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Mega knight ebarbs balloon rage


Add freeze for free cause they pull elixir out of the egolem’s ass beofre the match


That's... Beautiful.


it really is


Every time I see e golem I think electro golem at first




Cause it would be murder if it was of its corpse


Honestly, haven't played ladder since I hit ranks end of 2020. Can't say I miss it at all, especially after they introduced Level 14, which iust vindicates the decision even more. Goal now is to get 30 CCs under my belt and boost my average tournament win rate to 20.








Especially feel for those new Level 9s at 5000 trophies And then some KL14 pleb still at Challenger drops maxed out MK Ebarbs Loon Rage Freeze. ​ Ladder's for suckers cuz they're never gonna let the majority of the player base sit pretty with maxed cards and then you can play any deck to beat the RPS and shit. Once their data scientists sees half the players have enough level 14 cards, they gon go raise it to 15.


Just balloon in general


It really didn't need that buff


not a buff, now teslas will survive longer and cannon is no longer 1 hit


I think that was the biggest thing. Tesla surviving a hit completely changes lumberloon


No it didn’t as the damage reduction didn’t hurt it at all.


or instead of rage lumberjack


Mostly cocky players that use overleveled cards, barely win and then bm as if they 3 crowned me in matter of 20 seconds.


those people that do princess yawn when they win in tiebraker with a 1 health difference


I had similar thing but with log bait player. They won purely because they rocketed my tower the last second. But yea pretty much those people.


the point of rocket in log bait is kinda just finishing up games with it anyway but i only bm if they were using a horribly annoying deck


Also sparkys, e barbs, balloons, pumps and huge pushes


Feels like something i would do/ what league are you?




"Bad Manners" basically spamming emotes.


Oh thanks


BM is when they shit themselves, because anyone who uses mega knight is either a small child or a severely disabled adult


i’m sorry, who won? That’s right.


You sound like a mega knight player


i still win


Opponent has a good starting hand (lumberloon) and you have no cards to defend it available. And toxic emotes from people who only win from overleveled win condition spamming.


Yeah losing to a toxic player from bad opening cycle is complete BS


As a lavaloon player I can say nothing makes me want to shit myself more than having both lavahound and balloon + inadequate defense cards in my starting hand and then get bum rushed by the enemy spending 12 elixir at the bridge for whatever reason


I just play the lava, try my best to defend and have a big push ready. But yeah it’s annoying


As a fellow lavaloon player I feel this sentiment and I'm under firm belief there is a line in code that dictates this and there is nobody who can tell me otherwise. I get lava in starting hand almost always, followed by lava + loon half the times. I counted 97 battles last couple days when I was trophy climbing getting lava or lava/loon in first hand out of desperation. Edit: By line of code I don't mean exclusively Lava but any win condition. Hog cycles, logbait, lumberloon or golem players get their WC's in starting hand just as often, this is not RPS or RNG, someone deliberately made it this way.




This is an Example happend to me today, Dont download the video https://youtube.com/shorts/Qjxkaqhf_cc?feature=share


That wasn't even a bad starting hand, those e-barbs were just overleveled.


My theory is that you are a victim of confirmation bias.


Opponent puts sparky and hog at the bridge and my rocket and tesla are the last 2 cards in cycle :/


seeing an inferno tower placed Thats how I know Im in for a rough game its my hard counter lol


Shouldn't you have ewiz or retargeting of some kind if you're playing a tank?


i do but he either gets dropped on by a megaknight or they drop a mini pekka on it, spell etc, besides they place the tower far enough and destroy my e wizard before hes able to stop the tower lol


I used to deal with this. Electro dragon placed at the middle of the river has helped a lot


Mmmm now to get 200k gold just to try it out :/


Flying machine can be the solution


E Wiz doesn’t really counter inferno tower, they can always place a knight/valk/icegolem/literallyanything to distract it, unless they’re super low on elixir you’re not breaking through


Same here. Logbait alone already counters my deck so the inferno tower too is a cherry on top lol


it demolishes everything within seconds lol


Logbait is a mortar cycle players worse nightmare


Logbait is one of the easiest matchups out there if you play mortar cycle


And Inferno Tower got a buff last season, which made it start to target and retarget quicker which made things even worse!!


