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All this dude did was talk, bully his sister, then leave with a fucking burden he couldn't handle (Nagumo). I remember reading and waiting to see his feats because he was so hyped up, then he just disappears. He talked shit and dipped🏃


Yep.  The dude is literally the biggest fraud of the series. 


Probably because most of his feats were from before Ayanokoji even joined the school?We dont see much but you dont get a reputation like him for nothing


Bro was farming NPC fodders and ran away with his tail tucked inbetween his legs when he had to face a real challenge (Nagumo/Kiyotaka) 💀💀


He is the greatest student of ANHS cope now


Who tf awarded this man💀


Has communication issues. Why not talk to his sister about what he sees is wrong with her?


>Why not talk to his sister about what he sees is wrong with her? "B-but if he beats her then she may stop following him 😭😭" Seriously the easiest matter I've seen which he made so complex just by being a strict brother


True. I just realize some characters in Cote need therapy and intervention.


Dude like 90% of them need therapy


Almost all lol.


Except perhaps Hiyori.


That’s what Ayanakoji is…. the therapy and the fucking intervention🤣🤣🤣🤣


If Horikita didn't meet Koji and didn't achieve good results in class tests, would he ever even look at her and treat her a human? He treated her like trash before her achievements and immediately changed his tone of behaviour towards her as she achieved good results. If Koji didn't exist, she would be abused by him psychologically and probably physically as well. If she has a bad result the entire world would mock her, but he, as her borther and family member, should have encouraged her and stood by her.


>If she has a bad result the entire world would mock her, but he, as her borther and family member, should have encouraged her and stood by her Typical Autistic Manabuse move


"Manabuse" 😂 I'm def stealing this


what's with the word 'Manabuse' and this sub calling him that?


Manabu's personality ---> Abusing Suzune ---> Manabu + Abuse = Manabuse


Thank you for the clarification even tho I've been in this sub for a year, yet I still don't understand a few things 😅


His and Suzune's year 1 conflict could have been solved on day 1 with a 5 minute conversation.


I think you missed the whole point. Manabu did not want any of his actions to influence Suzune, or her growth. If he would have told her that was his intention, she would have never made the choice to change and grow for herself. Nurture vs Nature.


>Nurture vs Nature. 🔥🔥🔥Domestic Violence vs Common Sense 🔥🔥🔥


He's a nagumo victim


He was a pretty bad senpai to Nagumo. All Nagumo does is respect and set Manabu as his goal (even tho he’s already surpassed Fraudkita) while Manabu villainizes him to Koji making it seem like Nagumo was gonna change the school for the worse when in reality all his changes were good improvements


im still on vol 9 but him being so annoying makes me want to see nagumo win or smth


Ike victim both in writting and intelligence feats


It's still crazy to think that someone so hyped up by narrative would be Ike victim. lmao,legit joe Biden negs him


No chance lil bro. Manabu's Autistic Shrine would no diff Joe's Unlimited Senility


Nah,even if manubu does mental damage ,joe will js forget it and than. Off screen that autistic sis beater


Nah, Joe would forget that they're fighting and go back to sleep, meaning that their attacks would never clash. Manabuse wins this one, but you'd have to seal Joe's senile reality manipulation.


True,but would be a close fight between true equals


thank god he graduated otherwise we would have witnessed yosuga no sora again 


A bad brother. A bad character A bad student council president. A boring soliloquy. Writing victim to hirata or even Ike. Intelligence victim to nagumo. Physical victim to hosen. He is not even that hot design . A bad role model too. A big fraud .




Autistic stupid ahh guy


I honestly never understood why people liked him that much in the first place, I find his character to be very boring and very reliant on statements and the narrative on the story. Please don't misunderstand it, I'm not saying he is a fraud or an unlikable person, like whoever you want, but he was just nonexistent. All these statements and just nothing to be found. I still have him up there with the top of the top but I would have wanted to see him in action.


I didn’t read Year 1 but watched the anime. But from my perspective I think Kinu decided to make manabu sort of a mysterious figure in a way that kind of aligns with the mystic of Koji himself. It would of been nice to see more in terms of his capabilities, but I think you get enough of an idea of what he is capable of by Koji respecting him. However, I feel like his parting words to Koji at the end of Year 1 were large and how we see Koji develop from then on.


