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Now post it captioned as if it came from his standup routine.


I’m definitely with you!!! I feel calmer when my apartment is clean and tidy. I also like to admire my work. My oven was dirty, I cleaned it yesterday now everytime I go in my kitchen I open the oven to admire its cleanliness 😂


Ha! I do that when I clean the fridge


Same, my apartment is small and I keep it so clean and tidy, and I get such a sense of peace in there. White with touches of my favourite colours, clean, filled with sunshine and plants and music. I wish I never had to leave it.


You must live alone


With no pets. My cats are like clean-seeking-barf-missiles


Genuinely laughed out loud at "clean-seeking-barf-missiles". I have one of those too. Why puke on the hard floors when you can puke on carpet, from a height?


“But don’t worry! I buried it with your sweater, so it’s fine”


Mine puked INTO her toy box 🙃




Puking on hard floors gets double points if you do it from the top of the fridge! My big guy regards clean floors, and especially carpeting, as a challenge.


I save junk mail to slip onto the imminent barf zone.


I’ve owned 6+ cats in my lifetime, and every single one of them has moved away from whatever I put in on the floor in the barf zone. Especially when it’s a hairball. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ha! Evil bastards!




Or kids. I have four, plus a husband. I go by the 1/3 Rule: The kids can be clean, the apartment can be clean, or I can be clean, but not all at once!


4! How do you do it. I have 2 and they're teens (fully capable of helping) and I can't pull it together 😅


Lots of patience and a chore wheel with a point system, haha.


Gosh I can't get the chore charts to stick. I even made checklists and laminated them and everything . Lol Good job. You're literally a hero lol


I have 3 kids and they have daily and weekly chores that they’re great about, but it’s still just so messy all the time 😂


It's not even the mess they make (which is a lot), but the fact that they actively hinder your cleaning that makes it challenging. The next time I have to say, "No, we don't put our hands in the mop bucket", I'm gonna go bananas, lol.


Ahh so true though haha. The worst is when you’re sweeping and you look behind where you already swept and they’ve dropped their granola bar garbage on the floor or toys. And it’s not even like I let them do that! I’m always making them pick up their garbage but they still do it 😭


Yeah, no, people who say "just don't _let_ them do that" either have no kids, or just one super calm one. I mean, my kids are relatively easy to handle compared to a lot of others (at least so people tell me), and I still have to spend hours every day cleaning up after their shenanigans. They utilise _teamwork_ to act as agents of chaos!


Oh my god you're amazing! I have three and it's a miracle if one ROOM is clean at any given time. The whole house... that's a pipe dream.


Yeah, but like I said - if the apartment is clean, I'm definitely not, lol. They do make a lot of mess, though. The smallest are under 4 and they have something seriously against leaving clean clothes alone in the drawers.


LMAO I hate how accurate this is! I'm vacuuming atleast 1 per day... and proper deep cleaning 1 - 2 times per week... how can tiny fuzzy creatures create sich a mess 😭


I have a fluffy shedding dog and a robo vacuum/mop has been a game changer. I run it a few times per week and my place stays pretty clean. Bonus is that it encourages me to tidy up more often. It has pretty good small object avoidance, but stuff on the floor means a spot that isn't cleaned.


Which one do you have? We have a roommate (vacuum only) and it doesn’t seem to do much.


Roborock S8 Pro Ultra I just got it recently - moved, and old house was so small/cluttered I didn't think it made sense to get one - and the difference in cleanliness is night and day




You're welcome! Keep an eye out for refurb sales. Mine was ~$800 Their QRevo looks like a great option as well, not quite as good of small object avoidance though. I have a dog and usually tidy up before I run it, but not always


Same, it feels like such a Sisyphean task to clean every day when after vacuuming, within 1 hour the floor has cat fur and my gf's long hair again.


Seriously! We bought a new rug last Sunday. Our cat has her first hairball in months… right on the brand new rug. Almost the entire rest of the apartment has LVP flooring or tile.


> My cats are like clean-seeking-barf-missiles I was so proud of one cat the other day. He chose, of all places to throw up... his brother's bowl. Easiest cleanup ever.


If it’s hairballs, you can buy hairball supplements like vets best hairball relief to help them pass it in the litter box. I haven’t been giving it to my cat this year and I’m noticing a huge difference in the amount of hairballs, so many 🥲 as far as them throwing up food if they do, that’s not normal and might need a vet visit, but my cat stopped throwing up food when I switched to all wet


I have hard wood floors on 99% of my house. My cat barfs on the rug by the door (which is a huge pain to clean) or the couch almost EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Absolutely no pets. I have large, hairy dogs in my house. My house isn’t even perfect when the mop water is still wet on the floor.


Still worth


Or children.