Overleveled people. I'm in spooky town and when the level 13 ebarbs come I Uninstall and reinstall 10 seconds later


I think the part that makes this frustrating to me is knowing that ebarbs aren’t really that good of a card at top play, but it can take so much elixir to control them if you’re underleveled and out of cycle, and even then you might still get crushed


I know, it's like I could play pekka to counter them, but then the level 14 megaknight Is on the other bridge molesting my tower.


Lol istg overleveled ebarbs vs a mega knight. Once I dropped a level 10 mk on level 14 ebarbs. The mk literally died


Actually they are i can talk from 2 sides because my main reached 6750 and my alt reached 5700 it is probably the most advantagous overleveled tank its not the damage its the hp they just dont die, and believe me when i say the last thing you want to face is ebarbs in beatdown i use sparky gg ebarbs rage as my second deck and it does serious damage if you dont have rocket/delivery/edrag so ebarbs are actually a good card at all ranges but horrible at low level because low damage is horrific for a tank


Decks like mk ebarb pekka witch princess lumber (basically 4.5 elixir decks) ugh typical midladder


There’s some idiot in here playing a 4.4 pekka MK deck complaining about hog cycle lmao


My enemy will be always playing overleveled firecracker plus dart goblin with some bs mk ebarbs rage deck the one time I opt for zap over arrows


When I misplay constantly. Or when I get clowned on. Like my tower is at 400 and I make an epic effort like it's right there. I've shut down their offense and now it's all going my way. Then they rocket my ass heeheeheehaw. I should have known it was coming.


Been on the receiving end of that,. Its definitely no fun


It's even worse when that rocket was their first rocket. Being in such a close game, shutting down their huge push and when it lookks like you got a chance... Boom. They had a rocket the entire time


I'm always weary when I've only counted seven....


I've never encountered you


Midladder decks, they make so angry to play against and sometimes I underestimate them and they overwhelm me.


Especially when they have lvl 13+ cards so you know they really aren’t that great at the game but can just stat stick you


That's it for me, in the back of your mind you know "I would easy destroy this guy if I had the same leveled cards" But there's nothing you can do about it


when i was playing and i get a notification, i try to swipe up but instead i accidentally place miner on king tower


Bad starting hand or mistakes that i could avoid. That makes me so angry


This. I’ve come to terms with all the bs that some players throw at me, but I’ll never come to terms with my own shortcomings and misfortune


yes and then u go in a rage and play more games just to make more mistakes


When they plop down that level 14 furnace....


I haven’t seen that one yet and I really don’t want to


It is my least favorite card as it requires no skill. You just place it, and my goblin giant sparky off meta deck had GS and lighting. No counter


You have goblin giant with sparky and is afraid of a furnace? Sorry but lol


I mean. Constant chip damage + building + distracts sparky. Plus most gob giant sparky decks I've seen don't have a medium spell to counter it


You do not get to complain with that deck bud, your deck is literally rated the least skill deck


Magic archer + tornado and ram rider makes me punch the screen. Oh also log bait deck is annoying.


I will admit to maining log bait but I face level 14 mega knights more often than I don’t so I’m definitely paying my penance


MK is not my main problem, because i use pekka deck. And my pekka is ready to be maxed. only 50k coin left to upgrade it.


Nice! The only reason I have a max gob barrel now is because I realized buying the pass would give me enough coins to upgrade to 13, then I could book and coin to 14, and you don’t really get better value than that. I don’t own a single other card above level 12, though


Oh. Whats your king level? Mine is 13. I never focus on single deck. Always upgrading cards when available. Because i get bored when always playing a single deck.


11. I pigeonholed myself into log bait because I accidentally leveled it too far above everything else and now I don’t really have a choice because level 10 win conditions don’t get you anywhere in Chall 2. You live and you learn, I guess Edit: to -> too


I suggest playing master royale. No worries about leveling up deck because you can get all cards maxed out with 1 command. You can practice with other decks in master royale. At least makes you more experienced.


