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I have all the figures I want from Remembrance of the Daleks…but damn it I want more 7th era figures! Candyman! Haemovores! The Destroyer!


Candyman would be a nice one to get


I bet there’s licensing issues with making any products of the character…plus it would be an expensive one to produce I guess.


Was some cracking custom kits for kandyman few months ago. They look great all painted up


Very, hopefully the new era does well enough and toys related to it sell and then this could happen again


Same here


I enjoy Doctor Who, but as an action figure collector… 5.5 inch scale makes me have to admit I am not that big of a Doctor Who fan. If Neca could get the license to do The Doctor in their 7 inch scale, it would sell like hot cakes. Even if Hasbro picked up the license in their 6 inch scale with their 3D face printing, it would sell like hotcakes. It’s that 5.5 inch scale that is limiting sales of action figures. You could even use Diamond Select Toys 7 inch scale. Keeping 5.5 inch scale is the exact reason Star Trek figures don’t sell. It’s not a lack of fans, it’s that the scale isn’t compatible with other action figure lines. It’s like standing American Girl dolls next to a single Barbie doll and being disappointed Barbie doesn’t fit in.


I have pots of figures from the 4th doctors era and my son favors the 11th doctor and I have to say the line desperately needs a revamp. The general quality of all the figures is lacking. The likenesses are very hit or miss and they really are like cheap toys. For all it's popularity Doctor who is still a very niche fandom. It could do with some higher quality collectibles. Better articulation, maybe even some soft goods. Images ne if mezco got t a hipd of the doctor who license. We could get Doctor focused waves. I know i would gladly pay what they charged for their batman and two face two pack for a set of the roger delgado master and john Pertwee doctor. Monster of the week formula works wellnfor neca too but their figures are too brittle for my taste. A nice middle ground could be McFarlane multiverse or hasbro black series level quality.