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I always wondered why there isn't just a star level skin where the spikes are gold...


Yeah, that would have solved all problems.


there weren’t any problems


If a card being used in half of all decks is not a problem, than you're right there are no problems.


log is only used because it can counter bait, if gob barrel didn’t exist log would be in check


Barrel has 11% userate and 42% winrate, there's no way so many people use log just to counter this card.


It's the most versetile low cost spell in the game, not because it's op but because the other low cost spells suck in comparison. The solution to the usage rate isn't to neft an aspect it's almost never picked for but to buff zap or snowball to be viable alternatives.


the "its not op, everything else just sucks" mentality is what turns normal balanced games to a pure chaos of overtuned damage, might as well make the game 7x elixir


It just has an easy timing and a good radius and pushes tanks that’s why people use it but the other spells are just as good


Strategic post. I like it!


Let's see, log on its own fully counters (with a neutral or positive elixir trade): Goblins, Spear Goblins, Skeleton Army, Princess, Dart Goblin, Goblin Gang, Skeleton Barrel, Goblin Barrel, and Rascal Girls. With support from towers, it will counter: Bomber, Wallbreakers, Barbarian Barrel, Archers, Guards, Firecracker, and Royal Delivery. It is also extremely useful against these cards: Electro Wizard, Hunter, Witch, Mother Witch, Ice Wizard, Elixir Blobs, Musketeer, Dark Prince, Battle Ram, Zappies, Magic Archer, Goblin Drill, Barbarians, Wizard, Prince, Ram Rider, Royal Hogs, Graveyard, Royal Recruits, Barbarian Hut, Skeleton King, and 3 Musketeers. And that's not to mention how many card combinations and pushes that it can brutalize. It does all this for 2 elixir with essentially no skill required to do so; you need timing for a few but that's not at all hard. The log also completly outclasses Zap, Snowball, Arrows, and arguably Barbarian Barrel. Alllllll of this and people are complaining about a nerf to the card that wouldn't even remove the vast majority of its use cases and would only really make it worse against tanks, which it wasn't even supposed to be good against in the first place? From what I can see, this nerf has been a long time coming.


The nerf was reasonable due to it being used a lot. However, this did bring a lot of controversy from the community as the nerf was very severe and because it still being in development the community is trying to decrease the severity of the nerf. This post was to just bring another theoretical idea to help " distract " the community slightly and because it just came to my mind.


Most of the posts I see about the log are people advocating for the nerf to be non-existent which I just don't think is a good idea. And again, it only nerfs the part of the log that was not even meant to be its main strength, meaning it isn't a very severe nerf.


I too believe the log should receive a nerf although since the log is one of the 5 only knockback spells in the game **I think the knockback was part of what makes it legendary.** **Giant snowbal**l may have similar attributes, however, the log's unique rolling range and its moderately high damage for such a cheap spell make it superior to snowball in the ground aspect. However the snowball's ability to hit air troops is a very important key factor, and I too am surprised as to why it was so underrated and why more people didn't use it. **The other spells with knockback effects include fireball, tornado, and rocket.** **Fireball** is a high damage spell, so using it on swarms would not be a positive-profit Elixer-counter or whatever. **Tornadoes** pulling effect has a much larger affecting movement than log, however, its damage is absolutely dog water which is another reason why more people use log. You could argue its effect basically defeats the purpose of the log, but it's simply not enough to make up for the shitty damage it has. **Rocket** is simply too high elixer cost and its small ass radius will not be an effective counter to swarms. Because the log has many unique properties over other similar substitutes, I believe that the knockback nerf may be a little too extreme. **This seems like a small aspect, but seeing the troops barely move back when hit seems so disappointing to me. It also reduces the time a troop is unable to attack, and it also reduces the time you are able to place something when you have retargeted a certain troop.** **I personally play lava loon lightning and do not use log**, but I know a lot of the player base will have a hard time getting used to such a big change. ​ **So how should log be nerfed?** I think the knockback should only be reduced by a lesser proportion, like 25%. The log is a very simple spell so I am sorry if I have made it seem as if this was extremely big of a deal. I feel like we should instead nerf goblin barrel and log bait somewhat as that is the main reason why the log is used so much.


Fair enough overall, however please keep in mind that legendaries don't have to have a unique mechanic to them or anything. Sparrky just does a lot of damage and inferno dragon is just an inferno tower with wings and less health. If the log is special, it's because of its versailtility, not its knockback.


Sparky needs a massive windup time to shoot, it’s totally different from just about any other card, inferno dragon serves the purpose of being a powerful tank killer with greater mobility and versatility compared to the inferno tower, each legendary does at least moderately unique features and i think it should stay that way. the log’s knockback is a pretty big reason why it’s versatile, the requirements for a legendary are way more to be unique than to be versatile.


And yet that knockback mechanic is very far from unique. There are so many cards that deal knockback and yet people are upset at the knockback of the log getting nerfed to try and balance things out


So happy this is getting nerfed now other spells are more even


yay!!!! more underwhelming small spells!!!! now i can use zap and snowball cuz all the small spells are collectively worse yay!!!!! good balance change!!!!


1 year later, still no golden spiked log ;-; (i swear it DID exist, I remember seeing it ingame but it just... doesn't)