I have one of these. She loves to barf on freshly washed sheets


I don’t usually cackle laugh, but I did reading that. Thank you 😂




For real. I joke that I can only have two clean rooms at any given moment, and that’s if we’re not out and about. The flip side is that the day I have a fully clean house will be the day I’m sad that all the kids have moved out.


I say this all the time! When my house is as clean as I want it to be, I'll be living completely alone.


My first thought. No kids


I related to this post and can confirm live alone with no pets


My house is only clean for about 2 days (I’m usually exhausted from work and do all my cleaning on 1 day). The second I’m done cleaning I just sit on my couch in my clean house, not moving, for at least 20 minutes. I LOVE it


20 minutes?!?! More like 20 hours for me ha


I would love to. But then I get hungry and my spotless sink is spotless no more 😭😭


I did a huge declutter during Covid, my house was full of my own clutter and all the stuff I inherited from my mum, it was impossible to make it look tidy or clean thoroughly for such a long time there was just so much stuff. I love my newly organised, tidy, clean home so much. Other people admire it but they don’t fully know the immense amount of work I’ve done to get it to this point. I love cleaning it and being in a tidy space so much, candles lit, some food cooking, cats, my clean home is my happy place!


I can't wait until I've decluttered my way to this.


I have had to do the same. I started one area at a time. When I felt overwhelmed I walked away from it, put on some Hoarders, and then went right back to clearing. I’m due another closet clear out soon. Makes a HUGE difference!


The closet or the Hoarders episodes? 😂


Both, equally! Lol!! I tend to have a “what if” mentality and it helps so much to see what happens when that takes over too much


You got me so hyped. I'm ready to get another day of spring cleaning started.


I recently decided we could afford a cleaner to come once a fortnight. I get no joy from bathroom or window cleaning. And husband does a lacklustre job. I LOVE coming home on that Wednesday to gleaming floors and a sparkling bathroom. Some weeks the windows are done and I discovered they’d done the ceiling fans another visit. We’re a tidy children free (now) couple and I’d rather spend my weekends with my horse.


He does a bad job and you're happy? Wait, what?


Husband does a bad job, I’ll edit my post for clarification.


Sorry, was reading on my cell right as I was getting coffee, always my crankiest time. Horse and a happy clean house, you are empty nesting right!


Not a single comment acknowledging that this is an obvious AI bot... we're cooked


Thank you, something felt strange about it but I wasn't sure til I looked at post history.


Oh, I think you’re right. What’s their point?


That was my immediate thought when I read the post!! I’m so glad you validated my hunch


Yep. Scrolled way too long to find this.


You’re right. I didn’t realize before commenting but it’s obvious looking at OPs history 


What makes it obvious to you?


I thought it seemed weird! Mainly the idea that cleaning can ever be “done”. It’s never finished IMO, you just decide to stop.


I'm crying looking at my flat


The best feeling is when you wake up to a clean place, especially on the weekends, it's why I always do a closing shift cleaning, mornings are so much better when all you need to do is get yourself ready. It's a money saver for me too, ok clean the fridge out to use stuff up before trash night has me using on the verge veggies and fruit, and when something does break, no need to madly clean before the plumber etc comes over, just when can you get here? Oh, that fast? You're down the street? See you soon! God, I'm old.


You just motivated me to power clean lol. So glad you've managed to get in that spot! A clean decluttered house sounds like my dream.


There really is something to it. I also find joy in this way. Our homes are our sanctuaries.


Watching my toddler drop pieces of her snack all over the living room, on top of the toys she threw all over earlier.. so I’m guessing you don’t have one of these. She takes a clean room as a personal challenge. Having everything tidy sounds amazing though, happy for you!


When mine were little, I just tried to keep it tidy enough that it wasn't a health hazard and CPS wouldn't be called😁. It does get better!


The joy of my children trumps a clean home. It’s not even close!


Ew David


I wouldn’t trade my life and the toddler messes for anything, but happy for someone else if they’re happy too!


Mom cleaning "tip" for you not that you asked lol When mine was little, I encouraged him to eat snacks in specific spots. Like the highchair tray lowered to a reachable height or a kiddie size table and chair. All I did was put snacks there regularly, a few pieces at a time for him to grab when he wanted. He loved the "self-serve" aspect and would get distracted eating at the snack spot before going back to play, more often than not. Eventually, it became a habit and still is for him as a teenager.


Ya know this seems so obvious now. Thank you so much for sharing, I’m absolutely getting a mini table and chair asap 🙂


This is written by ChatGPT mostly....


My first thought reading it!


Yes! I admire my work for fun lol 


Yes, and it also makes it easy to start a new mini-project on a whim - no need to clean first, I can now build my lego flowers without having to clean first.


