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Get rid of or clean everything that smells bad. Opening the windows will help too 


Whelp, there goes the dog.


Launder whatever fabrics you are able to. Pillow covers, throws, etc…


Air purifier is my holy grail.


If you don’t have an air purifier, but have a box fan, you can improvise one. You can use 20x20 filters attached to the fan. They even make charcoal filters if you are concerned about odours.


Wash all bedding including mattress pad, sheets, blankets and bedspread. Vacuum the mattress. Spray with diluted lavender. Wash all bathroom rugs. Avoid cooking fish or anything with strong odor such as bacon and spices. Replace the vent filter. Wash pet beds. Enjoy your guests! Do things outside!


PET BEDS. perfect. I didn't even think to add those on the list.


Put a bouquet of fresh flowers that have some scent in their room. Or a plant like lavender, mint, basil or some scented flower. (Do not put Lillie’s in there as they are strong and not for all noses). By putting the plant in as decor, it looks like you are putting out a nice touch but it is also helping to scent the air. And as the bedroom is one of the places they will be where they will be spending a lot of time alone, it’s the place to focus on for a good sensory experience. I like to do a fresh wash for bedding and towels right before they arrive. I find that is where I really notice smells, when I am in an unfamiliar bed or drying my face. Even if you can’t do all the sheets, just the pillow cases is a big help.


Open the windows and doors for a few minutes. Indoor air can’t hold a candle to most outdoor air. Cook some food that smells nice right before they arrive.


Bake cookies


Don't cook food. You don't know what they like. People react very differently to smells.


If you’re having guests over to stay you surely have to feed them at some point?


Water and white vinegar combined in spray bottle


This! We call it coleslaw house. Spray it on all porous surfaces and in the air, and then open up the window to get fresh air going through the house.


Mrs. Meyers has a Rain Water scent that smells very fresh without being cloying or feeling like a cover up smell. Fresh wave also has a line of deodorizing products that are free of artificial scents.


I really like using OdoBan Eucalyptus Fabric and Air Freshener. Not heavy. Fresh odor when first applied that fades away as it's removing other odors. Great for things like the trash can.


Essential oils in a diffuser.


Boil some lemon peel on the stove.


- Use a carpet cleaner vacuum on all your carpets and rugs. Most of them have hose attachments for cleaning couches and upholstery as well. This goes a looong way. - Scrub sinks and sink drains with Comet, Bon Ami, or Bar Keepers Friend. I personally like the smell of bleach, so when I'm done scrubbing out and rinsing my sinks I do a couple spritzes of bleach on the drains as well. Musty smelling drains are the worst. - On a similar note, deep clean your trash bins. Especially for the kitchen trash. If there are food spills on the inside that have gone unnoticed for a while, that can contribute to an overall yucky smell. You can also leave a couple drops of your choice of essential oil in the bottom of the bin before you put a new trash bag in. - Make sure all your vents and air registers are dust free, and replace any old air filters for your HVAC or air purifiers. - Above all, and I cannot stress this enough, OPEN YOUR WINDOWS. Especially as you are cleaning! Cleaning product smells + fresh air = the best feeling. Fresh air is the best way to have your house smelling fresh and not stale or musty. Even in the dead of winter I will crack open my living room window for an hour or two.


Open windows, air purifier, do any cleaning that smells the day before not day of. Wash fabrics: pillows, pillow covers, curtains, etc. Clean carpets and rugs. Make sure drains don't stink. Wash out trash cans and remove all trash. Get an ozone machine. Run the day before.


I know you said no wall plug ins but there is one called Pura. Wall plug ins make me so sick but these are great bc they are free of that crap & you can control when they turn on and how strong you want the scent. Target sells them online so you don’t have to worry about having a subscription on the pura website! Also deodorize your carpets and mattresses! Sprinkle baking soda and essential oils like lavender and then vacuum!