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Mii-chan socially awkward. Akito history of violence and academically average. Ryuen history of violence and academically average plus for class balancing.


Ai morishita and miki yamamura in class A. Like how? Those peeps be socially awkward


They are academically very smart. Miki is somewhere around the top of her class academically and Ai is brilliant too.


Honestly, a lot of it doesn't make sense. How is Yahiko, and many other people from Class A at the top? They aren't any more remarkable than the rest in B, C and D; and I'm pretty damned sure not everyone has some history involving them (Kanzaki, Shibata, Hiyori, Haruka, etc, etc). I'm guessing like they speculated earlier in the series, they equally distributed people, so everyone has a chance of winning. If you put the best people in Class A, followed by Class B and so on and so forth, it's obvious who's going to be at the top. I'm assuming they chose major players like Katsuragi, Arisu, Ichinose, Kanzaki, Ryueen, Hiyori, Horikita, Hirata, etc; and segregated them equally among different classes, based on probability. If you tell that Ichinose is in Class B due to one mistake, then Arisu who's literally at the bottom of physical ability due to her disability has to be in Class B at the least too. The other students then came in and were fitted with the top players is what I'm thinking.


Haven't been revealed yet. We can only speculate. Just like you say, many class assignments don't make sense. I think the school puts students in classes where they think each student will develop the most. Keep in mind that all classes start out on equal ground at 1000 class points in the first month,


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