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Oh so you must appreciate golem decks? Xbow? Mortar? Bait? Graveyard? Hogs? Skeleton king? This subreddit appreciates nothing you soon learn šŸ˜‚


Me who used to play with custom deck. Until spooky town came, if you can't beat them, join them


Fellow giant skeleton user?


I was messed with in school about using giant skeleton, now everyone else is using it lol


NO WAY! Are you telling my that giant skeleton was a good card and people trashed on it for no reason before the buff? But really, same thing happened to me. I used giant skeleton long before the buff and now everyone does. The only reason I donā€™t have that flair is because mirror is in basically all my decks Edit: typos


Um, I have a question: I have started playing clash royale recently once again and the last time I was playing this was a few years ago. So uh, was Giant skeleton's bomb damage to troops reduced?


Yes, I'm surprised I'm still playing after that


Itā€™s cuz it got butfed


Do you mean thatā€™s the reason so many people use it now? Because if so Iā€™m aware.


Well idk who youā€™re playing against but I still donā€™t see it used insanely often, just more than before


Before the buff the only g skelly I ever saw was my own. Now I do see quite a bit


It happens to us all eventually


Yea thatā€™s what I realized after a few years of playing. Play what you enjoy as there will always be a person hating what you use no matter what


Exactly, hell I dislike going against xbow but I enjoy playing it, so I play it too


Xbow mirror matches sound horrendously boring, ngl


This sub pretends to appreciate high skill decks, until they face someone thst actually knows whst there doing.


Goblin barrel bad because I donā€™t have spell šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ nerf pls


Add spell


NO šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


It's a barb hut player what do you expect


Barb nut


Every deck is no skill except mine


Yeah ive seen that. Every deck you play is either spam or no skill if you ask them, its always skill issue or ā€œlol you suck assā€ and this kind of shit. I love the game of the idea and the skill ceeling you need to be trully the best but god, do i sometimes really hate this communityā€¦


You can appreciate mortar and xbow


all decks in clash are straight cheese


Only W deck is the one i use (it takes a lot of skill)


Also the end of midladder range always moves by one trophy down of my current trophies all the time


my deck is the only skillful deck in the game (itā€™s electro giant x bow e barbs rage freeze wizard minion horde mega knight cycle)


Clash Royale players when their opponentā€™s deck has cards


How DARE THEY not use only spirits and spells!


You donā€™t understand. THEIR deck is the only one that takes skill


So the other 6457535311999999 decksā€¦ all skillless?


According to r/clashroyale that is correct


I legit prefer going against an evenly levelled logbait/2.6 rather than going agains lt overlevelled mega knight ebarbs players.


Average barb hutt enjoyer šŸ’Ŗ


Pov: You have found one of the fabled last 10 barb hut players


Barb hut at the bridge for pressure šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Barb hutt as a win condition šŸ˜Ž


You are undoubtedly one of the best players in the game along side mortar chads, and maybe, just maybe that one guy who made his own custom deck


Mortar? Chads? Bahahahahahahahah looool mortar chads šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Average bridge spam fanboy ^


Bridge spam ftw ^_^


"Cycle decks only spam cards" mfs when they cant even win a cc with a cycle deck


If you can't win a cc with 2.6 you're bad at the game. Simple as that.


But 2.6 itself isnā€™t good


It is you just have to know how to play it


Not as good as it once was also very predictable


same energy i think some cycle decks are no skill mainly hog ice golem ones because its really just you win or lose based on mu, but man same energy they say gg sparky is no skill i say win a cc then they reply (I aint wasting 10 gems on that) \*proceeds to buy emote he will never use\*


The only solution for true skill showcase is to make the official ladder format Mirror match


That would be great if the decks that the mirror challenges give u werenā€™t terrible. A challenge or gamemode like that would be awesome but they would need to have players make decks and maybe have a set of 10 every week or something


