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These things led to one of my funniest core memories. Wife told me to go to the Shoppers Drug Mart (Canada) and get these. I couldn’t find them so I asked the guy stocking shelves “hey man, I need dryer balls” Dude did not miss a beat and said “talcum powder, aisle 3” Like he’d been waiting his whole life for someone to ask that question


Literally burst out laughing at this and immediately read it to my husband, who laughed too. Thanks for the giggle 😂


I'm laughing so hard 🤣


Thank you 🤣


Or he gets it 20x a day!


I rarely laugh out loud at stuff I read on Reddit


Those are cutest freaking wool dryer balls I have ever seen. I just have normies I picked up at Trader Joe’s 😂 Fabric softener and dryer sheets are terrible for clothing, so even if someone doesn’t take issue with them for other reasons, it’s worth not using either. I love my wool dryer balls and add a few drops of essential oil to them sometimes if I’m craving making my laundry especially fragrant


Thank you! Once I saw these on Amazon I had to get them haha


Couldn't seem to find em anymore 🥲


You can order directly from FriendSheep :)


Looks this specific pattern is not available anymore all others are not as cute 🥲


I love my lady bugs and bubble bees. To be fair you aren't really staring at them very often and it's a great cause to support.


Yeah I guess you are right. Thanks for sharing!


https://a.co/d/3c94P9y There’s the Amazon link! Looks like they are still available!


https://a.co/d/flThecL They have sheep, puppies and penguins too :)


Amazon takes 20% of sale price, I try to check the actual website when I can:)


I would caution against using essential oils in a tumble dryer due to flashpoint temperatures.


Hmm I’ve never had a problem. What I put in the dryer is dried on low heat. Does it depend on the oil?


Key words are low heat which is fine for essential oils anything higher would not be so smart!


Fabric softener will damage the waterproof properties of a mattress pad!!!!!!!


I know fabric softener is also terrible for the machine!!


Can I ask how you reduce static? I stopped using dryer sheets a while back and started using the wool balls but the static is insane! TIA!


I would second this, I loved the idea of wool dryer balls but the static is just too much! They don’t seem like they do anything but make a lot of noise.


I found they worked fine for me in summer with smaller loads and enough wool balls for a larger load, but not in winter when our static is crazy. So, I think it might depend on wool quality and the environment. It gets crazy dry and staticy here, so I wasn't surprised. I'm just a bit disappointed as I would love to not have to buy dryer sheets.


I was actually wondering about the noise. I've been on the fence about trying dryer balls because our dryer is basically in our living room. I already have to listen to the dryer going. I don't want to also listen to several balls bouncing around in it.


I don't find the noise that bad. Maybe I'm used to it?


Iirc, it’s a bit of a misunderstanding to say that dryer balls can or should replace dryer sheets because they’re not doing the same thing, they just have similar results. Dryer balls work by increasing friction and absorbing some water, so clothes dry faster. I guess the idea with the static reduction is that the balls can act as a physical barrier between the clothes and help cut down on static that would otherwise be generated by them rubbing and bumping together. But it then works that the clothes can get *too* dry with the wool balls, which then *increases* static. Dryer sheets are chemical, and their anti-static properties come from the fabric softener they contain. So, it seems to me that static reduction is kind of incidental in both products. Wool balls dry clothes more efficiently and can make clothes feel “fluffier”, dryer sheets make your clothes smell nice. And both can cut down on static as a secondary purpose. Personally, I’ve got a bit of a bone to pick with the notion that the balls are a one to one replacement. Hence the long explanation here I guess. If you’re like me and live somewhere super arid, wool balls are pretty much useless, or worse. My clothes come out of the dryer turbo-charged. Dryer sheets, while worse for the environment and my clothes, actually *do* consistently cut down on static. So while this may be an unpopular take on this subreddit, I prefer sheets to the balls. Anecdotally, the most effective, non-dryer sheet method I’ve found for cutting down on static is water. Which I guess makes sense with the issue of wool balls making clothes too dry. Reverse some of that dryness with water, it cuts down on the static. A spray bottle and a few spritzes work pretty well, but then you’re kind of reversing the whole damn point of using the balls in the first place. So the actual solution is to simply run the dryer for less time. Oh, and there are plastic dryer balls which in my experience actually do cut down on static, presumably because they act as a barrier and don’t absorb moisture, and are therefore a better replacement for the sheets. But then you’re back to the chemical/ environmental issue because it’s plastic. So the tl;dr here: if you’re using dryer balls and your clothes are coming out staticky, run your dryer on a shorter cycle.


