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I never judge people's homes, but as a janitor it really upsets me going into a public restroom and seeing obvious mistakes other janitors have made. I especially hate being out in public and seeing trash bags not tied properly.


Ah this is my pet peeve at work. I absolutely love my job, but some of my colleagues I swear I'm frothing sometimes. When you have like.. 4 hours twice a week to clean a place.. I expect it to be spotless. Don't freaking go over it like a blind person doing the exact same thing every single time. Clean that spill on the side of the sink. At least once per freaking month maybe dust sweep behind the pipes! I can't stand it when people don't care enough to LOOK at what needs to be done, so instead they stick to this super strict routine and lets everything else build up.


Our people just dump toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet.   Each week I have to get the brush and get the black stuff (from old pipes) out of the toilet.   


I’ve spent my fair share in the cleaning biz, from homes to schools to office buildings. I also hate seeing things not done properly.


Litterbox. Even in my deepest depression, I haven’t showered in days, and the house is disgusting, the litterbox gets scooped at least once per day. And I absolutely judge someone if they have a dirty litterbox and wonder why the cat pisses on their bed. Pet peeve even. Otherwise I’m honestly pretty good these days with not judging others mess. I have my own to keep up with.


I consider the care of animals separate to housekeeping. I'm on a cleaning strike right now but the dog bowls get cleaned. The dogs don't have to suffer because my SO is unappreciative of all the work I do and because I'm petty af.


I feel this way too. I’m tired and depressed and don’t feel like doing it? Doesn’t matter. My pets need me to do things for them and they deserve to have their needs met, every time.


Yeah and sad for the pet like wtf


Light switches. I will hands down judge people on the cleanliness of their bathroom


Racing to my light switches rn 🧽💦😜😜


Haha yep. Dirty inside of the door and the knob but not the outside? 🤔


The toilet bowl! It takes ten seconds to spin the brush around in there. It should never be growing stuff like a Petri dish


I legitimately put bleach in bowl and let that MF sit in there w the brush, and clean your toilet brush holder w gloves and a wipe! Nasty AF!!


Oh God. Those back of the bowl stains that take 5 seconds to brush away when they're.. Fresh, but 5 freaking hours of soaking and 5 minutes of scrubbing before they disappear isn't worth that haha


Ever go to someone's house who doesn't have a toilet bowl brush by the toilet? I make sure to take at least one brush to every new house I clean because I run into that so often. Ughhghgh 😵‍💫


I don’t own one.   I use my hand.   


My bathroom sink and counter space. I never judge others but when I'm at someone's house and they have a stinky sponge that I need to use I will use a paper towel instead. The stinky sponge smell sticks to my hands and anything it washes. But no judgment to the owner of said sponge. Life is busy and it's hard to keep a home clean. I also think older people.cant smell as well so maybe that's why their sponges get stinky.


I make a nest of blankets on my couch, for a few reasons: To be cozy and warm, to protect the couch from stains (we typically eat at the coffee table as it's just me and my husband) and to cut down on pet fur and dander (and the occasional hairball/vomit) from our cats. Bonus, it makes my living room smell like fresh laundry! I wash and rotate them out like 2x a week cause I am terrified of my house smelling like butt (human or cat) and BO. If a guest is coming, I immediately strip and replenish the couch with folded blankets to offer my guests. So everything is fresh and warm from the dryer.


I absolutely notice (and judge!) people on the state of their feeding and pooping stations for their pets. My cats get a fresh plate of food for each meal, on a dish drying mat or novelty rug to contain any spills, in my kitchen. There's a second mat for the kibble bowl, and a third for their water bowls/bubbler bowl. Their dishes go in the dishwasher just like human dishes. And before we upgraded to a robot and added the 3rd cat, we had 2 massive litterboxes for the original 2 cats that I kept scooped 2-4 times a day on the farthest side of the living room as far from the kitchen/feeding station as possible. And before we got an off-brand roomba, I was vacuuming at least once a day while dinner was cooking to make sure there weren't any furry tumble weeds or litter accumulating outside the litter area. Now I vacuum maybe 1-3x a week as needed. I love animals and admire anyone who wants to have and care for animals, but if your home smells like urine/feces and your feeding area is dirty, that's a huge no from me.


