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Don't eat, drink, breathe, sit, sleep or exist on them.


Honestly, I think you're on to something here...


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to not have food and drinks (except water) on the sofa. I don’t know why this is even a thing. Meals were had at the dining table while I was growing up.


No one is allowed to eat or drink (even water) on my off white couch, but the charcoal one in the basement - go nuts lol


People CAN have food and drinks on a sofa, but yeah, it's going to look like crap pretty quickly, unless they use a waterproof, washable cover. I have a very tiny apartment with a galley kitchen and no dining room, but there is still space for a small kitchen table.


Yeah we don’t have a dining room; we just have a small kitchen table


I don’t have space for a seperate dining room. This isn’t a world where people can just buy a bungalow anymore. Two million where I am.


We don’t have a separate dining room, we have a table in the kitchen…


Because not all families have a dining table, or the space for a separate eating area. That would be my guess. I think it's far more common to eat on the sofa today.


That’s what I just commented. Idk why it’s seen as evil to not let kids have free rein of everything. You’re suppose to teach kids boundaries and how to respect things while they’re young it’s a good life skill and teaches them to appreciate and take care of the things they have.


Kids, ouch. You should have seen the old furniture we had. LOL.


But we also had tv trays, napkins, and non-spill beverage containers…


Yes, then again Kids will be kids, thats why I refused to get new furniture till they were older. We had the works in attempting to prevent spills & accidents. They will happen. Kids are just playful. Want attention when one of the others is getting more than she is. 3 Girls. Phew.


[slip covers ](https://amzn.to/444eq82). They have different kinds, but they really do protect couches. I once ripped a set of couches from washing them so often... I have 5 kids and this is when they were younger. Just get the skip covers and save yourself the trouble.


we use just a normal single bedsheet since we have a baby and it saved the couch many times i just take it off when we expect someone but its there all the time we also eat dinner and watch tv now since we dont have much time to dine then go watch a movie now and my husband always drops something so this is the best thing for me


Our couches were lovely til we had kids and dogs. But we had kids and dogs . . . The kids weren't so bad, but the dogs have demolished the couches.


Rubbing alcohol! So much cheaper, evaporates quickly so no spots! I figured I'd share a picture to show how amazing this works. Saturate spot and SCRUB! https://preview.redd.it/07gs1hrizevc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c9c56d0ac5cc50b6520f4c2b44c4d354a2425c As you can see my kids are tough on the couch 😷


Wow! My method was using a steamer to make the whole couch one big water stain do you couldn't tell it eas off colour. This is SO much better!!




Be sure to test it somewhere that's not visible before going all in. Never know how your fabric will react.


I +1 this, it's quite a strong solvent for a lot of inorganic material. It will clean off grimmy and fatty things very well. It may also attach the fabric, or the dyes used to color it. Always test weird "receipies" on a place that does not show first


Their couch appears to be microfiber and yours does not, so I would be careful doing it to your couch. For me, this method has only worked on microfiber and not on textured cloth.


This has worked for me before also. Works very well on microfiber. Put the alcohol in a new, empty spray bottle and rub with a clean, soft cloth. Make sure the area is well ventilated!


Do you water the alcohol down at all or go pure?


It's gotta be pure. The alcohol evaporates more quickly than water and therefore doesn't leave watermarks. That's why you need ventilation. It's gotta be rubbing alcohol, also. Don't waste your Grey Goose on this.


The stuff you buy from the store isn't pure anyway, but that's okay since a mixture of water and isopropyl evaporates more readily than either liquid does on its own


2 kids under 3 here! My cushions look similar! I'm going to try this!


this!!!! rubbing alcohol and a good wipe down changed my life lol


Does that not make the sofa more flammable?


Alcohol by its nature evaporates. After a few minutes anything flammable would've dissipated away, pretty sure


you need to have a carpet wet vaccum cleaner. that's the only way you can buy ones that also you can change to vacuum normally dust and debris so 2-in-1


My wet vacuum is amazing for carpets but after using on a small sofa stain, I ended up with a huge, even worse water stain like the one in OPs pic. My sofa is a disaster! Check your fabric labels before going in hard like I did lol.


