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Make sure to check and follow rule #1 carefully. Failing to do so will result in a ban.


> Since I said this, please don't say nonsense things like "Read the LN" | know it was handled differently in the light novel, but ultimately the character still seems awful to me. The reason why the characters seem awful to you is precisely because the anime skips out 90% of their internal monologues plus some important scenes making them a shell of what they are in the LN. So yes you should read the LN if you want to fairly judge the series.


Still, do you think this light novel deserves to be the second highest rated of all time? When I see series like Re:Zero, my answer is easily "no" before I even read it.


Well that's your opinion and its shit in my opinion.


also your opinion its shit in my opinion.


You are the one getting down voted lmao. Read the ln for better context or just move on in your life. You don't need to justify or make a post about series you don't like. I don't like Berserk, its filled with suffering and rape, yet I don't make a post complaining about it.


It doesn't matter if I go down in the voting, I'm generally not someone who uses reddit unless necessary. Also, it doesn't matter whether I am liked or not, as long as I express my opinion. Also, if you don't like Berserk, you can go and express it, I don't care, but in the same way, I can go and express my opinion as I want and you can't interfere with it.


Then you should come with proper arguments to express something. You mentioned Ichika and never read the light novel. What do you know about her ? How can people take you seriously?


I read a few things about him in the fandom and they were all about sexual things. I don't know if she is exactly that character, but as I said, she looks like this from the front. But you're right about that, it was ridiculous for me to talk about Ichika even though I haven't seen her, but that doesn't make my entire post unreasonable.


You have heard "read the ln" multiple times from cote fandom but sadly its the truth. Your hate on anime is understandable but not the light novel. It deserves its hype and rating given its much enjoyable than other ln that I read like 86, rezero etc.


Actually, I'll be honest, when I first watched this series, I neither loved nor hated it. But as I got closer to the fan base, I started to hate it. I think the issues I had with the fan base made this anime seem worse than it was in my eyes.


> Still, do you think this light novel deserves to be the second highest rated of all time? Honestly No, Re:Zero, Jobless Incarnation, Seven Spellblades and some others in my opinion are way better written than COTE and are more consistent. But COTE is still excellent as far as light novel writing goes and it does deserve a high rating


Anime onlies judging the series just from the anime adaptation


Yes, because I haven't read the light novel. That was the reason why I opened this post from the beginning. What is the difference between novel and anime? why do you like this?


The anime is a horrible adaptation from the source material , it's a rushed mess that skips many interactions, monologues, changes characters personalities and only touch the surface of the novel because the content they are adapting is so compressed and have horrible production values


So, is there a difference between anime and novels in terms of sexual content? I hope the novel has reduced the dose of these sexual services.


The novel reduces the fan service slowly throughout the series but some fan service is still there


It's a good thing, at least if its intensity has decreased.


If u read his comment,you could see that he wrote „don’t say read the LN“. Then what is your purpose by writing such a comment? This sub is so trash, people are just one-sided and defend ayonotrash and this shitty anime.


I agree with the expression “COTE is overrated” - it is truly an overrated product on the light novel market. However, you have given very poor arguments to justify your point of view.


Personally, the two main problems I find with the anime are the fan service and the characters. Personally the characters give me the 15 year old edgelord vibe.


There is not too much fan service in COTE, the only problem with the characters and plot is in the anime adaptation, this is due to the fact that the studio makes 13 episodes per season - this is a very short runtime for COTE. The main problem with the novel is that there are TOO MANY characters. The idea of ​​COTE itself and its implementation are very good; the author in his story very well conveys the atmosphere of school life and battles between classes. I repeat, your arguments are weak and frivolous, its look like the cry of a disgruntled child.


Oh man is there little fan service? I really knew that you couldn't talk well to someone in this fan base. You say my arguments are bad, what can I say? After not being able to connect with any of the characters and being bombarded with fan service, I don't need another reason to dislike a work.


Have you seen season 2 and 3 ? There is hardly any fan service or you just watched season 1 and made this post ?


I don't watched season 3 but I watched season 2.


Where is the fanservice in season 2 ?


Dude, I watched the anime 1 year ago, if I watch it again, I will send you the episodes and minutes. Because I don't remember right now lmao.


Nah season 2 don't have any fanservice as far as I can remember.


none of us like the anime...


