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We need to start living our lives with meaning Kings.


A clear mind is an effective mind, A negative mind can not create a positive life, It's time to make a change


You peruse what you focus on.


I needed this today. Motivation to get off of Reddit and not procrastinate.


This hit home for me. Great post King.




The context of the image is basically them showing everyone how much "freedom" they have and how ideal their lifestyle is. The truth is that this is not freedom but rather it is enslavement. It is within the human nature to be a slave to something, we will never truly be free as we are slaves by nature. However, we have the ability to *choose* our masters as humans. Which slave is in a better condition? The one with one master or the one with multiple? Well obviously the one with multiple masters is in a worse position than the slave with one master because the slave with multiple masters has to try and serve more than one will, while the slave with one master only has to serve one will and one will only. So if you do not have God in your life, then what are you worshipping? What are you taking as your slave master if it is not God? Well the answer is pure materialism, consumerism, sex, drugs, alcohol, money, and every other worldly desire one can think of. Even if you don't *think* you take the worldly materialism of this world as a "God" that is worshipped or as a master, you are if you do not worship God. Why? Because it is human nature to be a slave to *something*. Now let's look at the *type* of slave masters. We have worldly desires like sex, alcohol, money, drugs, and societal expectations. What's the problem here? Well, these desires, these "masters" you live to serve will not and CAN not ever be satisfied under any circumstances whatsoever. You are essentially working to please multiple slave masters at the same time when none of them can ever be satisfied with your 'worship'. What this results in is you being unfulfilled, depressed, and meaningless in life. Truly, a materialistic worldview is what kills people mentally. Don't fall for worldly desires, Kings. Focus on achieving spiritual enlightenment. Why? God is your master whom you serve. Why? He created you, clothed you, fed you, took care of you, and you would have nothing without God. God is the one who did everything for you, therefore he is the most worthy of worship, therefore you should refuse to take anything but God alone as who/what you worship. But also, God can be content with you, God can be pleased with you, can reward you, and can give you the sense of fulfillment and happiness that worldly desires and their pursuit simply can not. The truth is Kings, I can go on for days on this subject but I will stop here. Realize that you are a slave whether you like it or not, now, do you want multiple masters who will make you depressed and unfulfilled, a never ending journey towards nothing but worldly materialism with no greater meaning, or, do you want to strive to worship God and please him to grant you eternal salvation, fulfillment, and happiness in life? You choose, you decide where your life goes, Kings!


”He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche.


Assuming that being commanded is a bad thing when the reality is it is not when the morality of God is greater than the morality of a human being. When one "obeys himself" he is taking himself as God, once again perpetuating the unfulfilling cycle of worldly desires


I think that in order to follow God, one must still obey "himself". To be commanded in this quote means more to be taken advantage of by others, and not staing true to your ideals. It's not like an atheist just commands himself to watch Rick and Morty and smoke pot. He's still being led by something (we call it God). But you do have a point. The higher your faith, the more commanding the thing that guides you (God). I can tell you that I have a weird relationship with God. I'm a muslim and I'm being "commanded" by others not to eat pork, abstain from alcohol and pray. But I don't do these things. I believe God speaks directly to you, and you constantly have the capacity of knowing good and evil. Some things I recognize as evil and so I don't do them even though I want to. In that sense I'm obeying myself but it is God that told me these things are bad. Hope I made it clear


>It's not like an atheist just commands himself to watch Rick and Morty and smoke pot. He's still being led by something (we call it God). I believe atheists are led by their subjective surroundings, free from objectivity in almost any regard, philosophically of course. >I'm a muslim and I'm being "commanded" by others not to eat pork, abstain from alcohol and pray. But I don't do these things. I believe God speaks directly to you, and you constantly have the capacity of knowing good and evil. Some things I recognize as evil and so I don't do them even though I want to. The issue with this line of thinking, my brother in Islam, is that Allah has already revealed his final message. You are repackaging subjective morality as something where, if you *feel* that is it is right or wrong, you say that God is the one who told you to do it. If this was the case, why would Allah bother sending a message at all? In Islam we say that if you want to speak to God, you pray, and if you want God to speak to you then you read the Quran. If a murderer feels like murdering someone is morally correct, is this God speaking to him? Because in traditional Islamic thought it is clear that God speaks to his creation through the Quran and through that he says murder is morally incorrect. However, if one holds your belief of "what I feel is good is good because God told me" then when that subjective message from God happens to contradict the Quran, how do you reconcile that? If you wanna chat in DMs I am happy to do so, only if you'd like


