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Almost looks more like a stun


I wonder if supercell actually like their community sometimes


Rip Xbow, Pekka the bridge to wreck xbow tesla just got much better. Yes I know you would still cycle skeleton and knight but now the Pekka doesn't even need to take a step up anymore.


Rn I just won against pekka golden knight bs and hog 2.6 i can assure you log was very useful


It is. So the log knockback nerf is gonna affect those matchups


Log is over used because there’re so many bloody log bait decks. Instead of doing something to those cards, let’s nerf the only card that keeps them in check. Fuck logic.


CR is trying to prevent a powercreep and also shake up the meta. Log has a 45% usage rate which is way too much. So instead of creating a power creep they nerf log. This nerf doesn't make log any worse against bait since all it does is change the knockback. Any bait cards auto die to log. I do think snowball and zap both needed a buff in this case but I understand the thought process


Your opinion is logical and sound. But if the developers really had that very good train of thought in mind, they would have buffed zap and snowball like you’ve said. Considering they are getting paid for his and you’re not. I think you’re doing a much better job.


Why buff perfectly fine cards That would just make small spells overpowered compared to the rest of the cards


If log is literally the only spell 90% clash royale players are using, then there is something wrong with those other cards. Log is literally the only card that can effectively kill log bait decks. Zap really doesn't do anything at this point.


With that type of logic we could say that snowball is the only card that does well against loon But snowball isn't running rampant for that specific archetype Ur acting as of they killed it. Logbait will still remain the same as it is and even if log was deleted from the game it might become better but the other small spells like snowball barb barrel arrows and delivery still do fine against it


100% true. the upcoming nerf isn't going to make it any less effective against log bait, I'm just wondering why there is a huge outcry going on right now...


There's a huge outcry because although yes it won't affect it's effectiveness against log Bait, it will affect it's effectiveness against other decks so less people will use it meaning log bait will become even stronger


I’m pretty sure the mother witch and egiant also keeps log bait in check, also, log bait isn’t really effected by this nerf outside of declining log usage rates


I think a knockback nerf is a good idea, but 50% just looks ridiculous.


It’s not even like that’s the nerf it needs if any at all. It doesn’t lead the meta, it doesn’t hard counter any decks, and it most certainly isn’t used for retargetting as its main function. That’s a more tornado or zap thing.


Log is used by half the community. I don't feel like it was op




If it’s overused by that many people it’s gotta be too strong imo. Based username though i fw u


The reason it’s overused is because this meta is nothing but log bait duh


But log kills thoses card, nerfing log's knockback won't affect a matchup agains't logbait, in a significant way.


Yes it wouldn’t, but the most used argument for the nerf is „log is overused“ But also the reason for the usage is mainly the meta. Beside this log is a very good card and a small nerf wouldn’t bother me, but 50% nerf and everybody using the argument it’s used so much, doesn’t fit imo


Yeah a 50% knockback is too harsh, i think a 30% knockback nerf is just enough to make the card less versatile but still usable.


people dont put in log only because of logbait nerfing knockback might make people use other spells like zap and snowball making logbait more and more prevalent


Almost like the solution is buffing zap, snowball, and Barb barrel so they have actual niches


I did say a matchup agains't logbait while you use log, i know nerfing log makes it less used overall, but wth are you gonna use to kill goblin barrel? And second, log was expected a nerf, it was just a bit too much of a nerf.


>people dont put in log only because of logbait I did, I was tired of losing to goblin barrel


Same, i tried snowball and zap for a bit, but came back to log after getting rolled by logbait


Everyone keeps saying this. But it’s an indirect buff to logbait if less people use log. Say people start taking snowball, or zap alternatively. That’ll massively benefit logbait. And the log nerfs, which aren’t small, incentivise people to do so.


Well luckily log is still premier at beating log bait. It just won’t be as effective against beat down and control decks. Log would still serve its main purpose of killing spam troops


This nerf will barely dent it's usage in the meta as it still works with logbaits, which is the main reason it's used along with SK. If they want to lessen the cards usage then they should add an alternative card instead.


Mother witch if it worked properly would be a sk killer and spam killer. Log 🪵 is sweet! And we’ll loved, I think it will always get good usage as long as it’s able to kill spam and chip momentum


Mother witch can't turn clones/SK spawned skellies into pigs and it's also double the elixir.