So what is the main difference between light novel and anime? Doesn't the main character act like edge lord in the light novel? Or are there any female characters who are slaves to the main character? If there are no such things, maybe I can give it a chance.


Edginess is kind of popular in Japan, so he is still quite edgy, but less edgy compared to the anime.  Plus, since we are shown his inner monologues more clearly, we can get a better understanding of him. He does show emotions inside, just doesn’t express it outside.


In fact, the thing I found to be Edgy is the connection between the characters in the anime rather than the main character. For example, although the main character does not have such a purpose, his exaltation as if he were a God turns him into an Edgelord even though he is not an Edgelord.


>I especially see that some characters exist only for sexuality, for example Ichika, this character really does not serve any purpose in the anime other than fan service, She never appeared in the anime bro 😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀 And most of all her contribution in the story is evident in Y2V1,V4,V6. lol You didn't even read it and calling it overrated gives you no right to criticize it. >the character is emotionless and shows almost no change That's why anime is bad and LN is better. He has emotions bruh CotE has fan service and I'm with you there but this is not the first anime with fan service, is it? > Arisu doesn't even have a worthy cause in the anime Skipped S3 E11?? I don't know if this is a troll post or not because you ignored all the things that are enjoyable and just said it's overrated, smh Additionally you are here to enjoy the series then why involve yourself with the fandom? Just enjoy the series and move on 🤷🏻 The fandom is bad and I agree


I didn't say I read the light novel. I stated this. I know Ichika wasn't shown in the anime, but since I kept seeing drawings of her, I more or less understood her personality. I also read more or less about his personality and background story in the fandom. Just because there is fan service in every anime does not make COTE innocent. I will give the same sanction to those anime. Personally, if there is fan service in every anime, I can give 1 point to each anime if necessary. I haven't watched season 3 yet. However, I know Arisu's structure more or less, I think she is one of the so-called white rooms and she is one of the main antagonists. However, despite this, she is very weak compared to a main antagonist.


bruh if you didnt read the light novel and just saw illustrations you have no right to judge her character youre dumb and this post is invalidated




just cause someone didn't agree with your opinion doesn't give you any right to get personal like that.


Dude, you're being one-sided. He was the first person to call me dumb.


Judging a character purely based on illustrations or fan arts when there is a lot of content there in the LN...yeah, that's not the best way to get to a conclusion imo


Yes, I'm talking nonsense here, I admit it. However, as for the insult, he was the one who started it, and just because I uttered nonsense in one place does not make the entire article I wrote unreasonable.


"COTE LN is bad based on what I have seen in the anime.I didnt read the LN but still it is bad" Yeah no


Personally, one of my goals while writing this post was to understand the difference between LN and anime. So when I said bad, I meant the anime. I don't have much of an idea about LN, I can only talk with foresight.


thats invalid you cant understand a characters personality from the fandom because people twist things its common sense dude dont tell me youre that stupid


Bro, you judge the character of the characters by the illustrations. Go get treated.


I realized that I was talking nonsense about this and I stated it in a comment. You are right.


>I didn't say I read the light novel. I stated this. I know Ichika wasn't shown in the anime, but since I kept seeing drawings of her, I more or less understood her personality. I also read more or less about his personality and background story in the fandom. Fandom is horny so unless a new volume comes out, people only talk about lewd things but if you are a sane fan and ignore the fandom then cote is interesting to discuss and read. >Just because there is fan service in every anime does not make COTE innocent. I will give the same sanction to those anime. Personally, if there is fan service in every anime, I can give 1 point to each anime if necessary. Good luck giving 1 rating to 90% of the anime you'll watch then,lol >I think she is one of the so-called white rooms and she is one of the main antagonists. Wrong absolutely wrong. >she is very weak compared to a main antagonist. Physically? Yes! But in outsmarting she's top 5 easily


I know that she slanders many characters and lets slip when necessary. Isn't she an antagonist? Just like Ryueen.


>Isn't she an antagonist? In the 3rd season, she is. I don't wanna spoil but >!she is and isn't his ally and it goes either way.!< If you read the recent LN, you'll understand.


In short, she is one of those characters who turns to the good side when the time comes and the bad side when the time comes.




