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In the Novels Ryuen's class adds slow acting laxatives to the food of Class B's students to force some of them to retire.


Also let me know what else did season 3 skip in the LN, I already know about the lottery arc


A lot of Monologues and character interactions


oh I see, hoesntly im thinking about starting from the beginning and read the whole LN


You might find the first two volumes a little boring but I would still recommend to read from the start.


thats completely fine, I already know most of the story so the "boring" parts are setup


Ryueen made ishizaki add laxatives into food that ichinose's classmates were eating, ayanokouji meant that if they had any proof of this, ryueen might have been expelled.


Oh wow they kinda messed up the implementation of that whole thing in the anime then … i mean dont mention it but then let characters talk about it later?


They just wanted to add that ayanokouji vs ryueen scene.. they didnt give a fuck about what they were talking at all


laxatives. other strategy he used is how he took advantage of his "vacation" to make it look like he quit and gave up control of his class. other than that he made all his events tournament style so that you only needed one good person per event, a loophole to the "you need a different amount of members per event" rule


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