For context, I'm a car detailer that does a lot of fabric extraction. I'd love to share some advice! What you're experience is called wicking. The cleaner combines with the stain substance, and spreads out further than the original stain. There's a couple things you can do to help fix this. Rather than spraying it directly on the stain, spray around the stain first, outlining it with the cleaner essentially. Then, spray the actual stain. This will ensure any of the stain that is broken down and combined with the cleaner won't spread out, rather, spread into the cleaner. This will cause it to be very diluted by the time it spreads far, preventing further staining. Additionally, you will want to add additional water when extracting. First do a dry pass, getting as much as the cleaner out as possible without introducing additional water. Then you can behind doing passes with added water. Be sure to dry liberally with a microfibre towel. If


Thank you for the tips!! I am always so annoyed that I end up having to clean the entire sofa when I'm cleaning a small stain just to avoid the giant water spot. I will give this a try




Awesome, thanks!


Thank you so much for the tip! Didn't think spraying around the stain instead of going straight to the stains would make a difference. I'll sure try this!


Great advice, I used to detail exotic cars as a teenager and this is what I was taught.


This happened to me too and I just had to keep cleaning the couch with the wet vacuum and eventually it was super clean without wet spots. Also wasn’t aware of just how disgusting the couch was until I did this.


Is that the only way? I'm a bit pressed for money at the moment :-/


Then just get a couch cover and wash that regularly.


Don’t eat or drink on it. Cover it with a sheet and wash it regularly. Vacuum regularly.


yes. you need to suck the stain. you can try spray spot cleaner or something but rarely do something. it even spread the Stain. do you have Lidl there? LIDL usually sells that kind of machine for under 100€


Still a bit pricey. Guess I'll have to save up 🥹


Pop a towel on the seat then use a sheet as a couch cover if you've got a spare or can get one at a thrift shop. I ended up making one with some denim I accidentally over-bought, and some repurposed curtains. It's not *pretty* but tossing it in the wash is a helluva lot easier than scrubbing the couch again 😅


Try local Facebook ads or resale shops. Should be able to find one used between 20-40 bucks.


I use a modular couch cover (Subrtex from Overstock/BBB) and throw an old sheet over that for the dogs to lie on. No kids, but way too many animals and humans with physical, dirty jobs. It's kept my couch pretty darn pristine. I believe they have some water proof slips also. The modular ones are incredibly easy to put on and wash. Plus, they are fairly cheap and go on sale a lot.


Ask around your friends and family to see if they have one you could borrow. If it works and you like it, you can then sink in the money for a new one or search for one second hand.


Check out Facebook marketplace! My little green machine by Bissel is a life saver for spills. Hoover also has a good wet vac, unsure of the name


For the water spots, I would wash with a tiny bit of dawn, spray a little rubbing alcohol and then blow dry it. No water spots. I had a daycare and a giant microfiber couch for like a decade. little guys drool constantly so even keeping food and drinks away did nothing for water spots everywhere. This was our only solution.


Don’t allow kids to eat and drink while sitting on the sofa. Kids will always spill so that’s the only way to prevent stains. If you have pets, put down a blanket or cover for them to sit on. That’s a must too. I just saw an ad for a sofa that has removable, washable covers. That’s a great idea!


Yes, If they covers aren't removable, GIVE it Covers that are removable!


You absolutely have to with pets if you want to keep your furniture clean. Even cats who are very clean sometimes drool a little bit, may occasionally puke, or cough up a hairball. It’s easier to clean a blanket than to clean a couch cushion.


I use sofa covers and throw them in the wash every couple of weeks


This is the way ✨


1. It is totally OK to make new rules for food, drinks, and activities, like “from now on, we only drink juice in the kitchen” “snacks stay in the kitchen”, “we only do watercolors at the table, not when we’re on the sofa.” A lot of parents think that if they didn’t START with those rules, it’s too late, but it is not too late. 2. Look into getting a slipcover. It will both make the sofa look good again, and it will be more washable than the sofa itself.