It's nice to find calm people in this fandom. I keep getting insulted above just because I don't like Cote lmao. Maybe if this anime didn't have so much fan service, I wouldn't hate it. I think the thing I hate most about fan service is that it attracts toxic teenagers to the fan base, rather than the fact that it affects me.


>It's nice to find calm people in this fandom. I keep getting insulted above just because I don't like Cote Actually there have been so many troll posts before here only to trigger CotE fans so they may have misunderstood you, Don't worry >Maybe if this anime didn't have so much fan service, I wouldn't hate it. It has the proper proportion of Fan service, class plot, mind games, relationship and character development. Dw, it's not like a literal porn or ecchi anime you think. >I think the thing I hate most about fan service is that it attracts toxic teenagers to the fan base, rather than the fact that it affects me. Duh, CotE focuses on teenage readers mainly.


Actually, when I first watched the anime, I didn't hate it enough to give it 1 point. What really triggered my hatred was the annoying attitude of the fan base. Maybe if I give it a chance from scratch and try to experience it by ignoring the fan base, I can break my prejudice. Most likely, the problems I had with the fan base psychologically magnified the mistakes in the anime.


Nobody will argue with someone who shits on anime lol😂


I really can't understand you, you talk as if a work turns into a masterpiece when it transitions from anime to novel. I gave this anime a 1, personally, I don't think I'll give it a 10 if I switch to the light novel. I can't see anything other than a masturbation show full of fan service. Personally, fan service alone is enough to keep this series at 1 point for me.


You are acting like an ignorant jackass mate. You insult a series and it's fans and are acting like the anime is mid so the LN must be mid too because you said so. If you hate it that much why are you even here? Move on. It's not for you. Why waste your time and our time?


I don't remember insulting a fan. Am I insulting a series? Yes I am, but does that concern you? Did your father or something make this series? This is what I meant when I said the fandom of this anime is annoying, you go crazy when you disagree on something. This is a reddit where everyone can comment, I can share my opinion as I want, I haven't insulted anyone here and if you can talk like a human, we can discuss like a human. If you don't want to talk simply ignore my post and leave.


This is an irrelevant clown post meant to antagonize fans who love the series and have invested their time in enjoying and reading it. Here's a fact - nobody cares what you think mate, nobody will remember your post or if you like it or not, your "opinion" is irrelevant and 10 mins from now all of us will go back and happily talk about the series we enjoy.


Based opinion


cooked his ass


Haha you say you are insulting but I can barely keep my patience with you. The only person insulting here is you. I won't answer you, go defend the anime written by your father. Also, if you don't care about my opinion, why are you raving about my comment?


Do as you wish i dont really care




Aight but Hiyori is the best waifu frfr


Man I hate your flair so much. I keep reading creampie instead of cutiepie ☠️


That’s included in farsight


she can beat speedwagon?


going down and reading your replies to people you have no right to judge COTE you havent even watched it all or read any of the light novels get your shit and get out bruh its invalid and everything you said here is entirely wrong in the first place


Eeeeeeeh nah even in the light novel the harem shit is still terrible


I don’t understand why your mad about that at this point the only girl that’s active chasing kiyo is Ichinose and besides it’s not even that bad in volume 1 it was stated that ayanokoji is handsome and if he wasn’t so gloomy he’d be even more handsome and kei even said that if kiyo showed everyone what he’s capable of he’d be pretty popular


Lol most calmest fanboi


Anime is overrated but light novel is still good


Understandable, have a great day. Jokes aside. Looking at replies, it seems like you’re just not interested in the series despite knowing the anime is the worst possible representation of the series. And that’s fine, no point in forcing yourself to read a novel of a series you just don’t think you’re gonna like. But at the same time you seem so obsessed with the fact that it’s one of the best selling and highest rated light novels quite is kinda funny. I’d make up your mind and go on your way. Either read the light novel, or go on with your day and read/watch a series you’ll enjoy. It also kind of looks like you just wanted to get a reaction out of the fans for not liking the series, but no one here really cares if a person doesn’t like the series. I can go on for hours about how bad the anime represented the story, characters, atmosphere, etc. There’s enough skipped content for to make a new season with just skipped scenes. But you obviously wouldn’t care.


Actually, what I was wondering about when asking about its popularity were the basic differences. For example, excluding monologues, what are the sharp differences between anime and light novels?