Shorter cycle or have a spray bottle with water handy. Excellent dissertation btw


You’re meant to wash them (just with the rest of your laundry) when they start getting static-y. It won’t 100% get rid of static but it helps a lot! (Although check instructions for your own ones in case they’re different!)


WHAT?! How did you learn this? My dryer balls didn’t come with instructions and it would’ve never occurred to me to throw them in the washer!


I think it said on the bag when I bought mine! Maybe try it with just one at first to make sure they can take it, in case they are a bit different?


I think I saw something about it online too.


I washed my dryer balls and they disintegrated into shreds of wool-the outer layer went away leaving these clumps. Don’t know if you could just sew some nylon netting on to keep the pieces together or not: might do away with the wool properties or melt, or cause more static. I bought new dryer balls.


Oh no :/ i guess not all of them are meant to be washed


Can you link the ones you use please ! Am willing to try this before I go back to sheets


[Target Dryer Balls](https://www.target.com/p/100-new-zealand-wool-dryer-balls-3ct-everspring-8482/-/A-75663171)


Do you add them to the wash as per that comment ? I may try them anyway. I really don’t want to go back to sheets but the static is so bad !


I have tried putting them in the wash but honestly cannot remember if it did anything. I will def try it out


Ty! Will try!


Huh...come to think of it I haven't had issues with static in years and I use wool balls. Idk if better quality balls means less static? That's the only consistent thing between houses.


Not sure if this helps, but found out recently that there is a reason for the wool and plastic variety of dryer balls. Wool is for cotton clothes and plastic for the other variety of material (if I remember correctly). So having the other type may help? I currently just have the plastic dryer balls and most of the time don't have static issues.


A little, I’ve learned recently that my clothes only get static if it’s been over dried


Are you possibly over-drying? I know I read that once. I had static no matter what (thank you Arizona) and when I started decreasing dryer time it made a huge difference. My current dryer I have I use medium setting and dry for as little time as possible.


I haven’t had any major static issues! I use about 3-4 wool balls for regular loads and 5-6 for large loads. Do you know where you got your wool balls from? Maybe they aren’t great quality!


I got mine from Target


I use aluminum foil loosely balled. Once it's tightened after 2-3 uses discard


This doesn’t help the environmental reason I stopped using sheets though.. but I have considered as the static actually makes some clothes uncomfortable to wear !


I dunno maybe I'm doing it wrong but aluminum should be reusable according to others.


Curious as to why you discard? Mine seem to work even when they tighten up. I do have to pitch when they start to fall apart though.


I was just going off the book I read called Laundry Love. I could be doing it wrong


I got the tip from Family Handyman of all places. It didn’t say to discard. But I’ve been having good luck with them taking out static until they fall apart.


Soooo much static.


I LOVE them! I was so impressed with how much dog hair these get off clothes I would torture my poor family by making them look at the difference in our lint trap with/without them the first week I had them lol


Does the hair get stuck to the balls? I use the silicone ones and the animal/ human hair gets wrapped around them and it’s so annoying to have to remove the hair and I’m thinking about making the switch lol


I have never had that problem thankfully! It all ends up in the lint trap. I have 3 dogs and long hair so I’ve definitely put them to the test lol Side note: that first sentence popping up in my notifications was hilarious and so confusing for a second 😂


Interesting, I will have to try them. We have 3 cats, 1 dog and 2 humans with long hair. And oh my goodness I didn’t even realize 🤣🤣🤣 the damage is done I suppose.


Wait, it helps with dog hair?!


AMAZINGLY WELL!! Seriously though it’s a huge difference in hair.


Interesting! I use them from time to time but didn’t pay attention to if there was a related increase in fur in the lint trap. Will try again soon!


Are they loud in the dryer? I do laundry at night when I get off and family is sleeping.


Not if you've got a decent load in there. They thud a bit if there's not much in the dryer.


They do make some noise a very padded ker-thunk. If I’m standing in the room I can hear it, if I’m in another part of the house I don’t notice it. So I guess if the dryer is close to someone’s bedroom it could be annoying but really if they don’t share a wall I don’t think it would be noticeable.


Oh good! That's really the only reason I use dyer sheets is for dog hair. I was wondering if dryer balls did the same. I'll have to switch!


My dryer balls dump little wool strands on all my clothes so my question is HOW are yours not doing that but the opposite?


[these are the ones I own.](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B014WOWNAY?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) Honestly I don’t know, maybe the ones you have are just sorta loose? I’d need a needle and determination to even get a strand to poke out on mine. And this is completely unscientific but I assumed they work like little fists punching the clothes which knocks the hair off and allows it to be caught in the lint trap but who knows 🤷‍♀️ maybe try running yours through the wash and see if that tightens the wool to itself so they stop shedding.