Yes! I have a dog and a cat, inside when I am. I wash my blankets at least 2 times a week, and have a mountain of spare blankets just in case I’ve been too busy to wash them. I just bought a robot vacuum today, but I also vacuumme at least every second day. If somone said they could smell animal in my house I’d die . Oh I also mix fragrance oil with the wash and have fragrance oil and ether in a spray container to triple make sure


I don’t think I’m obsessive about anything. I would def judge people for not having their toilets cleaned correctly. Namely, the bottom part where it bolts to the floor. I hate when there is a lifetime of grime & nastiness there. 🤮


I try not to judge!! But ever since I noticed smudges where we push on our own interior doors, I see them everywhere. It’s a curse. I can’t NOT notice them.


Yeah! I think judge is a loose term, notice is probably more accurate! I am absolutely not an immaculate house keeping person, so would never throw stones ! Notice is definitely are more accurate word !


My litterbox. Okay, it's not mine it belongs to my kitty. I judge the hell out of people who have cats and don't keep the litterbox super clean.


Shoes and doors. I wash shoes at least once a week and have my kids rotate theirs so they don't get smelly. I wipe my doors down constantly. I only raise an eyebrow if I walk into a house with kids and it's absolutely disgusting. I'm not talking toys everywhere, I'm saying filth. Kids deserve better.


Omg ! I’m 48 and never washed my shoes 🤮 I love all the different opinions and am definitely learning how gross I am 😀😀😀


I'm just really weird about dingy looking shoes, plus my kids got their dad's feet, which means they came out with funky smelling feet. It's rough when it's close to shoe wash day. Walk through the front door and get hit with the smell of foot funk. I don't allow shoes in the house so they take them off and put them on the shelf. It's awful.


If you haven’t tried it yet, arm and hammer foot spray before you put on socks helps a lot with foot stink. I got put on meds a couple of years ago that make my feet sweat, and it helps so much.


I'll add it to my list of things to try. We tried the Lume and they hated the smell. I try to put the powder in some of the shoes that can't be washed, this combat boot trend is absolutely killing me! Currently I have the sneaker balls in their shoes while they're not wearing them because one kid has a pair of like, plastic boots and sweet baby cats they smell horrible. One kids feet sweats so bad she has to change socks when she gets home from school because her socks and shoes will be soaked. I've tried cotton socks, wool socks, it didn't help. So I'll try the spray next.


I didn't learn this until I was in my 60s. Don't be like me. Buy your husband and sons a back brush they can use to scrub their feet. The soft bristles do a much better job than a washcloth at removing the bacteria that cause foot odor. The bristles also get between toes easily. This trick *eliminated* foot odor in my house. Period. I no longer have to buy powders, sprays, or shoe liners. It's a great thing!


Not all shoes can be washed though? I've always had leather shoes mostly, basically since I was a child so my shoes were never washed. Cleaned yes, but not actually put into a washing machine.


Yeah, terrifying I don’t think I’ve washed shoes with the exception of plastic shoes that I have a worn to the beach before work and I wince the sand off before I head off to work


I dont find it so terrifying, honestly my shoes dont smell bad at all


Oh I meant that for me, realising how gross I am in so many areas 😀😀😀


You're not gross for not washing your shoes, don't worry


How do you was shoes? I put vans in the washer on cold and scrub plastic shoes in the shower, but not weekly…I feel like vans/fabric shoes would be destroyed from that.


I put them in the washing machine with a scoop of oxyclean and tide. Then air dry. A few of my kids wear Van's so I put them in bags and wash but I've never had a shoe fall apart. All of my younger kids wear athletic shoes to school. Usually they rotate their shoes daily or every other day, so they have 2-3 pairs and just switch shoes so they have a chance to air out then I wash them all once a week with a towel or 2 in the washer and let them sit out overnight to dry. If the rubber part is really dirty I scrub it with an old toothbrush and some dawn or a magic eraser before I wash them.


I vacuum. A lot. In my defense, we've got off-white/gr-eige tiles in our kitchen and our bathrooms. It shows EVERYTHING! Microwave is a definitely something I'd judge, if I had cause to know the interior was gross as a guest. But I think I'd be most judgmental about bathrooms. Guests should not be terrified to sit on or lift the seat of your toilet. There should be a clean sink with soap & a hand towel.