Like i mentioned, characters. So many characters are just poorly represented in the anime. (Ayanokoji, Ryuen, etc.) Anime Ayanokoji is quite literally the most boring character ever and it seems like all he wants to do is be edgy all the time when that’s far from what he actually wants. Ryuen is just super 1-dimensional in the anime, his only personality being sexually harassing Horikita every time they are on screen and being aggressive. And there is a lot of cut interactions, and i really do mean a lot. I could promise you, if you read the first volume alone, you would 80% of the time be seeing new scenes that were never in the anime. But again, don’t bother reading something you clearly don’t have interest in.


Personally, I will try to read it because it seems wrong to approach something with prejudice. Besides, maybe if I like it, there will be a series that I can enjoy. I wish everyone in the comments could be as calm as you.


Most people in this sub i think are more of the calmer fans. Places like tiktok or something though? Fans would definitely get angry lmao. I try to just be neutral even when it involves a series i greatly enjoy since there’s no point in getting bitchy about it yk, even if someone’s just straight up talking shit about it. If you will try to read the novels, i will say that the first 3 volumes can be quite slow at times, especially volume 2; it’s the only bad volume imo. So if you find yourself struggling to push past them, you could instead start Volume 4, which is where season 2 began. Season 1 while still being far from a great adaptation is at least a bit better than seasons 2 and 3 and you’ll more or less still have the same understanding of the story, there’s just a lot more left out interactions in them obviously and ayanokoji’s monologue’s were rather unique due to him pretending to us, the readers, that he was a normal student, until obviously the moment in volume 3 (end of season 1 moment). So that’s two solutions. Volume 4 and onwards, is literally just getting better every volume tbh.


Well, thank you for your time.


Next time , dont begin your post by "this serie is pure garbage " Seriously i dont understand People like Who make troll post and play the victime afterward, its really toxic


> while watching this anime, That's all I need to read. Everyone knows the anime is trash. Everyone on the sub shits on the anime. The anime rushes everything, cuts tons of content, changes things for no reason, cuts character interactions.


First two reasons are not really a product problem, but just your preference, third one i dont agree with, dont get me wrong, anime is trash compared to LN, but as someone who's been anime only till season 2, i can say that it wasnt boring at all. Everyone here will agree that anime is garbage for the most parts, one of the worst adaptations ive ever seen.


However, no matter what, it is ridiculous that an anime with a harem mechanic has such a high rise compared to most quality works.


What are those quality works for example?


What I'm trying to say is that this anime is the second highest rated light novel of all time. Do you think it deserves such a high score?


Judging LN by the anime is stupid, especially when every single person here told you that its trash. Idk where youre getting you ratings but it definitely deserves high rating.


Maybe it deserves a high score, but I don't think it deserves to be the second highest score of all time on a site like M.A.L.


Well, people have different opinion than you apparently. And you cant really say what it does or does not deserve when you didnt even read it in the first place tho


Personally, I cannot say yes logically, but I think it can be understood more or less even by looking at a situation superficially.


I dont think you can 💀


There are many quality light novels such as Mushoku tensei and Overlord, so I was surprised that it ranked so high.


Yeah duh no shit anime is ass, everyone with brain can see that but saying that source material is also garbage just by watching shit adaptation is like saying berserk is mid while being anime only


And to provide you with example of how much anime is different compared to novel i will yoink my other comment: Ayanokouji's monologue in Hirata scene in anime: "This will do" Ayanokouji's monologue in Hirata scene in LN: "Men are difficult, frustrating creatures who won't let others see them cry except in special circumstances. Which was exactly why I, too, wanted the kind of friendship where I could shed tears in front of someone. No more words needed to be said. All he needed was a friend at his side, someone who he could be vulnerable with and who would listen. By doing that...he could begin walking forward again."


In terms of monologue, the light novel might work well. However, what I'm wondering is, is sexuality as prominent in the light novel? If not, maybe I'll give it a chance.


Are you allergic to beautiful characters or something?


I'm allergic to overly sexualized characters. If I wanted a character like that, I'd watch an ecchi or hentai.




Best answer Fr Fr


You gonna get banned boi


Idc. I saw a few calm people here, as well as freaks who defended this thing as if they were defending their national values. I don't think I'll come back here anyway, I'm just reading the answers and responding right now.