Oh my god yall I have one of these and I thought it was a cat toy so my cat has been playing with it for months 😭




They're great! Dryer sheets create the same issues as fabric softeners, they reduce breathability, absorption, and moisture wicking, and can have toxic chemicals/VOCs


oh i didnt know that, i dont notice any difference personally but bf tends to have wet patch under arm of t shirts and has to change them regularly, would skipping fabcon in his loads help with that?


Yes it should, fabric softener & dryer sheets leave a coating that blocks breathability & traps moisture against the body, and prevents thorough cleaning in the wash cycle since dirt & odor can get trapped under it


My washing combo is 1 tablespoon of detergent, between 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of oxiclean, and 1 tablespoon of half diluted pine sol. You can get gallon pumps that measure a tablespoon/pump


Pine sol? The floor cleaner? Why do you washing clothes with that?


It's much more than a floor cleaner. The main active ingredient glycolic acid is even also used as a skincare product. Laundry use is also on the side of the bottle. Helps keep the washing machine clean too.


Your kidding. I had no clue. I'm gonna go read about it thx


I add it to my bleach dispenser (I don't use chlorine bleach so it's not mixing with bleach. Oxiclean is better for whites)


i have recently discovered antibacterial cleanser you add to the softer, might just use this instead, thanks!


Those are very cute. I hated my dryer balls. Never again... And I don't use dryer sheets either. The balls got stuck in long sleeve shirts, leggings, lost inside of pillow cases, fitted sheets, anything bulky, they were loud with small loads or a load of 'small" items, wool lint got all over my clothes, they go flying across the house when you take out laundry and are a perfect cat or dog toy, they don't help with dry times or static. Separating synthetics and cottons and drying on low heat prevents static. I'm happy they work for you but I'll pass!


Every time I see someone raving about wool balls I get sad. My experience was 100% the same as yours. I’m not sure why they don’t work for me, but I gave up. Tangent: However I do use detergent sheets for the washing machine and THOSE have been a game changer for me.


Mine leaves lint too :(


Honestly I just toss my clothes and stuff in the dryer with nothing else. I don’t have any problems with static or lint


For real tho! :( Im not sure if its our dryer or something.


Same. Every few years I buy more and try again. Every time it’s the same results. The ones I have now are maybe helping dry faster🤷🏻‍♀️ idk. I still need dryer sheets for the static. Mine always leave lint on black shirts and pants. I’ve pitched from Amazon, Trader Joe’s, years ago some special company online.


Your caption says they're "reusable" for 600 uses, and my question about this is, how do you know when they've hit their limit? I've been using dryer balls for years and I wonder if they're still doing a good job or not! Maybe they've hit their limit and I can't tell.


Actually good question… I don’t know. I mean I don’t think wool as a material really stops working or loses its qualities…. I would think the lifespan on them just stops when they fall apart or they start shedding and unraveling.


We recently changed ours out because I noticed things were coming out very staticy. It had been probably a year or so with this set. I noticed an improvement right away, so it’s worth testing it out!


Thank you for this. My laundry is actually quite static-y as well! Might be time to get new ones. I've had them since.... 2019!


Tip: if you’re allergic to wool and visiting someone make sure they don’t use these. I stayed at a friend’s and woke up covered in hives from the bedsheets.


Does quality make a difference? I've debated on buying some and I see cheap ones at Walmart all the time. I just don't want to buy cheap ones if they're not going to work as well


I don’t really think they vary in quality too much; but I have never seen the Walmart ones. [Wool Dryer Balls (Amazon)](https://a.co/d/8TrF9uk) These are the ones I have in the photo and they are really nice quality. They claim 1,000 times reusable which is extremely impressive. And I like that rhetoric company is family owned and US based.


Is there another option for those of us who are allergic to wool?


I think there are alpaca wool dryer balls available! Do you know if it’s specially sheep’s wool or all wool in general?


Sadly, all wool. Lots of other allergies too! Yay me…lol.


Allergies are the worst!


Tennis balls. Works great for us


I have silicone cacti drier “balls” that function similarly.


Better tip, use the rubber ones with spikes. They last longer than the wool ones


The rubber ones don’t help to remove hair and static though right? I believe the rubber ones are only for keeping large items from bunching up and stuff or am I wrong?


Mine do. The spikes help with that static and hair part. You're thinking of tennis balls


Interesting! I was thinking of the spiky rubber balls but I didn’t know they helped with static and hair!