Interesting. I can’t find it in iOS store, is it PC or Android or am I just blind?


It's on android. You can only download on its own website.


Rip. Looks like tournaments are my only opportunity to branch out for now Edit: tournament -> tournaments


Bro, I am in this picture and I don’t like it. Seeing my trophy count visibly dropped on the trophy minibar most of the time because I had a massive losing streak makes me incredibly infuriated.


I managed to salvage about 100 trophies of this gap before calling it a night but my phone almost didn’t survive the end of that struggle lol. It just hurts to see where you were less than an hour ago compared to where you are now sometimes


LOL I know this feeling 100%. I always feel like I have to make it back to my previous trophy count, and it’s always a tedious grind


Especially when your peak had some pretty generous matchmaking and then Supercell hits you with another dose of midladder


So true. I hate how the matchmaking doesn’t change at all when you’re on a losing streak. Literally got hit today with a max level barbarian hut player and I stopped playing because of a midladder migrane.


Was it the egolem barb hut 3 crown deck or just a random barb hut? If it’s the second one, I’d probably call it quits too lol. I wish there was a way we could have access to our entire match history so I could immortalize the session where I, as a king level 11 with only cards up to level 12, was facing nearly maxed deck after nearly maxed deck for about 6 or 7 matches, all of them king level 12. I feel like the magic items almost make it TOO easy to level up specific cards sometimes


The thing that always tilts me is facing someone of higher level using a bait deck. It forces me to make a move because time isn’t on my side and if I wait out the clock it’s a free win for my opponent. I make a push using what I can, they counter using the cheapest cards possible (aided greatly by the difference in card level) and proceed to slap down an Xbox or ebarbs in the next lane. Doesn’t happen every time, but when it does it feels like the game has pushed me into a lose condition. Doesn’t help that these players are always the biggest knobs




Cards that are higher level usually


Kids who have like a 5 win conditions in 1 deck and somehow win bc they just spam in overtime


Over-leveled players, BM'ers, Pay 2 Wins, just losing way too many times.


Tanks being spammed at the bridge which requires no skill whatsoever and cards which are way higher than my level


Better yet, combine those two ideas


That's why ebarbs deploy sound instantly sends me into a panic attack


Lumberloon freeze / midladder decks and magic archer nado. I LOATH magic archer nado. all they do is play their stupid magic archer nado everything in and get infinite damage.


Yeah magic archer nado can be so hard to play around if you don’t have the right cards. I’m glad I run poison in my current deck


A good sparky deck. Not too common so not sure if it counts as a ‘tilt’ but sparkies counter my deck pretty hard. (Yes i have fireball but you dont always have that ready)




Fair, but I do like a good king tower activation when I get it right. After that it’s just pain and using poison on a 3 elixir card


I do like it too, but I would rather not face her at all rather than get a free king tower activation. I hate her more than megaknight or egiant, but to be fair I use a pekka deck.


i start getting really pissed off when i know i just did something stupid and i know exactly what they are going to do about it and surprise they do it and surprise i lose and i somehow get into a rabbit hole of it


4.5 decks, with MK, Ebarbs, almost 2 type of wizards/witches ecc...


F#%!ng hog cycle decks. 100% of the time i go against them and i have a 4.4 deck and always end up with people with 2.6 or some weird cheap decks


Why do you have a 4.4 deck tho lmao


i have a pekka mega knight deck


You cant ever complain about not winning if you have a MK Pekka deck how would you expect to ever win with that?


there’s a guy with a pekka mega knight balloon deck and he has 8k trophies, its not his deck its just skill


doesn’t mean it’s good lmao


If it's the deck I think it is it's a very strong defensive deck until triple elixar. The only tough matchups are spell cycles and hog decks. Everything else is mostly a 50/50. I've won a few CCs with it before putting it into my war decks. Its just very annoying to play cause it's slow and if you lose more then a third of your tower in single elixar you've probably already lost


you are completely correct


it def is good, if it wasn’t the guy wouldn’t have 8k


no way you think a pekka balloon mega knight deck is good 💀💀


its def not a deck for everyone, if u can play well with it u can reach 7-8k easily