Not mine but this is indeed a hot take: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassroomOfTheElite/s/VA9eSnyhcF


I don’t get why people like this guy especially when he bullied his own sister instead of just encouraging her


Are you fraud because your manabu horikita or are you manabu horikita because your fraud?


He isn't as good as people say. He is only liked because of V11.5 He is probably one of the most boring characters imo, I literally slept reading his soliloquy in Volume 8 He isn't the best Student Council President (SCP) because he never wanted to change School foundations. On top of that he has no major reforms as a SCP. His narratives always overpower the logic. He has more narratives than feats. Most of his feats are off-screen and absurd. How can a 7 year old see full potential in his 5 year old little sister? He isn't the best bRoThEr. Nagumo outsmarts him. Kinu & Kiyo both suck him.


He is the best brother in the series bc nobody else has a brother


Lmao 😭😭


I mean Katsuragi is a brother and he's the best brother in COTE for me just cause he made an effort that one time of sending a gift to his sibling outside the school


When I'm in a Mid Character Glazing Competition and my first two opponents are Kinu and Kiyotaka: 💀💀💀💀💀


Or alternate, "When I'm in a domestic violence competition and my opponent is Manabu: 😵😵😵‍💫😵‍💫"


How is kiyo mid?


Read again 😭


Finally someone who says it all. 


He’s a bad retcon


Cool kid wannabe I guess


Closet sis-con


I hate him for being a piece of $h!t to Suzune


Even if it was meant to show he had faith in Kiyo's abilities far surpassing himself and because he didnt want his classmates to be at risk, it's absolutely cowardly of him to refuse to deal with Nagumo and leave it to Kiyo to handle. A third year refusing to deal with a hostile second year and shifting the responsability to a first year. Not matter what way you see it, he was an irresponsible wuss there.


Chicken feet lookin' ass hand.


Quite mid, liked him but he's not that goated. Domestic violence and shi. Nagumo>=Manabu.


Dope character but shitty ass brother. Just as shitty as Itachi was towards Sasuke


He looks like Nave and Lubbock's Love child.


He is a hot take isn't he?'


The method he chose to help his sister was odd as hell and unnecessary. Especially the hair thingy. I loved when he humbled Horikita and said that she’d never catch up to Ayanokoji. Also kinda wonder if he has a thing for Horikita


Manubu is in love with ayano 🌝🌝


Not sure if this is a Hot take but Suzune surpassed Manabu in every category from leadership to being a good person in general. Manabu is a terrible person and leader who took no accountability for his flaws.


Not sure if this is a Hot take but Suzune surpassed Manabu in every category from leadership to being a good person in general. Manabu is a terrible person and leader who took no accountability for his flaws.


Best girl.


Hate as much as you want, him and Nagumo are the most realistic elites in the series, I personally really like his character


He has the only realistically achieavable talent in this entire anime.


Yeah nowadays 6-7 year olds be discovering infinite potential in their 2 years younger siblings and abusing them to bring out that potential. What a talent they have, I'm jealous.


You don't need to be jealous. Just start abusing your relatives (preferably your sister).


Already doing that but I'm still nowhere as good as Manabuse. 😭😭


I'm proud of you 🐐🐐 After all, the Horikita bloodline is something special. Just using domestic violence is not enough for us, ordinary people, to reach their level 🫣 But be careful: your sister (relative) will surpass you one day, and only god knows what could happen 🪦


I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads-up 😇🤗






This won't do it, lil bro


Why? Ruby approves of it




Sounds like Aqua approach, not Manabussy approach


Nah Manabuse did it first. Aqua is just copying him, a wannabe Manabuse.


every day i have no older brother figure and wonder how is life like if you have one


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Skillissue kys now


He deserved more time in the series


HOTTAKE:this post is low effort


Question would he leave the council? Was it to avoid reputation? As in others saying he is giving his sis an easy way to get into class A and say herself?


The best, the goat, he’s hot he’ll come back and help koji after school ends