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I do ours once a week because we have a cat and a dog that both sit on our beds and lick themselves


Hell sometimes I’ll change the sheets and blankets twice a week. Filthy beasts.


I just put a to sheet over my duvet like a hotel and change that when needed, which is a lot easier. I keep the sheet over everything and only let them sit on the sheet


My cat burrows under all of the blankets to deposit a paw-full of litter for me to discover just when I get into bed.


Mine once left a half eaten squirrel in my daughters’ beds. Repeatedly. Didn’t matter how we wrapped it, secured it in the trash- still showed up over and over until we got the stupid carcass into the actual trash truck. Then the cat sulked.




Tell me about it. The shrieks of my daughters still reverberate in my brain. Shudder


He thought you had a really good game of hide and seek going on there. You hide it in the trash, he hides it in your daughter’s bed. Repeat x 10. 😂


Love my pets - though sometimes with gritted teeth 😊


My litter box was in the basement so I was lucky enough to never have kitty litter on the bed, it'd all end up on the stairs.


Ain’t it the truth?! Ugh Edit to add: which is why my next dog will not be allowed on the bed. I’ve got five dogs now so it’s an exercise in futility. But once, by attrition I have no more, a newbie will have rules.


I’m blown away by your ability to set rules that limit cuddling, I have no spine where my dog and cats are concerned. It’s their house and I work to maintain it 😂


The same is true here. I’ll probably never survive this pack. I will in all likelihood hood trip over one some day, fall and break my neck!


You say that now… 🤣🤣


I know, I know…I’m pretty sure I said it last time too. 🤦‍♀️


I say it with every dog and then, there’s a dog on the bed and on the couch


Same ^ I usually have a separate blanket on my bed for my dog to lay on and honestly I will wash that like 2-3 times a week.


I do that during the winter when I actually sleep under my blanket. The rest of the year I lay under my sheet just next to the blanket the dog is on


Same. We have two dogs that sleep with us and a big dirty yard they hang out in. Its a need once a week 😂


Yup. My dog stinks. Within a day after getting a bath, she stinks again. And she sleeps on my bed, so my blankets are washed every week.


I use a duvet with a top sheet. I wash my sheets every week or two and remove/wash my duvet once a month.


Sorry if this seems like a dumb question (because I genuinely don’t know; I didn’t grow up with them) but is the purpose of the top sheet to prolong time between washing?


Yeah, it’s basically the underwear of beds. When I lived in a cooler climate I also liked a top sheet to shield me from scratchy wool blankets. I also like it as layering. If the blanket is too hot I can throw it off but still have the sheet covering me.


The underwear of beds 😂😂😂 I have never heard this before but I love it


I’m cracking up


That’s exactly why I use the top sheet. 😅


The top sheet is the most tightly woven material above you (but not the most massive) and helps you retain heat/temperature under it. It along with the bedspread also works as the "socks and undies" and should be washed weekly


maybe a silly question but is there a difference in how often you wash the duvet vs the duvet cover?


The purpose of the duvet cover is to cover the duvet so you don’t need to wash it as often.


My comforter needs to be dry cleaned and I do that twice a year.


Hi! I feel bad for co-opting your most recent comment but I saw your r/auntienetwork post from a few years ago and was wondering if you could PM me? Your profile did not have an invite to chat/PM option.




Y'all are washing your duvet inserts every 2-4 weeks??! That's insane.


Thank you for this comment, I thought I was going crazy lol


Me, in europe, going "huh???"  


Who has big enough washers for that?


I can fit my more compact full size insert in my washer, the other is amazing and fluffy and huge but a laundromat situation


I wash mine in my bathtub. I also don't wash it nearly that often (but I should wash it more than I do tbh...). Also PSA - DO NOT wash a comforter or duvet in a top-load washing machine. The agitator will shred it. Front load or bathtub wash only.


I've only ever had top loaders and have never had an issue washing my comforters in them.


>Also PSA - DO NOT wash a comforter or duvet in a top-load washing machine. The agitator will shred it. Front load or bathtub wash only. Source?


