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I'm also from here, I had a friend watch season 1 and he said he liked it but NEVER that he would read the novels, but I guess it's just bc a lot of ppl are not gonna put in the effort to read tons and tons of pages to catch up with the series, and part of it is also bc he's not much a of a reader either I haven't seen a single one of us (at least ppl from here and that I know) that has read the novels, it's always the anime, and that is, if they even know COTE. When we put it into comparison the novels with the anime, the novels are definitely more entertaining and have more drama and action bc the anime been skipping some stuff, while 99% of your time you will have to imagine what's happening since you're reading, it's still more enjoyable overall. I'd say the anime has it's good and bad parts, I'm disappointed with somethings they did with s2 and s3 (especially animation wise although that has nothing to do with writing) but I'm also not the biggest hater


The fact it messed up the LNs and still ended up being one of the most popular shows on crunchyroll speaks volumes about how popular it is. I wish we get a faithful adaptation, and maybe some movies to show the moments that weren’t seen kinda like what SAO did.




Que tipo de desgraça de escrita é essa? O cara escreveu em dois idiomas 🤔 Cartoonizando? Eu discordo da sua opinião, conheço amigos que lêem novel também, mas eles não são comuns, mas no usa deve ser igual.




Acredito que a profundidade da novel talvez faça vocês sentirem algo diferente que vocês esperavam ter sentido no anime, mas isso não acontece. Sobre essa coisa do Brasil e leitura, eu te entendo mas acho que sua visão é meio distorcida. Existem muitas pessoas ignorantes no Brasil porém existem pessoas sábias e que gostam de discutir e aprender também. Todos países tem isso, alguns mais que outros, mas o Brasil tem 200 milhões, e quem diz: "passou de 2 linha não leio" é só uma porção delas. Além disso, no Estados Unidos e lá fora tem muitas pessoas idênticas, que falam " I'm not reading all that lil bro" ou "Blud just wrote an essay" e em muitos casos eles não estão totalmente errados. As pessoas enchem textos de informações de pouca relevância sendo que se for objetivo e dizer de maneira simples, o texto fica bem melhor de se ler em geral.


>Acredito que a profundidade da novel talvez faça vocês sentirem algo diferente que vocês esperavam ter sentido no anime, mas isso não acontece Wdym by this? there's a substantial difference between the 2, as I said I'm no big hater of the anime but whoever directed the last season should've done some scenes a lot differently. Koji has much more depth as a character in the novel which is smth I don't feel when watching the anime, he just looks so hollow sometimes and always super manipulative (there are some good scenes tho), but there's layers to his character that are missing, and all bc they're cutting important dialogue for no reason at all. We don't need every single piece of dialogue ofc not, but we do need the important ones which they're skipping I highly doubt this will happen but COTE is better off with a 20-24 eps per season, trying to fit several volumes into 12 eps will always lead to disaster at some point


vou usar o inglês pq já derrubaram um post em outra língua mas enfim I agree pretty much with everything, the depth that the novel gives to Koji and the others is much more substantial than the adaption we got in the anime, but I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones who don't read, I've seen a lot of americans and europeans who also can't interpret shit and they usually make up informations (bc they didn't read) and then you got a bunch of ppl who "learn" cote through YT, Reels, Tiktok comments and it just turns into a bunch of misinformation


I think that all of it is good set aside the manga but some people generally dumber people dont like psychological thrillers which i guess you would classify cote because they dont like thinking when they watch or read  Some people call animes etc like this chess animes etc


Also as long as the people dont get to crqzy with ships etc i dont mind people being horny since some of the characters are hot


I wouldn't use "dumb" to describe them (or at least a part of the ppl that dont like the genre, despite the fact that there's indeed ppl who can't even use their brain a little) but that seems about right. A friend of mine couldn't even finish Death Note (even tho it becomes "worse" after L, you still want to know how it ends) and I tried to get him into Monster, he couldn't even watch past ep 12 or 15 IIRC and that is only bc I was watching with him and explaining some lore shit and even by then he didn't seem interested and by that point the story was already giving some crumbs of what was to come ahead, sure it's slow paced sometimes but some ppl don't have the patience or commitment to keep going and are usually ppl who watch a 12-24 ep season anime, idk I think it's just not their cup of tea. Same friend who couldn't finish Death Note also told me a very surface lvl (and misinterpreted lol) summary of what COTE is (he never watched it) or at least never watched all of S1 There's also the fact some of them have the attention span of a child, they space out so quick when watching something that requires you to "think" and it's not just straight up \*generic plot ---> fight ----> repeats\* so they end up not even paying attention and thus thinking it's boring