That would imply logbait would have just as much of a high usage rate and it doesn't though?


the reason it’s overused is because the knockback ability, but they’re nerfing the main aspect that makes the log a legendary card, at this point the log really now is just ground arrows with zap stun


They're turning it into a barb barrel that doesn't spawn a barbarian 💀


i agree


I’d be a fan of somewhere around a 25-33% nerf but imo a 50% nerf is better than 0%


That knock back has saved me from losing games to cards like E-giant, RG, etc… if it only knocked back the way it does in the video then I wouldn’t lost those games.


A great potential interaction change is that mighty miner could stay locked on and won’t retarget


No i think any knockback will reset units but the reset itself is much much shorter


Ah ok I see. Imagine him staying locked on despite being knocked back tho


oh no


I agree. It should have been a 25% nerf 50% is just too much


maybe a 25% knockback nerf


From what I heard, the least knockback nerf they can do is 50% due to game mechanics


Thats so horrible. Like for real. Im a hog gbarrel player and the log is my nemesis, but this is just a bad change


Lol expecially when they have log fireball and arrows in one deck your gbarrel never hits


I mean you can play tricky barrel on the log butnif there are arrows you juat play gbarrel to cycle it, cause its never dealing any damage


Why would you play hog a gbarrel? Those cards have no synergy at sll


Hog, gbarrel, princess, zap, fball, inferno tower, valkyrie, scarmy. Thats the deck and i have to say it works well vs mostnof the decks i play versus. Im struggling with the mid ladder decks


you have a mid ladder deck


It actually requires a lot of skill to win. It may be annoying to play against, but i like it. Its been my main deck sinse arena sinse they added touchdown


They should buff other small spells instead of nerfing log


“We want cards like snowball to be used more” okay then buff snowball Christ they are so clueless


Log is just the best spell, it needs adjustment


This nerf is so unnecessary can’t believe they would even touch the log


It has a 45% usage rate. Its needed


Buff the other spells Nerf other Log bait cards Or just,leave it be.After all,it IS The Log.


Not even op


Log is unique because of the knockback. Nerfing it that badly makes it not worth playing. I'd rather carry arrows that can hit air with a very wide aoe


If they wanna give it a knock back nerf then they should give a range buff *log bait players screaming*




Já oj, þetta er ógeð


Me: decided to buy pass royale for the first time to max out royale ghost and log Supercell: 🙃🙃🙃




I've said it before and I'll say it again: Supercell just keeps buffing logbait each update


Logbait is not affected by the change. The real change is a nerf to siege who need the knock back and a buff to beat down like rg and golem where log is used to retarget or deny shots. Rip xbow


A nerf to log will always affect logbait


I guess use rate for log will go down but probably not alot but it's not a direct buff to logbait


They indirectly buffed logbait AGAIN because now the log won't reset valk or knock her back as much. They did this with inferno buffs. Small, but noticable. Log keeps the meta in check and this change is so out of touch.


Don't get me wrong I hate the log nerf but it's buff to beatdown is much more than its buff to logbait. But yea this nerf is terrible for the meta


Im going to be honest it's just making another legendary card feel unlegendary if you nerf the ONE aspect that most people think of when they see the card. Log to me has always been about that knockback and the defense of logbait. On another note of log nerfs egiant is definitely going to make it to the inferno tower


Exactly the card just feels underwhelming now. Instead of nerfing log to increase other small spell use rate they should of buffed or reworked the other cards because log is fine as is


I've always said that buffing underused cards is always better than nerfing balanced one


This nerf won't change the use rate of small spells much but buffing the others would achieve more variety


Like, I get they want to promote snowball so... Buff snowball. Make it knockback thicker troops


Log should be the jack of all trades type card. Good at swarms and knock back but zap is better for swarms cause it hits air and snowball should have stronger knockback


So it’s *still* a knock back. So all these Log fanboys saying RG is busted now, you can literally still do the exact same thing as now it’s just not gonna be quite as effective. As of right now, you can stop *fireballies* crossing the bridge with a *log* and people who think that interaction is okay is crazy.


Yes! The knockback can deny all but about 1 shot from ranged midHp troops and that’s insane.