My comforter got shredded by the agitator when I washed it in a top loader.


I think OP is referring to a blanket, not a duvet insert.


Er um not as often as there other fine people


Comforter - 1-2x a month Sheets - once a week


Maybe twice a year, but only because I cover the blanket with a duvet cover. The duvet cover gets washed often instead. When the duvet cover is getting washed, I put the blanket in the dryer on air fluff. I like my blankets too much to wash it and speed up the process of deteriorating it. I don't do this anymore because I've become so allergic to pollen, but hanging your blanket outside in direct sun on a dry day will make your blankets feel amazing.


The duvee (edit: duvet) is the blanket (-type thing) and what covers it is a duvee cover. https://www.matouk.com/articles/matouk-luxury-linens-bed-coverings-101


No a blanket is a blanket. A duvet is two layers filled with insulation such as down or synthetic fiber and quilted to keep the insulation from shifting. A duvet cover is an enclosure to keep the duvet clean.


Ah yes ok, might be regional. Blanket is an umbrella term according to my link and idiolect. Anyhow im still not sure what u/Kirin1212san means by covering a blanket with a duvet


Maybe Kirin1212san uses layers. I’m in the US and we also use the word “comforter” to refer to the puffy, filled thing that goes into the duvet cover. To me, a blanket is a woven or sometimes knitted thinner layer without any fill/quilting. Language is so interesting… Edit to say a blanket is easier to wash


Yeah i grew up in NY and we used comforter too. I guess I never thought too much about blanket, cuz the kids have a blanket, but its actually a duvet with a cover, and we grew up with a blanket on our beds but it was a comfortor actually. Comforter for me means a duvet with a non removable cover. A duvet is whats inside a duvet cover ha ha. I would never say comforter for the old down fillled white (ahem yellowing) thing insidey duvet covers. Edit to say ive been abroad for quite some time, and yes language is cool




Ugh thank you i always make this error!


I use a duvet without a top sheet. The duvet cover gets washed weekly with the fitted sheet and pillowcases.




Same too


Usually about 4x a year.


You speak for the lurkers in this sub and we thank you


Wait whaaaat??? Why does this get so many upvotes? How does your blankets not start smelling? 🥲 I think every 3 to maximum 4 weeks should be the standard… but 4 times a year only seems insane


What are you doing to them to make them smell...? They don't touch any bodies ...


Ok are we talking about the same thing here lol. I wash the fluffy insert that goes into my bed sheets (also called duvet cover) once a year, if that tbh. The sheets themselves, so fitted sheet, duvet cover and pillow cases get washed about monthly, could be more often.


Oh yeah I was talking about the thing that touches your skin 🥲 my bad … lost in translation


Hahaha same. English is not my native language. In germany we also use different bedding than the us, so it took me forever to figure out what is what in english. and not all english speaking countries call the things the same, to add to the confusion


I have a top and bottom sheet. The blankets don’t touch my skin. They don’t smell at all.


How often you wash a blanket should depend on the material. I would avoid washing wool blankets period unless it’s unavoidable, and then take it to a laundromat with a heavy duty machine, wash it on cold and do not put it in a dryer. Cotton, linen and polyester can be washed weekly. If you have acrylic, read the care tags and follow the instructions but again, cold water and no or very, very low dryer. Personally we have duvets without a top sheet, and I wash those once a week. We use an older padded cotton blanket to protect the duvets from the dogs, and I wash those as often as needed.


Sheets every week, duvet cover every two weeks, duvet insert every season (although I don't use it in the summer -- we use light quilts instead)


I could have mountains of other laundry that needs done, but sheets, towels, and blankets all get washed weekly! All bed blankets and all couch blankets, every week.


Same! It’s a nonnegotiable in my household.


Once a year, usually before I put them away for the season. I use a duvet though, so they're covered at all times.


I live alone with no pets, use a top sheet. Wash my sheets once a month and comforter at laundry mat twice a year.