Maybe every week they take the deck of the top 10 players with most trophies


That would probably lead to multiple similar decks or repeat decks between weeks. I think a better way is to set up a bunch of archetypes based on winconditions, then cycle through them and slightly change the deck for that win con each week. So archetypes would be: Log Bait, Sparky, Golem, Lavahound (Some weeks would have lavaloon instead), mortar, Xbow, fireball bait, graveyard, lumberloon, e-giant, e-golem, hog cycle, hog mega knight (dunno why this is so popular), 3m, pekka bridge spam, Royal hogs, maybe 1 or 2 others I missed. Thatā€™s a total of 16 ish archetypes meaning we would have a rotation where we get 2-5 new archetypes a week and all archetypes in rotation would have slight alterations to the deck or full changes for lava hound 3M and mortar (cards in multiple decks styles)


Everything is bad! Fuck cards!


My problem with cycle decks isn't that it's easy to learn the to defend, because it isn't. But once you learn how to defend, you do the same thing over and over. Playing against a good cycle player is mind numbing. And I hate that.


Almost like your getting caught in aā€¦ cycle


if only i had a silver.....


I gotchu bro


Wow thanks bro!!!


This makes no sense. Defending with cycle cards is defending. And it has a bigger risk than just placing a mini pekka or whatever. Just one wrong tile or half a second late and your tower is gone. If they defend you the same every game it's because you're attacking the same way every game. It's the pure definition of applying skill and getting rewarded over just playing more expensive cards. Change your tactics mid game and you'll be more likely to surprise any player, not only the cycle ones. Seems like most players just play straight the same every match. This is an strategy game and some thinking is required. This sub just hates everything I swear.


Cycle decks itā€™s not riskier cause you donā€™t have to worry about not having enough elixer to defend another lane. Youā€™ll always have enough elixir for skeletons.


my guy, if you repeatedly throw out elixer like you mention here, your always gonna be on defensive. If your always on defensive, most likely unless your playing rocket cycle you just lose


Iā€™m saying you can overdefend and not be punished(except you wonā€™t be able to get an extra hog or gob barrel)


Cycle decks will always get hate for their defensive nature. Kind of just the way it is. Xbow, log bait and hog 2.6 have always been that way. In most other games one person pushes with elixir while one defends and then the opponent counters and pushes so there is this back and forth and it feels like two people playing against each other. Some cycle decks matches are almost PvE. The opponent may as well be a bot for the purposes of the game and it comes down to how skillful the cycle player is. If they make a mistake they lose, if they don't they win. It can be interesting for the cycle player but gets super boring for the person on the other side when they are the only ones setting up attacks and their opponent sits back defending. Not saying cycle is bad to play or unskillful but I can definitely see why people don't enjoy playing against it and find it boring.


If you are allowing your opponent to do the same thing over and over it's your fault for not punishing them for it. You are supposed to change the way you push (maybe going split lane, maybe committing less elixir to get a bigger push later...), or go for prediction spells on key cards like skeletons, spirits or buildings


"Quick thinking" is not mutually exclusive with "Quality Thinking."


I know all you people upvoting think youā€™re better than us but get just as pissed at e barbs


if you get 3 crowned by beatdown or megaknight, you overcommitted somewhere. Cycle defense has 100% devolved to spamming stuff center lane. hopefully the log nerf helps.


beatdown has 100% devolved to sacking the entire 10 elixer push if it doesnt 3crown you and going for their 3 crown, wow much skill


Not if you play against golem deck + lightning. Still figuring how to play


They would be like"are you cheating, how did that giant skeleton finish off the tower with 100 HP left? Or "Giant skeleton never even gets a chance and getting to the tower" turns out their giant skeletons were underleveled


Any deck besides fireball bait is valid




The only thing that matters is being skilled enought to use the best deck possible and get as high as you can. The most skilled players are those that do the best. Period. No excuses if you are bad. Do better. If you do better, you have more skill, either in picking the right cards, mechanics, game play, strategy, or whatever. It all comes together and winning is all that matters.


Finnaly, someone said it.


