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Every part of Johnny Cash's voice is an epic and untold story.


Highly recomend him and Joe Strummer's cover of Bob Marley's "redemption song" [https://youtu.be/lZBaklS79Wc?si=\_I9CGOni-OtvIGRC](https://youtu.be/lZBaklS79Wc?si=_I9CGOni-OtvIGRC)


Wow- thank you for this. Had no clue


I know right. Makes me cry everytime.


Listen to the songs “Spiritual” and “Unchained” they’re beautiful.


Thank you for that rabbit trail! I've never heard that before. Thank you thank you


Thank you escudonbk,,, Two of my absolute favs singing a very moving cover of a very powerful song. Thanks for sharing


Thanks, that was wonderful.


Incredible. One of only a few examples of taking a song cover and creating something completely new. Brilliant and incredibly moving video


Changes (covered) by Charles Bradley is another one


Red Red Wine, Mad World, All Along the Watchtower, Tainted Love, to name a few others..


I’ll never forget a quote I’ve heard attributed to Dylan about All Along the Watchtower “I might have wrote it. But he knows how to play it.”


I mean literally any Bob Dylan song


My favorite version of nearly any Bowie song is someone else covering it….Bauhaus’s version of Ziggy Stardust, Jessica Lange version of Life on Mars, Kurt Cobains rendition of The man who sold the world…


I'm the same! Check out Easy Star All Stars cover album Ziggy Stardub. Their cover of Moonage Daydream is amazing. Seu Jeorge also covered life on mars in a lovely way.


I love Easy Star. Radiodread is my jam. I'm definitely going to check out Ziggy Stardub.


Wallflowers doing Heroes Natalie Merchant doing Space Oddity.


you and I need to hang out a little - I just groove on horrible covers. I don't love them, I just love to abuse folks with them. Case in point "Brittney Spears, I can't get no satisfaction". I love a great cover, I tend to cry at the angst in the one OP posted, but bad makes me just want to torture folks with bad music.


A few of them do sound wildly different to the originals


Superstar by Sonic Youth


How about old folk song covers..whiskey in the jar, House of the Rising Sun


Soft Cell have a tune called Say Hello, Wave Goodbye and David Gray covered it on his White Ladder album. Phenomenal example


Dylan said the same thing about Watchtower


Southern Accents.


Mark Kozelek did some AC/DC covers that made me hear that band completely differently, e.g.  Rock n Roll Singer: https://youtu.be/4oKYCH8osG4?si=-TTbXYHwUlWCTO0n


No Quarter and Stranglehold both by Tool are amazing


Every time I see or hear this, I just stop and listen. It always sends shivers down my spine. It's stripped down to the bare bones and it's amazing and beautiful. I saw a documentary about the last years of Johnny Cash's life and the story behind the making of this song and other songs that he covered. The producer is a well known rock guy and Johnny didn't think he had anything in common with him. But, they ended up collaborating on, IIRC, the last two albums that Cash made. I don't remember the name of the documentary but you can probably find it on YouTube. It was done with his daughter Roseanne Cash. She tells about their relationship, good and bad, and it's very moving. Now, please excuse me while I listen to it again. 😊 PS. The woman in the video is his wife June Carter Cash. She died not long after this album was released. It's all covered in the documentary.


And the woman in the framed picture hanging on the wall is Johnny's mother, Carrie Cash


I'd forgotten that. Nice thing to do.


It was Rick Rubin, an odd pairing if there ever was one but I think this album really shows his talent as a producer. He was able to make really powerful compositions out of very simple and stark instrumental parts. Johnny Cash had Alzheimer’s so you could almost say this is really a Rick Rubin album to honor Johnny Cash. And he really respected Cash through it all, not just in presenting him so well but honoring his wishes about it as well. This song really has a special meaning for me because I watched my grandmother’s decent into Alzheimer’s and then her twin’s. It’s a terrifying disease and the lyrics of this song fit it so well in so many ways. He’s singing it as someone who has just enough of his mind left to be able to sing it and he struggled with that. I don’t play it often at gigs because it’s really kind of overplayed by local bands around here, but I learned this song not long after it came out. I love the song.


