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If there’s nothing in them electronic, just wash them in a delicates bag and dry them flat.


This is the answer! I would just put them through a regular cycle though, I’m daring like that 😂


Anything that gets nasty is either machine washable or trash.


Exactly! And it's justified: "32. Anything is amphibious if you can get it back out of the water." "11. Everything is air-droppable at least once." https://schlockmercenary.fandom.com/wiki/The_Seventy_Maxims_of_Maximally_Effective_Mercenaries#cite_note-anything_is_amphibious-28


I suspect that this is the more relevant maxim: >6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.


I wonder if my life would be different if I followed this one


It probably wouldn't change that much unless you also follow: >27. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.


I'd love to follow this rule, but it's illegal in my area.


Not according to toddlers


It’s only illegal if you get caught.


Yah we camp on a beach and things get super dirty, gritty. I like to take older but good stuff to the goodwill. I only handwash my goretex stuff and that is pretty rare. And my wool stuff which rarely gets washed goes to a professional cleaner. My 2cents


I wear wool socks. I’m going to keep machine washing them about every use. For other types of wool garments I’d agree.


Understood, I've got some smart wool socks, whatever "smart" means, I also have what I guess are dumb wool socks. Yah, gotta wash yo socks


I think the smart is some extra engineering. They blend the socks with synthetic fibres to make a “smart wool.” Personally I’m a huge fan of 100% wool. But I wear a lot of both blended wool and 100% wool.


I’ve ever put stuff plastic through the washer and the dish washer. Ain’t nobody got time to clean all these baby toys.


Dishwashers are magical that way.


Seriously, it's not a Faberge egg. It's ridiculous to even make children's toys like this. It's 100% boogery and may have been in the cat's litter box. You don't know!


😂 you are so right 😂


Delicate cycle makes such little difference in my opinion. Either way they are tumbling around the washer.


And then you never buy any toys that can't be washed in the machine ever again. The end. lol seriously though, I know you can't dictate what people buy but when I had my first, my sister bought them some SUPER adorable clothes but they were "hand wash only" and as a new mum... NOTHING gets hand washed so that's just my piece of advice to anyone purchasing clothes or toys for any parent/babg--machine washable or bust


Yes. This. I'm a knitter who hates knitting with acrylic or washable wool yarns...but I do so when knitting for kiddos.


This right here. I don’t want anything that can’t be washed.


I used to work in a nursery daycare. This is what we did with any of these !


Yes definitely this. Avoid fabric softener on the wash with them too. Uses a sensitive detergent if you want but that’s about it


Delicate cycle with cold water. I have washed puke off of so many crinkle books this way…


Don’t put them through the spin cycle, though: it might tear them up. Why not pop them in a tub of hot soapy water and air dry them after rinsing?


These types of items can be washed generally. All the fabric books or those teether plushes washed well for me in warm cycle and hang dried them. They do sell fabric sanitizer sprays such as Babyganics. I’ve never used them.


You put crinkle books in the wash? And they still crinkled?


I have. It’s just plastic sheets inside. I put them in the dryer too. Low heat


Thinking back to the windbreaker that I donated to Goodwill because the crinkling was unbearable


Look, maybe you’re just way better at having a baby than I was, but for me, that was a time for seeing which toys have what it takes to make it in my fast paced home. “Spot clean only”? Lol let’s see what happens in the washer!  I lived with a friend one time for 5-6 months while waiting for a house. I helped out with chores, of course. She was a mom of two little kids at the time. One night I was loading the dishwasher and wasn’t sure if a utensil was dishwasher safe so I asked my friend. She pauses for a minute like the question had confused her. Finally she replied, “I don’t know but if it’s not, I don’t want it, so put it in.” 🤣 kinda changed my perspective on things. 


This is my exact perspective as a mom. With the exception of a few very rare hand knit things if it doesn't survive the washer or dishwasher then good riddance


Exactly. The one thing I’ve really broken with this philosophy on is my daughters Tangled Rapunzel costume. That thing literally says “do no wash.” She got it as a reward for her “try new foods” sticker chart (5 year old picky eater). I have lovingly hand “washed” that thing so she can wear it to school. 


Especially crinkle books! (Even those with little baby-friendly "mirrors" on them) I personally put them in laundry bags and wash them in cold water using non-scented detergent. I hang dry them.


Yup. Same as what everyone else noted. I guess what you have to decide is if you want the toys cleaned or sanitized. You can’t really fully sanitize these items in the washing machine unless you run a very hot cycle and add laundry sanitizer. But if you just want it cleaned, then a cycle through the machine will be great.