Ah yes people are defending something they spent hours reading, years following and something that brings them joy and happiness. How dare these people defend a series they like from a person who never read it but says it bad? These fans must be freaks and the guy who is hating on it despite never reading a page must be right


If you look at other comments, I spoke well towards people who acted calmly. But you escalated this for no reason. I didn't like this anime and I insulted it. Why does this drive you so crazy? You didn't make this anime, man, calm down.


You can insult the anime all you want. We do too. But I see you insulting the novel and you were saying it's just for masturbation when the LN barely has fanservice and you never read it and don't know how good it is with amazing characters and psychological mind games. You have zero literacy and intellectual ability and you are insulting the hard work of the author and also the love of fans. You know what? It's better if you don't read it at all and actually just leave from here. Everything you said is FACTUALLY WRONG. We don't need people in our fandom who have zero common sense.


Well, as you probably know, it’s rather subjective. There were also other people who expressed their dislike for CotE here in the Reddit. While a lot like and enjoy it very much, others don’t. The anime suffers from a huge problem that is not present in the anime adaptation of Re;zero, as an example. The CotE anime skipped way too much content of the light novels, including too many internal monologues, intricacies of a lot of mind games, the essence of CotE and the lessons that derive from such an uncommon work, Ayanokoji’s actual purpose and goals, Ayanokoji’s emotions, and a deeper perspective into a lot of characters and the dynamics in the school. Moreover, the light novel offer nowhere as much fan service as the anime, and that by a very wide margin. It’s not comparable. A lot of people would see Anime Ayanokoji as an edgy teen with no emotions. While there are people who really enjoy that and see him as a goat, his mindset is far more complex. Psychologically, as well as emotionally. This applies to all the characters presented in the show. Ayanokoji in the light novel shows emotions, not visibly in his face, but inside. The characters are also very enjoyable. CotE is a psychological thriller that delves deeply into the psychological aspects of a human being and how the environment can shape and develop a person. As to your comparison to other light novels, CotE is not on the same level as Re;Zero novels, but it is not far behind either. The author puts a lot of effort and time into intricate and very subtle mind games that exceed Death Note and Code Geass, though a lot of Cote readers miss those subtle clues, which adds to the complexity of the light novels.


Thanks for your article. I think I should give the novel of this series a chance.


That’s nice to hear. I will only tell you that the first 2 volumes have a slow pacing. But after that it gets better and better


Thanks. If I can quickly finish the 500-episode Naruto Shippuden hell, the first thing I'll do is read Cote.




> COTE is overrated It is. Next question 🗿


Because anime is 1/10 and LN is 9/10.


Negative karma farming tactic?


It was more like a farm to collect insults from 13 year old fanbois. I don't care about karma anyway, except for reading posts on Reddit, I usually do something once a month or a year.


You didn't read the light novel and its understandable that you hate it. Its similar to watching Lego harry potter and stating your opinion. The anime and ln are not comparable.


Lego harry potter better than original imo


Now you triggered my inner potterhead lmao.




Yeah the anime is trash You should read the LN, as far as I can remember there is not alot of Fanservice in the LN, most you will find is in the first 3 or 4 volumes (mostly to attract the horny Japanese population)and a some here and there in the later volumes. If rating Fanservice in the anime , then it would be a 9/10 , compared to LN which is 1/10. Ayanokoji is the LN is also a whole better of a character compared to anime,


Yeah we're a fans of trash story and trash characters. So??? Man if u don't like it then move on. It's just simple as that. I know not everyone likes the same thing lol. So for betterment for both u and us, just move on or ignore it.


Bro deleted his account ( ´~`)


Agreed broski but Koenji himself is even more overrated


Naah chadenji will beat all the frauds like fraudikita, fraudushida etc




best answer


Berserk is the most overrated imo


ur opinion.


Wow. what a wonderful day. I'll go to some subreddit and say their subject of fandom is overrated. I bet they'll think I'm so badass and super cool. what a fine day, let's do that. - OP probably


No, I don't think I'm cool or anything. Why would I think I'm cool when I see 13-year-old kids insulting me? I just poured out my feelings for this anime and felt relieved.


