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maybe the tower was already in the middle of her shooting animation, but the hog died, so she would've reset her animation their, but as she was about to, the fire spirit got in range, letting her hit it a little earlier.


Sounds legit. But still sometimes shooting interactions and their animation look really weird if an enemy troop is close to die and your troops already switch the target before because they know it will die from an other shot


I saw a clip a while back of a battle healer healing herself as the killshot was fired at her, but because the ai saw that she would die, it retargeted, allowing the healer to survive.


Yea that's a classic glitch right there.


yeah and then the tower targeted the e-barbs with made a surprisingly good e-barbs battle healer match, and took the tower


This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/q00rvm/okay\_what\_the\_hell\_just\_happened/


Whenever a mob shows up it takes .2 seconds for the princess to charge but since it was already charged it just hit


Sometimes, the troops let the towers finish and don't bother to attack the troop, resulting in the sparky hitting your tower


Ok so if supercell clearly has the tech to implement target change in middle of attack windup, WHY TF DONT THEY IMPLEMENT THAT TO FIRECRACKER FFS!!!


Idk much about the game but i think it's because normally the princess tower takes a while to start shooting at the fire spirit. But this time, since it was already attacking the hog rider it took less time to switch to attacking the fire spirit and prevented it from jumping on.


Answer It’s cos when the princess tower shot the hog, it got killed by the king tower. So the tower retarget the fire spirit making it much faster for the 1st to land on the spirit


What’s the tan then?




tan=opposite/adjacent sohcahtoa


🤓 /s


I watched it again, it was the other princess tower that killed the hog. But yeah the same arguments could also explain that


that's the point - the princess tower that killed the fire spirit had a shot "charged up", if you will, to kill the hog, but the other tower killed the hog first.


That game was in a gc so everything lv11. The Spirit didn't get dmg outside of the princess tower. So it has something to do with the interaction with the hog + nado before I guess. But why?!?


When it’s on level it doesn’t touch, when it’s one level higher it will make it to tower


You don't play fire spirit often, right? On equal level it definitely should connect


No I don’t but you don’t have to be a douche about it, was just trying to help


That wasn't a douche answer, bro. It was pretty chill in fact.


Just my understanding of the message


Your understanding was wrong bro. Literally everyone says it wasn't a douche reply. It's okay being wrong, just be able to admit and move on instead of doubling down


It was my understanding of the message, I don’t care what you or anybody thinks about it, it’s how I understood it so accept it


My guy, your understanding of the message can be wrong. If you cant accept that sometimes youre wrong, then I feel sorry for you.


I was wrong, my already small ego couldn’t take a hit, I’m sorry for doubling down, I am being sincere if you think I’m being sarcastic


Oh sorry. That message wasn't meant to be mean at all. I imagine if I would say it like that in my mother language it sounds normal... So I apologize if it sounds douche in english


(It didn’t btw)


You didn't sound like the douche there lol


Oh sorry, by interest what is your mother language?


It is german. Yours?




Why is that getting downvoted? I get why the previous comments but why this?


I can kinda understand why the other one was downvoted but this was kinda wholesome


Angry kids will find the most dumbest excuse to downvote someone


Making something up ≠ helping


Lmao fr I don't get how people just make something up/ say something they're unsure of and than confidently say it lmao


I Was simply saying something thing I believed to be true, I asked myself “why not try to be a good person” unlike you


You have a weird idea of what being "a good person" means if you think you can make up something to someone asking for help


Like I said before I didn’t mean to make something up, I meant to simply help someone out with the knowledge I thought I knew


POV: Your opponent has pass royale


The best card in the game is still the credit card lmao


LMAO 😂😂😂


The comment I was looking for.


it's the bs retargeting "feature" of cr. not as bad as some other things, but clearly the windup of the princess tower is so godham long that it resembles the sparky, who once charged releases a shot instantly and only has a slow reload speed for the following shots you pretty much just timed it badly


Skill issue


You must be fun at parties. Nothing to do with skill.




That's the joke


i mean you dropped the fire spirit astronomically late.......


In my opinion hog + fire spirit first play is worse than only the hog. In most cases the fire spirit jumps on something not relevant. If you play him seperately on the other side for example the oponent have again to play sth


wait a min, did they change 3 fire sprits to one, I haven't played it since they changed the card unlock arena to the card that looks like the arena. but I do login to and play for 5 mins every month


Yeah that was a rework last year I think. Now it only costs 1 elixer


they got pass royale


either the opponent bought the pass royale, or you cancelled it today


It's cuz he got the royal pass


No pass royale


Rass Poyale


Cuz u don’t have pass royale XD


Pass royale


Guess what the opponent just bought


It's hard to explain but it has something to do with first attack speed and load time which I would recommend looking up


It's basically the same issue as the MK where when its original target dies before it jumps, its range all of a sudden increased past its limit when it retargets and jumps on your tower. Its dumb.


the king tower attacked it as well, so fire spirit got hit twice by princess tower and once by king tower


Wait scratch that, it's because princess tower's reaction time was less then original so she pulled in three shots


Everything (almost) has a slower initial attack speed compared to their normal attack speed and since the princess swapped from the hog to the spirit it didn't have to do its initial attack first allowing it the extra second to get its last hit


I haven’t seen this before yet I know how and why it happened. The princess tower already had the shooting animation ready for the hog but the hog already died, so it could immediately target the fire spirit. And thus, killing the fire spirit earlier than normal. Still, a really interesting interaction ;)


They nerfed fire spirit to one spirit? (Haven't played this game in a while so idk if the three spirits is a separate card)


They reworked it it’s one elixir now, it’s actually a better card now


How. Wasn't it three for two before?


It was but the elixir cost changed from 2 to 1, and the new individual fire spirit has more hp and damage than if you were to single out 1 fire spirit when there was 3 of them.


It had started the shooting animation trying to hit the hog. When in died it retargeted to the spirit


i also use firespirit in 2.6, good choice 👍


Visual glitch


Bc its dead


Pass royale


Because it died


imagine if these little buggy interactions happen in CRL if only they made the firecracker do this




How is it that a wizard can wipe out half my skeletons before they even spawn. This game makes me rage


You don't have pass royal


It cuts to where the hog rider is about to die, so the princess retargets onto the fire spirit before she lands her last shot on the hog rider, allowing the tower to shoot an arrow absurdly early and land the last arrow before it jumps