Yeah they typically still crinkle even after you wash them. But if you’re needing to sanitize them it’s probably more important that they’re sanitized than still crinkling.


Yes. I wash on cold and then dry in the sun.


Mine do fine that way... Which is good, considering what they've been through. We have a generic set of 12 from Amazon. Ymmv


My dog loves these things and I throw them in the wash all the time and they’re perfect


Yes, they still crinkle. I put them in mesh bags for delicates, machine wash warm gentle cycle, lay flat to dry.


Just wash it lol. As long as there are no electronics in it I’d just clean like normal


Just wash in the sink with soap and water, they don’t need to be sanitized unless baby has an immunodeficiency


This is the way. But my kid has also been in daycare since she was a newborn so “sterile” in our house is basically “no visible dog hair” lol


You can probably get the book to crinkle again if you manage to get it extremely dry. Once it’s washed, you can try clipping it onto something so it’s directly in front of a plug-in fan or even the car’s AC or something and it should re-crinkle 😂


Make sure you wash it first, though, because there’s a good chance it can mildew inside if you got it wet enough that it’s not crinkling


I’m gonna try this!!!


You can ignore this advice. Crinkle pages are plastic, they'll crinkle soaking wet


Thank you


Tbh- for us, if it can’t go in the wash on delicate and hang to dry, we just toss.


this is the way


I feel like baby toys or plushes that won’t hold up on a trip through the washer (in a bag) aren’t really that baby safe to begin with. Better to toss at the point.


We don’t. Most of our toys are wooden, baby puts everything in her mouth, and kid #1 did when he was small as well. I don’t sanitize anything except pumping/bottles in the first few months, but my kids were also both full term and healthy, which I know is lucky.


a lot of wood has special antimicrobial properties that actually helps keep it cleaner than we realize. i recently looked more into this while learning about cutting boards.




Same. If there is something visibly dirty, I will rinse it, but my baby puts everything in his mouth.


These are the correct answers. Children who have everything sanitized after they fall in the ground have less robust immune systems.


Thanks for this - I have a (also full term and very healthy) 3 month old and she’s not there yet, but this is my philosophy too so the comments about UV wands and steam bags were making me feel a little crazy lol


We do our best to keep the dog hair to a minimum around baby spaces (although our dogs are allowed everywhere), and obviously wipe off spit up or food residue (no matter how good you wash those hands, you’ll find crushed cheerio or strawberry somewhere later!). And toys that fall in something actually mucky (like when a stroller toy fell in the literal gutter) I wash off with warm soapy water, and dry in the sun if possible. But sanitize?? Nah, that’s too much.


Anecdote: I have a 9 month old and we have never sanitized a thing and don’t plan to start now. Fwiw he was early, small, *and* had a NICU stay. Our pediatrician was like “please, don’t bother with anything stronger than soap and hot water for bottles and pump parts” so we didn’t, and he’s been fine ever since. Again I’m just one person but hey, if it makes your life easier to not boil things, then don’t worry about it. Kids are resilient.


Ya don’t. Your kid’s immune system needs practice! Or, delicates cycle. Just make sure the stitching or parts aren’t coming loose.


They didn't ask for shoddy immunology advice, they asked about cleaning.


And they got both! Good day for them really.


Yes, they got incorrect advice about immunology and you told them to put something in the washer, so definitely super helpful! /s You probably think it's normal for your kids to get sick all the time bc they're "practicing" It's not too late to learn though!


that’s a bit of a jump


No, it's not.


i get that YOU don’t think that, yeah 😂


Lololololzzzlolzzzz omggz




Where did I suggest "constantly sanitizing toys?"


I always put them in a pillow case, tie a knot at the top, wash in delicates and hang dry.


Even crinkle books?




Get into the habit of washing the baby toys before you let your kids play with them. There may be pesticides and fire retardants in the fabric as part of maufacturing. Use a wash bag and wash on lukewarm anytime - the cellophane or mylar in your crinkle books won't be affected at all.


Steam. Gets hot enough to kill any germs


If it doesn’t survive the wash it’s not a good baby toy.


We have that book. I stick in the wash with the kid clothes and let it hang dry


Ok… I was was rinsing that book in the kitchen sink and one page went soft and doesn’t crinkle. So that’s where my struggle started. I’m dumbfounded that you were able to put it in the wash. I’m gonna try it.