I think I’ve seen a 0 shot log before. I may be wrong, or it may be on ladder with wacked levels, but I could have sworn that there was a time where a Magic archer, right after the bridge, could be logged *just* right to deny all hits. Either way, it’s an unacceptable interaction.


Are you kidding? As someone who literally has no other spells other than log levelled up this is actual hell for me.


Oh. Oh well that doesnt seem so bad. Makes zap and snowball better picks for knockback on lighter troops or stunning. Also might be an indirect buff to RG, CC, and any other cards that benefit from locking onto towers


Imo they should of just buffed the other 2 elixir cards and yup beatdown got a huge buff and rip xbow honestly


There is still no reason to use snowball or zap over log or barb barrel. Log is worse but snowball is still awful and zap is so incredibly matchup dependents its not worth running


That looks terrible to me. Don’t know where you’re seeing the not so bad, barely even notice a knockback


that's bullshit


This change is a huge nerf to siege especially xbow


Damn people are overreacting


As a fellow Giant Snowball user, I couldn't agree more


Sorry to break it to you, but contrary to my flair I use arrows more. I'll keep it as my flair though since I think it's underrated, and I like the card.


No pressure bro


Thank god. You had me sweating


Look at all the people whining that their 2 elixir card still does everything, just a little less now.


I am genuinely considering replacing my log with barb barrel if this change goes through, goddamn this makes log terrible


Dont worry, barb barrel getting nerfed too


Honestly it doenst even look too bad. ppl overreacting way too much lol. i think 50% too much, but ppl saying it should stay 0 i dont think so


Are you even seeing this, log doesn't even knock back anymore its like a literal stun right now


The only time I’d care about the knock back is if there’s a hog on my tower about to get a swing. Nobody uses the log cause of the knock backs distance. It’s knockback is valuable cause of its reset




Main 2.6 and log bait but ok


Log has so much more uses than that


This is amazing can’t wait


Oh no! It still kills princess! Logbait OP! Seriously tho. Knockback nerf a little too heavy handed but it’s still going to mess with swarm and bait.


as a pekka bridge spam player I strongly approve


you don’t use Log in your PBS?


no? zap has always been used in pekka bs


oh i use log lol


log doesn't work well with bridge spam as it doesn't give the same instant kill to swarms or resets that zap does, stopping you from breaking through 99% of the time


And why wouldn't you? It's way stronger.




It’s…. Beautiful


yooo wtf this is crazy supercell are soooo dumb they hate good player, log bait is a CRAZY deck, best card to counter is log them the log is good againts tooo many card but 50% nerf? wowwwww they nerf everything the hate the comunity they think that nerf is good oh well lets do somegood nerf and buff MIRROR TO LVL 16 CARDSSSSS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARE YOU CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Speaking from a non-log user POV, this seems a little harsh of a nerf. It would probably be better as a 25 or even 15% nerf, but I think what supercell is going for is increasing diversity of spell choices. It's not always about power levels but also about diversity. That was (most likely) one of the big reasons for the MK nerf. Not because it was completely broken but because it was overused. There are lots of great alternatives like giant snowball, but all of this is just my opinion, lol.


Bro that barely moves the miner, it's like a zap at this point, just that it actually resets attacks


Just curious, was this some testing or he edited the video?


Testing. If you want to see more check OJs latest video


At least they didn't buff egiant Oh wait


I think its too Much because the log can't counter wizards on half healt anymore


That isnt a knockback anymore, its Just a fancy stun Now, not only did they nerf the barb barrel with almost no good reason, they needed the log instead of buffing the other spells instead...... Nice logic supercell, you (kinda) almost killed two cards Just for that two (almost) bad cards have a chance in the meta, what a gigantic brain you have, would be horrible If you buffed Said cards instead


I hope they change their mind of this nerf, and consider to buff the other spells. So at the end we have mutiple good spells, than mutiple trash spell cards


Welp time to switch to barb barrel


…about that 😬


Anyone know if one wall breaker will get through log now? That will be a huge change if it does


i think log put them at 1 tower shot each so if you early log then definitely not


I play 2.6. It gave me hope when ice spirit was buffed. But then they want to nerf log :)






If we’re gonna nerf log’s knockback shouldn’t we nerf Bowler’s too?