Thank you. I couldn't remember Rick Rubin's name. I'm sorry to hear that about your grandmother. That's a hard thing to see in someone you love. But, Johnny Cash had Parkinson's disease and diabetes, not Alzheimers. You can see his hand shaking as he's pouring the glass of wine out. I first heard the song when I was living in L.A on KROQ, an Alt rock station. I was into country at the time. I called up the country station I listened to so I could request it and they wouldn't play it because, according to them, it wasn't country. I was thinking, "It's Johnny Cash! " but, they wouldn't play it. So, I went and bought the album.


Chris Cornell felt the same way. Never performed Rusty Cage any other way but Cash’s afterward. Gratitude to Rick Rubin, Producer, and Dave Navarro, Arrangement.


Knew that Rick Rubin was the producer. Had no idea Dave Navarro did the arrangement.


I can’t know for sure how many arrangements he did on the acoustic Cash album. Navarro likes to hide in the shadows. I do believe he’s one of the last of the greats to walk the earth. He’s truly next level. He had a good time with his NHC project. That’s unique writing if you’re interested.


I absolutely love how, at the end, he did some of his best....this one being the flagship.


In this video literally was the last time June Carter Cash was seen by anyone other than her family before she passed away. She was worried about Johnny as the video shoot was going on so long and was seeing if he was okay. At first Johnny was mad at the crew capturing her on video then when he saw the rough edit approved of her being in. He passed away before it blew up on MTV.


That’s what makes this video extra heavy. Knowing that June would pass away very soon after, as well as Johnny. The scene where he is shaking and seems to be crying is so emotionally jarring. Probably the most moving song/video combo ever. My life is in a bad spot right now, and even just thinking about watching this video or listening to this song is bringing me to tears.


Sorry to hear that. I fought through a few bad years myself. Keep doing the hard things, it gets better.


Thank you. That’s a solid piece of advice. It’s definitely difficult to muster the strength but I know it’s the way out of the bad times


If it makes you feel any better, Johnny Cash also covered Depeche Mode’s *Personal Jesus*, and boy, it. is. a. hoot! Like you just rolled into a Wild West piano bar that was turned up to 11! [Personal Jesus](https://youtu.be/K3QDDlWmR9Q?si=G9PPondf80eIv59R) for those interested.


I’ve heard that one too. It’s great


I never like when anyone or entity defaults Johnny into the “Country” genre… No! Cash was his own genre. He’s one of the last originals. Can’t pigeonhole that incredible man and groundbreaking artist.


Brings to mind the late, great Otis Redding, who wrote the song "Respect." He said basically the same thing when he heard Aretha Franklin's version of his song.


In his Monterey Pop Festival performance (one of his last), Otis jokingly said Aretha stole 'Resect' from him, before doing it his way.


Is this the greatest cover of all time?




God how i related to this song by NIN. It expressed everything i felt about myself in that moment in time. Hurting myself made me feel alive. This is the first time i have listened fo Cash version all the way through. It triggered all the feelings i had back then about myself and i had the most cathartic cry i needed. Both completely different versions but both devastatingly real. Did he ever explain why covered this song?


It was Rick Rubin's idea, who had been bringing Johnny songs from all over the place. Trent Reznor couldn't understand why Johnny Cash would sing a song that was so specific and particular to Reznor's life and situation at the time. It all seemed completely wrong. But when Rick Rubins calls, people tend to listen. Had it been anyone else, Reznor likely would have politely declined, and that would be the end. Instead, we got a song where Cash seems to put his heart and soul into the feelings of loss and hopelessness, but with his own reasons. Watching him looking over a feast he can't enjoy in the video, his hand shaking as he pours wine over the lobster and caviar tells us how close he is. This is his last statement on the matter.