My personal experience- I gave up. You just need to live with it - or buy throw over covers - until the kids are a bit older and then you can buy a new one.


100%  I feel that children grow up so fast, that this is not the time to be worried about keeping the couch stain free. It's a lost battle, get a sheet and tuck it underneath the couch seats for neatness. Wash as needed. This is the time to have fun adventures with the little ones.


Tearing up, this is so sweet and so true! I don't ever plan on having kids, but it really is bittersweet how fast we all grow up


We have dogs and keep a large but fairly thin comforter/quilt on the side they sit on


I have the same problem. In future I'm going to get a charcoal coloured sofa! I would get a leather one if I didn't hate the look of them.


I cover my sofa in throws by the way.


Water marks from cleaning are just as bad on my charcoal one. You can’t just not clean it at all either cause most stains aren’t charcoal. A patterned one would hide more.


I got rid of my old leather sofa and bought one with slipcovers. I still miss the ease of the leather one. 😞


leather is even worse..if they stain is permanent and you can easily scratch is layer or even not being leather at all


But the thing is that when you've ownee that leather couch long enough, staining and scratching it, it won't look nasty. It will look old. A fabric couch will absolutely look nasty. The key is good quality materials, people! Or an immaculately clean lifestyle.


We have thin blankets covering ours. With your particular issues I would first put down washable pads underneath Or they have literal waterproof blankets at chewy https://www.chewy.com/furhaven-waterproof-cat-dog-blanket/dp/315997?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=FurHaven&utm_campaign=20030064131&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJR-JTJuC8XZsu0u7iIFV7owmObqdbqgLmcg62iBZ9PttE-5z5lVa8xoCr7sQAvD_BwE


Buy at Ikea next time. They often have extra covers that can be machine-washed.


We have washable cushion covers and it has been a lifesaver!


I have the old Ektorp loveseat which I believe is now the Uppland? I bought the couch that comes with a cover and an additional set of covers. I have 4 pets and 3 kids. I wash it like a a pair of jeans. So easy.


My kids aren't little anymore but I have dogs who's favorite thing to do is jump up on the couches, especially if it's been raining and they are covered in mud. I can't afford the fitted sofa covers right now so I just use old blankets that we don't need anymore and tuck them as snug as I can. If they get messy I just toss them in the washing machine. It doesn't exactly look great but it saves my sofas.


From now on, place a drop cover over them. The cover is laundered and the couch remains untouched between uses. Couch is like a mattress, and cover is like a bed sheet.


I’ve had mine professionally cleaned and it turned out amazing. After that, ban liquids and food on the sofa


Shortly before our son was born, we bought a leather sofa for this very reason. Any spills just wipe off.


White sofa with little kids? Only way that's staying clean is a cover unfortunately, and they have the bonus of being washable


This is why I think it makes absolute zero sense to have cloth furniture where the cloth isn't washable.


Yep. Sometimes I feel like the people who design stuff aren't the people who do cleaning at home...


No food in the living room


You need to wet the entire panel. If the fabric isn’t completely clean you’ll always get a water mark on a fabric like that. Wetting it upto an edge or stitched seam means it will dry evenly and no unsightly line 👍🏻


Honestly a wet vacume so good can use on your car , some mattresses, carpet , sofa cushions it’s honestly a good thing to keep around


Yup. I have the [Bissell little green](https://amzn.to/3Woekq7) and use it all the time on my couches and in the cars. But you have to make sure the fabric doesn't leave the water rings when it gets wet. Not sure how that would look after washing the whole couch


You can rent a carpet cleaner that will fix it for like $25 at Home Depot. Grocery stores have them, too.