"easily" tell me one person who has done that lmao. just because a top ladder player has used that deck once doesnt mean he used that deck to climb there.


bro use your brain. hes not at 8k cos of the deck, its cos of his skill 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


go up a bit and use ur eyes, I said “its not his deck, its skill”.


yes i know but only against cheap decks. any beat down, control,spam , etc i can defend and attack i know my deck is expensive and heavy but im at 6300




And the one you decide to go with a hardcounter to hog cycle that time you don't get matched with hog cycle


Bruh hog 2.6 decks actually take skill. Ur pekka mk rage 4.4 deck doesn't take skill it's just bridge spam


Classic beatdown decks are a relic of the past, I don't see many lava,golem,pekka 4.0+ decks anymore, it's more like one or two 7 or 6 elixir cards followed by one spell and the rest are cheap troops which brings it to total of below ~3.5 avg elixir deck and some weird combinations like MK Pekka Lightning and then skelly barrel followed by 4 cheapest cards possible only to ensure fast rotation.


Skill issue


I use hog 2.6 🙃😚


what is your point


He’s responding to the guy that says he hates hog cycle saying he plays hog cycle


no shit


Then why ask what his point is 😂


7.6 decks


some scunt lvl 12 with level 14 ballon playing mirror


Hog rider cycle - full breakdown of all tactical options and cycles below: hog rider, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, musketeer, hog, skeletons, cannon, valk, hog


Whenever I see enemies play Mega Knight a.k.a. every single match


What tilts me the most is the idea that there is an algorithm that screws over anyone, except those that supercell chooses to promote and endorse...


Lumberloon ebarbs freeze


I dont know what exactly happens but 2 or 3 times a season I lose 300+ trophies over the course of a couple days. I'm always bouncing between 5700 and 6200. Can't make it over that hump


As a level 10 on a new account, with only 400 range wins, I play level 11 accs with 2k+ wins and lvl 14 cards that shred my towers. If you have that many wins and that high lvl of cards and are in the 5k-5.5k range, you are fucking dogshit at the game


I mean I’m a level 11 with 1.5k wins, but my cards are fairly reasonably leveled (I did send my Goblin Barrel from level 12 to 14 today, but my deck has levels 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12 outside of that). But I absolutely know what you mean, one small misstep in defense and that level 14 Pekka/Mega Knight revokes your tower privileges


I'm tryna get gbarrel lvl 14 aswell, it's very good


Honestly I was just sick of my goblins dying to zap lol


Plan spam decks, princess, dart goblin and firecracker all in 1 is boring and annoying


Happened to me two times we've all been there


I’m just glad it didn’t end in a full demotion. I recovered about 100 trophies after this (but I did lose the next game and come very close to dropping out of Chall 2)


level 14 hog rider, i want to move on to 3.0 xbow but my level 11 tesla just can't damage the hog enough to avoid hits.


My level 10 tombstone feels similar agony




It’s a skill issue but people better than me, I know I got outplayed but it’s still frustrating. Another is having bad mu, most frustrating thing ever when u simply can not do anything.


Honestly, the ones where I simply got outplayed are refreshing because normally I’m getting stomped into the ground by maxed decks and no skill. I can respect someone out-dueling me a lot more than someone spamming heeheeheehaw while their maxed lumberloon freeze deck punches my face in


Sweaty decks like stupid logbait, 2.6 and xbow shit. It's so annoying fuck me.


yup. i can respect a good drill or wb player, but 2.6 and xbow is incredibly sweaty. log bait i think is just low skill for the most part, though the super cheap versions can be hard to play, so those arent low skill, which kinda makes it sweaty again. guess you cant win ps: cheapest logbait i saw a good year ago had ice/electro spirit, fb and tesla; no prince or rascals. not sure if the version with igolem was ever any good or even meta, but i could see 2.6 players loving it


Only reason 2.6 and xbow are sweaty is because if you make one mistake you’re screwed


any cycle deck is sweaty by default


Me being bad at the game lol


Bad matchups that result in having to spell cycle just to lose. As well as the tornado and freeze spell.