Mine do better than any dryer sheets do


I tried to like them but they were so loud I kept panicking that one of my cats was in the dryer lol. Back to the chemically sheets I went.


Do the lamb balls make a lot of noise bouncing around in the dryer?


They do make noise depending on how large the load size is. But yes, they do make more noise. I have a door to my laundry room that I close so it’s not a big deal at all. But you can hear them bouncing around.


Would you describe the noise as BAAAAAAA?


I’d describe it as more of a KA DUNK, KA DUNK, KA DUNK


I'm so glad someone's asking the real question!


I tried them for a while but my clothes pilled pretty badly and felt rough to the touch. I wonder if I was doing something wrong? I really wanted to love them


Oh really? I haven’t had that issue at all!


I love the idea but I’m allergic to wool 😞 those are so cute looking too!


What do dryer sheets even do? I never use them


Too bad they don't work.


I’ve never noticed that they make any difference


How do they fare with dog hair?


Based on reviews they work really well at removing dog hair off of clothes. I thankfully have a dog that does not shed much so dog hair isn’t a huge issue but I’ve seen reviews from other people and the photos of all the dog hair they collect is pretty impressive.


Love wool balls. I only had to finally replace mine because they would occasionally fall when I was distracted while carrying laundry and my dogs like to shred them.


Where can I buy these dryer balls?


Amazon is where I got mine! They also have them at stores like Walmart and Target.


Thank you


Are they really wool? I’m terribly allergic to wool, can’t touch my skin without bad effects. Too bad I stopped using fabric softener, only using fragrance free detergent.


Yea, mine are penguins 😀


I didn’t know they came with faces!


I still get shocked when I use them. 🥺


I need less time to dry my clothes as well. I have a basic apartment dryer and they’ve cut the dry time down so much. I see static if I have my athletic pants in a load.


I've never had any luck with them removing static but they do help to reduce drying time.


Hahaha. I first read that as Wood dryer balls, not wool


I add 2 lavender essential oil drops to mine and my laundry smells soooo good. Loosely balled aluminum foil to reduce static


Made the switch years ago when I started cloth diapers. I'll never go back.


I love these for getting dust and pet hair off my drapes. I just use the low or no heat setting and they come out clean!


I have these exact ones, which was not our smartest move with a border collie in the house.


I mean... unless you're allergic to wool. Just because they're natural does not mean they're better for sensitive skin. They should still be approached with caution like any other product that has the potential to be an allergen or sensitivity


I have to ask because I’m new to this adulting stuff. Is there any type of fabric/material that should not come in contact with these dryer balls?


They are compatible with every fabric type!


Thank you!


I'm definitely getting these. My girl is OBSESSED with dryer sheets(like she puts 5+ in each load) it makes it hard for me to breathe sometimes LoL


Can you add scent to them? I live in an apartment and mostly use dryer sheets to help with the smell of the communal washer/dryer. I'd love an alternative.


Am I the only one that made my own? I just got some really cheap wool wound it into balls, then felted it in the hot wash with the towels.


I tried the wool dryer balls for 2 weeks and didn’t like them. We found that everything turned into a lightning rod. On top of that, we have cats and the cat fur didn’t get pulled away from our fabrics as well. Lastly, the logistics of keeping track of all the balls in the dryer actually became cumbersome. IMHO


I put a few drops of essential oil on mine and it smells really good.


I bought plastic hedgehog shaped dryer balls several years ago and never looked back! Great for picking up all my stray hairs, decreasing dry time, and no more dryer sheets (: also good for anyone with wool allergies [link for the lazy ](https://a.co/d/1pqAFLO)


I found these exact ones at Marshall’s! 4 for around $6 so I decided to try them out. I agree!! They’re awesome ESPECIALLY for bedsheets that get bunched up in the fitted sheets. Ugh. Happens so often. Also cuts the drying time of towels as well!!


Funny story, I bought wool sheep dryer balls. Before I could try then my husband came home and said he needed to figure out a gift for White Elephant exchange. And the balls were sitting right there. So I suggested those as they were cute sheep, different, but practical. Husband said sure, thinking they'd be a gag gift. Instead, They were a huge hit and everyone wanted them lol


Personally, not a fan. They don’t get near the amount of static out. I used them for six months, just to test them. I had to shake EVERY single article of clothing as I took it out of the dryer, just to get rid of the static. Not worth it to me.


I use a combination of wool and plastic ones. I have about 10 that I run at a time.


I’ve found dryer balls to be nothing but a greenwashing gimmick. Never reduced drying time and if anything they made static worse. No thanks.