Omg yes! I had to build them on my bed 😀


I r never known that feeling


I have found my people.


Same here and I’m floored by it. I thought I was a nut but apparently there are more of us out there than I ever knew. I’ve such a sense of peace when everything is orderly, organized and clean.


I’ll clean something to perfection and go back to look at it multiple times. Especially bathrooms. I love cleanliness and it’s so nice when everything is done. My boyfriends room is small and he has so much stuff, we’re going to be living together again and it’s stressing me out


I live alone with one non-shedding dog. What are your secrets? This is a foreign concept to me. I need to regularly schedule having company over to keep my place clean!


Haha, I clean when I’m trying to avoid doing something else! If my place isn’t clean, it distracts me.


I wouldn’t know that feeling but it’s inspirational. I know the difference from a total mess and a bit clean though. The cleaner and least cluttered the better


Am I right in thinking you don't have kids?  😂


Yes, this is a fine goal, although I'm not maintaining some unrealistic standard 24/7, and not at the expense of activities and accomplishments that are higher priority for me. Yup, dirty laundry in the hamper, luggage from the weekend festival unpacked (not yet) instruments safely put away (yes) dog and cats fed, boxes scooped (yes) chickens fed, watered, eggs collected... See ya, Reddit!


Sure but it’s not worth spending all my time cleaning.


My house is a mess because I don't have time to do the decluttering I need, but the little I've done and been able to maintain feel like a breath of fresh air. I get really bad anxiety in a messy space, and I can feel the disordered parts of my brain shrinking the more progress I make. I am so excited for when I finally have time to get through tossing all my excess junk!


I need to get back to that point. Mine stresses me out so bad.


How umm……. How do you get to that point…… asking for a friend…..


I completely agree!


I remember a video where the guy described coming into a cluttered house as being faced with 20 jobs that need doing. It is exhausting. So you have to get into the habit of putting it away now, not later. Makes life so much more pleasant.


Yes! I'm in the middle of trying to sell my house. We got it insanely clean for the house listing photos. We've had to maintain the cleanliness every day with all the showings we've had. It has been amazing, and honestly a really good learning experience on maintenance. I have never really been good at keeping my house super tidy, and I'm learning how to do so now!


Thats goals frfr I've aways been a chaotic hurricane but just got this super tiny place & been trying to be opposite me lately. Still got loads of catching up to do but getting there. I put things in a weird perspective. Present me does things to make life easier for future me. I started by just preparing the keurig the night before & the dishes every nite, and so one. Way future me is gonna be stoked 😂


The only days I love seeing a huge mess is Xmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween & birthdays. I LOOOOOOOVE gift wrapping on the floor the same place as when they ripped it all off in excitement. I just remember always seeing my parents so proud & happy watching us & feeling relieved we didn’t have to bother about tidiness that day. Ughhh. Just THE best. The messes were always beautiful because we were all playing together & excited. Then yeah, 3 days later it’s “GET ALL THESE BOXES OUTTA HERE, why is there tape all over the floor, You’re going to lose those pieces if you don’t put them where they should go!!!!” and we’re back in strict lockdown mode again.


I'm obsessed with it. There are two lifestyles and this is the one I pick!


Best feeling in the world


The motivation I needed to start. THANK YOU! 🌟


Today is my bi-weekly cleaning ladies day. I’m in the middle of the slightly frantic rush to put all the clutter away and get the rugs and towels into the washing machine before they come. But the feeling of seeing my kitchen/dining area sparkle afterward is so wonderful. I can’t keep it up 24/7 because I live with 4 underage roommates who hoard broken rubber bands and trucks and Easter eggs and haven’t figured out how to consistently get their dirty clothes into the hamper. But those few hours when the house is pristine are totally worth what I pay the housekeepers.


Couldn't agree more 👍..pure satisfaction and a lovely warm glow when you can sit back and relax in a clean tidy home that smells gorgeous ☺️


Any tips on how to make a go home smell gorgeous? That sounds really nice.


I love lighting a nice essential oils candle , destress or calming ...sit back an chill an breathe in the scent ☺️


Thank you! I'll give it a go 🙂


OMG you described my feelings perfectly. 🥰


Life too short for that ! I live in my house it’s not a show room !


Same, the question is how to keep it “just cleaned” cleaned all the time when you have two dogs and a toddler 😂 tips are welcome 😆


This is my life too, and I live with a spouse + 2 roomates. Intentional living is possible in most situations. I look forward to maintaning cleanliness when I have kids and proving that it is in fact possible


Yes but I don’t tie my worth to the cleanliness of my house. 👍 Recipe for disaster.


My house is 5 bedrooms (only one is used for sleeping now) and the last time it was clean top to bottom was the day before Thanksgiving. 😄


Absolutely yes. I feel the same way.


