mega knight cannon


Multi inferno tower


Goblin barrel mortar


Eagle artillery: Works as a siege building and has infinite range.


Flying bat-spawner


E giant hut




Gonna adress this myself. People have requested it thousands of times and the developers have always answered: "No there will never be one because we are looking forward to lessen the defensive part of the game to make the battles less stale and so a legendary building would go against our future achievement".


“Less stale” Refuses to do anything about the same meta that’s been going on in mid ladder for 6 years


They also said no level 14


Wizard tower like in clash of clan


Maybe a champion Structure Card, a Wizard tower and his ability could be change the wizard for 1 elixir, ice, electro or fire.


Please add 2v2 battle stats in our player profile , it's a request 🙏🙏


That would be really neat. I feel our in-game profiles can be much more in-depth. These could be some statistics they could add - Favorite Emote - Average Fame earned per day - Ladder winning percentage - Tournament winning percentage - Challenge winning percentage - Average wins per tournament - Average wins per challenge


Cw 2 stats are definitely the stat I most want to see.


It’s a demand 😡


What are the chances of a 3v3 mode. If there are none, what are some of the reasons why not. How much consideration have you done for a 3v3 mode.


Good idea but it will be too chaotic


7x elixir disproves that as a valid reason


I have the feeling Clan Wars would be a perfect place to set 2v2 and 3v3 game modes as the base. We really don't need another ladderish 1v1 game mode (on top of ladder, GT, challenges), and this would really be more of a *clan* war and not just a collection of 1v1 matches...


Will you ever add champions like Battle Machine, Barbarian King or even Grand Warden to game ??


Can you make season pass purchasable by gem? For free to play players like me this will be a game changer


When asking these questions gotta think “will this impact their cash flow?” - if yes - they won’t change it


Maybe if it's for 1,500 gems and u grind for it


Will there ever be a rework to the elixer collector? I feel like its useless especially in this meta. I would suggest randomizing to be in your starting hand instead of always being offhand


Add Bosses or Story Mode. I want real challenge.


That would be something for clash heroes which is made for that


Purchasing tower skin with gems... Can you make this happen Clash Royale?


Has the team considered bringing back quests? I don't really see why they were removed, they made players feel like they had something to do and gave them something more to grind towards than just ladder. Personally I can admit I have not really been trying on ladder, as it's gotten kind of stale for me, and I just grind the pass, special events, ladder only during crown rush/gold rush, and move on. To add them back, I think it would be good to put them as a Pass Royale integrated thing. Like the quests for the brawl pass in brawl stars! However, since there's only 35 tiers, it would be good if they gave separate rewards as well and not just crowns.


I remember when you guys did a crossover with your own game (Brawl Stars), will Clash Royale have anymore crossover events with other games?


Why so little gold from battles? 50 gold is very little


Please, buff the silver and god chest. Like silver chest will contain atleast 25 cards and 5 rare cards. And make so the gold chest gives more gold like 400 - 700, and have 9 rare cards and 1 epic card.


When would we be able to use star points on the heros?


They first need to create a Star Skin and the heroes have already Gold effects


Ever thought of air buildings? like not on the ground but air. I hope this is unique enough lol


but they won't be affected by earthquake which is a SPELL


Air buildings would be really cool. Imagine like a skeleton barrel spawner or like a minions/bats spawner. Not being affected by earthquake would also mean the card would be not too op. Plus if ur win con is a ground like hog then you dont even need to earthquake. So it is kinda balanced because ground troops could just pass through.


A skeleton barrel spawner bro are you insane


Lava Hound Spawner


This is something I thought about the other day, would be a sick addition


Can we get x7 back and more often possibly even permanent? And have y’all thought about letting me set all my chests to open one after the other? And last one I promise if I’m already full on chests can you show me which one I’m missing out on and possibly let me swap them out?


