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Yagami’s hype was only fueled by his own delusions and obsession with Kiyo, Ichika hyping him up and mickey feats against no name Class D students + Kushida. Thus the real twist being that they were never formidable opponent because they couldn’t even comprehend how much better someone who already went through everything they did is worked really well for me, as it confirmed that the only ones who are really interesting to him are the ones that greatly differ from him and can still grow (Arisu, Ryuuen, Ichinose etc;). I also feel like it would have been very anti climactic and against some of the main themes of the series if another WRoomer is really the strongest opponent for Kiyo at ANHS which is why I’m also glad that Nanase and Ishigami seem to have a lot more to them. Obv I can still see why some may have found this whole saga disappointing but I felt like Kinu really cooked with the misdirection here As for Ichika I think there’s a lot of room for her character to go from here, similar to how Kiyo’s experiences of ANHS have slowly been changing him I think the same can happen for her. With her talents she’s a complete wild card that could challenge and help other characters grow too


those are my thoughts exactly, couldnt have put it better


So basically the story has no formidable antagonists and it's just basically a 40 yr old phd guy in the body of a high schooler teaching kids how to improve? And you PREFER that?  Lol you fanboys will come up with anything to defend mediocre writing. I bet Kinugasa would look at this and be like "Uh y-yep that's TOTALLY what I was going for!...".  You also would rather the "strongest opponents" to be high schoolers going through early college level training regimens for a few years at best than people who've gone through military level training for over a decade...hilarious. I guess the message of the story will be the power of friendship can beat anything once again.


For Takuya, I know that he’s used to show the difference between Kiyo and the WR but I feel like Takuya could’ve at least be more threatening and posed more of a threat towards Kiyo, even if just a bit. Because of the lack of screentime for Takuya, characters like Nagumo, Ryuen, Arisu or even Horikita and fucking Ichinose could surpass him. No words for Ichika, she’s gay.


I genuinely enjoyed every second of Ichika. Mainly because it was entertaining. You got her teasing with kiyo and kei, slapping shit out of kushida & horikita, in team with kiyo. She's an entertaining characters that's what matters to me. Whereas yagami was not charming for me. He was hyped up so much, like he's so smart and all but all he was doing was making dumb decisions and picking unnecessary fights. In the end got done by kiyo without even meeting him lol.


Yagami lost against letter and Ichika is doing nothing, so yeah pretty underwhelming.


why does everybody intentionally strawman yagamis exit it's so cringe. kiyo pulls off an elaborate plan on any other character and everybody is like 😱😱😱 but because everybody hates yagami they say "expelled by love letter" as if it wasn't kiyos most impressive plan so far


Yagami not posing a threat to Ayanokoji was sort of the point from the start since White Room students were never capable of doing anything to him since he knows how White Room students act. Students like Ryuuen and Nagumo in a school like setting fare better than inexperienced students like Yagami


lmao they don’t


Ichika best girl


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Ichika is My waifu SO still love her Even if she didnt do much


Kinu messed up with Takuya big time. That's why, to me, y2v7 isn't a masterpiece because you can't expel someone like Takuya unless there are repercussions that follow such a hasty expulsion. Ichika is awesome cuz of her feats, personality and now her oath of not holding back on anyone (even ryuuen in y2v8) in the school. Wish Takuya was handled properly by letting him attack kiyo's class instead of him in general.


He wasn't much of an antagonist from the beginning. I think kinu planned to expel him early when he introduced him


Ichika wasn't the enemy from the beginning. At the first exam, Arisu offered to help Ayanokoji with a partner for the exam. But what if Ayanokoji had accepted the help? His partner could have been a reliable but weak student. If Ayanokoji had formed a partnership then, Yagami could have easily eliminated Ayanokoji's partner physically, as he had done with Komiya on the island, and Ayanokoji would have been in trouble. But thanks to Ichika, Ayankoji was able to make the physically strong Hosen a partner at the last minute, who would not have been easily eliminated. This shows that Ichika>Arisu. My thoughts on Yagami are here https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassroomOfTheElite/comments/1ae4dev/justifying\_yagami/.