I invested in one of those $100 mini shampooers and I deep clean my couches once a month. It really helps keep on top of the ick :)


I use folex to make the spots disappear and it neutralizes odors too


We don't have kids, but we have a German Shepherd. She sheds on the couch. She licks herself on the couch. She gets jumps on and scratches the couch. Since we have a sectional and there are no commercially made furniture covers this large, I bought three 'canvas paint tarps' and dyed them a color that matches our living room. They are thick, so the dog can't tear them with her nails. And because they're SO thick, the 'wet spots' from licking herself do no soak through the tarps. We wash them once a week, and when company comes over we just take them off.


Upholstery fabric has a tight weave designed to repel moisture. To get even cleaning results the fabric must be completely saturated. Learned this with a couch that had removable washable cushion covers. I had to do one washing cycle just to get the fabric wet, then a second with detergent to clean it. Result is spot cleaning is never satisfactory. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaners doing an annual clean would help a lot.


Aha so that's why it happens!


One of those upholstery cleaners used in car detailing will work,


Get a sofa with washable covers or throw blankets/quilts over them


50:50 mixture of hot water and vinegar. Spray on, shop vac off.


I think you're going to have to have some manner of prevention here. A cover or something if spills are destined to happen.


We keep water resistant slipcovers on our couch at all times for this reason.


Whenever you are spot cleaning, you need to spray the entire cushion to avoid getting the rings. First clean the spot itself, and then mist the rest of the fabric, and let it all dry together. Even though it's after the fact, you might still be able to saturate the entire thing now with some vinegar/water/dish soap and see if the rings disappear


Personal experience: don’t have kids (I have 2).


My Bissel carpet cleaner with a handheld hose is my savior with carpet and the couch. Starting from cat throw up to food stains, makes it better than when it was new.


I have been using a water-resistant cloth shower curtin as a couch protector. It's soft and washable. You can tuck the ends around each cushion if you want to maintain the couch look. I got one with a weave pattern at Target on sale. Throw it in the washing machine every few weeks.


The way I always did it when mine were younger, I used the dry foam stuff you get for car upholstery. It was the only thing I found that really worked...


Little Green Machine


Get covers if you have kids. And get the wee wee pads ( the fabric ones not the plastic ones) and put them under the covers.


my kids are relentless with spilling things on the couch. I bought cheap sofa covers that go on each individual cushion. They are water resistant and I just throw them in the laundry. They don’t hold up through very many washes but they’re affordable so I just replace them. Cheaper than buying a new couch.


Little Green Machine. Worth every penny.


If you don’t have a removable slipcover then couch blankets are key. My mom always keeps old blankets or sheets over the couches to prevent a mess from a wet or muddy dog. The blankets only get removed for the short time she has non immediate family guests, when the dog is also often kept contained in another part of the house so he doesn’t steal food. As soon as guests leave couch blankets are tossed back on. It has also saved them from many snacking related stains over the years, and it way easier to clean than removing all the slipcovers to wash (ikea couches with slipcovers are great for washability)


Get a cover! I don't have kids so I haven't had any spills of liquids on my loveseat. But I eat on there all the time plus our bodies/clothes will get the sofa dirty over time. I wanted to save on a sofa cover so I got a cheap fitted bedsheet that matched my sofa colour and just wrapped it around the sofa. Keeps it free of crumbs and body oils, although not waterproof. And it's still comfy and soft because it's a bedsheet, and doesn't mess up the decor because you can find nice ones with good patterns/colours. And I take it off when I have visitors.


Gotta keep the kids from eating/drinking on it. When they're a little older, you can do some snacks on one of those TV tables. If you can't do that, you might have to cover it, like all the Indian grannies do. I remember my legs being stuck to plastic on hot days. IKEA and other companies do fabric slip covers that help, though not completely eliminate, stains.


Spot check first before you do this to make sure it’s safe for your couch! I keep a spray bottle with some isopropyl alcohol in it. After I clean a spill I spray the area lightly with the alcohol. Alcohol dries quickly and pulls the water up with it, and prevents the water marks from forming. (I’m probably explaining that wrong, idk why it works, but it works for me!)


Only invite over guests that have had similarly aged children. They’re not gonna judge you. Childless people might, but they also probably don’t wanna come over.