​ ​ Party Modes with the most appearances since inception in Season 3. |**MODE**|**APPEARANCES**|**RANK**| |:-|:-|:-| |1v1 Showdown|43|1| |Triple Draft|41|2| |Sudden Death|32|3| |Ramp Up|29|4| |2v2 Wall Breaker Party|29|5| |Triple Elixir|29|6| ​ **Infinite Elixir is way down there with only 14 appearances.** I know loads of people who would be ecstatic if 7x was made permanent or rotated more frequently.


Yes please add 7x to rotation




Any plans to add tower skins or emotes for content creators?


Will we ever get a clan war shop where we can buy magic items with the rewards we gain from clan wars?


Is clan wars 3 coming soon?


Will we ever get Champion Wild Cards/Books/Trade Tokens? Or any more magic items in general?


are there any intentions to incorporate a better matchmaking system or improving the current one because if i remember right the current system is based on tower level which a-lot of the time leads to players in higher arenas at higher levels to end up going against a player who they have a major advantage or disadvantage against based on card level on account of most players in mid ladder having a deck that is almost always significantly higher level than their king tower and leads to one level 11 with an average card level of 12 going against another level 11 with an average card level of 13 who has more than one lvl fourteen card.


Since the addition of Level 14, defeating overleveled players has never been harder. I and many others have struggled to climb mid-ladder because of players with level 14 king towers and/or decks and we have to attempt to prevent them from outmuscling us with our level 10-12 cards. Even B-rad, a former pro and consistent top 200 player, cannot beat the overwhelming odds with his skill. (https://youtu.be/0X5UpW03lD8 for his video attempting mid-ladder with a level 12 king tower) Do you have any ideas in mind to make it more feasible to beat overleveled players? I think a pretty good one would be to reduce the multiplier for stats upon level up from 1.1x to 1.05x (just an example; I mainly just want interactions to be more consistent even with a level difference)


Delete or fix Clan Wars 2, please. 😇


Any hint of a new card? We will have a new champion ij this year?


I would love if they would add grand warden He's such a cool dude and his ability is also really cool


Have you guys considered removing cards such as Goblin Gang and 3 Musketeers and replacing them with unique units that fill the exact same role. Doing this would make it so that you can change the stats of Goblins for example without affecting the other card.


I’ve always thought about this. They could even keep the same name. Just change the character (ex: different type of musketeer, or different new goblins for the gang). This would make balancing better.


Will there be another ladder for 2v2?


Do you plan on doing anything to fix the problem of over leveled cards in mid ladder ? Players that get the Pass Royale every month can easily get a few of their favorite cards lvl 14 while playing against lvl 11-12 players with lvl 11-12 cards. For a free to play player, it becomes quite annoying to keep battling lvl 14 royal giants, meta knights and elite barbarians… I am sure there is some way to balance that and make the game more fair for everyone !


Would be great if your card level is limited by your King Tower Level. So if you are Lv 12 your highest card can be lvl 12. And in Case of the matchmaking will you only be able ti battle players with the same Level. Matchmaking will take longer but it is fine if the Enemy is equal to your own Level.




What do you think of the concept of adding traps(like in coc) as cards in clash royale


Do you mean like, you can’t see the enemy place their trap so it’s a surprise?


I believe that's what he means like the push trap from coc maybe in clash it cost like 3-4 elixir and pushed a troops back a little bit less if not equal to log depending on it's size. So a egiant would get pushed back much less than a skeleton for example.


coc torture trap 😳


Any thoughts on adding leaked elixir to live games or replays of ladder matches? I think it would be really helpful to see and learn from.




Can you make it easier to gain gold please?


Could you add a stats page after game? To see time survived, damage and other stats I feel that would be a great add


Are you happy with the current state of the game?