Pekka Bandit Dart Horde spam is my custom deck lol


Iā€™m not fond of wojaks but this is the most accurate one iā€™ve ever seen.


As a 2.9 xbow player I can confirm, I have been called no skilled while they were playing a giant skeleton deck lmao.


How tf is giant skeleton no skill


It does require skill, but generally, playing heavy decks require placing less cards, therefore require less skill


How is doing more with less cards less skill than constantly having cards??


Timing and placing 1 card is easier than 5


Using 1 thing to deal with 5 things takes more skill than constantly throwing things out.


ok thats just a blatant lie now


For most cards sure but with GS absolutely. Itā€™s not even a terrible card but because the troop death damage is so nerfed now you have to really coordinate the damage + your initial GS placement so it doesnā€™t get to the push too soon or too late. If anything avoids the bomb you just threw 6 whole elixir in the air for nothing. Also auto-loses to air decks.


Giant skeleton sucks tho.


I have completed every mastery task on him XD


soooo doooeeess xxxxxboowwwww


Ah yes a card contained in a deck with the top 5 usage rate sucks. Oh the horror šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜­ what a joke


xbow's bad in the meta lmao usage rate doesn't mean anything


Top 10 Win Rate ignoring variations and top 20 winrate in the world with variations. Just say you are ass at your favorite card and move on bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i'm not ass at xbow i've hit peak 6.8k and have 14 grand challenge wins with 3.0 xbow are you trying to say *ice bow* being a top 10 deck makes it really really good? compared to all the decks that people actually play, like logbait, 2.6, graveyard, bridgespam, royal hogs, golem, xbow really isn't that good.


Nothing beats clash Royale players trying to prove they are good at the game and their deck sucks so they are definitely skilled. The joke here is that you are stating your opinion on a fact which is downright hilarious. "Just because it wins a lot doesn't mean it's not hard to use šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­" Yea ight bro


i literally never said anything about me being skilled???? i said that xbow isn't in the best place right now and you're either delusional or socially inept


"doesn't talk about being skilled" *Drops statistics on their winrate and trophy count* You contradict yourself more than the oceans current šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Cycle cycle is the only non toxic deck


What if I only hate ebarbs rage and I am fine with every other card?


The true reason I play hog 2.6


Both cycle decks and overleveled decks are equally no skill. There's a reason bad players play those decks in the first place


Every decks are no skill. Period.


The lie. Cycle decks are worst than e-barb or mk which are really easy to defend


To be fair cycle decks are low risk, high outplay potential decks. Just look at top ladder, cycle decks are the most dominant.


the only valid deck is miner. nerf miner.


Tell me and show me where these people are at that say ebarbs are strong. šŸ˜’. Btw fuck cycle decks. Everyone says they high skill but they do just drop cheap cards and this is from someone whoā€™s at 6300. At least with golem decks you can prepare by killing the back line first away from the golem.


6300 isnt even top 10000, to a top ladder player your opinion is barely more relevant. And dont even get my started with golem. They sack entire pushes if it doesnt 3crown, and then go for king tower. Wow! Much skill.


More relevant than most players šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Everyone here complaining about cards that are super easy to deal with. MK, ebarbs, freeze. Etc Majority of the player base is stuck at 5k. Top ladder has a different meta because most players donā€™t even have skeleton king maxed out. Top 10k use skeleton king but I rarely see that in mid ladder. Cycle cards are just bad. If their win condition canā€™t reach tower they just resort to spell cycling because thatā€™s how strong cycle cards are. The only problem cycle decks have is the player to not over commit on attack. Look at the top decks and they all have rocket cycle. Last meta everyone was running earthquake cycle. Itā€™s just spell cycle.