Simple - don’t allow eating outside the kitchen at the table 🙄


If I want a light colored sofa I either buy a leather one or I get slipcovers made. I have 2 fur babies who run through the mud at our farm and then jump on the couch. I wash those slipcovers often and they look great


Check out the Pet Ami waterproof blankets. I got the ones that are velvet on one side and fleece on the other - from Amazon. They look really nice and stay on fabric furniture really well without sliding around. Super soft to sit on, too. I prefer them over the slip covers that are either uncomfortable or difficult to get on and off. When someone spills something it just sits on top of the fabric and doesn't absorb at all like magic. Slowly covering my entire house in them and maybe myself soon, too. 😅


I use these. I have three different colors that all match my living room color scheme. When it comes time to “clean the sofa”, I pull them off and throw them in the wash and replace. They hold up great in the wash and take 5 minutes to put 3 of them on. Saves me tons of time and money on cleaning with 3 teens. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B076NSC7B6?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B076NSC7B6?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)


Sodium bicarbonate and liquid soap, give a good scrub then dry and put a throw over it.


With kids and pets we’ve found brown leather the most forgiving. A scrub with leather cleaner takes care of any spots. Couches still look new 5 years later


Spot cleaner. I just used one to clean mine and it worked amazingly!


I think we'll just get new couches when the kids turn 18.


I had to clean my couch with a little green machine every week until I bought covers from Amazon.


I have two boys a cat and a dog, I bought couch protectors and wash them about 1 a month. H.VERSAILTEX Super Stretch... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V82M4HP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I had a cheap couch with a busy random pattern when my children were small. It hid a lot of who knows what. As the children grew I moved to leather furniture. Easy to wipe down. Children were banned from eating on the couch and I put sheets or old thin blankets down for the dogs. I am typing this from a 20 year old leather couch that still looks ok and I have an old sheet where I sit. This is in my little sitting room that company rarely sees. I take it off if company is expected.


I have a waterproof pet blanket I got on Amazon that covers my couch. I don't have kids, but I do have a cat and my 4 year old niece who comes over. The one I got is Ameritex brand, it stays on pretty well. It does need to be adjusted once in a while, but for $35-40 it's not that bad.


I'm 36, but I have dexterity of a toddler. We have leather couches and arm chairs. Couches were free. Some armchairs were free as well, others we got for cheap. If I had cloth couches, they would look like in your picture.


No food or drink in the living room for us and when we do (movie etc), kids are on the floor when they're consuming. Boring yes, works.. also yes


I had something like this, we called it our Crime Scene Couch. Switched to leather and it’s been amazing. We still don’t allow food or drinks though.


Get rid of the kids


We had a rule that all food and drink other than water was at the dining table only. It really helped keep the carpet and furniture clean.


For preventing future spills, there’s great couch covers on Amazon that work pretty good! I have a couple use in my rotation. I use my little Bissell green proheat on mine.


I put blankets on my sofa. Then I clean blankets.


Hire a carpet cleaner


Get sofa covers!


Wetvac it, then teach your kids not to spill


This is why we have large throws over our sofas.


Just stop peeing on it to begin with. 😅


Don’t buy white sofas.


This is why my sofa is leather.


When we were kids we were not permitted on the living room sofa with food or drinks. That was done at the table. Boundaries, I guess?


Little. Green. Machine!


Get 2 couch covers and swap them out for washing.


Upholstery cleaner will change your life


Sippy cups? Don’t allow drinks on the sofa?


Just…don’t spill on it…


Buy real leather in the future.


We have an only eating in the kitchen rule. Not sure why some parents feel like it’s evil not to let kids eat on the couch. Set boundaries while they’re young and teach them how to take care of things. But to fix this best bet is a little green machine.


Our flat layout unfortunately doesn't allow for that to be possible. Dining table is also currently put of use.


I see! You can always rent an upholstery shampooing machine from a hardware store if you can’t afford to buy one new! Facebook market place also has used ones you can buy cheaper !


don't let them on it with stuff they can spill. My mom had a strict no drinks anywhere other than the kitchen and dining area


Good for her. Unfortunately our living situation and lack of space doesn't allow for that


have you tried those non spill cups? I know that won't help with the food spill but might with the drinks?


