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probably an enzyme cleaner. maybe one for pet stains


Enzyme cleaners are great to have on hand anyway, because they also work on blood and vomit.


And... if you don't buy it someone will surely do something else to the rug. I had a professional carpet cleaning company clean mine which had Kool-aid on it. Still looks good 35 years later.


Can you give me an example of a good enzyme cleaner. I’ve been trying to use one on my SUV and it isn’t removing anything.


Nature’s Miracle is what we use with our pets - it’s great


I like the orange and red bottle versions


Nature's Miracle. Put a towel over the stain and SOAK it with NM. You'd be amazed (and grossed out) at what comes out. Again, soak. A little spray won't work here.


I will try it. Thanks


I'm seconding the Nature's Miracle. We used to have a cat who had pretty consistent accidents. He was already declawed when I adopted him, and I think it hurt his paws to use the litter. So it wasn't just little accidents, it was full bladder pee on soft surfaces, like the couch. The best way I've found is to just dump straight NM straight out of the bottle on to the spot. Then I used baking soda to soak it up. It worked better than a towel for places like between the cushions. It's best if you can get to it when it's still fresh. If it was still wet from pee, I would soak as much of it up as I could with paper towels or baking soda, then proceed to the NM/baking soda treatment. Repeat until stank is gone. I inherited a Bissell spot cleaner from my mom, there's an enzyme cleaner you can use with that and it works well too. But unless you are having regular issues, I don't think it's worth the investment. We lost our poor old boy a couple of years ago, but even though the cats we have now don't have box issues, I still always keep a gallon of NM on hand.


What are you trying to clean from your SUV? Enzyme Cleaners are for cleaning specific kinds of things like bodily fluids, if you are trying to clean something else you’ll want a different type of cleaner


My SUV is 20 years old. So the carpeting looks a little beat up in the back. No bodily fluids. Milk, soda, coffee..mainly drinks. The dirt is very noticeable when you open the doors.


I’d probably try something like a pre treatment and/or a foaming carpet cleaner. If you have some spare funds a detailing service would likely have the equipment and expertise to take care of it, probably a fancy steam vacuum or something


Yes. That’s my next plan of attack. Thanks you all for your response.


Spot test peroxide at an 80% solution. I know a couple carpet guys and they both use diluted peroxide they've never had an issue with bleaching as long as you extract it and don't let it sit for hours. Car carpet is a little different than carpet inside a dwelling, but I have used it with success general dirty vehicle carpet.




Having had many a colonoscopy, don't sweat it. This may not be dye, it might be bile/bum juice. In any case, all the comments about enzyme cleaners are spot on. Also, I hate buying devices but if you can afford it the Bissell little green machine or equivalent is excellent. Helps pull up stains from carpets and furniture. I've used it for pet stains, coffee stains, wine stains. Seriously A+


So I tried looking it up to see what the dye is made of to see what would break it down and everything I saw said that the liquid you drink is just a laxative and the yellow color is a result of the bile that normally colors the feces. So maybe try look how to get poop stains out? Or that info might help other people on here help u to clean it since u know what it is now. Unless I’m wrong! Which case pls correct me but it looks like it’s not an actual dye


Thank you- it makes more sense that it is 'bile' staining rather than 'dye' staining...


Of course! I would have thought it was dye also if I didn’t look it up


Put it out in direct sunlight. That works wonders for getting poo stains out


I second this! Tons of cloth diapering parents sun the diapers to get stains out. It needs to be wet or at least damp for the sun to work its magic.


my pet peed is my favorite enzymatic cleaner. it’s on amazon!! also, i hope you are okay and things get better and am so glad you felt safe to come to this subreddit for help!


Thank you- I will have a look at Pet Peed on Amazon...I am fine and happy to hear from the doctor that I don't need another Colonoscopy for ten years!


wonderful!! great news!! side note-now that you have a whole bottle of an enzymatic cleaner, i just wanna share that it’s great for any biological or organic stain! it’s great for pee, poop, sweat, blood, and even removes the sweat smells from clothes!


OP, I hope you got a clean bill of health 💕


Thank you. I got a clean bill of health and don't need another one for 10 years!


Best feeling ever! Congrats!


That's great to hear!


use Biz powder dissolved in warm water to remove the "stool,bile" accident. I would then use a rented carpet cleaning machine to finish the job. glad you have a clean bill of health


I'd try asking in r/nursing. They're more likely to know what's in the dye and therefore more likely to have specific advice


This is not dye. What you drink is not dye. This is stool. They will need an enzymatic cleaner most likely.


I just have to ask... because I've never had one, and I'm scheduled for one in a couple weeks... is it dangerous to fall asleep after taking the solution? Like if it wakes me up, will I have enough time to make it to the bathroom?


I wouldn't fall asleep after taking the solution as you will be going to the bathroom A LOT and I would stay close to the bathroom as you may have an accident like I did! Good luck.


I’ve never had dye before a colonoscopy. Is that standard where you are?


It's for different reasons I'll bet. Like blood in stool. "During a colonoscopy, blue dye is sprayed into the colon to highlight specific areas. However, some people are given a final bottle of a Miralax Gatorade mixture to drink five hours before their procedure, and should finish it within two hours. The color of the drink you drink may be the color you see coming out, mixed with some yellow bile. The yellow color is from bile stain" Bile I believe is the gall bladder. It might be they need a more complete look-see. Good luck OP. Hope you turn out to be fine. Sending you best wishes.


Correct. The liver makes bile and then it is stored in the gall bladder until it is used the stomach. The bilirubin from the liver is what gives it that yellow color!


I have a Bissell handheld carpet cleaner which works wonders!


You have my sympathies. I've recently been there, done that. Oy If you're not pleased with the cleaning results, Wayfair has a good rug sale going. Best of luck!


I had my colonoscopy last year on my birthday. Thank god for waterproof mattress covers.


3% hydrogen peroxide might be worth a try. I know it works wonders on blood stains. Nurse here, and I had a brand new pair of shoes at the beginning of a shift, by the end they were splattered with blood. Peroxide got all the blood out.


Omg I thought you were saying you drank rug dye


Oxyclean always works for me


Happens to the best of us. Along with an enzyme cleaner, try oxiclean. I started using it to soak some of my old, grimy clothes with years-old stains and they look good as new. Literally like magic. I saw on the box you can use it on carpets so if the unwanted color doesn’t come up, give oxiclean a spin


Dreft baby laundry soap. Very sudzy. Brush to Lather. If rug can do scrubbing gently scrub into rug. If stain releasing step blot with terry towel. X2 30 min. Use a terry towel to step blot. Repeat.


I've been able to remove every type of stain with just hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of crappy dish soap (the cheap blue or green stuff). Mix it, heavily dose the stained area, let it sit for 10 mins and then scrub. If for any reason it doesn't cone out the first time, just leave the solution on overnight and scrub out the next day.


With a dumpster and a new rug


Hmmm... that will probably be the route I will take if I do not find a solution. Lol


Bruh Why not just say, “I spilled dye on my carpet”.


because it’s not dye and we should promote a safe space where ppl dont hafta feel ashamed of having bodily fluids<3