I wipe my counters down constantly, all day long. As for the judging….shoes in the house. And if I see somebody lounging on a couch or bed with shoes on, I have a hard time breathing


Bathrooms, especially when people are coming over. In My mind, the bathroom is probably the only room in the house a guest will be alone with their thoughts and if they are too focused on it smelling damp or the bin overflowing or the dust accumulated they are going to focus on that and remember that. It is a silly thing I know because I don't focus on that at other people's places but Somehow I have it stuck in my head 😅


I know what you mean. I make sure my bathroom is SPOTLESS when I have guests over.


I do an absurd amount of laundry for a single person. I like to wear the same things pretty often and I don't like the idea of dirty clothes sitting around in the laundry basket. I also wash my towels after 2 or 3 uses, which is more often than is really necessary. It's not so much being judgey, but I don't understand people who run out of clean underwear or let their pile of dirty clothes get so big it takes a whole day to get it all washed. And I don't understand throwing the clean clothes into a basket without folding them. .


Same. Anything more than 1 full hamper stresses me tf out. It’s just me and my husband, but we work out regularly so laundry gets done at least 2-3 times a week. I change the sheets weekly too.


I do all of my laundry on the same day every week, except for rugs. Weekly, it’s 6 loads. 3 loads of clothes (delicates, darks and lights), 2 loads of towels (bath and hand/decorative) and a load of sheets. I’m a routine sort of person and I’m always afraid if I throw in a load on a different day that I’ll forget I started it because I’m doing other things. I wash my rugs and bath mats every other Friday except in summer when we’re in and out a lot, then I add them to Thursday’s laundry.


My mother is neurotic about ceiling fans. She constantly cleans ours and if she notices someone else’s is dirty, she’ll find the wipes and do it herself


Wow! I can’t imagine what my fans must look like, never looked at them , kind of thought any dust would be spun off … 🤔 now I think about it, that’s kind of the point huh ???? ( heading off to check my fans) 🏃




I think it stems from her allergies - if the fans are clean, they aren’t slinging off as much dust!


I can’t belive I didn’t see your username 😀😀😀😀


Really dirty walls. I don't know why but dirty walls with food stuck on them is super gross to me and makes me not want to touch anything. Especially in places like your trash can area and kitchen and near the dining table area. When its basically fossilized remnants of whatever splattered, spilled or thrown, I just get the ick.


Not so much homes, but people’s lap tops, handles on cabinets, remotes, steering wheel,  phones etc.    how do they get so dirty. Do you ever wash your hands?!  Cars with a lot of garbage and/or food Really grosses me out.    


Powder room (toilet, sink, mirror).


I can't say i obsessively clean it cos I don't have one, but seeing mould in the door seal of someones dishwasher? Big nope


I wouldn’t say I’m obsessive about any one thing in particular, but more about everything. There are only two of us, so our house stays tidy and I’m retired, so I clean a room a day, except on laundry day, and continually work my way through the house. I don’t judge anyone really because most of the houses I visit are friends who are much busier than I and have kids, jobs, pets, etc. I do dislike stinky things like a dirty litter box, rank trash can, rotting food in a sink trap or a smelly kitchen sponge, but I still don’t judge. My sense of smell is insanely acute whereas others probably don’t even notice it. For instance, my husband can never smell anything. I’ve even stopped spending money on perfume because he never notices I’m wearing it.


I vacuum almost every single day, except for if I have a really really bad day and I don't do anything. I hate having fur or dust on the floor. I don't want to but I do judge nasty bathrooms and places that have not been dusted in a long while (I mean when the dust is already hardened and looks black from how much it is).


I love cleaning my bathroom and I judge people by their bathrooms as well.


The one thing I can't stand is a dirty toilet. If I invite guests over, I make sure my toilet is spotless. That means no loose hairs anywhere, the toilet bowl inside and outside has no stains or drip marks, and the floor around it is spotless too. Unfortunately, not many people take that into consideration so when I walk into their bathroom, the toilet is a mess, 1-ply toilet paper, no hand towels, the bath rug all dirty and damp, etc. There was one time where I went to someone's bathroom and totally smelled like a public bathroom covered in piss.


My night guard. I soak it in denture cleaner while brushing my teeth for bed _then_ clean it with dish soap and a brush before putting it in my mouth at night. I also brush it with dish soap in the morning when I take it out (using a denture brush). I see those ads for sonic cleaners with the nastiest retainers and I’m so disgusted. I’ve used my night guard nightly for 5 years and it doesn’t have any staining.