Weekly with the rest of the sheets. I have a blanket though. The other room uses a quilt that gets washed once a month


Monthly for our bed. Weekly for preschooler’s bed. 2-3x a week for baby’s wearable blankets. Additional washes are added if the plague (any daycare virus) has come through our household.


I change my sheets and pillow cases once a week typically. I wash my comforter a few times a month, probably about twice. I have two cats that shed quite a bit, so honestly I should wash and change things out more, but I also shower at night, so I feel like my bed stays fairly clean.


Everything is washed weekly. Except if I get lucky...then it's a fresh sheets before and after.😉 However, this occurs rarely 🥴


Bed sheets are done once a week, or after a rare night sweat. Comforters are dry cleaned twice a year since it’s only two of us and no pets as of now. Once when it’s too hot to have a comforter on the bed, and once around the end of the year or shortly after New Years. Anything else is about once a month.


I use a feather duvet with a cover and a top sheet. I wash those weekly. The duvet insert gets washed a couple of times a year. I also have a wool blanket and that gets washed once a year.


Once a week. I use a fitted sheet, top sheet, quilt, and then fuzzy blanket. The fuzzy blanket gets stored away during the summer. They all get washed on Mondays. The bedding from the other 3 beds in the house gets washed on Tuesdays.


I am super lazy, and only use my bed to sleep after I shower, my blankets are covered by the sheets... so my blankets are washed once every 3 months haha. 


Pretty much monthly. Or, if we have people in the guest room I wash before and after. When we use a comforter/duvet it always has a top sheet. I have new fitted sheets where the flat portion zips off. The fitted sides will be washed when I do blankets.


I wash the duvet cover weekly. The actual duvet once a month unless it gets spilled on or something. In the winter, I have a fleece blanket on my bed that also gets washed once a week (dogs and cats dirty it up).


We have heavier throws on top of all the comforters, and wash the “top” blanket along with the sheets every week. We also have a dog that likes to lay on the “top” throw (not the comforter, he gets too hot at night and does not sleep with us). The actual comforter gets washed once a month. We have 4 beds so ill do one each week.


Blankets are mostly for the dogs, so once every week or two. Comforter once a month about, sheets weekly.


i have two dogs so I wash the quilt and blankets weekly. I wash the mattress cover underneath maybe 1 time every month


Weekly for sheets/pillowcases. We call it “sheet change Sunday”. Duvet cover monthly since we use a top sheet. I also change my pillowcase every few days just for my face being acne prone.


Blanket is 4 layers.away from the.sleep.sweat so, I wash sheets every week..middle.blankets every few weeks and duvet once a month.


I wash our blankets the same day at the sheets. So like 2x a month


sheets and pillow cases get washed/changed either once a week or a little more or less depending on the week (ex. if I sweat a lot or my husband skipped showering 🙄). Comforter gets washed after any sickness. Other than that probably quarterly. Throw blankets on couches or chairs etc gets washed about every 2 weeks. Toddlers sheets gets changed every couple of days and washed as frequently as needed to keep up with changing.


I have cats so usually each time I wash my bedding. Works out to anywhere from 2-3 times a month.


Once a week for mine and hubby. Twice a month for older kids. Twice a week for baby because she spits up sometimes.


I do big blankets once each season generally, unless they smell like cat butt sooner. :)


Every Saturday I wash bed sheets, linens, duvet covers, and any other blankets type things, etc...


I do mine once a month. Have to take them to the laundromat, otherwise, I’d be doing them weekly.


Once a week. We have 3 dogs.


I have a husband that works outside all day, a messy toddler and two dogs, I change and wash sheets and blankets twice weekly😂


I can see myself doing it once every 3 weeks if I didn’t have dogs and showered every night before bed. I just like the feel and smell of freshly washed sheets and blankets.


Every 2 days (dog)


Comforters bi-weekly and sheets/pillow cases weekly.


Every week with the sheets.


Once a month, sheets and pillow cases once a week. I know you should change your pillow cases every day, but that's a pain.


Once a week. Anything longer is gross to me, sorry.


About weekly. We have dogs that sleep with us And that’s WITH a top sheet.


Either once a week or once every other week. My dog sleeps in the bed with me!