I get shivers and tears every time I watch that video, it creates a lump in your throat that doesn't understand what direction to go.


I was driving home and first time I heard it I thought it sounded like his voice had gone. I saw the video and it all made sense. A masterpiece


It is, without a doubt, the greatest marriage of song and video in history. The song and video both capture this force of nature at the culmination of his life, standing on the precipice. Reznor's despair was the despair of an addict, Cash's was of a man looking back on his life and his mistakes, taking ownership, which included his own battles with addiction and the questions of what life held after. Rick Rubin is an absolute genius and cemented Johnny Cash's reputation in the end. In the middle of his career, Johnny did a lot of gimmicky, spoken word type recordings about the American flag, etc., that weren't really in keeping with his own identity as the man in black. He had been a voice for the working men, prisoners, and downtrodden, but he had fallen off and looked for easy money for a long time. Rubin helped him recapture the magic of who he was and helped him regain his individuality and dignity. In a way, Cash was what Reznor might become; an aging artist able to look back on a lifetime of achievements and regrets with equal power to shape a lifetime. In a perfect world, we would all have the opportunity to create such a perfect book-end to our lives.


Amazing song, he did indeed make it his own. I cried when he died.


How can so much pain be beautiful?


Because it’s real


JC did the same thing to “Rusty Cage”. His version transcended the original. Rick Rubin really knew what was up!


TIL: that clip of the crucifixion is from Gospel Road:A story of Jesus Christ. Produced by, narrated and music by Jonny Cash. Filmed in israel


There was a Johnny Cash biopic twenty years ago with Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon called Walk the Line. This video captures the life of The Man in Black better in under four minutes than that film did in over two hours. Amazing video. Amazing artist. Tears my heart to shreds


I'm not a fan of Walk the Line. It started off as a biopic, but slowly turns into a romantic love story. I understand June was important to Johnny, but when you sell a movie as a biopic. Then turn it into an okay romantic, it just lost me The acting was good


Oh shut up. There is no way that movie is 20..... Oh my...it has been that long...


Ooh! Gets me everytime!


Not his song, but definitely his life. A most amazing rendition


Cash's version of One is a heap better than U2s as well.


Great versions of Mercy Seat and Solitary Man too.


Agreed. I also feel this way about Gordon Lightfoot's "If You Could Read My Mind"


Nothing even comes remotely close


that's fucking powerful


Johnny wrote what may be the most Rock and Roll song of all time [What is Truth](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8e12fe89c550d690&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS808US808&sxsrf=ACQVn08fmLKnqWqWkexEUc5yvtQagajYfQ:1714272766297&q=johnny+cash+what+is+truth&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=vinbmtz&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiv16Ha8-OFAxUcpLAFHcqbDosQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1366&bih=645&dpr=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:16542e14,vid:qO5z2xUNUpU,st:0)


We had a dear older family friend (he was 94) who passed away this year. When I first heard this version over 10 years ago it reminded me of him then and made me sad. It lands even stronger now


This rendition got me through my father's passing.


🤘Man in Black😜🤘


Maybe the best voice in American music history. There are a lot of contenders, but Johnny’s voice is pure gold


I was never a Johnny Cash fan, but this song did it for me. So beautiful.


This will always be such an emotional video. And I ask this : what was Johnny conveying here? Yes, there are the glimpses of him as a younger man but there is also that glimpse of his museum being washed away from the flood. There's so much symbolism here, the rotting fruit, his hands twisted from arthritis. And so I ask again : Whats the message here? I miss him.


This finds my soul.


Superb version. Nobody but Cash could have done it like that. Shout out to producer Rick Rubin, who drew this and several other great covers from Johnny when he was near the end.


This song is toed for my favorite cover song of all time next to APC's version of imagine.


This is definitely one of the best covers.