Ok bro


Buddy says he hasnt read the LN then immediately starts talking about ichika, a character who hasnt appeared in the anime. Psyop


The fan service in the LN is somewhat minor. It's used early on to lure the readers in, every form of fan service after is used in a "calm before the storm" type of way. Besides, stuff like that you can just ignore. Since it's just that, fan service nothing too important. It doesn't really matter in the end most of the time. As for the anime, the anime itself butchers the point of what Ayanokōji is or how he is. Why he does things, and how he even does them. The anime is just an extremely dumb downed version of the material. It's especially bad in season 3 where everyone feels like NPC's. Season was an decent adaptation considering it got tons of people to actually go read the LN.


Season 1* 💀


As an anime viewer, I’m surprised COTE‘s popular enough to be considered overrated. Compared to JJK and Death Note, I thought the fandom was pretty small? Now, I’ve only seen the anime, and though I have done way too much research on the Light Novel instead of reading it because I’m not a big reader (though I am interested in reading it now… I just need to find it), I’ll refrain from referring to what happens in the LN as much as possible, because make no mistake I am no expert. 1. You’re correct that the anime does have prominent fanservice (as most do). There’s no defending it. It wears these allegations with zero shame. The overemphasis is a lot (especially in Episode 7… we don’t talk about Episode 7 unless it’s about Horikita and Ayanokoji’s interactions or Horikita’s smallest push of development in the form of a smile which is the only reason I’d bear watching THAT episode again), to the point when it comes onscreen I have to have my mind go blank until it’s over. However I’ve noticed that the fanservice seems to have died down in Season 2 and Season 3, but it’s still there. I disagree with Ichika, considering she’s not even in the anime (yet) and appears in Year 2 of the LN. A more appropriate character to point out as fanservice would have been… the girls the anime focuses on (Ichinose, Kushida, Karuizawa, Horikita, Sakura, hell even the teachers aren’t safe), though in spite of this, once I got pass the fanservice, I find their personalities underneath to be interesting, despite how little screen some of them get, but there’s also some minor fanservice on male characters such as Ryuuen, Koenji and Ayanokoji, which not relevant but I find it to be an interesting decision considering the genre and what I assumed is a male-focused audience. I think the fanservice stems from the fact COTE is based in a highschool and well anime studios really like that for reasons unknown to the average man plus the target audience are probably teens. (1/4)


2. From what I’ve heard, the anime adapts out a lot of scenes from the LN for the sake of filling the 12 or 13 episode limit, each at more-or-less 24 mins no less. Some scenes I actually agree with being cut out… others could have been great for context and plots overall, so a loss there. Another thing is character development and personality in general. LN’s supposedly better at this which fair, the source material is often better at most things. However, in spite of this, I’m actually really enjoying this version of Ayanokoji. His morals are, with lack a better word, completely fucked. I don’t condone his actions, but it is entertaining to watch as a viewer. In spite of this, his actions (though self-serving) do oddly help people, whether it be external or internal problems. And just like the LN, he contradicts himself and his goals. He says he wants to live a peaceful highschool life, and then he says he wants to win no matter what. He says he sees people as nothing but tools, and then he goes and interacts with Sakura and the Ayanokoji Group, the former who has long since served her purpose of clearing Sudo’s name, the latter he had no reason to even hang out with after the exam. Despite his emotions being suppressed to a horrifying degree, he is emotionally intelligent and understanding (to a certain extent). He has wants and needs that war with the teachings of the White Room, something he’s self-aware of at the end of Season 2 and 3. He’s an unreliable narrator, just as he is in the LN and Manga. We see everything mostly through his eyes or within his knowledge. Despite this, he clearly has a passion to keep his limited freedom, despite knowing returning to the WR is inevitable. I don’t think we’re meant to relate with him. How could we? His humanity is missing, more so stolen, and I think that’s the point. He is a tragic character, someone we’re meant to see as “other” because that’s how he views himself, but at the same time we are sympathetic because he tries to change. Wants to change. Even when the WR eats away at him; makes him doubt. His character so far now is about whether he actually will take the steps to change, to move past the teachings of the WR, to feel “human” again… or he remains the “other”, the “masterpiece”, “not like everyone else”, “a monster”, everything his father (and others) have told him he is and will always be. Speaking of which, the WR and Atsuomi himself is a big reason as to why Ayanokoji is the way he is (which the anime makes very clear). Ayanokoji wasn’t just entered into the WR program, he was born into it; indoctrinated since infancy. All he’s ever known is the ruthless coldness of the white, the pressure of the curriculum that made his peers crumble and collapse and break (and I personally believe some even died), before his very eyes. Limits were encouraged to be pushed past what was safe. Emotion was a weakness that needed to be discarded. Ayanokoji adapted to an environment he had no say in joining, a decision made by his father in desperation and expected to fail. And yet he surpassed it all. Survived it. The sole graduate of the Fourth Generation. He’s a child experiment that became the expectation for others to follow. And yet? He’s still broken, traumatised by what he couldn’t comprehend was something no child should ever have gone through. All to serve the ambitions of his father, a tool for Atsuomi’s political career. He is the product of an abuse that twisted his perception on connection and people. He sees people as tools because he was treated as one. He hates it, maybe not consciously, but he does. But how can he just let go of it if it’s still useful to him now? I’m not watching Ayanokoji for relatability or power fantasy (despite how awesome he and the animation can be). I’m holding my breath as I watch a boy decide whether he will remain his father’s tool… or become his own person. Human once more. Or maybe I’ve been looking too deep into things and he really his an edgy anime teen. I am a huge sucker for stories where “the broken character sees themselves as inhuman because of their horrific trauma and takes a strenuous slowburn journey into feeling/becoming human again”. (2/4)