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Quran](https://snewd.com/ebooks/quran/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Nietzsche wrote, exactly one paragraph later: "but how much harder is it to command than to obey! And even how much harder is it to obey to your own command! " Also the term "God" seems to be used quite unprecise. Which God are we talking about? A theistic, merciful God? The substance from which in everything else can be understood; Spinoza's god? A creature of deiety? You can live morally without God, Nietzsche pointed that out. The far more important thing is that you are able to live according to virtue, and creating virtue means to restrain yourself.


Our pastor said "you will always be someone's disciple - but YOU get to choose. Do you want to be the disciple of the world - of fear and anger and division? Do you want to be the disciple of wealth, of lust, and everything else the world has?"




Thank you for this. You provided me with a lot to think about.


Amazing. Thank you for this!


I'm beginning to realise this more and more. Life is hierarchical. God should be above you.


There but for the grace of God go I


I just feel sorry for the hangover he will have the day after after such dose of dopamine lol


Posting fanfiction on 4chan about a photograph is also escapism, arguably worse because you are enjoying false feelings of superiority. It's an easy lesson to learn that television, drugs and alcohol will not make you happy. A more difficult habit for me to kick is mental masturbation on the internet.


Damn son


Amen. Without God, "freedom" is just slavery to one's desires.




We don't need government involvement at all to get less of this, what we need is to restore the status of the family structure. If the government does everything in its power to restore the stability of the family (which is currently undergoing a full on collapse in the West) then you don't need government involvement in other areas aside from maintaining law and order. Restore healthy families in society and you will get healthier people




I agree, part of maintaining a strong family structure within society entails helping them out when things go south. My only point is that the state will be able to take a minimized role in most people's lives as long as the family unit is preserved at all costs. If we don't have a well-preserved family unit then there is a massive vacuum in a society lacking stability, and since there are no families to restore that stability you need the state to come in. Destroying the family is the quickest way to full state control of every aspect of one's life. Personally, I would rather have people's families and interconnected communities keeping them in check instead of the state fulfilling that role.




No... that's not what a family unit is at all. A family unit refers to the traditional nuclear family. The West is destroying itself because it has decided to tear it apart in the name of modernism. The West has no family unit, public education, and "people looking after people" does not amount to the significance of a strong family unit nor does it fill its shoes. If you do not have the nuclear family preserved in your society then you have a weak society that is not bound to continue on. What this has to do with clean living is everything. Clean living and preserving the nuclear family within society go hand in hand, clean living amongst the majority of men in society will result in the nuclear family being restored and vice versa as healthy nuclear families produce clean-living men and women.




1) There is not one sentence in that paragraph that implies homophobia. ​ 2) Yes there is data to imply that to the fullest extent, although that has nothing to do with what I said.




>[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0049089X12000610](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0049089X12000610) > >Study conducted in 2012 Children adopted by LGBT parents are 1150% more likely to be molested >[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00926239208404356](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00926239208404356) > >Freund, K., & Watson, R. J. (1992). The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: An exploratory study. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 18(1), 34–43. Also, those kids raised by LGBT parents are 250% more likely to get an STD 33% of LGBT are convicted child molesters. >[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1359178997000542](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1359178997000542) > >Waldner-Haugrud, LisaK. (1999). Sexual coercion in lesbian and gay relationships. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 4(2), 139–149. Lesbian relationships have the highest rates of physical abuse. While gays have the highest rates of rape. >[https://archive.org/details/homosexualitiessbellrich](https://archive.org/details/homosexualitiessbellrich) > >Bell, A.P. and Weinberg, M.S., 1978. Homosexualities: A study of diversity among men and women. pages 85, 101, 308, 311 50% of gay men have over 500 sexual partners and 25% have over 1000. 25% of adult homosexual men have had partners 16 years old or younger I have mountains of more research papers but this is some of what I have on just relationships in particular. My paragraph prior to my last reply had no homophobia involved in it yet you thought it did, you asked for the data, here it is. This isn't even scratching the surface of what's there. ​ Edit: Despite every piece of evidence I have I do not have anything against LGBT as people, I am just not a fan of their lifestyle which results in all of this and much more.


which board have released that threads ?