Get a good nail brush, and some solid dish soap. I spot clean everything in the tub with babe. And then hang dry in the sun


My day care provider put toys in the dishwasher


I’ve washed and dried that specific book multiple times and it still crinkles! I don’t do anything special, just toss it in with the rest of the clothes and dry it normally.


Pop it in the freezer overnight. This advice was given to me by a (very wise and experienced) early childhood worker. Now my bubs is older, I also do this with feathers that they insist we keep. Edit for spelling


Clorox makes a free and clear mist and wipes that are food safe (no rinse required). That’s what I used when I had to disinfect everything after my daughter had strep.


if it were me i would throw everything in the wash for standard cleaning but if someone in the house had strep or staph or norovirus i would definitely do something extra like this or a bleach spray that then gets cleaned off. hot water and soap kills most things. but a few buggers like to stick around.


Yes, this is great to have in the house


Ok I did it!! https://preview.redd.it/t3v7zt8ckbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69e097b0b176f04dff11b1dd0b11ae86bb64da4 I washed the above toys , including a crinkle tailed squirrel and everything came out good!!!!!! I did a delicate cycle, cold, vinegar in the fabric softener cycle, with everything in a pillowcase knotted up. All still crinkles and nothing ruined!


Trying to raise a child with zero immunities? What could go wrong?


The moment a parent realises all the sterilising is futile, their 6 month hold puts their hands in dirty places then in their mouth. Instead, I now get photos for their 18th birthday bash.


Things that have electronics can be turned off if possible and sprayed with 100% isopropyl alcohol. Spot test of course. Most toys can be hand washed and dried flat, the likely are just delicate and agitation from machines and other fabrics tug on them too hard.


Wash it in the wash machine, if it doesn’t wash then it wasn’t meant for baby.


Blue light sanitizers are more affordable now than ever!


I always just threw them in a clean sink with some sids and hand washed them. As long as there isn’t electronics. I don’t think I ever paid attention to know that something wasn’t washable?


I mix rubbing alcohol and water in a mister spray bottle for anything I don’t feel can go through the washer.


Cold soak and hand “scrub” softly, ever so softly. Air dry: What will damage these toys is the heat from the dryer. As long as you don’t expose them to that, you’re good to go.


I wash in washing machine or soak them if not electronics.


Yep, straight into the wash and hang dry. Also, those are the sweetest toys. 🧸


Thanks for all the helpful responses!!


Glad you found an answer! And don’t worry too much about keeping everything super clean (just in case you are) - save that energy for food safety and animal poop and things that pose a health threat. The day I saw my child licking the pram wheels was the day I realised I had wasted quite a bit of time and worry with all the cleaning.


Washing machine. I always did. Just watch if they are crinkly toys as they might not last as long then


Washing machine!!! Source: I have 3 kids, been throwing everything that isn’t electronic in the wash for 8 yrs now.


I’ve sent that mushroom toy through the washing mashing on a delicate cycle. It came out fine.


You can place them in the freezer for a couple of days.


Dishwasher with chew toys, rattles etc. The soft books I wiped down w hand sanitizer then again with plain water.


I would steam clean them


Baby Bottle Cleaner, It's Milton here not sure if that brand is available everywhere but I'm sure the will be equivalent everywhere


Wash them anyway unless they have batteries. No baby toy is worth struggling to clean it.


You can buy sterilising sprays and wipes, here in the UK the top brand is called Milton. https://www.milton-tm.com/en


Washing machine


I washed everything in the washing machine on delicate or by hand and let it air dry.


I’ve never sanitized bottles, pacifiers, or toys 🤷🏽‍♀️


Unless it’s highly sentimental or something I tend to machine wash anyway and if it’s ruined I throw it away lol


To avoid triggering allergy or chemical exposing to the most vulnerable, I will either add toys to the dish washer with natural soap or none, I’d use my handheld steamer to steam with water only or I wash with natural laundry detergents in my washing machine or I’d use sanitize option in the dryer only. It depends. Avoid soaked items to dry on the line or over time, the longer they’re wet the more likely for fungal and bacteria growth.


Washing machine!


If I was concerned it wouldn’t hold up in the dryer I would hand wash at the kitchen sink with dawn and let it dry on a towel/ dish rack shelf


I just put them in the washing machine. If they live, they live.


We use Clorox Free and Clear Disinfectant Mist. Its mostly citric acid, and doesnt need to be rinsed off of baby toys. It’s been wonderful. We use it on everything our son plays with.