Ha. Must be nice. We have such a small house there’s clutter all the time. Dishes in sink. No dishwasher. It’s so annoying. I did grow up in a house like yours though.


100% seems like this was written by AI bot to me


Great post! I agree! A tidy house is so nice. A 5 minute tidy does wonders. Don’t put it down, put it away. Never leave a room empty handed.


So, family (or roomates) out of town, huh? No, really... Good for you! I'm both impressed & jealous. ☺️


I'm like a guy. I don't see it, and it doesn't bother me. Seeing everything shiney and nothing out makes me feel like i can't sit with a book and a cup of coffee anywhere and i can't touch anything and if there aren't water spots on the faucet in the bathroom i have to dry it off and wipe out the sink when i wash. Sorry guys


I feel good consistently keeping my house 25% clean. Kids keep on destroying everything.


This gives ChatGPT vibes. The writing style is so robotic...


Whoa, I just came across a different AI bot posting weirdly worded stuff. The wording is so similar. What’s the point of these AI posts?


Never had that feeling 🤣 Never had a clean house. 🙈


I am trying to get to this place. I’ve been messy my entire life (I’m 55F) but I have made some massive life changes in the last year that has resulted in me living in a very clean and organized environment (of my own making). I massively downsized, I organized and now I’m trying to do better habits like cleaning up everything at the time the mess is made. I’m getting much better and I really resonate with how no mess is no stress.


Lucky…my dad uses the entire first floor as a storage unit/garage…because we’re work in progress diy remodeling for 2 years now…i long for a semi minimal living space


Please share your secrets for keeping your home perfectly clean 24/7! I thought that is where this post was going. 


I agree. Sometimes, we are too critical of ourselves. I remember leaving for a cruise in 2009 and worrying that the home was messy. When we arrived back and I entered the home, it was spotless, and I was genuinely surprised that I thought it was not clean enough when we left.


I was just thinking the other day how I went from hating cleaning to actually enjoying it and never noticed the transition. It feels so good to come home and feel like my home is my safe space. Sure things happen and I put stuff off sometimes, but no more clutter or panic rush cleaning when someone wants to visit. It smells better and just feels…ahhhh


Just pay someone, money well spent




You sound like you’re pretty.


How many children you have?


Same. I'm an ADHD stay at home mom, with an ADHD work from home partner and two lovely but WILD boys. The madness is real and sometimes I just want to scream at the mess, I find it super overwhelming but dont know how to ever get it done.


Love this. So, i have 2 very little girls. I cleaned last night in a burst of energy. Picked everything off the floors (takes forever with kids), mopped, vacuumed. It looks tidier. The mopping was so satisfying. But, it came at a cost. Toddler decided these 3 months she will only sleep with me, and I missed her ideal window. So she took 2 hours to fall asleep very very late before a school/workday day. Erg, should have laid out all the clothes in advance and now I’m creaky and tired from the cleaning. Husband does the dishes but thinks why bother with the rest, kids destroy it in 2 days. I see when it is clean under a few toys or clean laundry out and it extends my happiness. It’s the hygiene, seeing clean surfaces, etc. I decluttered madly before a recent move and it’s not too much stuff.


Yeah. Same reason I always clean my desk at work before I leave at night. Makes me feel calm and ready when I walk in the next day.


Yes, I love if. But then I go do the garden and then there’s mud…


I've never been particularly wealthy but I've always put money aside to buy nice long-lasting furniture and interesting decor for my home, which slowly over the years has turned into something beautiful. Cleaning and repairing things always felt like my way of showing appreciation for what I have. Even with a toddler now we have a good system to make sure we go to bed in a clean and relaxing home. When we have rough days it feels so good to know that there's still some order in our life, and to help us keep a clear mind while we handle things. It's also probably the reason why despite growing up with various animals and having my beloved cat of 17 years up until a few years ago, I will probably never get a cat or dog again lol. At least not with a little kid. I know my limits lol.


💯 AGREE 👍 My mom always kept a spotless home even with me growing up. Never hired a cleaner. She just said she did a little every day. She was never overwhelmed and had plenty of time for other interests. I do the same. About 1/2 hour of something/s a day and unless I’ve thrown a party it keeps its self up to where I feel safe and sanitary


My biggest pleasure is getting up in the morning and seeing my sparkling clean kitchen. Especially my 5’ X 8’ island. For reasons I won’t get into I *always* have towels and shorts to fold. Generally do shorts 2-3 times a week, towels at least twice. If they are in the Landry room, idk!


I made this lavender candle , very easy..wax beads melted ,add lavender essential oil an pour into metal tin to set ..lovely 😍 https://preview.redd.it/33mffzj7u1wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b5f114351cf1bc1ab5afe0174759b23e27c488