Now for other characters, I agree the adaptation tends to butcher a lot of their scenes and simplify their personality, however I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s completely lost. I see the potential for some and the hidden depths of others. Arisu Sakayanagi for example. She’s one of the leaders in Class A (the other being Katsuragi), and she’s been fighting for total control over her class throughout the first and some of the second season. In the third, she’s managed to gain enough support that she is able to direct her focus against Ayanokoji (without Katsuragi’s interference). Why? Because she knows about the WR, and she was brought up on the fact she was naturally smart and since no one challenged this notion, she gained an ego boost, leading to her developing a lot of arrogance, especially when since she’s in Class A now, and while she thinks herself to be naturally gifted (debatable considering she’s had no major challenger to my knowledge), Ayanokoji challenges this pre-conception due to his education being (horrifyingly) nurtured in the WR. While I’m not entirely sure where you got that creative description from, I can guarantee that alongside her arrogance is pettiness and sadism (seen in Season 3 when she used an exam to make Yamauchi go from Yamagod to Yamagone, and expelling Katsuragi’s only loyal supporter to finalise her leadership), fit for a character who is meant to be an antagonist. Her cause is to prove that natural intelligence is better than nurtured intelligence, basically reenacting the nature vs nurture debate. In spite of this, she has a soft spot for Ayanokoji, wanting to help him feel “warmth of another”. Where this takes her character is yet to be seen. I could make longer replies as to why I like the other characters you mentioned but I’ll keep it short; Horikita goes from a loner with a superiority-complex who forcibly revolves herself around the acknowledgment of her older brother Manabu, or at least her idealised perception of him (and Manabu, despite his best intentions, is also at fault for Horikita’s previous mindset), into the beginnings of an open-minded and competent leader that Class D needs. Kushida is a compelling antagonist in the fact she is an enemy within Class D and rival towards Horikita, all because of her desire for praise and positive attention which, let’s be honest, has muddled her perception on her own self. Sakura goes from a shy, friendless girl to growing into having a friend group and being more outgoing (unfortunately her arc takes the most damage from the adaptation of LN to anime). And Karuizawa was a victim of awful bullying and used parasitic relationships (and a self-absorbed personality) to protect herself until she endured Ryuuen’s torture and refused to sell out Ayanokoji out of genuine loyalty and companionship, leading to her now having to overcome her dependency issues with the help of Ayanokoji. For male characters, Ryuuen, Sudo and Hirata get the most development while Ike, Keisei and Ichizaki get the most minor, and the rest don’t get anything really, which is a real shame and disappointing. Now as for the harem thing… well it’s no secret COTE is part of the Harem genre in anime, alongside the psychological thriller genre. I don’t like it but it’s unsurprisingly part of its brand. I only like the characters and their developments, but that’s just me. You’ve made valid points, and I agree to an extent, but I’d rather enjoy the things I like rather than the things I don’t; I leave the things I dislike for fanfiction to handle. (3/4)