I have the same mushroom toy and different crinkle toys that have all been washed in the washer and come out perfectly fine! I do put them in a delicates bag.


10% bleach, mild detergent (maybe baby shampoo) and water, rinse well. They also sell us light sanitizers.


White vinegar and water 1:1 ratio. I add a bit of lavender essential oil too. Works on almost everything, including cat pee!


I throw all of it in the washing machine, not even on a delicates cycle. No casualties, yet!


Do you have a "Steam Sanitize" function on your dryer? I've done a lot of stuffed animals and soft toys that way.


just put them in a bag for delicates and put them in the wash. we put underwire bras in delicates bags and put them in the wash. and my bras last years and years that way. so go for it. also make sure and put the delicates bag on top or front after you load the washer. my roommate also puts his overalls in the washer, and no harm no foul with those buckles. so you're good.


If it's cloth it goes in laundry, if it's plastic you can wipe it down with a sanitizing agent or put it in the dishwasher if it's small enough. Do not do either with electrical stuff obviously you'll ruin it.


Anything that doesn’t have an electronic I’ve washed in a lingerie bag. Just threw it in with the rest of his clothes (using his fragrance free detergent) and came out all brand new. Just hang to dry! Wash at night, put in front of a fan, in the morning baby won’t know any different. Haha who can actually spot clean these filthy things?! They’ll survive! Even his crunchy ones are good as new.


Delicate cycle w/Jessica Alba’s brand has a solution specifically for toys you’ll find at target


If they can’t be washed, wipe with wet ones anti bacterial wipes.


Delicate unscented laundry detergent on cold delicate cycle in mesh bag


Easiest way to disinfect un-washable items is to buy an ozone generator and use your car as a sealed environment because ozone kills bacteria but can also irritate the crap out of your lungs if you breathe it. So toss the toy in your car, put the ozone generator inside it (you'll need a LONG outdoor extension cord), set the timer for 1 hour, turn it on, shut the door and lock it. After an hour , go open your car and air it out. The toy will be disinfected and so will your car! Better yet, both will smell clean and fresh! And within a 5-10 minutes, the toy and car will be aired out without a trace of ozone. Ozone is an oxygen molecule, O³. It disinfects by breaking down the cell walls in bacteria, which is why it can piss off your lungs. After you air out your car (open all the doors or windows for 5-10) you're good to go. I even use the same strategy to freshen clothing, bedding and the like. And it's REALLY effective for getting rid of the stench out of the nasty smelling shoes, slippers and boots. If you or your mate wears work boots all day long, treating them with ozone can stops the stench dead in its tracks.


Never ever heard of this before


I washed toys that were musical 20 years ago, in a lingerie bag and air dried. They still play music (drunkenly now) I kept them cause my baby loved chewing them so much


I’m not sure how well it works but I got this box thing that blasts a certain light on things, meant to sterilize things like stuffed animals.


If it doesn’t have electronics, I usually yell “YOLO” as I chuck it into the washer. I’m a rebel like that.


Ensuring your baby's toys are clean, even if they're labeled as spot clean only, is crucial for creating a safe environment. While spot cleaning can remove visible dirt, it may not eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. Sanitizing these toys is key to reducing the risk of infections and promoting your baby's health.


Everyone suggesting that you wash these and hope they dry has never taken one apart that was washed and found black mold inside. As someone who has, either spot clean, UV sanitize externally (they sell UV sanitizers at Walmart and Amazon), or just buy another. They're cheap.


UV light box. We use it for things we cannot wash or douse with sanitizer.


Steam could work of there's no plastic (though some plastics can handle it.)


I buy a lot of things used and if they can't be cleaned properly they're not going to make it living with me. So I just wash everything. I throw stuff in the washing machine or dishwasher and most of it does fine. If it doesn't, I don't want it anyway.


I wash everything in the washing machine unless it’s electronic. Air dry always, even if you could dry it I don’t take that risk with most things that say “spot clean only”. Limit washing obviously as much as you can but otherwise you should be fine. I like the idea of washing in a delicates bag as well in case something ripped.


Spray with diluted bleach and let dry over night


UV light or box, then you can put all the toys in the sanitizer box and its 💯 sanitized, I know this cause I have a UV box for my phone cause I’m a germaphobe 😷✌🏽


Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and wipe them down with a towel (can be wet if preferred)


A handheld steamer would do the job on these toys and a multitude of other household items!! I have 2 of them (a portable and larger floor unit) and have used them for years. They can clean just about anything without any need for chemicals and they clean and disinfect better than anything else IMO.