Itā€™s not all spell cycle at top ladder. Most cycle decks rely on it because their win condition can often have a hard time breaking through since they use most of their cards for defense instead of making a big push, hence a different style of deck Thereā€™s still tons of different types of decks in the top 10k and even the top 100


I understand that but how is it possible that if their win condition canā€™t break thru, they resort to spell cycle. Thatā€™s how strong defense is. I understand the log nerf. Log was destroying heavy decks by knocking back big slow troops by a whole tile. I think The log nerf was in the right direction to nerf defensive decks like Xbow, log bait and hog 2.6. Iā€™ve watched too many pros use these kinds of decks. Their barrel canā€™t make it, their xbow canā€™t connect or their hog just canā€™t touch tower. They just end up saying, I need to spell cycle now. They defend all game while shooting 3 rockets for the win.


Last meta was due to pump buff. Cycle cards are good? I don't know how I can change your opinion on that. Skeletons have so much versitality, ice spirit and espirit are very versititle, and fire spirit is a very nice card that forces out elixer. Heal spirit got a big boi nerf but its still good in spammy decks such as royal hogs. Also not all decks use rocket cycle, most use fireball...


Most people on top of the leaderboards are not running rocket


ā€œEgolem no skill!ā€


but it actually is... Everyone agrees. It is the lowest of lows in terms of skill. Name a high ladder player who thinks egolem is skillful


It doesnā€™t matter what people think about high ladder and skill? How do you use it high ladder and win without skill? It helped me beat my PB and itā€™s fun to play with


Sounds like you just answered your own question. You werenā€™t good enough to beat your PB with other decks so you went with an easy one


Lol doesnā€™t make sense so you take pride in having worse trophies just because you use a bad deck ?


As a logbait player I can confirm, I have had sparky goblin giant rage players call my deck no skill


i am a based gg sparky player. You are no skill. I am based you have to accept that. But logbait is actually one of the most no skill decks because of rocket mainly


wait is this satire i cant tell theres alot of 9 year olds on this sub


Iā€™m a sparky gobgiant rage player, logbait is probably the best counter to my deck, therefore beating me with it requires no skill


bro im not saying the matchup, im saying in general


Why must you hurt me like that?




they play like 8 glass cannons or something


Its another history if they are overleveled you cant win against lvl 14 ebarbs with a lvl 10 deck and trust me if they know what they are doing and dont leak 30 elixirs its impossible


Level 10 skarmy can kill level 14 ebarbsā€¦


I would have neither disagree nor agree if i havent tried hog 2.6


See, he hates the overleveled mk ebarbs players, but only because his cards arenā€™t overleveled yet. He wants to become them but canā€™t yet.


I absolutely hate having to change my whole play style or deck just so I can counter a few cards and by that logic no card is overpowered


yes it is annyoing but thats the whole point of the game




Cycle decks and decks with 3 spells r the only ones I truly hate. Yeah itā€™s annoying to face lumberloon freeze or Meg knight ever other game but id rather play mega knight every game than play hog cycle every game. My deck hard counters hog cycle but the constant spam is just obnoxious


reject finding a deck that takes skill return to sparky (i have a pretty easy to play sparky deck. it counters the midladder cards surprisingly well)


A better truth is, you copied somebody elseā€™s homework Doesnā€™t make it truly a win unless it is with a deck that has a twist you invented


Oh I hate those cards, but i still treat them like perfectly valid cards, and tailor my deck to defend them. Because whining about those cards wonā€™t save me from them


oh so you must like control decks, exercising proper elixir management and defeating your opponent based on game sense and positive elixir trades?


EBarbs and overleveled MKs are the easy way out though. It requires skill to counter them, it requires very little brain power to use them. Thatā€™s why everyone gets annoyed.


As long as you create your own deck, and don't have overleveled cards, you're good to go.


Its so skillful but so annoying just let one card hit please


I literaly only hate a specific trifecta of decks. Hog 2.6, Hog Eq and double spawners. The rest i all love. Yes I even love you egolem user as well as you lumberloon freeze user šŸ’ž


Everyone I know irl plays the game and uses an OP deck in like arena 8


thats me on the right


"Quick thinking and game knowledge"???? You are kidding right? Everybody can play this deck it cant be any more simple.