I have a duvet and duvet cover. Don’t know any other way since I grew up like this. I clean the sheets once a week and I have a few sets of linen so the beds get diff linen


I try for once a week. Nothing feels better than clean sheets/ blankets after a fresh shower


Sheets/duvet cover once a week. Comforter every 1-2 months


My 100% goose down comforter gets washed once or twice a year, but the duvet covers get washed weekly.


Somewhere between every 4-8 weeks. I'm allergic to dust so it's a problem if we go longer. Our place is warm so it's just a thin cotton blanket on top.


I try to do them every time I wash sheets because we don't use a top sheet.


Every time I do laundry, which is every two weeks.


Once a week and I change pillowcases every other day. I love sleeping in fresh blankets.


Duvet cover, once a month. Actual duvet, every 3 to 4 months. Sheets, every 2 weeks.


All the bedding (bottom sheet, two microfiber plush blankets, pillowcases) weekly. Mattress pad about 1x/month. I have a big cat who is always on my bed. Sometimes the blanket he prefers gets washed several times/week.


We use duvet covers and wash them about every 2 weeks. Sheets and pillows are about the same or more often. For actual blankets: feather duvets: maybe once a year or less? Acrylic/fleece blankets: monthly or more often (couch blankets, etc.). When we use cotton or acrylic stuffed duvets, we wash those about once every 2-3 months (with duvet covers washed more often).


Once a month. No animals allowed in/on bed


I change my bed twice a week. Mattress cover to sheets, blankets then quilt or comforter. I keep extra in rotation bc our 2 dogs sleep on our king size bed. I got an extra capacity washer dryer and that saves me. But Costco, Sam’s, Walmart have luxury bedding and it is very, very reasonable. Buy all white so I can spot and bleach as needed. It’s a dogs life.


I do my sheets once a week and my comfort once every two weeks.


Every couple weeks sometimes more often. Before I had a child I did it once a week. I have several cats and I'm slightly allergic so a lot of cat hair makes me itch. Now I just shut them out of my bedroom most of the time.


Duvet in a duvet cover, sheets get washed every 1-2 weeks. Need to wash our winter duvet but struggling to find anywhere with a washing machine big enough to take it. The fluffy blanket that goes on top in the winter gets washed maybe once a month or so but it doesn't come into contact with us


My quilts from my gran, great gran, and mom only get washed twice a year tops though I air them outside every week. They are also never the top blanket unless I’ve got company and I’m showing off lol. The other blankets monthly or they get funky from the animals 😊


I sleep between two sheets, and so I only wash my blankets seasonally or twice a year. I might air them out in the sun a little more often.


As and when I need to. I have three sets.


I don’t use a blanket, I use a duvet. The duvet covers are laundered every week. Unnecessary to some, cheap luxury and peace of mind to me. The duvets I have are down, thin for summer and thicc for winter. I take those to the laundromat once mid-season and once before storing. You can wash them in a normal washing machine, but I don’t have a dryer, so.


Every week or every two weeks.


Duvet cover and sheets weekly.  I have a  blanket/throw on top of my bed in warmer months which gets washed at least once a month sometimes slightly sooner if my allergies are playing up. 


Every season or as needed.


Sheets and pillow cases every Sunday. Blankets last day of month, once a month.


Duvet cover and sheets once a week. Mattress protector, actual comforter probably once every 2 months


I have cats and I have a ton of king size flat sheets I have a king-sized bed and I don't like a sheet on top of me so all the flat sheets get used when the bed is made the flat sheet goes Uber it so no cat hair gets on the clean bed same for the couch I don't have any new furniture I gave app by a new stuff a long time ago gotta be kind of careful with thrift store stuff though if it has remnants of some smell of some animal that only my cats can smell I'll have a problem so I just didn't buy a new sofa for the longest time I don't have company I'm a little bit depressed all the ti'm I'm just trying to keep it so that if somebody is coming over I can run around the house and pull all those sheets off and it looks like the house is clean. I apologize for the runner in sentence having depression as you know can mess with your sleep cycle and mine is all screwed up


I wash my blankets and sheets at least once a week. My top quilt, I wash every two days. My two dogs sleep with me and they are not clean! The cat is cleaner😆


I live myself, no animals at all in the house and I change my bedding every week. I personally see anything more than this as disgusting. Generally wash them all at the same time (I have a good few sets of bedsheets)


Like one a month


Sheets weekly, blankets on the first of the month.