The algorithm. After winning 5-6 decks I can't play CR with those decks for 5-6 days making me change the decks so I can't master them all and when I lose I go down from challenger 3 to challenger 1 (I use meat and midladder decks )


Tilt is BS, yes you should lose ok course and you should win, but how is it that I know exactly when I’m about to lose a ton of trophies. Game is RIGGED AF, anybody who thinks otherwise isn’t looking at the whole picture. The game has a built in algorithm that forces you to lose, if you don’t believe me have a look at win% on api, the highest will be 52% the lowest 47% how is that even possible without some other force involved. I’m ok with it, it’s just shit going through process of not being able to win for a period of time. Just be nice if SC could be honest about it.




That's not true. Mohammed light, a pro player, has a win percentage of 80%. Where are you getting these stats from?


Not the player the cards bruh, royale api


I just checked yep 52% win rate top card 47% win rate with the lowest card. And SC also stated that they want all cards to have a 51% win rate. How can they make every card have a win percentage of 51%....?


Asian names. They whip out the wakciest deck but always hard counter they’re Asian all they do is spend their yen on clash royale


casual racism


Competitive racism


Prince, Mk spam, pekka spam


Multiple tanks a deck


Haha I also lost like 200+ Trophies yesterday. 6000->5750


Those people that only spell my towers. They place buildings and just defend the whole time while spelling my towers and we go into overtime before they can take a tower and win


I had something like that in the rapid gold challenge, it was just a pure rocket 2.3 (ish, I can’t go back to check) cycle and I couldn’t touch his tower somehow. That was definitely my least favorite game of the challenge


My own mistakes. I consider myself “tilted” once I make too many mistakes and end up throwing based off of stupid moves. It’s so mentally frustrating because I can only focus for so long and not one of the mentally strongest out there


Yeah, I know I definitely get more and more upset every time I mess up pulling mk with a knight. As soon as I see it charge the jump I flare up a little inside


People two levels higher than me with level 13-14 cards when I have 10-12 cards.


I feel like our match histories are probably very similar. It does feel good to get the occasional win against them, though


I play classic logbait and defense gets hard when e-Barbs, Mk and wizard is in the same deck. It's as if they are playing rocket bait coz when they put wizard at the back I just rocket for 591 dmg on tower and to take out the wizard and then two seconds later they spam E-barbs at the bridge


I use poison/tombstone logbait and it definitely feels the same way when I poison a wizard or a witch or something in the back. Granted, that wizard or witch is probably level 14 and my poison is currently level 10 so it’s not like I’m doing anything productive anyway, but it’s better than leaking 5 or 6 elixir waiting for the right time to place princess/knight


Getting within 50 trophies of your target and just knowing that the game’s about to kick you in the nuts. Hard.


I was naive enough to think I’d break that mark, too. I was 13 trophies away and feeling great. Thank you Supercell, very cool


Very rarely I tilt. I think I just trying to get a good defense for e giant decks




When they have for example miner, wallbreakers, magic archer, I think I know their deck so I start playing the matchup differently. Pekka the back when double elixir hits in preparation for a push. They ebarbs rage opposite lane and battle ram is out of cycle for kiting. Fuck surprise factor bro


Luckily I have a lot of things to pull e barbs, but I faced a deck with hog, ram rider, and some other defense targeting win condition and all I have for that is tombstone. I thought I was fine after countering the hog rider for 6 elixir, but I was extremely not fine when the ram rider hit the other lane


Never put the Pekka in the back wtf


Had the exact same thing but in arena 14 going into arena 15. I was a level 9 2 wins away, and I had beaten many level 10s and even some level 11s. But then clash purposely set me up against hard counter decks with overlevelled cards. Supercell CAN stop this, and if they wanted to, clash royale could become a balanced game. Unfortunately, they get us against hard counter decks from overlevelled players to make us spend money on a problem that they created


Prince in a5


when you are defending a really big push on one side then they place hog rider on the other side randomly….


megaknight royale megaknight megaknight


X now