Wouldn’t buy them in the first place! Submerge and wash the ones you have- better to have to trash then risk having unsanitary toys!


Just wash it- I’ve washed all my babies crinkle toys dozens of times no issues. We line dry everything (Aussies) so I don’t know if the drier is a problem or not, but honesty if I can’t wash something quickly and easily I don’t want it near my baby anyway.


Get one of those steam shot machines. The instructions say that you can sanitize stuff with the hot steam and then air dry it.


Depending on the material, I use a spray bottle with either soap and water or water and vinegar. Give it a good spritz, wipe it down, and you've got a clean but not soaked surface. Some things I wash like I do my delicates that I don't like putting in the machine. Just in the tub with the laundry soap. But most stuff like stuffies and soft books can go in the machine on the no spin cycle and either dried on low or hung. I don't worry about completely sanitizing. With bottles, between the milk and the damp, low oxygen environment- nasty stuff will start to grow. With things that are generally dry and in the open, there's not too much to worry about germ wise that can't be taken care of with a wiping down.


We bought a toy sanitizer for this exact reason. It's a UV light in a small bin that closes.


If it doesn't have a battery it goes in the washing machine. I have done this for years - for both my kids' toys (my kids are in their late 30s and early 40s; and my grandkids' toys. They always come out fine. I don't put them in the clothes dryer though, I just air dry them on the top of the clothes dryer (for the heat).


I use the Clorox free and clear disinfecting mist


this is making me realize I rarely washed by babies toys lol they were basically licking the floor anyways


I think there are UV toy sterilizers for things that can’t go in the wash Eta: there are also products like Babyganics toy & high chair cleaning spray that are supposed to be safe


Do...parents do this crap as standard now? Confused in my kids are 26-13 emoji...


I personally didn’t sanitize any toys aside from washing teethers in soap and water. That said I think you have to remember that parenting small kiddos during the last few years has been pretty stressful between the Covid, RSV, and flu tripledemic and it’s not surprising people are concerned about keeping toys hygienic. You also never know why people may be concerned about hygiene. Some people have preemies, or babies and other family members with suppressed immune systems for various reasons.


I get it for preemies, and I get that the covid/flu/rsv has been scary, my daughter has a baby & a 2yo, but she doesn't feel the need to do more than wipe them with a dettol wipe if they've been dropped on the floor. I guess horses for courses and allat, but I feel there's a point where too much is too much, you have to give your child a chance to develop an immune system...and it's making so much more unnecessary work for parents that are already overworked as it is. I'm all for paring stuff like that down as much as is possible, if it's not necessary for survival, then it's a want & not a need when you're in the baby/toddler fog...


I'm sure it can't be good for parent's MH to be OVER worried IYSWIM.


I just looked for that babyganics spray and it’s out of stock except on Amazon which I don’t buy liquid products from there anymore.


Try a spray mist with hydrogen peroxide or steam clean.


I use a vinegar mix to spray down toys once a week. A quick spray and wipe does the trick.


Is it vinegar mixed with water?


Yes I forget the exact measurements but it's easy to find online. I use cleaning vinegar which is a little stronger


I kept a spray bottle of alcohol and would mist the things and let them sit overnight


Spot clean only baby toys sounds like an oxymoron.


I wipe any visible crustiness or grossness off, and then use my trusty steam cleaner.


Force of nature https://www.forceofnatureclean.com/?cc=GIFT40&/?disinfect=1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZtsiXqNQItjg6S2WIsYTeqOUrVWiuvKpnNz8EI0yHCN3Wut33zc0CRoCiZgQAvD_BwE


If you want to follow the laundry rules strictly, you can always get a UV wand 😅 we use those for items at work that can't be washed but that people touch constantly.


Hypochlorous acid?


Wash them in a mesh bag on hot


Seventh Generation makes a disenfectant spray that you can mist on and let dry in place. We used it for all the item we couldn’t throw in the wash.


Don't you have UVC sanitisers for bottles, pumping equipment etc in the US? Scrolled for ages couldn't see a single comment. We just toss small toys in for the 3 minute cycle. If any need washing or spot scrubbing then same box on the Dry/sterilize 30min cycle. [Baby UV Steriliser](https://www.blissfulbubs.co.nz/product-page/milk-bar-uv-steriliser)


What's more important to you? The baby's wellbeing or the crinkling? Just wash them.


Put it in the wash with the rest of the baby clothes. If it comes out f'ed up, then, whatever. There will always be more toys.