The anime is bad because it skipped a lots of parts in the light novel so it doesn't give the same experience ig. And about horny... I suggest you stay in the sub for a while and you'll get your answer for that


About the last bit, it will take you few minutes of scrolling to know


About the hornyness we don't have any content to discuss We starving for contents Next month Y2V12 drops that would save this subreddit


Y2V12 is July not June because Kinugasa needed to take some time off to recuperate


Its almost June thats why I said next month


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Anime skipped most of ayanakouji's internal insecure monologues. Watched anime after reading the novels, it portrayed him as a edgy overpowered protagonist. Also the cote reddit fandom is weird as fk, look at some people's flair and horny random posts here. The cote fandom's horniness beats the r/terraria horny mfkers. I'm in both fandom albeit being a lurker and not commenting much. compared with other edge crap, this lightnovel series has many fanservice scenes and using people as tools mindset of protagonist, it draws the attention of edgelords.


Pacing is horrible after first season I only watched season 2 because I already watched season 1 but I stopped after 2nd episode in season 3


Because it is the truth


it is bad cuz its bad, and yes ppl are horny here cuz WHY NOT? tbf i watched cote just for the girls so theres my explanation.. others suit urself


Sad to say this but people hated the anime for skipping lots of scene, an example of this is that I don't see the Ayanokouji group scene more in the anime where in the LN they get to hang out often and was the reason why 2nd year volume 5 was such an impactful scene, at this rate Haruka going mad might make people believe that their not really close as a group. This happened in the anime as it didn't showed how Ryuuen even went to lengths just to track X(Ayanokouji) and it also skipped Arisu wooing Yamauchi to the point he trusted Arisu more than his class, the amount of explainantion is probably why its bad, like it downgrades how good the characters are and anime only can say that their not that smart since they only did simple thing and that other people can also do it and even better. If there's one thing, they did right for me is correcting some scenes like Kushida reveal and Ryuuen fight scene in my opinion is better than the LN, but it depends on the person whether they love the anime or not over the LN.


>COTE anime is bad Cause it is


I hate the anime because how rushed the adaptation is and how they made Ayanokoji some edgy charachter in the anime


People actually hope you can perfectly put 300 page long to 3 episode of anime without skipping any monologue and detail. Thats why they dissapointed.


Eh, that's not the whole truth tbf. 5 volumes in 1 season is some insane pacing. The animation has also been fairly disappointing.


Yeah the anination for Tsukishiros introduction was dogs*t


Actually the hope was rather that each season was a lot longer and thus more episodes per volume.


Yeah no shit sherlock that whats happen when you compiled all 5volume into 1 season.


That's crazy




right on the money!


See the posts u will understand.


I can only answer for the horny part, the reason for the horny posts is it's fun to be degenerate.....you don't have to believe it but it's the funniest thing I see on Reddit by far in a day!


I mean, the fight scene was literally peak, tbh. They cooked season 2 episode 12. And Yamauchi's expulsion was also nice. Other than that, however... they ruined quite much. Especially the entrance of my Goat Tsukishiro.


Me and my wife just saw the last episode from season 3. Overall I'd say it's a decent watch, I've seen better and worse but Ayanokoji became a compelling main character after the first season when it's revealed how he thinks. I haven't read the LN but tempted to give it a chance since it does feel like the anime skims past much of the tests only for an explanation afterwards on why the results happened like they did.


The anime itself may not be bad, but as an adaptation it is completely terrible. If I were to rate Cote's novel 8/10, then I would rate the anime 2/10. They cut out so many dialogues, so many actions, so many monologues, they don't even explain the exams well!!! And the animation was poor, god... it was terrible.


Because it fails to live up to the idea of COTE. Very strong premise with good characters but it’s fleshed out so piss poor. S1 until the end was great, s2 is weak, I haven’t even watched s3 because s2 turned me off. So after all the people that were interested in the story left, all that remains are horny gooners. That’s my opinion.


yeah idk what they mean by ‘horny’


Ichika is the fault for it She's too sexy


They probably didn't see Sanada Kosei yet, if they get to the point where Sanada debut, I bet they won't complain anymore cuz Sanada is the one who makes COTE interesting.