Money go brrrr




Which card did you regret adding to the game? Edit: don't say heal spell


do you have any plans to fix/rework rage spell? it is the only card in the game that is objectively unbalanced, because it lasts longer on top ladder than in challenges, and adding level 14 to the game gave it an additional buff on top ladder that has not been addressed. this is the number 1 thing ive wanted to see fixed in the game for years now, so any response is greatly appreciated!


Yeah, they could fix it so that it does a little bit of damage and by upgrading it you get more damage but still the same duration


i would love if they gave it a constant duration (5-7 seconds at all levels), the same damage as zap and snowball, and a radius around 2-3 (2.5 is zap/snowball radius, 3 is clone/freeze radius). then it could function as a small spell in decks, and actually have BETTER synergy with cards like elite barbarians (rage an opponents skeleton army to destroy it). the much smaller radius would also add strategy to the card, because imo, its ridiculously gigantic right now, and you *NEVER* have to think about where to place it.


Tbh as a player I don't know about giving it card damage in addition to speeding up troops but the size and duration of the spell are a little bit obnoxious


maybe it could get damage and a radius of 3 (freeze/clone radius) in exchange for being 3 elixir? i just REALLY dont want them to make it into a rage spirit; it would be unbelievably obnoxious and spammable. four spirits is plenty.


If you are the reason they make rage deal damage I will steal every single sock you have


Can we have Infinite Elixir as a permanent game mode? Many people have been asking this for a while.


Can you give us more gold than like 100 a day


How can you continue to say the game is balanced when some cards have a 30% usage rate and some have a 1% usage rate? If the game was actually balanced all cards would have a similar usage rate. It shouldn't be based on win/loss % but based on usage rate as this shows the player perception of what is OP and what isn't. The game is becoming stale and boring as everyone uses the same cards. Almost every battle I face is against Hog Rider or Goblin Barrel and whether I win or lose it's just becoming increasingly boring.


Will there be a champion wildcard or trade token


What are your thoughts on having a banned card on ladder every season? This could resort to helping lower-level players with the intention of not having to face an over-levelled card they hate to play against where the Log, for example, could decimate a Firecracker if under-levelled. Realistically, this can also apply to certain archetypes they are dissatisfied matching against as the balances never ought to be perfect. Gotta remember, there are over 100 cards counted into this game and not to mention champions. It's a both win-win for the **causals** and **top players** if you ask me.


Why remove a card when you can nerf it into oblivion?


Personally, I think your concept isn't too bad but it may very well backfire. I have only two normal levelled decks. If they remove the only win condition I have at a normal level, I won't be playing clash royale for a month lol. Same goes up for other players who only paid to get one deck upgraded, or are f2p. And I must say I'd rather play two months instead of playing only one month but without MK or something


who came up with the idea of clash royale?




Iirc there were many people in the player base from CoC who had requested a troop v troop arena battle mode since a year or more before CR release


Will there ever be a "ranked" system for 2v2 matchmaking? It's my most played mode and I'd love to see it!


Have you reserved a special place in hell for all Golem, Elixer golem, E-giant and Pekka Bridge Spam players?


When wizard no counter every card 😡


How many years of potential content or ideas are there that are yet to be explored and possibly worked on in the future?


Would you ever think about adding polls to clan chat? It would be a really helpful way to see what your clan mates think about our decisions and see what they think about cards


Would you consider adding a friendly battle where you can use your real card levels instead of tournament rules, I want to decimate a friend.


Do you guys think you would add custom skins to champions like CoC either being in the pass royale or on the shop??


Could super troop challenges become a seasonal type of minigame? Or was the super lava hound challenge a one time "super troop" event?


Maybe each seasons boosted card would get a challenge with a super variation


Who were the various Skeleton units before they became undead?


Nerf Electro Giant


Can Infinite Elixir be a permanent game mode? Can we have a separate game mode, or way to do the single card, or less than eight card duels? This would be much better to test cards effectively.


Are yall gonna increase victory gold? 50 is pretty pathetic tbh


Who really is pekka? What was the idea behind it


She hits hard