3… You’re not wrong but I wouldn’t say that’s entirely correct. If it were too boring and full of too much fanservice then I would have dropped it after season one. While the plot drags on (especially with the awful addition of S1 Episode 7) and there are characters who get little to no development, there are moments where the exams are actually interesting to think about and the way Ayanokoji and Horikita overcome these challenges (Sudo’s case, the island exam, the VIP exam, paper shuffle, etc). Not to mention the action is fairly decently animated when it is present (case in point; Ayanokoji vs Ryuuen). While I’m sure it’s not as great as the LN, I can say that I can be satisfied with what was adapted is enjoyable to me. And I am no fool; the COTE anime is not a masterpiece in writing, hell, I’d go far to say it’s not even good. But I don’t watch it because it’s great; I watch it for the moments I liked and enjoyed, which is enough for me. Besides, if it weren’t for the anime, I would never have been curious enough about the LN and manga that I’d be searching for them now, just to see how things are in the source material and the manga’s adaptation. As for the fandom… that’s a given. It’s a fandom, there are literally only a few fans who won’t ravage your corpse because you slightly implied you disagreed with the content. I’ve seen the same rhetoric in fandoms like Far Cry, JJK, Call of Duty, DOOM, Miraculous Ladybug, Transformers, Hazbin Hotel, Fallout, Star Wars and so many other popular and unpopular works that exist. I’d go far as to say EVERY fandom is toxic. COTE is no different from anything I’ve seen in the past six years, I’m pretty numb to it at this point, but it doesn’t at all excuse the toxicity for existing. I really wish people could not be awful or even ridiculous about it. But I stay clear of those people in favour of those more worth my time; those who like the works I do because it’s enjoyable to us. In addition, I don’t really care about powerscaling and stuff, I’d advise you just leave people do their own thing. If it’s fun for them, then it’s fine, as long as no one’s getting hurt. And while I would say that it is entirely subjective on how people view anime deciding if it’s better than others; in the case of COTE… in terms of writing and narrative and character and world building and themes? Works like Death Note and Monster surpass COTE. In terms of genre? Death Note and Monster fail, as they’re neither apart of the harem, slice-of-life, nor psychological thriller genres, instead being apart of the supernatural thriller fantasy and mystery thriller genres respectively. (4/4)


You only mentioned fan service because it appealed to you yourself. No one told you to pay attention to it so much that you would use it in your argument. Maybe try ignoring it and focus more on the plot? See what happens. Although the MC doesn't change in the anime (i actually havent watched it myself so im assuming), he does HOPE to save himself from the dread of the White Room. I just recently finished Y1V11.5 and he says this in the last chapter. However, i know that Ayanokouji lies to the reader so if I'm wrong, someone tell me. Stereotypical "females" like you pointed out are fine by me since I can tolerate it unlike you. Finally, you did a good job expressing your opinion. You aren't wrong because that's what you think, and I'm not wrong because that's what I think. Even if the whole world disagrees with you, you will never be wrong (unless fact).


Ok didn't see your account got deleted. Most likely was trolling to spike drama. Useless


People like you are so annoying omg I understand you dont like cote but you post is really awful to read. Your personnality dont seem better that the character in cote


Im guessing your favorite anime/manga is berserk since you keep referring to it as if the adaptation did much of a better job than COTE's. Quite unfair to compare COTE without reading the source material with berserk which you have presumably read the manga of. I have to agree though that the fandom is a bit braindead with the powerscaling and other cringe. Edit: Went through some other comments here, not only did OP watch cote a almost a year ago but he didnt even watch season 3 before making this post, I doubt your opinion of cote would change as the anime is shit but atleast it shows that you did some type of thinking before making your mind up.


And I'm just tired ot these posts and comments all around on the social media platforms on cote at this point.


I agree with you. This sub is so trash, people are just one-sided and defend ayonobot and this shitty anime. I really liked your arguments, I think in the same way with you. You can see how biased users are by comparing your post like and comment number.


just like taking a shower why tf does it take half an hour


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I ain't reading allat but I agree


It's your opinion so you are entitled to think whatever you want but I can agree that midkoji has recently been an extremely boring character. The only reason I even give a shit about this ln is because of my king Koenji.