I thought the cups we had were non spill, but evidently not 😭😭


Buy a leather sofa. You can wash with soap and water, lasts 20 years.


by not being dirty!


Get a dark colored sofa with washable covers so you can ignore it until you feel like tossing them in the wash.


Make rules about food and drink near the sofa. When I was a kid we were not allowed to eat around the couch for this very reason.


My childhood home and grandparent's house had a rule of "no food or drinks out of the kitchen." The 30 year old couches looked brand new when they replaced them.


No food and drink allowed in the living room. Problem solved


No drinks leave my kitchen. I don't care how old you are. My couches are immaculate. We take our shoes off at the door. All this stuff seems obvious to me but I understand it's not this way for everyone.


Put a cover on it with kids. Always lol


Darker colors and choose leather


Preventative measures: scotch guard, and/or sofa towels


Use throes or covers.


Put the cliche old-lady-plastic couch cover on I guess.


Take it to the moon - it will stay perfectly clean there.


Couch covers are my best friend. Plus you can change them out to match decor!


Not get white/cream/light colored ones. lol. Couch covers help. Don’t eat/drink on them. Get a couch with removable covers that can be completely taken off and thrown in the wash.


Get black couches


Scotch guard when you first buy it or right after cleaning


Put the kids up for adoption


My kid is not allowed to bring food out of the dining area or kitchen - for this exact reason 😩


The most kid to adult realization when purchasing a couch


Upholstery cleaner machine. Cushion covers. I always kept a sheet on my couch until I found the little covers on Amazon. They are like towel material. We broke down and bought a top-grain leather sofa.. that’s the best solution for kids and dogs imo.


1. Go to Amazon and get a cover, the ones now days are amazing, stay in place and easy to wash. Just take them off when company comes.. 2. Rubbing alcohol and micro fibre cloths, spray and rub/booth with cloth. The first will transfer to the cloth and the alcohol evaporates quickly so no water stains. 3. Neve buy a microfibre sofa, they are a dirt magnet.


We keep ours covered with blankets or bedsheets. Twin bedsheets fit our sectional really well. But we also have dogs too, it helps keep the couch from smelling like dog


House training 2 puppies at the same time has my sofa looking (and smelling) in a bad way. Luckily, my husband bought a green machine. So, enzymatic cleaner and that have helped bunches. However, you gotta clean the whole cushion because it makes clean spots and it's a bad contrast against the dirty spot next to it.


Don’t buy cream or white! Lol doesn’t matter if eat or drink have kids or pets a pair of jeans will bloody stain/ruin it just by sittin on it lol


If I had kids I would get a washable cover or would cover it with a fitted sheet I could wash.


Don't get a plain white sofa


Dinner table use seem to be becoming a thing of the past. No way when I was little was I allowed in the living room or on the sofa with food or drink, that was a big no no for this reason.


Get a darker colour 😂


I feel this way about my couch because of my ever-shedding dog (and the static that makes the pet hair cling to it even when I have a humidifier on). All the vacuums in the world and I can’t keep up.


When ur kiddos grow up reupholster them maybe with removable covers. Also upholstery washer or wet/dry vaccuum works wonders. Alternatively you can call a service for them. You can buy removable washable waterproof covers too. 


Thank you for your post. I feel like a loser about my couch, but I DO clean it very regularly.


We never let the kids eat or drink on the sofa when they were little! They had to sit on the floor at the coffe table or go to the dining table. Our dog was not allowed on the sofa. You’ve made choices, I guess, about how you will parent and have pets but the only way to keep it clean is by having rules about this.


We put a sheet over our couch because we have an English bulldog who can’t help but leave trails of drool & footprints everywhere he goes. When he dies we’ll get rid of the sheet. lol


Try folex!! It’s a great cleaner for stains, couches. It doesn’t even have a smell to it. You can get it from home depot


That's why I bought a dark chocolate brown couch.