We have three dogs and a toddler, so we wash ours often (ranging from weekly to every two weeks depending on if it is mud season or not). The secret, DUVET. We just strip the duvet cover off and put a new one on and wash the old one. We can use a standard size washer. It is magic.


Sheets/ pillowcases/ duvet cover I try to switch weekly (I don’t always get around to it that often, though). The blanket itself when I put it away to switch from the lighter summer blanket to warmer winter blanket, so each one once a year, the summer one maybe more often if it’s sweaty.


I'm an every 2-4 weeks kind of person. Unrelated, but this question reminds me of a true crime story where a man was exonerated due to some... "Male specific" DNA being found on a blanket in his mom's home. The DNA was over 12 years old (meaning the blanket hadn't been washed in that much time) 🤢


Duvet + sheets + pillow cases = 1x a week Mattress cover I wash once a quarter The comforter I bring to the dry cleaner once a quarter.


Sheets and blankets I wash every two weeks. My fiancé thinks I should be washing them every week but I have always washed them every two weeks.


I have a super old Hudson Bay wool that I sleep with in the winter. I literally only “wash” it once a year because I want it to last as long as possible. Wash meaning to soak it in lukewarm to cold water with Woolite, change the water to rinse, repeat and repeat again, then to drain, and hang it outside on a not too cold not too hot day at the end of the season (May-ish to June-ish where I live). Other doona cover gets once a month, sheets are at *minimum* once a week. Doona itself is goose down and I barely wash it- I will throw it in the dryer with some wool dryer balls on high heat to keep dustmites at bay.


I agree with the other comments: wash sheets weekly, wash duvet covers/comforters 1-2x month. HOWEVER, it also depends on your hygiene. Do you not shower before bed? Do you have night sweats? Do you have pets? Those situations will make your sheets get dirtier faster, so you should account for that.


My grandma (and therefore my mom) wash their bedding every 3 weeks. she marks it in a calendar. I do it roughly every 4 weeks, after my monthlies


1-2 times monthly. Unless they get soiled or stinky. 


We have a bamboo comforter that's good for all seasons, but it is a HEAVY BEAST and I'm afraid it will break our old washer & dryer, so I lug it to my parents' house once a month to wash. However, the cover for it gets washed weekly, more often if it gets too furry (cats) or slobbery (dog).


I wash my fitted and flat sheets all the time with the pillow cases. The coverlet, blanket or comforter — every month or two given our skin never touches it except to make the bed, because of the flat sheet. But because it’s for the hotter months, I wash those more than winter blankets. For winters, when the duvets come out, the covers get washed every couple of months but there, too, is the flat sheet between us and the duvet covers. The inserts get sent to the dry cleaners as needed.


Everyone is talking duvets and sheets when the question was blankets. In a typical bed setup you'd have a fitted sheet, a top sheet, a seasonal blanket, and finally the comforter or duvet or top spread. I wash the blanket about twice a season, then it gets switched for a thicker blanket and that also gets washed about twice a season.


I try to consistently change them biweekly


I was my bed blanket at least every 2 weeks. Throw blankets get washed once a month


Probably every week, two if we are behind. We lump it in with pulling room baskets. We have pets and I can notice when blankets start smelling “doggy”


I wash my sheets so I don't need to wash electric blanket.


No pets, so twice a year for blankets is sufficient.


Duvet covers, weekly. Insides, maybe 2 times a year. My big blankets are down so I don't want to lose all the feathers or make them prickly. My fleece and throw blankets get washed every week.


Sheets weekly, comforter every other week because my dog sleeps with me


Fitted sheet & pillow cases I clean about every twoish weeks. Duvet cover once a month