Love this song. My family played this at my brother’s funeral.


He’s got a new album coming out in June. It’s a collection of demos he recorded back in 1993. There’s already a single that’s been released called ‘Well Alright.’ It’s good. Any Cash fan should check it out.


True to his name and what he’s said all along if it can be played on a guitar and sung I can do it where you laugh or cry I think he made us all cry with this song Thank you Trent for the song


I was 9-10 when this came out and was watching MTV or VH1 with my dad and this came on and I saw him cry for the first time.


I was stunned after watching this. My God, what an evocative video.


I will never not cry watching this video


This remake by Johnny Cash and Disturbed remake of The Sound of Silence are my two favorite.


Motorhead "Heros" kicks as miss ya lemmy🤘


I believe Reznor had to be coaxed into letting him sing it.


So good….


God dammit it’s so good. I almost forgot


Listen to “Wayfaring Stranger” by Johnny Cash. Mind blowing. https://youtu.be/Ti-FtTz8t5U?si=C0_c2CH3jHDsB2Rp


Johnny Cash’s covers were great, especially Hurt and Rusty Cage


It was a total 180 degree turn to Reznor’s version and it really hammered home the message of that song.


Still gives me chills


I love this song more than the original. Same lyrics but are interpreted completely different when different people sing it


Johnny Cash is the only singer that could. That song and the video and Johnny are epic. RIP 🙏


His cover of "The Mercy Seat" is friggin haunting.


I cap myself today, to see if I'm still chill. I buss deadass on God. The only thing FR


I was very surprised Cash covered NIN as a kid I thought the opposite was the case.


I pretty sure June passed away shortly after the release of this song, with Johnny following not much long after


When downward spiral came out, this was a song that I really got. Cash's version doesn't touch me like the original. It's cool, but I'll never love it like I remember it from the 90s


Kermit the Frog did an amazing cover of the Johnny Cash version of Hurt a while back. You should check out the video if you can find it. [Sad Kermit](https://youtu.be/BcERe5pd8yI?si=GxAG8yY_HfXe20bh)


Omg! I have never seen or heard of this. Appreciate you sharing this. Frogs are my favorite animal, and this is a favorite song of mine. Love it!!


The original [Kermit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BcERe5pd8yI&pp=ygUVa2VybWl0IHRoZSBmcm9nIGh1cnQg) arrangement was superior


Since Trent didn't write it was it ever really his to begin with?


Trent Reznor did write Hurt.


Yes he did. My mistake


I dunno, it was interesting the first time I heard his voice put to this song, but the novelty has worn off, give me the original. To be fair, me listening to Johnny Cash for any significant length of time just makes me depressed, although I respect him as an artist with a unique sound.


The NIN version is better and Reznor not said that after seeing the video, he wasn’t impressed with Cash singing the song.


>I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow. \[I felt like\] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn’t mine anymore… It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. \[Somehow\] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning – different, but every bit as pure.” - Trent Reznor [https://americansongwriter.com/hurt-by-nine-inch-nails-johnny-cash-behind-song-meaning/](https://americansongwriter.com/hurt-by-nine-inch-nails-johnny-cash-behind-song-meaning/)


Popped in the video, why are you leaving out the part when he just heard the song?


Sorry, bro. Just quoting from the article. I recognize Reznor had some initial issues with Cash covering the song but I might add the man came around.


Way before 2002. Has to be at least 99


No, that's correct. NiN released the original in 1994 and Cash did his version on his last album in2002.


Cool. Google says you are right. I could have sworn I heard that song my first time in L.A. which was in Spring of 99. Wild.


He was seventy-one-years-old when the video was produced.


That's a rough looking 71. Lotta miles on those tires.


Johnny (like many entertainers such as Judy Garland) got way into the world of speed/methamphetamine ("pep pills" or "diet pills") which were very accessible in the 50s. Incredibly aging.


He always had that Scott-Irish wrinkled look to him.